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  1. I have a court case next week finance company are seeking a order for repossession of my vehicle it is for the balloon payment due at the end of the agreement at the garage where got finance i was told they can re finance the balloon payment they have stopped doing so prob in the hope you give the motor back and start a new agreement with a nice new motor! what are the options do i contact them before the court case and arrange vehicle to be collected or let them get the order from the court with more costs added on if they take the vehicle back how do they go about chasing any shortfall from me would they go down a CCJ route they have added agent fees for phoning and home visits after speaking to them to discuss the options the solicitors state our client is seeking recovery of the vehicle and wont accept any payment other than the full amount have offered a FF settlement a month ago they were going to get back to me they never did. thanks
  2. Dear CAG Desperately need some urgent advice on current predicament. Have been threatened with repossession from GE Money on a loan that I have secured on my property. I'm in arrears with the loan and as I've been unemployed for quite some time now, have not been able to get back on track with them. (reconsolidation loan for £20k, taken out in 2006). The mortgage I have on the property is with A&L and although I'm in arrears with them (and have just had an eviction order stopped), touch wood, a repayment agreement has been made (set by them) and I am now repaying each month what they've asked (as well as a lump sum up front). Even though I'm out of work at the moment, I make up the shortfall I incurr on the interest only payments (DWP help me out with mortgage interest relief payments). I've never missed a payment but because I'd not contributed anything to the arrears as yet and I'd not responded to a recent letter from them, they went and sent me an eviction notice, which was nice. Whilst speaking with them to resolve this matter, they did state that GE Money had been in touch with them regarding any arrears I had with them (they said they have the authority to do this). I didn't go into any further discussion with them at the time as I wanted to get my eviction notice with them sorted and have an agreement put in place. Since then, I've now received a notice from GE Money a few days ago, stating that they too want payment of the arrears upfront otherwise they'll apply for an eviction notice (crap timing or coincidence?). There are a couple of things I wanted to seek advice on from yourselves, if anyone can help. I've read a few threads on here about GE Money (yes, they're a lovely bunch of people). Since being out of work, they've not given me any breathing space at all. I get the usual £40 fee applied to my loan each week (just for being in arrears) and they continue to send loan counsellors around for a cup of tea and a slice of cake, at £80 a visit. Every time they call, we have the same conversation, we do an income and expenditure list and they leave and I feel like s**t. Then I started to get really wound up as I've told GE Money that as soon as my situation changes (ie when I find another job) I'll tell them. Yet they still send the men in suits around. So it's costing me £80, just to tell them I'm still in the same situation. In regards to letters from them, I get around 30 a month (borderline harrasment?). I don't pay what I should each month, simply put, I can't afford to. I pay what I can, when I can and I pay over the counter now as I can't bear to phone them up. Last time I did, they said they'd happily accept the usual montly installment (£250) plus another £200 towards the arrears. In all, £450 a month from a currently unemployed single mother. Hilarious. A few times when I rang up to make debit card payments they actually refused to take anything from me as I wasn't offering the usual amount (I insisted they did, rather than it look like I'm not trying). I understand the situation is now precarious but I've had conflicting advice from two of their loan counsellors (on the quiet, must be the nice cake I provide). One has said that in order for a respossession to take place, they would have to force the A&L to sell the property from under me. Another has contradicted this, saying it isn't necessarily the case (but didn't go into further detail). The letter I've just received is worded different too. It states that if I pay all the arrears up front (can't do that) then all action cancelled. If not, they will seek an eviction order from the courts and once I've paid, they'll happily give me my house back. Does anyone know where I stand? If GE Money seek an eviction notice, is it the same as any normal procedure? I'm not trying to get out of paying what I owe, but at the moment, I can't pay them what they want. And the more I think about it, the more it's confusing as to what will happen. Can they enforce an eviction? Will they liaise with A&L? Technically, the A&L own the house, so I don't understand how all this would play out or where I stand. Before I got this notice I was gathering info on Time Orders as that was originally going to be my next step, as well as looking at any PPI claims I could make (and if successful, put funds towards any arrears I have). Any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
  3. I split up with my girlfriend a while ago & my financial situation has got worse. My house which is up for sale @ £76 (worth about £70k-£76k). I have arrears both on my mortgage & secured loan. I have been to court about the mortgage, but I just can't keep up the promised repayments & the morgage company (mortgage express) are going to apply for repossession again (they have done so already but filled in an N244 form & attended court). The secured loan is also in arrears (Blemain finance) are also going to press for repossession. I know the housing market is tough out there & it may take some time to sell even If I reduce the price. I owe... £30,500 Mortgage £22,500 secured loan £25k unsecured loans £7k friends & family Its really getting me down, im getting letter phone calls daily & I'm very tempted to just hand the keeps back, as I've not had a decent nights sleep in month (I have already got another place to stay) Should I... 1) Let it get repossessed, I realise it then goes to auction & gets sold for a price lower than its actual value. Obviously I need 53k to pay mortgage/secured loan, but what ever is left, it will not be enough to pay 32k unsecured debts. 2) Go bankrupt 3) Sell to one of these 'sell your house fast companies' I realise these companies will pay well under the market value. maybe 205 - 25% less 4) Lower the price with the estate agents, but even If I sell it tomorrow it could still take 3 months for a sale to go through. I don't know if I can hold out for that long 5) Sell house & go down the IVA route All I want to do its get rid as soon as possible, but take the best solution at the same time Any advice welcome as I'm running out of time before i'll get potentially evicted, which will force me to take option 1
  4. Hi Once again I find myself in a horrible situation. I last came on here to stop my Capstone repossessing my house and Ell-en was totally amazing with her advice. I spent one of the longest and worst days of my life in court but the judge suspended it and gave me longer to pay. That was 12 months ago and I've cleared £13k of arrears with £800 to go. However, and here's my new problem-despite tackling all my debts and clearing a fair few, Kensington (secured loan of £5000) have now got a repossession order and will evict us on monday 17th @12.45. Despite paying the loan for 2 years, with their charges added they say we owe over £9K ! My husband lost his job last November and has been off work since. I have been paying everything that I can myself and working 16 hours a day. He is now very depressed and quite frankly suicidal, so I can't discuss this with him ! After last time I know that I could get the N222 (?) from the court and apply for it to be suspended, but I don't have the time. I know that sounds crazy, but I have an all-day meeting for my business on Wednesday and from Thursday 9am until 7am Monday 17th I am actually out of the country. My employers have paid for myself and other managers to attend a conference in New York. If I don't go I will lose my job (as they have paid so much for my place). Although I work for 1 company, my position is classed as Sef-employed. So what can I do ? I know you're probably all thinking there's no choice I have to stay at home and deal with, but if I lose my job there really is no point. I am going to contact them again tomorow to see if they will accept a repayment plan, BUT when I tried to do this 6 weeks ago they kept asking for more information and didn't agree with my expenditure. eg) My phone bill is £98 per month (but that's for tv, telephone for house PLUS broadband, 2nd telephone for office as I work from home) Please help as I am worried sick. I basically have 2 free days to sort this out (but I don't know if I can ask the court for a specific date ?) Thankyou. Any help or advice would be fantastic.
  5. Hi I hope someone may be able to offer some advice as I've been twice to the citizens advice but it's been so busy I've not managed to speak to anyone. We are six months in arrears with our mortgage with NRAM, and know that due to ill health and a much lower salary we can not afford our home. As well as being approx 40k in negative equity. As we were previously bankrupt we have it in writing from NRAM that the shortfall will be included in our bankruptcy which basically means we can walk away owing nothing. However we have been saving like mad for 6 months rent we are also registered with the council to bid on houses and have the highest priority but as with all councils there is a shortage so are no relying on that. We received our letter before action on the 24/08/2012 but I have no idea what happens now, we need to know how long it will take before we have to leave and if we were to leave before being thrown out would we be entitled to any Housing benefit seeing as we still own our home, I did think about sending the keys back but was told not to don this as the council would lower our priority. I'm sorry if I'm coming across as a bit confused, I'm finding all this really difficult my DS is disabled and I have no idea what I should/shouldn't be doing. I have no idea how long the whole process takes and when realistically should I be looking at rentals. The area I need to stay in for schools/hospital does not have many rentals. I'm just so scared we'll end up on the street. Thanks
  6. Can anyone assist with some general advice as to the processes involved with the repossession and subsequent sale of a house. Obviously, someone would have to have defaulted on payments etc in order that a repossession be undertaken by the lending party. Are there any minimum timescales involved, which would allow the lending party to make arrangements to either rectify the situation, or to vacate the property? Are the mortgage lending company obliged to notify and seek agreement from both parties (in the situation that two people own a property) prior to issuing a repossession notice, and ditto with the actual subsequent sale of the property? Apologies if the above is vague, but if anyone can help out, it'd be greatly appreciated.
  7. I live in a shared property ( 7 bedroom house) Two couple with children and myself We are paying the rent to the landlord. Now we received this letter asking us to leave Landlord saying don't worry but we are worried if They kicked us out or reprocess it Copy of the letter: attached  House_reprocessed_.pdf
  8. Hello fellow people, I have a situation, I live in the USA now permanently, and don't want to keep my UK property anymore. I can't afford to keep sending money over, it's killing me. It's in negative equity, so I'm considering voluntary repossession and handing in keys. I'm sure it would damage my credit in UK but this shouldn't affect me really. Does anybody know how this would go down? Or anything I should consider or be aware of? Thanks, -givenup
  9. Hi I was a arrear a few years ago but my mortgage arrears was cleared last year and kept up to date. I set up a new standing order on my account and went on holiday only to find the Standing was not set up by my bank so 2 months payments missed and the lender have activated the suspended order as unable to contact me as on holiday in Australia for 8 weeks and have instructed a bailiff warrant. Now this was stopped when I immediately called the lender on my return and cleared the arrears, but I am astonished they can do this so quickly and need help in getting this order removed, which I thought became invalid when the arears were cleared. I believe a N244 application needs to be made, but can the lender stop this from being removed if the account is up to date, as they say they are not prepared to release me from this until the mortgage has been kept up to date for 6 to 12 months, is this true?
  10. Hi All, As a business, we borrowed funds from Barclay's by pledging property as security. We fell behind on payments as a result of cash flow issues. I have not seen the clause, but I am sure Barclay's is within their rights to demand that we pay the entire loan off. A sum we cannot afford to pay in its entirety. I had concerns that our loan may have been affected due to LIBOR manipulation. I wrote a detailed letter to the bank manager after receiving their demand letter that I need a detailed explanation of any part that LIBOR may have played in calculating interest rates, early repayment penalties, any origination fee collected up front or paid to third party in commissions as we used a commercial mortgage for this loan. 3 weeks later, Barclay's responded that their internal investigations have discovered that our loan was not affected by LIBOR fiasco as they don't use to LIBOR in all of their loan products. They added that this is their final letter and included information on how to get in touch with Financial Ombudsman. They also added that as part of their settlement with authority they cannot add any further on the details. I assume that includes the detailed information that I requested, they also added that this is their only and final correspondence on the matter. Now, I am sure they will start repossession proceedings at some time in future (I assume they will be swift). How does one really know if Barclay's is representing the right picture? Does one take their word for it? I was actually planning to use this as a defense if we were to reach the courts, a reality we have to face at some point. Any suggestions on this? Thanks, Res
  11. Hello, I've been threatened by NRAM with repossession as I was behind on my mortgage. It was a Herculian effort to clear the arrears by Aug 1 - a day before the scheduled eviction. But I did. On that day, they told me that since I had paid the arrears, I could pay the August installment by the end of the month. Today, I received a text from them to contact them "urgently". So I did. They went back on their word, and said that August was already overdue. The woman on the phone was clearly not capable of handling the call, but when I asked to speak to a manager, she insisted she was perfectly capable of handling the call. She said that I had to make the payment in order to change the payment date. Not only was she incapable of seeing the flaw in the logic, she also refused to acknowledge the arrangement from two days earlier. I now intend to complain. Where do I start? I am happy to take this as far as possible, as NRAM has been unreasonably aggressive with me over the past three months. Many thanks.
  12. My sons company bought a house through Paragons buy to let mortgage. The house was not in a good state and the idea was to do it up and then let it. Unfortunately my son ran into problems in his life and could not afford to do any work on the house. I moved in and pay the company rent. The house is in desperate need of rewiring, a new boiler, shower doesn't work, sink in bathroom can't be used....but I manage OK with how it is. My son has no money and is struggling to get by and I have no spare money either. Two weeks ago the bank did not pay the mortgage as I had changed the date my rent money went in. Paragon got in touch with my son and he could not pay them but I could....so I did.This is when they found out I was living at the house. They have now written to him saying he must pay mortgage in full or they will repossess as he can't rent to me as I'm his family. As it wasn't my sons property but belonged to his business we thought we were doing nothing wrong. They have given him 14 days to sort it or face repossession. 7 of these days have already passed as he was away from home and only picked up this letter yesterday. I suffer with depression and anxiety and panic attacks and since getting this news last night I can't rest, can't sleep and I'm in full on panic mode and can't think straight. I have nowhere I can stay and as I have a dog little chance of finding somewhere willing to take me and my dog. I am on benefits due to my health so that limits how much I could pay for somewhere The truth is I don't want to move. I'm happy here and feel safe. I have lovely neighbours and I'm near enough to my family but far enough away from my violent ex. I'm hoping that there is some way round this but is there? Any help would be very welcome Thanks for reading
  13. Just wondering if anyone has any information really. In February 2009 I split from my then Husband leaving him with the house. As he couldn't afford the mortgage we agreed to sell it. In March 2009 it was put up for sale at £98,000 (still have the paperwork). I paid the mortgage in February and March but then refused to pay anymore as I wasn't living there and couldn't afford to pay it anyway (had rent to pay). Anyway, the ex-husband decided to give the keys back to RBoS in May 2009. They then sold the house for approx. £55,000. Way below market value. The thing that is confusing me is that there is no marker on my credit file to show a VR just an outstanding balance of £16k+. They have never asked me to pay this and I only became aware of it last week when I checked my credit file. Since 2009 I have still been able to obtain credit so it hasn't had a detrimental effect. I thought the mortgage company were supposed to try and sell the property for market value? Or I am just wishful thinking? I'm not looking forward to the day a letter arrives demanding the outstanding balance..... Oh, and I never signed any paperwork saying I agreed to this. The ex did it himself. Shouldn't I have had a say in the matter? Was it even legal for RBoS to agree to the voluntary repossession without even consulting me first?
  14. We have a mortgage on a second home in Portugal which we bought when we lived in the UK. We have since moved to Canada and are no longer able to pay the mortgage for it especially as they want the whole amount repaid before we turn 75 in 10 years time. We have tried to sell it but can't even at a low price. The mortgage is worth just over half of what we paid for the property so we have paid nearly 50% of the cost of the place. We think the best thing is to let it be repossessed Is the Portuguese system like the Spanish one where they can only pursue you up to 50% of the value of the original valuation? If so are they likely to pursue us in Canada for the ten to fifteen thousand shortfall? Any help would be rally appreciated.
  15. We have a mortgage on a second home in Portugal which we bought when we lived in the UK. We have since moved to Canada and are no longer able to pay the mortgage for it especially as they want the whole amount repaid before we turn 75 in 10 years time. We have tried to sell it but can't even at a low price. The mortgage is worth just over half of what we paid for the property so we have paid nearly 50% of the cost of the place. We think the best thing is to let it be repossessed Is the Portuguese system like the Spanish one where they can only pursue you up to 50% of the value of the original valuation? If so are they likely to pursue us in Canada for the ten to fifteen thousand shortfall? Any help would be rally appreciated.
  16. Background. I have lived in my home 47 years, have a wife who is suffering from depression for the past 5 years an continues to take medication and i was made redundant just over 3 years ago. On thursday 12th July 2012 i attended my 2nd reposesssion hearing, the first in march was suspended to allow mortgage rescue to investigate and process claim. At the hearing the judge ordered a 3month suspended repossession order. Please can anyone advise me if i should appeal against this decision. The facts are as follows. 1. This hearing should have been for both my mortgage company Gmac RFC / Paratus AMC, and my secured lender GE Money. 2.I asked for documents to be added to the case file the day earlier, including a cover note for the judge to read and understand the facts. 3. My secured lender GE money, decided to adjourn the hearing to allow us time to sell our property. 4. At the hearing , i was called into the hearing room, to find out that the judge had been offered the wrong file (he Received the file for GE Money), the husher told me to wait outside the hearing room while he collected the correct case file.Their solicitor remained inside with the judge. 5. I believe the judge did not have time to read my documentation/facts/Evidence provided the day earlier. 6. There was no legal aid available to me even though i asked the husher. 7. I have a complaint raised with my mortgage lender, and i believe the judge did not take this into account. 8. Mortgage company mis-treat customers like myself and this was not considered. 9. Mortgage company only offered me Interest only a couple of days prior to hearing if i accepted 84 day possession order, and also at a set up cost of £75.00, i advised i needed to seek legal advise. 10. My monthly interest is £350 per month, offset by £224 from DWP, leaving a shortfall of £125 per month. Over a 12 month period our mortgage account would only be £1400 further in debt, even though we have about £40,000 equity in our property. 11. We placed our property on the market 3 weeks before the hearing date and believe the mortgage company did not allow us enough time to sell before being granted the order. 12. Mortgage rescue with MHT, has been on-going for some 16 weeks and we are still no nearer to getting them too progress. 13. During the hearing the length spent in my home and my wife depression, whould have been taken into account. 14. During my 38months unemployment, we have only occurred 11.5 months arrears and have reduced our mortage by £6,500 in that time. Please can someone advise me if we should appeal and if the case should be re-heard.
  17. Hi All Wonderful site, so much wealth of information. Short background I had a eviction notice for 5th July 2012, has a hearing on 3rd July 2012, Rooftop did not show up in court. Judge postponed and requested to my advocate that I should write a letter of proposal and solictors letter for the potential buyerand submit to court by tomorrow. I am in the process of preparing a letter but am finding it difficult. Please can anyone help me prepare a letter to the court as I am having problems with the wording. We do want to remain in our property but if the judge says no we do also have a buyer we just don't want to be reposeeseed.
  18. We bought a woodland back in October 2008, we where £10k short of the overall amount. The owner at the time placed a charge on the woodland for the remaining £10k to be paid off within 3 years of the original purchase date. This date has now passed and the £10k still remains and is due immediately. Due to circumstances we have not managed to raise the 10k and have agreed to pay the interest up to date, this has been arranged via the former owners solicitors. We are struggling to pay the outstanding interest charge on the woodland, however we have managed to pay a substantial amount of solicitor fees for the arrangement. The solicitor is pushing for the interest payment, we are in the middle of sorting out another property to sell to pay off the interest and the 10k charge, things are going slowly and they are becoming impatient. The solicitor has been sending emails stating if the money is not paid off in a certain amount of time then they will recover the charges through selling the wood via public auction. Where do we stand? is there anything we can do about it to give us more time whilst we are struggling? If the wood is sold vis auction then we ourselves stand to lose a deal of money on it. Thanks
  19. Hi, my partner owned a house which his ex wife lived in for a short time after they split. She then abandoned the property. He believed it had been repossessed as he had never had any communication from Mortgage Express. He found out that it hadnt been repossessed as he got a council tax demand and when he contacted the building society they had indeed been to court and got a repossession order but forgot to action it!!!!!! He then came to an arrangement to save the property by paying a monthly mortgage payment and an amount off the arrears which we have done without fail and never defaulted since the arrangement was made. we were then contacted by the building society who offered to roll up the arrears and remortgage the property to my partner removing his ex wife from the mortgage. We supplied all details required and waited for this agreement to come into place. Yesterday they rang to say that they were actioning the repo order obtained in 2008 as they cannot contact my partners ex wife to set this new scheme up...apparently they need her permission to do it and now will not discuss anything with us. They will not put us through to the original person who initiated these repayment plans. My partners ex wife has now attempted to speak with them finally and they wont dael with her either. we have never defaulted on an agreement and can prove this and have cleared almost half of the arrears. Can anyone help me????
  20. In 2003 we moved to Spain and bought a property. My husband had a good job in London and commuted to Spain at weekends. To start with everything was fine but when the exchange rate went pear shaped we lost a third of our income. I've always been hopeless with figures while my husband has a mind like a calculator, so he has always taken care of the finances. It was only when our bank account was frozen that I realised we had a serious problem. We were in arrears with out mortgage. The bank informed us that as soon as the arrears went into the 3rd month, they would start repossession. They wouldn't discuss any options because we were in arrears. I then discovered that my husband had run up a large amount of debt in the Uk, some in joint names. My MIL very kindly stepped in and helped us out with the mortgage. I was able to get a long term temporary work contract as well as some private teaching and we started to rent out our home to holidaymakers, moving in and out as necessary. I researched our options and made an appointment for my husband to go and get an IVA set up to deal with the UK debt. All my private teaching money went into the safe in order to build a small cushion for emergencies. We also put the house on the market. My husband was very sorry that he hadn't told me we were having such difficulties, but promised that in future he would be open about everything. Three years ago, he was made redundant. My first thought was to drop the house price and talk to the bank but my husband refused as he believed he would find work. I remember him saying that if he found work within a couple of months we would be laughing as we had the redundancy payment in the bank. He is now working, self employed in Spain. He had to buy a car and various things from his payout, but the rest went into the bank. In November my contract ended and I signed on as unemployed. At this point I suggested that we drop the house price and ask the bank for a period of interest only. This time my husband agreed. The bank asked for credit reports and at this point I discovered that there was hardly any redundancy money left. My husband had spent the money I had saved (even though he had repeadedly told me it was there) and the IVA that he had always told me was up to date, had never existed. He has lied to me for years, all the while I stupidly trusted him. I won't make that mistake again. It took four months to get my credit report and for the bank to come to a decision,. They withdrew their first offer when they found out we had defaulted debts and charged us €1400 to change the mortgage. We have until Sept 2013 to sell before the mortgage goes back up. Meanwhile our calculations have come unstuck as the rentals haven't been as good this year and my husbands commision only salary is only bringing in half what he thought ot would. Being self employed is very expensive here as you have to pay €174 autonomo (social security) even if you don't earn anything. We are finding that if my husband earns €1500 per month, €1000 of that goes on Autonomo, the lawyers fee for dealing with the autonomo, tax and essential petrol. What's left doesn't cover anything. While I don't mind living on a shoestring and having no social life, but I feel like a second class citizen for not paying our debts. I'm unable to help my kids who are srtuggling financially which is breaking my heart. I am just thankful that they have left home and are of an age to understand why they didn't get anything at Christmas or for birthdays. I really feel for anyone in this situation with young children to consider. I live in dread of my daughter deciding to get married. I'm sure my son's decision not to attend his graduation is because he knows we would really struugle to get there. Looking at our finances this week, I don't think we can hold out past October. The situation is a nightmare. We can't return to the UK unless we can find work first as we won't be eligible for benefits. Yet if we stay here, we can't afford the mortgage. Even if we can find work, the delay in getting the reduction on our mortgage has cost us all the money we had left and I can't see how we would live until the first payday. We have a viewing on the house next week, but I'm trying not to be too hopeful. After that we will reduce the price further. We are reaching the point though where we'll be lucky to come out with enough to buy anything else, but if we can clear the mortgage that will be good. Somehow my husband manages to shut off from the worry. It hangs over me constantly. I can't enjoy anything and feel sick all the time. Needless to say, sleep doesn't go well.I need to keep busy and I'm spending hours on the computer trying to learn internet marketing or anything to bring some money in, but it is constantly on my mind. I don't have anyone to talk to. Friends know we are struggling, but not the extent as if that got out, it could adversely affect my husband's business. If we can't sell, we will never own property again as we are in our fifties with a bad credit record. I can understand absolutely how people become suicidal with debt problems. I would never do that to my kids, but I do undertand it. I know that there is nobody to blame for our situation but ourselves. I just wish I could see a way out.
  21. At what point do people generally accept that repossession is inevitable and stop paying the mortgage? We've been struggling for the last few years since my husband was made redundant. He is working again but at a far smaller salary. We've managed, at a cost to us, to get the bank to give us a period of interest only, but my husband is earning about half the salary we budgeted for (commission only) and we are still struggling. We have taken holiday rentals on the property (villa in Spain) while we live in an apartment below. This will give us enough to cover the mortgage for the next few months, but then we'll be in serious trouble. I'm worried that if we plough every penny into the mortgage, when the time comes to get out, we'll not have enough to relocate. If we hand the keys back, it will cost us 1600 to walk away debt free. If we accept that it will be repossessed and stop paying, we will have time to save a little and to continue trying to sell. If we hand the keys back or are repossessed it is unlikely, as we are in our mid fifties, (with defaulted debt) that we will ever own a property again and will be paying rent from our pensions. For this reason my husband wants to hang on as long as possible, but I am worried that if we can't sell we won't have any money to support ourselves. If we move back to the UK we won't be eligible for benefits and my unemployment benefit in Spain is due to stop very soon. It is all a nightmare and I don't know what to do for the best.
  22. Hi,could someone please tell me if there is a time limit on submitting and N244 before a possession date?
  23. Hi, I took out a loan with logbook loans in Dec 2011, on which I have fallen into arrears, due to various reasons. My situation is about to be drastically different and have offered to pay the whole loan off at the end of next week but they are not prepared to give me any longer than today. Is there anything I can do to delay this for 9 days?? Thanks in advance.
  24. We have been repossessed and Acendon have the house up for sale for alot more than we owe so fingers crossed we wont have much of a shortfall if any at all. If they sell for more than we owe what happens with the extra money ?. Also i have inherited a house which is currently for sale but its under probate and not my own name on the deeds. As the repossessed Mortgage was in my partners name and not my own would Acendon be able to claim any of this property if there is a shortfall ? They are totally unaware of this. Hope this makes sense to anyone reading
  25. I have had my 2 bedroom flat repossessed by Leeds Building Society. There are 3 flats in the converted house. I own 33% share in the company which owns the leasehold of the property. Can the bank sell this with the property? I want to sell it, and make some money out of it, is this possible after 14 years of owning it and investing in the property. Please advise on ways to stop the bank selling my share and how to go about selling my share.
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