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  1. hi so here goes, where do i begin........... i get a payday loan from TFF it defaults due to a mistake on their behalf and i get hit with all sorts of fees.......im sure you know where im going with this, these fees lead me to being contacted (harassed) by NDR and MHB ive had all of their techniques, emails,sms,phone calls about bailfs court costs blah blah blah.......... i decide to google and find CAG within 7 days of reading thread i found out all i need to know about my rights regarding both legal and with comlaints eg, OFT FOS. last night i prepared an email calling out all parties on their flawed polices, i went into great length about the oft rules and regulations that they were breaking so i have complained to the oft and all transcripts had been issued to them, along with numerous breaches of general law including trying to take monies from my bank account without my permission which is classed as stealing. today i receive an email from a 4th party ''payday processing loans'' in response to what i had to say, here it is Dear Mr xxxxx We are sorry to hear that you have a complaint about the service you have received. The company attempts to treat its customers fairly in all circumstances and we apologise if you believe the service you have received falls short of your expectations in any way. Please accept this email as acknowledgment of your complaint. We have 8 weeks in which to try to come to an amicable agreement. If we are unable to come to resolve your complaint in that period, you will receive a Final Written Response. This will set out the company’s final position in respect of your complaint. If you are unhappy with the Final Written Response and wish to appeal further you have the right to make a formal complaint with the Financial Ombudsman Service. You must make sure you do this within six months of receiving the Final Written Response or you may lose your right to ask the Ombudsman to review your complaint. The contact details for the Financial Ombudsman Service are as follows: Financial Ombudsman Service South Quay Plaza 183 Marsh Wall London E14 9SR We hope that you find the information contained herein to be helpful and that we are able to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction. I have thoroughly reviewed your file and will block outgoing calls regarding collections. Although the loan was due in full 13th January 2013, we will reduce your outstanding balance from £678 to £364 to close your file. This offer is made in satisfaction of your complaint and contingent on its withdrawal. Please let me know in writing if you accept our offer. Alternatively, please let me know what it is that I can do further to resolve your complaint. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Michael Lapides Complaints Assistant Web Loans Processing Limited NOTICE: The contents of this e-mail are intended for the named addressee only. It contains information which may be confidential and which may also be privileged. Unless you are the named addressee (or authorised to receive for the addressee) you may not copy or use it, or disclose it to anyone else. If you received it in error please notify sender immediately and then destroy it. entertaining agreed ???? you will notice numerous further breaches of the oft rules and regulations including an offer of reduced debt if i withdraw my complaint absolutely laughable. i immediately responded with yet another email calling them out and using their scare tactics against them for a change email which is as follows hi Michael thankyou for your quick response this is of great amazement to me as almost all contact i have made has been dismissed immediately. although i have no idea who ''web loans processing'' are im guessing your a part of the tooth fairy finance, northern debt recovery, marshal hoares solicitors family. your email seems sincere enough at first glance (to an uneducated person) but as read it myself i noticed yet another number of statements that once again break oft guidelines/rules and regulations, the main one being you say you are willing to reduce the outstanding debt IF i am willing to withdraw my complaint (this is a big no no tut tut) i cannot wait to update the oft with this one. although i am great full of the information and links you have attached to the email id like to make clear im well aware of all procedures surrounding FOS and OFT when making complaints including response times and time periods in which they must be dealt with. in your email you say you have removed my phone number from being contacted regarding collections yet within an hour of receiving your email i had a text message about a door visit and 4 calls all sent straight to my voicemail as i have blocked your number personally. once again breaching oft guidelines/rules/regulations. i urge you to pass the message on to your colleagues in the next office at TFF NDR and MHS to remove my contact details and respond to me via email/written form as their continuous harassment will only be logged and used in court if and when you do decide to take me. you fail to acknowledge my notification of the removal of your right to a door visit, i once again reiterate my statement that your visits are unlawful as i have clearly stated i wish to resolve the matter via email or in writing, i state again any individual/s who attend my property will be asked to leave failure to do will result in my local police authority attending and removing the individual/s. i have also received an email from NDR today in response to me requesting a copy of my original loan agreement that i electronically signed as well as proof of who actually owns the debt as i have been contacted by TFF and NDR in the last week regarding payment of the debt, this email stated only that a copy of my agreement has been sent out to me via post, so i ask you yourselves to once again send me proof of who actually owns the debt. as for your offer of reducing the debt i will make it clear once again i am not willing to pay more than the original loan fee plus one months interest equating to £272 even if you do agree to this i will not be withdrawing my complaint although i will make clear to FOS and OFT that you were very helpful in resolving the issue once i had opened the dispute with you. if however the dispute remains unresolved after the 8 week period i will not be waiting 6 months to continue with my complaint and i will begin legal proceedings myself against all bodies at TFF NDR MHS and WLP involved with all court costs and solicitors fees being reclaimed from said bodies. i once again thankyou for your hasty response and wait in anticipation for your response. yours xxxxxxxxx i cannot wait for their reply but in the mean time i would like to see what you guys think of my approach, its just im not a tool and i will not be bullied by these mugs they have gotten away with it for far too long extorting monies from individuals who are desperate but do not know what they are entering into when dealing with these creeps. ive been greatly inspired by your threads and offer great thanks for the information you have made available for us unfortunate individuals who have had to resort to these pay day loans/loan sharks
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