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Found 2 results

  1. Hi to everyone I took out loan 400 pound from paycheckcredit which is MCO capital November 2011 i rolled over couple off times end up my job gone. I tried despite to contact them for repayment plan but they never accepted.So usual things was happen everyday lots of mail text phone call but i didnt answer and i sent their email address i want everything in writing.Still no reply by the time every months i paid their account 1 pound. My outstanding balance right now around 3000 K. The thing is last night when i checked my credit file i saw there is a default by Toothfairy and outstanding balance 2800 pound. Right now i am so confuse because i took out this loan from paychekcredit which is MCO capital.Does anyone know how come toothfairy defaulted my credit file and do they have relationship with MCO even they have got different licence. Thanks in advance
  2. Hello everyone. I was wondering if anybody here knows what the current official position is on Paycheckcredit? I know MCO Capital got fined and had their CCL revoked. I believe they were allowed to continue trading pending an appeal. Does anybody know if they have appealed? It is already known that Paycheckcredit and Toothfairy Finance are connected. My real question here is where exactly does Paycheckcredit stand today? Are they allowed to trade at this moment in time? Thanks!
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