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Found 14 results

  1. Trying to assess likely PPI charges to reclaim against old storecard ('94 - '98). Unsure which of the spreadsheets to use? I have all the statements and they show an 'annual charge' being applied for PPI - not monthly. So not really a single premium type policy on a loan - but equally is based on an annual charge which does attract interest I'd be paying during course of year - or greater - if balance to limit? I will likely have to follow through small-claims process when they reject my claim - so not really concerned with FOS calcs of redress as sure they'll say not appropriate as facility so old? Any thoughts appreciated please?
  2. Hi Ims21 did a fantastic job with FosRunningPPI v102.xls based on PS10/12. Does Ims21 or anybody else have any plans to do an update based on PS17/03? I ask as I am in protracted discussions with FOS over a claim and its worth, and they are discounting my calculations using FosRunningPPI. Their statement to me is below: "....It is not our job to audit the Banks calculation, there are periods of missing data and assumptions have been made, we feel this is fair when the business and the consumer don’t have full records. We check to see if the offer is fair and this offer is within our within our tolerances. I have asked you to supply credit card statement show the discrepancies in interest rates used, I've yet to see them. Your calculations differ from RBS' and your calculations are not in line with our guidelines..." Are they lying to me? The CAG warned that the FOS is totally committed to limiting any redress the Bank needs to pay, and I am very much seeing this first hand! I ask the above question as i really need to hit them with some nailed on maths which is beyond my skillset.. Thanks in advance
  3. Hello, I am in the early stages of preparing a claim for mis-sold Credit Card PPI and have downloaded the FosRunning v102 Spreadsheet. Fortunately I kept my old statements so I think I have sufficient data to calculate what compensation I should be entitled to. I'm just a little confused with how I regard late fees and overlimit charges of which I have many.. Do I include these charges in the Monthly Spend column? Many Thanks for your help
  4. HI there I'm wondering if someone can point me in the right direction please. I'm in the early stages of reclaiming my PPI back on my Yorkshire Building Society mortgage, which was taken out in 2002. I have all my mortgage statements except the one for 2012, which I requested from them yesterday and they're going to send me. My main question is which of the 4 spreadsheets is the right one to use? I'm thinking it's the first one (StatIntSheet v101)? The PPI payments are paid monthly, but the amounts paid each month differ from year to year. Thanks in advance for any advice. Carol
  5. Hi all I have been made an offer by NatWest/RBS due to the mis-selling of PPI on my partners Credit Card. When I say ‘I’ it is because I submitted the claim on her behalf. I have used the FOSRunningPPI v102 Spreadsheet to ascertain what is owed to her. (Fabulous tool). This runs from September 2001 to February 2008 whereupon we have a zero balance. There are statements missing from June 1998 – August 2001, for which I have populated another FOSRunningPPI v102 spreadsheet created using the average spend, and payments as per the FOS approach, and ascertaining the PPI using the 0.76% charge originally used of the balances produced. My conundrum is what figures do I submit to NatWest/RBS to counter their clearly wrong offer? Do we ‘splice’ the spreadsheets in some way or another, or do we keep them separate and add the figures together in some way? Should I start the FOSRunningPPI v102 spreadsheet with the earlier missing data using the averages described above then continue with the real data to produce 1 spreadsheet, or does that distort the figures too much? How do we consider the statutory 8% interest on the assumed data sheet? There is none there at present as there is no positive credit balance. There is however the time lapse between when that money was taken until now to be considered. The earlier statements would definitely have impacted the real figures in some way given that 3 more years of data has been added, however the latter data is real and the earlier data is assumed… The complication for me arises that the Card balance on the assumed data using the FOS agreed averages ends with a balance of £4856.67 owing on the Credit Card. Whereas the real figure at the beginning of the known data shows £712.80. How do I reconcile this without being laughed out of the room by both RBS and FOS if it comes to that? Do I just ‘tailor’ a payment into the splice approach so the total equals the real £712.80? I have seen threads discussing the insertion of maybe 1 or 2 statements but not 3 years’ worth of statements/data at the start of history of the card. How has this been done previously? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  6. Hi everyone, I would appreciate any knowledge/help, to cut a long story short in 2004 i applied for a £1000 but then over 2 years i consolidated them into what i now know was 5 loans. i was stupid young naive! I recently received a letter from RBS offering me the chance to try and claim back any missold ppi in this letter were the dates and account numbers of the loans, along with the claim form/questionnaire. i filled in the form and has now been sent back. Today i phoned RBS to see if it had been received, which it hadn't and also to find out what amounts these loans added up to, as i have no paperwork, the helpful adviser gave me the figures, and also said that ppi was on all of them. if anyone knows if there is a way of finding out if i would entitled to any refund? a calculator of some sort? the accounts on these loans are closed now as i forgot all about them. thanks to everyone in advance
  7. Hi After a lot letters Egg have finally sent me my SAR information. It appears that I had been paying PPI since I opened the card account in 1999. However, it mysteriously stopped without my having cancelled it in March 2005, I am not sure how I would have asked them to stop paying something I didn't know I was paying. I closed the Egg account in 2007. It says that I applied via the internet for my card, I cannot remember ticking any box saying that I wanted PPI. I was reading something about this box being pre ticked on the Egg website in the early days, do you know if this happened in 1999??? If so did this mean I was mis-sold? I have calculated the amount to be £2277 paid in PPI on my credit card so you will understand that I am keen to pursue this claim. Can anyone help me with my case, I have got this far with the template letters on this site, but just need a bit of help. Many thanks
  8. Hi all, This is my first post so apologies if this has already been asked. I've had a Virgin Credit card for 10 years and would like to claim back the PPI. As I don't have all my bank statements to work out the total PPI I've paid, I'd like to send off a SAR request but I'm not sure where to send it. Should I be sending it to Virgin or MBNA? Whichever one it is, does anyone know the address to send it to, or point me in the right direction where I can find it. Many thanks in advance, Dave
  9. Probably a stupid question but am just about to sit down with reams and reams of paperwork and start a claim for PPI on 2 credit cards. My question is, which spreadsheet should I use for the 8% interest - single or compound?
  10. Hi, My first post. I'm trying to help my son get his finances sorted out. Besides the fact that he needs to become much better at managing his money I think he has valid claims for the following:- 1. PPI mis-selling on two personal loans 2. PPi mis-selling on a Credit Card. 2. Overlimit charges on a Credit Card 3. Bank overdraft charges Problem is which do I tackle first? What Subject Access Requests do I need to send. All of the above potential claims relate to the same bank. Will one SAR cover all of them. How do we obtain copies of loan agreements and PPI policy documents and the T&C's for the Credit Card (searched the internet without luck) Called in the Bank yesterday, they couldn't provide the full Credit Card T&C's for their current Credit Card. A few pointers in the right direction would be appreciated. Thanks
  11. As title, just got SAR info back from Argos and not sure which spreadsheet to use, assuming interest at 29.9% is a bit bloody steep
  12. Hi all - I've successfully claimed from MBNA for missold PPI - incredibly easy so I thought I'd have a go at Barclaycard. I submitted SAR and got 6 years of statements showing my PPI active from 2006 - 2007 when I cancelled it (I realised it was a pointless expense). However I noted PPI has been on the account since 1989. Now initially BC turned down the complaint so I went to the FOS and strangely they've caved in as soon as the FOS process was started. I've received a letter from the FOS telling me I will receive an offer by the 4/1/13 however I'm not sure what a fair offer would be - ie will it only be for the year I can show PPI payments or should it include the payments back to 1989? As I can't prove how much I paid can I be paid an amount based on a average yearly balance etc and do barclays keep records like that? Thanks all
  13. Just a quicky.... instructions for using FosRunningPPIv2 say Add up the expenditure for the month including charges , interest and PPI and enter the total in the cell in column C. I might be having a dumb blonde moment but:- I know to claim charges seperately but if I enter them as part of expenditure wont this give me a false balance? without the charges included, my balance will be negative sooner than if I include them. Ta
  14. Hi, I've copied & pasted all my transactions into a spreadsheet. However I'm now stuck with trying to find out past APRs for overdrafts. According to their website, the current EAR (which I assume is the same as APR) has been 19.89% since 2nd August 2010. The previous EAR is stated as 19.24% from 28th April 2008. I have downloaded the spreadsheet (CompoundSheet_v1.8.xls - not sure if that is the up-to-date version?) to calculate what the bank owes me. However I can't figure out which percentage to use. There is a field at the top of the sheet for the APR, however it seems that it is changed every year or so, so I am clueless as to what figure to use, especially as I don't have the figures for the period before April '08. I have checked the forum for information on this but haven't had any success. Over the last 5 years since I have had the account, the bank has taken over £1,200 from me and as I am on benefits due to my disability, this is a huge amount of money to me! Thanks for any help with helping me to reclaim those fees.
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