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  1. Hi all This is my first post in this forum even though I have spent many hours browsing through the very informative posts since getting into this PDL mess! A lot of the info has definitely been very calming and reassuring after receiving a lot of the standard bullying tactics that some of these companies employ!! Anyway.......to cut a ridiculously long story short, I have a few questions regarding a CCA request I made to Next Credit last week. Basically I have had 3 previous loans with this PDL (all paid off). After the initial loan it is possible to apply for the next loan by SMS. First you send a text containing the word LOAN followed by your surname. The next text you send is for the loan amount.....and that's it. From sending the first text to the money being in your account takes less than 5 minutes (that seems like a very short time to do all the neccesary credit and affordability checks to me). So since then I have missed the payment deadlines, had all the warning texts and emails from NC, been passed onto Northern Debt Recovery and now Marshall Hoares. I understand that all these companies are connected and their ridiculous charges are completely unjustifiable (Inital loan £400, now balance is at £1255). Back to the CCA request. I had a response from someone at NC in the form of an email containing a copy of the terms and conditions of the original agreement and a screenshot of the breakdown of charges on the account. The T&C's state a loan amount of £300 even though the loan was for £400. I also can't find any date on there except at the bottom which says 20/1/11 which is well over 12 months before I took this loan out! The bottom of the agreement also reads: "Having entered your email address twice during the application process and submitted your application, you confirmed that you have read and agree to the terms of this Agreement." (Oops, looks this this short story turned into a long one!) So here are my questions: 1. Having only sent 2 text messages, one containing my surname during the application process, does that count as a signature? I never "double signed" anything regarding to this agreement. 2. What do you make of the mistakes in the agreement (the loan amount being wrong and the date being from over 12 months in the past)? It seems silly to me to send a legally binding document peppered with mistakes 3. Does this satisfy a CCA request? I'm pretty sure it doesn't but I wanted to be sure before I ask for it again. 4. Apart from complaining to the relevant authorities what should my next move be? Ignore it? Make token payments? Any and all advice is greatly appreciated Cheers, Matt 2.
  2. Today I received a letter from Appleton Massey stating that I owed Northern Debt Recovery £714, after taking a loan of £200 out with Toothfairy back in April. Unfortunately, I had to quit my job not long after taking the loan, hence my being unable to repay. I called the number on the letter, which put me through to Marshall Hoares (when I said I was confused by all the companies involved, the man on the phone became very aggressive indeed, glad I recorded the call!), anyway, I asked for a statement of the account which he ‘emailed’ to me (haven’t had it – funny that). He explained later in the conversation that they have the ‘complete right of law’ to add all the charges that they have done, and told me ‘when you signed the agreement, in the terms and conditions it says blah blah blah’... As he sent the email twice, but I didn’t receive it, I made him read out the charges; 26/4 - £36 10/5 - £36 25/5 - £36 24/5 - £10 7/6 - £200 7/6 - £10 7/6 - £150 7/6 - £36 20/6 - £36 I informed him that as a student, I will only be getting my loan in September, so cannot make payment. He said they could accept £400 today, £200 per month for £600 or £100 per month from 1st July totalling £700. He then went on to say that he was going to refer my case to the fraud department as he did not believe that I was working at the time of my taking out the loan, as he had asked me when I finished my job and I said I wasn’t sure, eventually getting out of me ‘I don’t know, middle’, to which he replied ‘well that would have been between the 17th and (whenever), and you took this loan out on 28th.’ My last day of working was actually the month AFTER I took out the loan, I have realised. Can they *really* add on all these charges?! They are difficult to get in touch with, and I don’t usually make calls to such people, but they are saying that they have made calls, sent emails and text messages, none of which I have received in the first place!! Any advice on the matter will be muchly appreciated!
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