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  1. hello all!! i got into a payment plan with these guys and paid nearly £600 for a £300 loan a year back. i think they have had more than they deserve and now i want them to stop harassing me. is there a sample letter i can send telling them i have paid them the loan principle plus a months interest and wont be paying them any more? maybe citing the fsa regulations? your help would be appreciated. thanks
  2. So here's the story so far. On the 8th May i took out a 100 pound loan with speed credit on the 8th May for 100 pounds. Unfortunately my partner left me at this point and left me in a financially difficul position being required to pay rent, bills and everything else as im sure your aware in a household. At this point NDR took over: (NDR flat out refuse repayment plans when you email them with an automatic email response stating We Do Not Aceept Repayment Plans) To resolve the situation i made the repayment offer on the 7th june for the following installments 26th June: 87 pounds 26th July: 100 pounds They stated that this 187 was the amount owed however there website clearly states that its 12pounds per week. This was 4 weeks after taking the original loan so my maths add up to 48pounds so infact in total 148 pounds. This however was refused. At thias point i got dubious when speed credit refused the repayment schedule so ti think this is a completely fair offer. On another review of my finances i then offered - my original calculations had been slightly off. 26th June: 62pounds 26th July: 62 pounds 26th August: 62 pounds Again my offer was refused under the basis it was unfair. They are also very clever with there contact us you cannot email them only via the website which means you get to keep no proof you sent anything. On the 29th June i made a repayment of 40pounds towards the balance to hold the charges but they wanted a remainder of 211 paid by the end of the month something i wasnt able to do. again charges continued to build and on the 26th July when i was unable o pay 211 i paid a token amount of 10pounds. I got the usual correspondance saying that i hadnt ried or been in contact with he company and and all charges would be applied in the form of a 350 transfer charge (150 admin charge & 200 solicitors fees) They eventually agreed to 2 repayments of 10.5 but at this point i was unhappy hat i had already paid 40 pounds and wanted a further 210 pounds off me for what was a 100pounds loan and realistically at the time i could not afford it. At his point i had made multiple offers of repayment tried everything to n luck so i gave up and was going to ignore them and i didnt think they were contacting me. NDR sent me one final email before all charges were applied completely going against the 350pound charge i would incur and turned up at 386. Onthe 6th of augustthey offered me a final chance to pay 200pounds. unaware to me at this point marshall hoarse started contacting me 48hours later though these went straight to my junk email these were received 080812 - for the amount of 386 130812 - for the amount of 386 180812 - for the amount of 410 in all 3 they give me formal notice speed credit have legally assigned them the debt yet they are based in the same buiilding. Also can they continue to add charges. They advise someone will visit my property (is there anything i can do to stop this) is there anything i can do though now or is it jus going to spiral? wha should i pay back the loan was originally including interest for 148? Have i shot myself in the foot by setting up a payment plan and breaking it i just felt pressured to set it up in place and sent a long winded letter detailing this plan? - the only reason i didnt make the payments was because i believed he charges were unfair. is there anyway i can stop them coming to my property. should i pay anything to the balance at the moment? finally if they take me to court will i automatically get a CCJ against my name or is that only if i break the repayments issued by the cour i really dont want a CCJ. The marshall hoarse states the following in email TAKE NOTICE: You should accept this letter as formal notification that unless payment is received within 4 days then your account will be fast-tracked and considered for the following: Consequences of inaction: 1. Court Judgement legal action will be automatically started in the County Court for recovery of the full amount outstanding. Any such proceedings will include additional claims for legal costs and interest which will increase the amount you will be required to pay. 2. Warrant of execution will be applied for to enable us to seize goods at your addresses and o r an attachment of your earnings. 3. Register of Judgements any judgement will be entered in a public register, the Register of Judgements, Orders and Fines Credit Reference Agencies, who will supply them to credit grantors and others seeking information on you financial reputation. This will make it very difficult for you to get credit. 4. Credit reference Speed Credit have already advised the Credit Reference Agencies of your DEFAULT. This may seriously affect your ability to obtain credit in the future. Once the balance is paid in full, only then will the default be shown as “Default Satisfied”. thanks for all your help and reading through all of this. im hoping someone here can help me if this goes to court, ive deal with loads of companies like this but never been anything like this. i have repayments with a few payday loan companies.
  3. Hi i am having the same problems with NDR, i offered them £10 a week and they refused. They keep sending me letters charging £12 every time. How can i deal with them? I have lost my hours at work and i am really struggling. I am sick to the back teeth with there nasty letters. Can anyone help and tell me how to deal with them please.
  4. i had an account with very and due to their extortionate interest rates i got behind on my payments and they added £12 late payments aswell as insuccient payment charges and interest. they then transferred my account to NDR, they too hit me with all the default payments despite me trying my best to pay. they sent me a letter recently saying i would have to pay a sum of £29.06 every month and if i did not it would break an agreement and they could take me to court, etc. I am banking with ulster bank at the minute and have no access to funds in my account and they are due a payment in a few days. i am terrified of not paying it and getting into even more financial trouble.... can anyone help me? i just don't know what to do!
  5. Basically, took out an original loan of £100 *SpeedCredit*, with interest it got to £196, then it got passed to NDR and the total skyrocketed to £561 [which also doesnt add up with the figures they've put in the letter] We rung them [but I didn't record the call] and agreed that the debt would be cleared if we paid £200 by 26-06-2012, but a week later we got a letter from AMS saying that we've made no effort to make payments, or an 'acceptable arrangement for repayment'. AMS have also said that unless the amount is paid in FULL by the 26th they will issue County Court Proceedings against us. I've noted some advice about only paying the loan amount plus one month interest, which seems fair, but as I havent seen anything on court proceedings it's starting to worry me. Should I take it more seriously because it's from a solicitor, or should I treat it the same as any other DCA's? Any help or advice you could give me would be hugely appreciated. Letter7
  6. Hello everyone my sister foolishly took out a loan with speed credit. She repaid 2 different loans without problems then one day realised on checking her bank balance a large sum had been withdrawn from her account by an unknown company, this is currently under the banks investigation. The bank has given her forms to fill in to claim the money back. She was unable to pay back her loan because of this and explained to speed credit who were fine ,i then took over on the phone and asked for the person to whom i was speaking to please send an email to confirm the agreed amount of repayment,INTREST FROZEN AND £150 EVERY 2 WEEKS STARTING 26/6/12. No email was sent and on the first day of the agreement she paid £150 into speed credits account. Then an email did come through, "YOU HAVE AGREED TO PAY THE FULL AMOUNT OF £600 ON THE 26/6/12...ETC,totally different to what was agreed. Since then numerous emails and letters sent regarding court cases, baliffs and "WE WILL TAKE 9 TIMES THE COST OF OUTSTANDING COSTS IN GOODS FROM YOUR HOUSE" She has since had calls, usually an asian person who on friday was asking about the contents of her house as "we have to make a list of what our collectors will be taking".. Next she has been snowed under with emails, texts saying "because you are currently in debt to a lender please apply to us now! guaranteed xxxx amount and clear pressing debts today!" -so easy to fall for it. Things have taken a sinister turn today, one phonecall fron NDR saying if you don't pay tonight by 6pm "when we send our collectors to your house tuesday you will be paying when you see them" and a further call saying "we have been to court today and will be coming this week to take everything of value from your house to pay this debt" -the person claimed to be from speed credit, both calls were on witheld numbers.. .any advice welcome please, she is terrified and the last thing i need tuesday is having to turn up at my sisters with my people and the trouble it will cause,this is the last thing i want.... .thank you for taking the time to look.. *She has telephoned trading standards last week and they said there was nothing they could do without hearing her out,i hope shes just simply got the wrong person there....
  7. Hi, We received an email from NDR 2 weeks ago saying our Toothfairy account was in arrears even though it wasn't due for another few days. We rang toothfairy and the gentleman agreed that the loan had been passed to NDR too soon, and to ignore it. We paid a £36 extension fee to extend for a further 2 weeks and again we have received 4 emails in the space of an hour this morning stating that we owe £318, and then received an email 20mins later stating we now owe nearly £700. The loan isn't even due for a few days!!! This is the email we have just received: Dear Abigail Thank you for your message. You currently owe £678. Here is a COMPLETE breakdown of your account to-date with ALL the dates and the amount of ALL charges: 16.06.12 Issue LOAN £200.00 – 17.06.12 Charge Interest-1 £36 – 01.07.12 Charge Interest-2 £36 – 15.07.12 Charge Interest-3 £36 – 15.07.12 Charge Missed Payment Fee 1 (day 29) £10 29.07.12 Charge Interest-4 £36 – 29.07.12 Charge NDR Recovery Fee £350 29.07.12 Charge Missed Payment Fee 2 (day 43) £10 Payments to-date: 11.07.12 Payment -£36 You will be incurring additional interest charges on the 11.08.12 making your total outstanding £724. If you are unable to pay in a one off payment, but you are willing to pay £100 per month starting from this month, we are prepared to FREEZE all interest and charges. Please confirm the dates that you will be making payment on and whether you wish for us to set this up to take payment automatically? If you have any questions please don\'t hesitate to call us on 0843 381 0843 Failure to make either payment will result in your file being passed to a third party bailiff company who will commence proceedings against you in your local county court. Yours sincerely, COLLECTIONS (129) NORTHERN DEBT RECOVERY Any advice will be great!
  8. Hi unfortunately i am having issues with the above lender and inhouse DCA. Back in May i took out a loan for £100 which at the end of the month stood at £148 which i then went ahead and paid £48 to roll over for another 2 weeks. Unfortunatelyt then me and my partner went seperate ways reducing me to a single income for all bills and rent and financially i was unable to pay this back. After multiple attempts at contact it was then forwarded to NDR at the beginning of July who demanded repayment of £200 double the original amount after applying interest charges by the 24th July. I advised them i could not afford this amount and they advised that the outstanding balance would be increase to just under £600 pounds. A £350 NDR charge and so on though they an inhouse DCA and multiple other charges. Believing a housemate would be moving in i agreed to repay them £40 at the end of june and £200 at the end of july to cover the charges (they stated that the £40 would cover the extension for another month to the 26th June). Unfortunately i am now the beginning of August and i was unable to pay the £200 money back my new tenant was delayed by a month meaning i dont have the physical funds to make the payment. For this reason i have now sent a standing order payment of £10 as a goodwill gesture 5 days ago. Today i received an email stating the £200 must be paid back tomorrow or all extra charges will be applied to the account making the amount just under £600. I cant afford to pay back the 200 till the end of august. Does anyone have any suggestions and also is the amount of £200 too much?? i have so far paid back £98 pounds of the following: original loan taken for: £100 (£48 on top for the loan period of one month) PAID BACK £48 Extension payment £40 payment to hold off extra charges £10 token payment total: £98 (£50 lower than the original loan amount) NDR states still outstanding is the amount of £200 Any suggestions on what i should do next i have never dealt with a dca or pdl company less responsive than these. All others froze interest and in this case i would have nearly clear the full balance. If i needed to i could scrape together the £50 but nowhere near the £200 and i know they will if they even responded apply a further £40 extension charge. thanks timeforachange
  9. I posted sometime last week, basically like everyone else, I had a £200 loan which escalated to nearly £700 in a few days.. I called even before to say I was struggling to pay the £200 and they refused a payment plan. I have been getting non-stop calls from TFF, NDR and MHB, who are apparently going to come to my house, I ignored most of the calls and sent a letter to them. Today I got a call from this number - 01224 931013. They have called me the most, and in their voicemails they say "from nothern debt recovery" then I got another two voicemails a couple of days ago "from MHB.." and only today I decided to speak to them and I don't remember them confirming who they were, I was out walking and their phoneline was terrible, like all fuzzy could barely understand. I didn't want to say much but I just told them straight I've sent a letter and I'm not paying the ridiculous amount when I made it perfectly clear I couldn't even pay £200 so how do you expect me to pay £700?!, the lady on the phone said she would take off £200 if I paid today, I said no then she said I could pay £50 a month for 8 months and only pay £400. I did think about this, like all I plan on paying is £272 because that's what I owe, Well I think it was £236 but obviously I couldn't pay it and I already deffered the loan many times, so I thought paying an extra £130 isn't that bad.. but then I can't afford it, I can't just throw out another 100, I told her I would call back tomorrow and discuss because I obviously needed to think about it.. I thought I was actually talking to TFF on the phone I'm sure she said that but it was too fuzzy to understand, but now after checking all my voicemails MHB and NDR have the same number?! lol. So now I'm not sure what to do, I don't really want to agree to it. I wouldn't mind paying 50 a month for 6 months even though that may be a bit of a struggle but I don't want to pay extra, I can't afford to and don't really want to. But then I don't want any more hassle and don't want them turning up at my house, I got a letter saying they are coming and getting a CCJ ready.. So I need some advice.. Shall I write to them again saying I will pay 300 max? and that's all I can afford. I still owe minicredit 150 which has also gone up to like 500, I haven't even dealt with them yet apart from on the phone, when I asked for a repayment plan and they refused unless it was 500.. they haven't been harrasing me though so I kind of forget I owe it, like they sometimes send me an email and text but that's it. I'm stuck in a rut, please help!
  10. Hi to everyone I took out loan 400 pound from paycheckcredit which is MCO capital November 2011 i rolled over couple off times end up my job gone. I tried despite to contact them for repayment plan but they never accepted.So usual things was happen everyday lots of mail text phone call but i didnt answer and i sent their email address i want everything in writing.Still no reply by the time every months i paid their account 1 pound. My outstanding balance right now around 3000 K. The thing is last night when i checked my credit file i saw there is a default by Toothfairy and outstanding balance 2800 pound. Right now i am so confuse because i took out this loan from paychekcredit which is MCO capital.Does anyone know how come toothfairy defaulted my credit file and do they have relationship with MCO even they have got different licence. Thanks in advance
  11. hi so here goes, where do i begin........... i get a payday loan from TFF it defaults due to a mistake on their behalf and i get hit with all sorts of fees.......im sure you know where im going with this, these fees lead me to being contacted (harassed) by NDR and MHB ive had all of their techniques, emails,sms,phone calls about bailfs court costs blah blah blah.......... i decide to google and find CAG within 7 days of reading thread i found out all i need to know about my rights regarding both legal and with comlaints eg, OFT FOS. last night i prepared an email calling out all parties on their flawed polices, i went into great length about the oft rules and regulations that they were breaking so i have complained to the oft and all transcripts had been issued to them, along with numerous breaches of general law including trying to take monies from my bank account without my permission which is classed as stealing. today i receive an email from a 4th party ''payday processing loans'' in response to what i had to say, here it is Dear Mr xxxxx We are sorry to hear that you have a complaint about the service you have received. The company attempts to treat its customers fairly in all circumstances and we apologise if you believe the service you have received falls short of your expectations in any way. Please accept this email as acknowledgment of your complaint. We have 8 weeks in which to try to come to an amicable agreement. If we are unable to come to resolve your complaint in that period, you will receive a Final Written Response. This will set out the company’s final position in respect of your complaint. If you are unhappy with the Final Written Response and wish to appeal further you have the right to make a formal complaint with the Financial Ombudsman Service. You must make sure you do this within six months of receiving the Final Written Response or you may lose your right to ask the Ombudsman to review your complaint. The contact details for the Financial Ombudsman Service are as follows: Financial Ombudsman Service South Quay Plaza 183 Marsh Wall London E14 9SR We hope that you find the information contained herein to be helpful and that we are able to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction. I have thoroughly reviewed your file and will block outgoing calls regarding collections. Although the loan was due in full 13th January 2013, we will reduce your outstanding balance from £678 to £364 to close your file. This offer is made in satisfaction of your complaint and contingent on its withdrawal. Please let me know in writing if you accept our offer. Alternatively, please let me know what it is that I can do further to resolve your complaint. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Michael Lapides Complaints Assistant Web Loans Processing Limited NOTICE: The contents of this e-mail are intended for the named addressee only. It contains information which may be confidential and which may also be privileged. Unless you are the named addressee (or authorised to receive for the addressee) you may not copy or use it, or disclose it to anyone else. If you received it in error please notify sender immediately and then destroy it. entertaining agreed ???? you will notice numerous further breaches of the oft rules and regulations including an offer of reduced debt if i withdraw my complaint absolutely laughable. i immediately responded with yet another email calling them out and using their scare tactics against them for a change email which is as follows hi Michael thankyou for your quick response this is of great amazement to me as almost all contact i have made has been dismissed immediately. although i have no idea who ''web loans processing'' are im guessing your a part of the tooth fairy finance, northern debt recovery, marshal hoares solicitors family. your email seems sincere enough at first glance (to an uneducated person) but as read it myself i noticed yet another number of statements that once again break oft guidelines/rules and regulations, the main one being you say you are willing to reduce the outstanding debt IF i am willing to withdraw my complaint (this is a big no no tut tut) i cannot wait to update the oft with this one. although i am great full of the information and links you have attached to the email id like to make clear im well aware of all procedures surrounding FOS and OFT when making complaints including response times and time periods in which they must be dealt with. in your email you say you have removed my phone number from being contacted regarding collections yet within an hour of receiving your email i had a text message about a door visit and 4 calls all sent straight to my voicemail as i have blocked your number personally. once again breaching oft guidelines/rules/regulations. i urge you to pass the message on to your colleagues in the next office at TFF NDR and MHS to remove my contact details and respond to me via email/written form as their continuous harassment will only be logged and used in court if and when you do decide to take me. you fail to acknowledge my notification of the removal of your right to a door visit, i once again reiterate my statement that your visits are unlawful as i have clearly stated i wish to resolve the matter via email or in writing, i state again any individual/s who attend my property will be asked to leave failure to do will result in my local police authority attending and removing the individual/s. i have also received an email from NDR today in response to me requesting a copy of my original loan agreement that i electronically signed as well as proof of who actually owns the debt as i have been contacted by TFF and NDR in the last week regarding payment of the debt, this email stated only that a copy of my agreement has been sent out to me via post, so i ask you yourselves to once again send me proof of who actually owns the debt. as for your offer of reducing the debt i will make it clear once again i am not willing to pay more than the original loan fee plus one months interest equating to £272 even if you do agree to this i will not be withdrawing my complaint although i will make clear to FOS and OFT that you were very helpful in resolving the issue once i had opened the dispute with you. if however the dispute remains unresolved after the 8 week period i will not be waiting 6 months to continue with my complaint and i will begin legal proceedings myself against all bodies at TFF NDR MHS and WLP involved with all court costs and solicitors fees being reclaimed from said bodies. i once again thankyou for your hasty response and wait in anticipation for your response. yours xxxxxxxxx i cannot wait for their reply but in the mean time i would like to see what you guys think of my approach, its just im not a tool and i will not be bullied by these mugs they have gotten away with it for far too long extorting monies from individuals who are desperate but do not know what they are entering into when dealing with these creeps. ive been greatly inspired by your threads and offer great thanks for the information you have made available for us unfortunate individuals who have had to resort to these pay day loans/loan sharks
  12. Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum & I actually thought I'd created a post a few days ago but I cannot find it anywhere. I am trying to help my Aunt with a debt that she has with Very which has now being passed onto NDR although she hasn't yet received any letters from NDR. My Aunt owes £5637.52 & up until July last year she was making regular monthly minimum payments then she lost her job. She contacted Very as soon as she realised she would no longer be able to afford to make the minimum payment. Very ask her to make an immediate payment of £100 (as she was a day or so late with her payment at that point, she paid the £100 and they charged her a late payment fee and an insufficient minimum payment fee) and they arranged a payment plan with her of £266.42 per month. My Aunt said that she felt pressurised into agreeing to the payment plan by the advisor even though she knew she couldn't really afford it but she was so worried at that point (I have no idea what they actually said on the phone) she agreed to the payment plan and actually made two payments using her credit card. She then called Very again to explain that she couldn't afford the £266.42 per month and offered them £60 which they refused. She last made a payment in September and has been getting lots of letters from Very regarding her account which she has kept to herself until the 31st of December when she received a letter from Very's Arrears Collection Department entitled 'pre-escalation notice'. The letter states that her account is in arrears of £1096.23 (she owes £5637.52) and that the account is been passed to NDR. She is now a nervous-wreck and is making herself sick with worry as she has no way of re-paying the debt at present so I'm trying to help her but I'm unsure of where to start. I haven't called Very or NDR as most of the advice on here states to only converse with them in writing. Should I send a CCA & if so should I send it to Very or NDR? My Aunts account was taken out in 2006 and I've managed to download her past statements from her online Very account. Looking at the statements my Aunt has been charged numerous late payment fees and debt collection letter fees, can these be claimed back? I'd really appreciate any advice you can offer with the next steps to take. Thank you
  13. Hey Guys I have been battling with Speedcredit/toothfairy/NDR/Marshall Hoares for months and months. I finally got them to agree to a payment plan. On a £100 loan they had hiked up charges to nearly £1500, through sheer grit and determination I managed to get them to agree (in writing) to 3 payments of £58 to settle and close the account. All was fine, I made the three payments (Oct, Nov and Dec) as instructed on their email (via bank transfer with a reference number) Those jokers have now said they cannot find my November payment and I still owe them £58 and unless I pay they will start recovery for the full amount of £1560. I have called them and replied via their useless web pages numerous times, and numerous times I am told their account department is looking into it, then 2 days later I get another round of emails telling me I still owe them money. In my last phone call I told them that I have my bank statement to hand to prove that the payment has made, I have even instructed my bank to run a trace on the payment..... I was told to email it to them......Idiots! I was then in a later call told to fax it to them....!! Now being in the 21st century I do not own a fax machine and my work do not own a fax machine. So what was I to do, the lovely man on the phone told me to seek out a corner shop and get them to fax the sensitive documents over...... again REALLY! Soooo here is my cheeky work around. I have found a online fax service offering a free 30 day trial. The service gives you your own fax number and will fax whatever you upload to any other fax machine number (after the 30 days its £7.99 a month but you can cancel it anytime during the trial) http://www.efax.co.uk/ It works a treat! Sent my letter, copy of their letter accepting a payment plan and copy of my bank statement proving payment (with my bank account number and sort code blocked out, not having the cheeky buggers try and get any more money out of me!) via fax to NDR at this number 0203 137 0794 and a few minutes later got a fax receipt telling me my transmission was successful, sent to my email address. To be fair that fax machine at NDR could actually be their local corner shop but that is the number they gave me and I have a receipt to prove I have sent the letter should anything come back to me later. I wanted to share this with you guys as I know everyone has trouble emailing and sending letters to this company and indeed getting recorded delivery proof via royal mail. Perhaps going old school and faxing will help some of you Keep on plugging at them guys.... you can do it! Love H xx
  14. Hi all I have debts with Littlewoods, Next and hubby has one with Very (along with other debts such as credit cards and a store card but these are the 'catalogue' debts). We are struggling to pay any of our debt and need to make some payment arrangements. I have noted that there is a CCA request which is often used by people to see if the debt is enforceable, I am not sure when these ONLINE accounts were set up but believe it was 2007/08. Can anyone advise if we are able to take any steps in regards to CCA... Also, would you advise to CCA them anyway and see what happens?...... In either instance can we claim back all the late payment fees etc from these debts?... .I understand I would need to SAR them but after that not sure how to actually request the fees back so a little advice would be lovely please. Thanks guys
  15. Just paid them what I am due(loan +1 months interest!). They think that I am still due them over £800 in charges/interest!!! Ha ha ha they aint getting another penny off me! TAKE ME TO COURT FOR THE REST NDR/MHB!!!
  16. had been looking at my mums statements for this company (ndr) and ive came across service charges each month for either a "debt collection phonecall" or "late minimum payment fee" sometimes both im guessing these are bogus and she could claim them back? she has a payment set up each month that is paid on time so im lost at where the late minumum payment fee is coming from. both of these charges are £12 each
  17. Hi there - I have just sent away a SAR to Very at their registered office in Bootle. I have been a customer for a few years! Last year I got into a bit of difficulty account ended up being referred to NDR. I have been on a debt management scheme for over a year and paying every month to NDR with out fail. There are plenty of charges but glad to say the interest being charged was stopped about 6 months ago. My question is if and when i receive this sar back, am I entitled to the late charges or would these be paid back to NDR as they are inhouse? Thanks in advance
  18. Hi all, about 6 month ago i came into some hardship i wrote to very and littlewoods explaining this and that i would be paying X amount on both accounts. Of course they are not accepting this but i am every month without fail paying amount i said i would via internet banking. They have got Ndr involved now and i just dont know what to do i don't want to be dealing with debt recoverys as still paying shop direct. Any advice would be great. Thank you.
  19. hello to all could someone advise me of my situation, i received out of the blue a threating text from northern debt recovery stating that if i dont contact them asap they will send baliffs round to empty my house there were other things in the text to, they said i took a loan out on the 12/10/12 thats amazing because i have been unemployed for 6 months now i am an x policeman, i had to leave for medical reasons, so i was shocked to receive this so i replied and guess what it bounced back, so i tried to find out there address and with my contacts i still had trouble simply because they are not where they said they were, these people are invisable, i since had another text and a letter, i have replied to the address that i have found through colleagues research and sent all 3 a kind letter (not) but still had another text saying that they have passed on my file to solicitors and bailiffs, and a doorstep collection would proceed, i cant wait for them to turn up, i am 6'5" and 20 stone, if they turn up i will bury my size 13 foot where the sun dont shine. so after all that has anyone got any idea where these people get off, and a possible address so i can arrange a visit for them ? this makes me laugh but makes my family worry that someone will turn up when i am not there, i have been told to report these muppets to oft but i have trouble finding theses ********s how can oft trace them? thank you all any advice would be great
  20. Hi, I really need help with this company. I took a 100 pounds loan with speed credit on the 11.09.12, but i have lost my job before the repayment time and due to being a studant i only recieve money in large lump sums and my next one is not until january. I am aware that i have been stupidly ignoring letters and calls as i have had no way to repay anything i owe them right now, however i really do wish to clear my debt and want to start corrispondence with them to come to an agreement but am unsure where to start. My origional loan repayment should have been £124, since then my debt has been passed to northen debt recovery who sent me the following email 'we have been passed your file by our client speed credit t/a speed credit pay day loan*. You took a loan with them on 11.09.12. They have made numerous attempts to contact you to arrange repayment and have offered to put you on a more flexable and affordable payment plan (which they havent as they havent talked to me at all). as you have ignored all calls, emails, letters and sms your file has now been passed to ourselves as well as solicitors. PLEASE CALL US AS A MATTER OF URGENCY ON 0843 318 0843 OTHERWISE we will be left with no option but to send out field agents to your addresses. we are also liaising with our solicitors who are in the process of obtaining a County Court Claim against you. Once this is secured we willl then be able to execute; - a warrent of execution for court baliffs to seize goods, - an attatchment of earnings to deduct sums from your income source, - a garnishing order to freeze your bank account. Legal and recovery fees have been added to your file. Below is a break down of what you owe; Loan GBP 100 Loan & Interest GBP 196 Legal Fees GBP 150 Recovery Fees GBP 200 Repayment To Date GBP 24 Total GBP 547 These fees may be reduced if you contact us immediately' I have also recieved many sms from them saying that baliffs will be coming to my house in 7..6..5 etc days..also i have recieved two texts saying 'jessica you have committed to a payment plan to settle your toothfairy loan. A payment of 96 is due tomorrow' which i am confused about as i havent committed to a payment plan and my loan was through speed credit. This morning i have recieved a letter from Appelton Massey Solicitors stating; 'Outstanding balance 523. we act for NDR who acts as agents for speed credit in relation to your speed credit payday loan*. we are informed that dispite numerous attempts to obtain payment the debt remains unpaid and outstanding. we are instructed that un;ess your remittance is recieved within 7 days or alternatively, that you contact NDER and make an acceptable arrangement for repayment, county court proceedings are to be issued to you without further notice. the issue of proceedings will incur costs which will be added to the debt if judgement is obtained and will increse the sum due significantly. In the event that a judgement is obtained, it is likley that we will be instructed to enforce judgement against you. this may involved one of the following etc.' They have also already taken out three sums of £24, £12 and £12 out of my bank account causing me to become over mt overdraft and i am now expecting to have £10 a day charges from my bank as a result. I understand i have got myself into thsi position however i feel for a 100 pounds loan this new 547 or 523 figure doesnt make sense. i want to repay what i owe but cannot afford the new figure, i am worried about baliffs and court proceedings, and also that the company wont help me as i have no actual income until my studant loans. Sorry for the long post but please help!
  21. Hi guys, I'm wondering if anyone can help me with a toothfairy problem. I've had a number of payday loans that have become a problem in the last month or two. I've contacted all of them and come to a reasonable conclusion with all of them excluding Toothfairy. I've contacted toothfairy a lot of times both before and after the default. The outstanding balance on my due date was £544. I offered a repayment of £50 a month and on the due date I made the first payment of £50.00. Since then I have received a number of texts and emails from toothfairy, NDR and now Marshall Hoare debt collection all of which seem to be a part of Toothfairy. Up until today each time I contact any of these people I have had an automatic system response saying that payment plans are not acceptable and they want payment in full. This morning however I have received an email from Marshall Hoare saying that they will accept a payment plan of £150 a month. The problem is however that instead of it being for the £544 I originally owed them it is now for £1,090 which if you include the payment of £50 I have already made them is now over double what I owe already. I've made a complaint to NDR which they have said they will respond to within a month however in the mean time I'd like some advice as to what happens next from anyone who has had dealings in the past. I assume if this goes to court then I can argue about the unfair fees however I'd rather it didn't get that far, but also I have no intention of paying back over double the amount I am due. It hasn't even been a month since my due date currently! Any advide would be amazing. Thanks Lucy
  22. Right had a payment plan with these guys for 6 months. Every month I pay cash directly into their account, always on or before due date. 2 days later I get txts and emails telling me I havent paid, charges are being added, the recovery agents are coming! etc etc. So this month I've had enough offered a f & f to close account. Let this be an end to it.
  23. I unfortunately have a number of payday loans that i need to try to arrange repayment plans for. This one is a bit stickier and wonder if someone can advise me. I took a loan with tooth fairy in December for £300. I couldn't pay and during January called them after threatening emails from NDR Recovery. I needed to pay £100 to them straight away, then arranged to pay £80 a month to them. My worries clouded clear thoughts and have done for months since and simply agreed to their demand. The £80per month was set up til November of this year. Thats £100 plus 10 months of £80 totalling £900 from a loan of £300. I am now facing up to my debt and trying to clarify what i have to pay because of sheer stupidity or what i shouldn't owe simply down to the cheek of some of th PDL companies. I am already drafting up a letter to OFT as this company seems to be trading under different names and have taken the payments from me under different names which other thread have advised they shouldn't, but should i also mention that i feel that i have almost paid due the original debt i owed and ask OFT to get involved. Is this part of their job? I have paid £100 plus 3 payments of £80 (i rang and couldn't afford to pay April and they did let me skip this month by extending the period of the payments til December) so in total i have paid them £340. I am not sure of the original interest and charges agreed but the first chasing email i had stated that the loan plus interest (accruing at £9 per week per £100 borrowed) was for £413. When sending an email asking them to agree a lower reayment plan, should i mention that i feel i only owe roughly £75 and not the figure that they suggest til December or should i arrange the payment plan then not pay them after i have reached the figure i feel is right? Can they then send a default / debt collectors / bailiffs / CCJ or pursue me further after this? Can anyone also tell me if there is a legal difference between doorstep collectors and bailiffs? I'd be grateful for any advice.
  24. Hi all This is my first post in this forum even though I have spent many hours browsing through the very informative posts since getting into this PDL mess! A lot of the info has definitely been very calming and reassuring after receiving a lot of the standard bullying tactics that some of these companies employ!! Anyway.......to cut a ridiculously long story short, I have a few questions regarding a CCA request I made to Next Credit last week. Basically I have had 3 previous loans with this PDL (all paid off). After the initial loan it is possible to apply for the next loan by SMS. First you send a text containing the word LOAN followed by your surname. The next text you send is for the loan amount.....and that's it. From sending the first text to the money being in your account takes less than 5 minutes (that seems like a very short time to do all the neccesary credit and affordability checks to me). So since then I have missed the payment deadlines, had all the warning texts and emails from NC, been passed onto Northern Debt Recovery and now Marshall Hoares. I understand that all these companies are connected and their ridiculous charges are completely unjustifiable (Inital loan £400, now balance is at £1255). Back to the CCA request. I had a response from someone at NC in the form of an email containing a copy of the terms and conditions of the original agreement and a screenshot of the breakdown of charges on the account. The T&C's state a loan amount of £300 even though the loan was for £400. I also can't find any date on there except at the bottom which says 20/1/11 which is well over 12 months before I took this loan out! The bottom of the agreement also reads: "Having entered your email address twice during the application process and submitted your application, you confirmed that you have read and agree to the terms of this Agreement." (Oops, looks this this short story turned into a long one!) So here are my questions: 1. Having only sent 2 text messages, one containing my surname during the application process, does that count as a signature? I never "double signed" anything regarding to this agreement. 2. What do you make of the mistakes in the agreement (the loan amount being wrong and the date being from over 12 months in the past)? It seems silly to me to send a legally binding document peppered with mistakes 3. Does this satisfy a CCA request? I'm pretty sure it doesn't but I wanted to be sure before I ask for it again. 4. Apart from complaining to the relevant authorities what should my next move be? Ignore it? Make token payments? Any and all advice is greatly appreciated Cheers, Matt 2.
  25. Hi everyone, I took out a few loans with quick quid a few years ago, paid them all on time until the last one. I cant remember exactly what happened but i do remember i was having some sort of problem with the bank at the time and tried to resolve the loan with qq several times. After a while I started getting those "please contact us" letters from Mackenzie Hall but because i had never heard of them i didnt contact them. About a year or so later i got a letter from i think Motormille Finance asking for repayment of the qq loan, i arranged a payment plan with them and the first payment was taken from my account on the due date,. the next month the payment never came off so i conntacted them and they said it was a problem with my card details and they would set it up again. it never came off again and this time the excuse was that my repayment plan had been cancelled because of a failed payment, they set it back up and I thought that was the end of it. I then got a letter from National Debt Recovery demanding the same money so i called them and told them i already had a payment plan set up with another company and therefore i would not be paying them. i also called mmf and advised them of the second company, both companies said it was them i should be paying but i told them until i got confirmation from qq i wouldnt be paying either of them. I heard nothing until recently (around three years after all that) when i got a similar letter to what a lot of other people seem to be getting from Marshall Hoares bailiffs, but after reading the info on here about them decided to ignore it. today I got a letter from MMF saying they are taking me to court AND a call from Marshall Hoares about the same money. I toled marshall hoares the story and that i would not pay them until qq told me who to pay and i called mmf to advise them the same. mmf say my account is sttill on hold after me originally informing them about two companies wanting the same money and that they have not heard from qq and could not explain why i had recieved the letter from them. Marshall hoares said they will contact qq and call me back. I contacted quick quid and they said they only ever sold the debt to Mackenzie Hall and quote "the debt no longer matters to us" So my question is what do i do? should i just ignore all these threatening letters as other threads suggest?
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