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Found 11 results

  1. http://voxpoliticalonline.com/2016/04/05/brace-yourself-for-the-next-assault-on-the-sick-and-disabled/
  2. Last month a work man from my Housing association repair agent hit my door hard to cause injury to my shoulder. He saw that I was disabled. I did not let him into my flat as I did complain about his previous conduct and was told that he will not return. He has left me with a nervous disposition and injury. I live in fear and hightened anxiety. My housing asociation has not bothered to write or call to apologise for what happened to me My damaged keys as a result has not being repaired Also, I cannot live peacefully in my home owing to very loud drilling noise by their builders. I was not informed in advance of these works which has been going on since summer I asked them before to let me know how long thwe works will go on for so that I can make arrangements to remove myself from my home is I am disabled These has been ignored It feels as if they do not care really I have no relationship with my housing officer What do I do Can I take them to court? I gather that Housing Act 1988 and under duty of care to tenants landlord should inform tenants in advance of any work that will go on for months and would result in very loud drilling causing anuisance to their tenants Does anyone know about these and social housing landlord and their duty to thier tenants? Many thanks indeed
  3. Hi all, Few months ago I have been assaulted by several persons (causing serious and remaining injuries) and then made a complaint but for unknown reasons (despite of cctv clearly identifying my offenders) I have been informed that my complaint/file has been closed for lack of evidence: I am also trying to save money in order to move and later hire a private detective for an investigation regarding my assault with a better standards. However, as I stiĺl at the moment working in the same area than my offenders, these lasts are trying to work by harassment and intimidation (obviously using other people (who even told me that my case could be worst)). Few days ago, one of their friends who is a lady wrongly accused me of assaulting her and callex the police to me.When I have been put on custody by the police due to the wrong behaviour of some officiers (an few days before) I signed a statement drafted by a custody solicitor saying that I recognised a crime I didn't commit. I have been now wrongly charged for a common assault that I didn't while I am innocent (I have refused the caution). The trial at a Magistrate Court will be next tuesday but despite of my low income I have not been granted legal aid. As a resutlt I would like to know how I can make my own defence. Can I send a written statement to the court before the trial (by special delivery explaining that I am totally innocent)? Thanks in advance.
  4. My supervisor grabbed me violently by the clothing along my side/ribs yesterday. the next time I saw the managing director , I took him to the side and had a word telling him it was out of order. he agreed if it had happened as I stated it had. I told him I was too angry to want to get into it in any great detail at that time, I would prefer to cool off before discussing any further. I have rang in sick today, not stating why I wasn't coming in. I am only in employment there six months, and don't really feel it's in my interests to put a complaint in writing. What's the odds I get sacked (I know I have no real comeback if I do)? and should I be pushing for a written apology, so I have a record if there's any "afters"?
  5. An interesting read today as follows "As a landlord, agent or solicitor, if you have used a High Court Enforcement Officer who did not follow the proper process, you could find that you’re liable for a significant claim for damages. In recent years, there has been a large increase in the use of High Court Enforcement Officers (HCEO) to evict residential tenants, which is no great surprise, as HCEOs can frequently enforce far more quickly than a County Court Bailiff (CCB) can. How could the eviction be illegal? At present, HCEOs can only use a standard writ of possession to evict trespassers, i.e. “persons unknown” such as squatters. For an HCEO to evict a tenant who remains in a property after a possession date, they MUST obtain permission from the County Court under Section 42 of the County Court Act 1984 to transfer enforcement of the order for possession to the High Court. Without this permission, any writ of possession enforced is invalid and any action taken under it will be illegal. Are illegal evictions taking place? In the last 18 months the High Court enforcement sector has seen a quantity of small ‘franchise’ bailiff firms, many operating under the authority of a single authorised High Court Enforcement Officer. Some of these firms are offering guaranteed seven day evictions of residential tenants, which does not allow time to obtain court permission to transfer up. It is our understanding that some of these firms may be applying for the writ of possession, without having previously obtained permission from the County Court to transfer up the order for possession to the High Court for enforcement, perhaps because they are not aware of this legal requirement. If any of these firms are evicting tenants under a writ of possession but without court permission to transfer up, then those evictions will have been conducted illegally. Exposure to claims for damages Whilst it is understandable that every landlord wants possession of their property without the lengthy delays regularly quoted by the County Court Bailiffs, the potential cost implications for a landlord for incorrectly evicting a tenant can be huge - claims for damages might come from both the tenants, as well as the local authority that had to rehouse them in emergency accommodation. As well as claiming for considerable damages from the landlord, the tenant may also make a claim against the bailiff company that evicted them and the authorised HCEO personally. If you think you may be affected If you have used the services of one of these ‘franchise’ HCEO firms, it would be prudent to now demand to see the court order allowing the HCEO to undertake the eviction. Be advised that this is NOT the writ of possession, but is a separate standard court order. If the HCEO cannot produce this, you could be looking at a claim for damages landing on your doormat any day soon. It would also be prudent to ask the HCEO company for details of their insurers." Story from Scoop today here http://www.scoop.it/t/lacef-news Info in full from here http://thesheriffsoffice.com/articles/are-you-evicting-tenants-illegally
  6. Once again I find myself writing about the serious subject of debtors removing wheel clamps. The reason for this newer thread concerns yet another legal case that led to a conviction at Blackburn Magistrates Court. With a serious criminal conviction being on the debtors history he decided to appeal. The appeal hearing took place last week at Burnley Crown Court. The case was dismissed and will no doubt be used in securing further convictions and most importantly the comment from the Judge will be of significance (more shortly). The outline of the case is as follows: The debtor; Sean Young, of Accrington had council tax arrears and received a visit from a female bailiff. The debtor refused to pay the amount requested of £430. She clamped a Volvo car - which he used. The debtor took photos of the vehicle being clamped. The bailiff left the property and returned 4 hours later to find that the wheel clamp had been removed. Mr Young then produced a vehicle registration document saying the car belonged to his mother (the press article states that Mr Young used the vehicle....possibly he was the keeper). He refused to return the wheel clamp and claimed that he was 'protecting' his vehicle. An argument broke out and it seems that Mr Young then threw the bailiff down some steps injuring her. He was arrested by police officers and earlier this year was convicted at Blackburn Magistrates Court of assault and criminal damage to the wheel clamp. He was ordered to do 200 hours unpaid work, pay £200 compensation to the bailiff, a further £200 compensation for the wheel clamp and £720 costs. Despite having completed half of his community sentence he decided to appeal the conviction. The hearing took place last week at Burnley Crown Court but his case was dismissed by the judge. Crucially, at the appeal hearing Judge Beverley Hunt stated the following: “The car was not in need of immediate protection as he had four hours to pay. He didn’t try and do it by any other means than removing the clamp. He knew of the options, he knew he had other possibilities but chose not to use them" The Judge ordered Mr Young to pay a further £225 in court costs (bringing the total amount of costs payable by him to £945). http://www.accringtonobserver.co.uk/news/local-news/man-loses-appeal-over-bailiff-7618476
  7. Hi. My wife's glasses were ripped off her face and broken, in an unprovoked attack. The police say the attacker admitted it, but has been given a caution. How does my wife go about getting compensation from the attacker so that she can pay for replacement glasses?
  8. Coronation Street actor William Roache has been cleared of rape and indecent assault charges by a jury. Mr Roache, 81, of Wilmslow, Cheshire, was found not guilty of two rapes and four indecent assaults after a trial at Preston Crown Court. Five women had claimed he assaulted them when they were aged 16 or under between 1965 and 1971. Outside court, he said: "In these situations there are no winners... we should be much kinder to ourselves." He added: "If you'll excuse me, I need to get back to work." BBC News ... I never thought he was guilty. I think mainly it was the cry of rape twice, if someone raped you, why would you go back again. As the article says, no credible evidence.
  9. Hi my sister was shopping Asda recently. She had my 86 year old disabled Aunt with her so used one of the Asda wheelchairs. The footrest on one side was twisted and my sister was unable to get it straight. She asked the security guy, who was the size of a brick outhouse, if he could move it for. The guy went into meltdown. Waving his arms and screaming at her to get away from him, he had to watch the monitors. She said blimey OK mate and walked to customer services where she asked to speak to the manager. The security guy on hearing this, came running over to her shouting and waving his arms about, frightening the life out of my sister in the process. My sister is 50 years old and has been on heart medication since suffering a heart attack at the age of 44. Next thing the security guy grabbed the wheelchair with my terrified aunt in it and started pulling it and pushing it about like a mad man. It took two Asda female staff members to calm him down and get him away from them. Asda have replied with the worst apology you can imagine, effectively calling my sister a liar, although there were witnesses plus CCTV. If she wanted to pursue this, is there a case to answer here? Any advise greatly appreciated.Thanks
  10. THIS HAS TO BE DEALT WITH AND I CALL ON EVERYONE READING THIS TO HELP BRING THESE PEOPLE TO JUSTICE AND MY GOD I WILL ONE WAY OR THE OTHER - ARGHHHH!!! Hello Everybody, I had an appeal application in place regarding an unfair trial I received for a conviction for "Failure to Provide Driver Details." relating toa £60 speeding fine ( I was NOT driving the vehicle at the time and I DID infact provide the drivers details. And in the trial the onus was put on me to prove my innocence rather than the CPS to prove my guilt ) However this is not relevant to the reason I am writing here today. At approximately 12:30 13/02/2013 two individuals from MARSTON GROUP LIMITED arrived at my property. A LOUD THUNDER ROARED THROUGHT THE HOUSE WHICH WOKE MY PARTNER AND WAS EVEN SHAKING THE UPSTAIRS WINDOWS. She had the day before come out of hospital from having surgery and still had open stomach wounds, and was still on strong opioid based pain killers. The two bailiffs proceeded to kick the door round the frontand side down, and SCREAMED THROUGH THE LETTER BOX "COME TO THE DOORBEFORE WE GET LOCKSMITHS" and specifically referred to my name whichcaused quite a few of the neighbours to come out onto the street. My partner who was very drowsy and weak and had just been woken up and hobbled down stairs. She opened the door slightly and repeated numerous timesthat she had just had surgery, was seriously ill and that I didn’t live thereto try to get them to leave her alone (she didn't know I was in the house at the time, I was in my home office doing some paperwork with headphones in so I didn’thear this unfortunately.) One of the bailiffs then put his boot in the door, and eventually forced their way into my property by ramming the door into her which in the process of doing so the door handle hit her wound and knocked her on the floor causing her damage and extreme pain (which she later sought medical attention for after they left.) Once they were in the property she asked them numerous times to leave and they refused. Once I realised what was happening I went downstairs to see what the hell was going on. They informed me I had an outstanding fine and that my appeal had been rejected 2 days earlier (even though I had not received any confirmation of this through the post.) They informed me they had a Distress Warrant tocollect £365 plus £300 bailiff costs. I asked to see the warrant and they refused, they said I had to pay the £665 first and if I didn't they would remove goods. I said to them I am not required to pay their fees only the court fine, towhich they said there was a Distress Warrant for the total of £665 and I had topay the total amount for them to leave otherwise they would seize and sell my goods. After a lengthy conversation I then Under duress paid them £665 and they left. I stuck up for myself and they made numerous offensive statements to my partner about the way she looked (she looked very gaunt and run down afterbeing in hospital for 2 weeks! and these [edits]s made her really upset and she was crying) The situation was very close to breaking out in violence. They then give me a "Distress Warrant" document like this: (www (dot) consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/forumdisplay.php?168-Bailiffs-and-High-Court-Enforcement-Officers/ bailiffs-and-court-fines.htm#counterfeitwarrant) and a hand written receipt which I cannot even read the hand writing to find any names or ID of the bailliff that did this to my girlfirend. After they left I called the police and got a log number and I have an appointment to see a Police Officer on Saturday afternoon to make a statement at the station. I later realised the Bailiff kicked my front door which put abig hole in the PVC door, meaning I now need a new front door. My god would I have given them a run for their money, but I realise with hindsight that I did the right thing by not being violent. I now want to get these people the best I can using all the legal means I have at my disposal. I have already set about claiming back their fees using the method at thisvery helpful site: www (dot) consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/forumdisplay.php?168-Bailiffs-and-High-Court-Enforcement-Officers / bailiffs-and-court-fines.htm#magfeereclaim HELP ME ACHIEVE JUSTICE - If any contributers want to ask me any questions, I will reply very quickly wherever I am with my iPhone as I want retribution NOW. I am not the sort of person that puts up with rubbish as evil will flourish if good men do nothing. Immense thanks to the people who help me with this.
  11. A month ago i was assaulted by a pupil in school who has been charged with GBH (and admitted it). My husband works in the school as a teaching assistant. I have been working for them for 13 years, no disciplinary ever and up until this assault been told i am their best teacher. I would say that although i am not qualified i have been working as a teacher for the last 10 years. The school is an expensive private school and my bosses (a married couple) were furious that i reported the assault to the police. They said i shouldnt have as they were going for a contract that they wouldnt get if the education authority found out. They also said i shouldnt have gone to the hospital as this brings attention, the lad broke my cheekbone whilst headbutting me! The lad is bailed and cant come into school atm. They have been absolutely vile to me and my husband since this and trying to trick me into wrongdoings since. They didnt get the contract which they blame me for and indeed have said they have been threatened with an emergency ofsted inspection as they clearly tried to sweep the assault under the carpet. My husband and I have just turned up to work and done our job and put up with the dagger looks etc. They have sent references to bible verses saying we should forgive the lad and just generally being nasty. As we have refused to be intimidated they have now upped their efforts to unsettle us. This morning they sent us this text:- Hi guys, you know we think the world of you and, when you are working on all cylinders, you are great with relationships and interactions. However, it has come to light that some very serious things happened when we were away at the conference (this was early May when they were away for a few days) which need to be discussed immediately prior to you returning to school. We are available this weekend and can fit in with you (we could meet where you want to meet) If you cannot meet this weekend, we ask that you stay off school until you can meet us off campus - God can make a way. Absolutely nothing happened that either of us can think about and it was weeks ago so surely if there was anything they would have spoken to us about it. I know they are just trying to intimidate us and will probably try to either fabricate something or blow something small out of proportion to discredit us in some way. Any advice how to handle things, it would be very difficult to meet them anyway due to existing commitments. Can they ask us not to go in and if we dont, surely they have to pay us. I have joined a teachers union this morning but all other avenues of advice are shut over the weekend. The stress they are causing us is untrue, I am on heavy painkillers not just for the injury but also the headaches that the stress is causing. My doctor wants to sign me off but i cant survive on statutory sick pay an besides, why should I when I havent done anything wrong at all. Please advise, thanks so much.
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