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  1. Hi, I'm posting on here on behalf of a friend who stupidly has ignored a couple of police fines. One of them has been passed to the bailiff company (swift), the other hasn't gone over yet so he's hoping he can arrange a payment plan with them. Basically, he's set up as S/E and at the moment isn't making much money which is why he ignored the fines. He is a mobile mechanic so is reliant on his vehicle in order to work. The bailiff went to his house today (he did try to come to an agreement over the phone but they said tough, it's gone to a bailiff so he has to sort it out with him) and saw that he has nothing worth taking, so he said he'll give him until Friday to come up with £400 otherwise the choice is either they take his car or he'll go to prison. I was under the impression that they couldn't take anything that you require for your business? There's no way he can come up with £400 by Friday, maybe £50 but that would probably be the max he could get. If he loses his car then he wouldn't be able to afford to get another one so he'd end up out of work, even less chance of being able to pay the debt. He would obviously prefer not to go to prison (although he already has a criminal record - bad choices when he was younger, part of why he went S/E as it was easier to do that than find someone who would take him on) but if he did 'choose' the prison option, would the fines be wiped out? Basically, does anyone have any suggestions about how to deal with this, and whether they can take his car? Thanks for your help
  2. I have received several letters regadring PCNS for my ex partner unfortunatly the car was still in my name is there any letter or way i can have the amount reduced, are they allowed to escalate the charges so they become so unafffordable?? any help would be gratful
  3. Thousands of people facing parking fines may be let off after a judge ruled that one firm did not have the power to pursue a motorist for an unpaid penalty. Ronald Ibbotson was taken to court by Vehicle Control Services (VCS) after he left his car at a Wickes DIY store for 35 minutes. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2150551/Thousands-beat-parking-fines-judge-tackles-766k-Mr-Clampit-landmark-penalty-claim-case.html
  4. Hi all...Earlier in March I travelled Super off peak single with a railcard that was a couple of weeks out of date. I didn't realise until I hopped on the train. I recieved a letter this morning from FGW telling me they are preparing the case for court! If i am convicted of an offence I could be ordered to pay a fine of £1000 and/or be sentenced to 3 months imprisoment. Basically I think it's completley unjust that they are charging me £160.95 as I already payed the original fare just my railcard was out of date! I think this is completley taking the P@**S! Please help if you know of anything I can do as I can't afford this money!!! Thanks I really look forward to hearing a response, I am prepared to go to court as I feel it's so unjust for them to force me to pay this when I don't have the money - does anybody know what will happen? Thanks
  5. Hi guys, At the end of October I received a parking ticket from euro car parks worth 70 pounds for not adhering to signage on the site.. after reading up on the internet i decided to ignore this and received one more letter at the end of November. Which I again ignored. I have however today just received a letter from CCS collect (debt collectors) saying that I owe £1447.24 to H M Revenue???! there is no mention of where this number has come from but I can only assume its the parking ticket as I do not pay taxes or anything. Should I keep ignoring it or should I be scared now? this seems a ridiculously large sum of money for a simple parking ticket! Any advice would be appreciated!
  6. Hi Guys, In July 2010 I was moving out of my old property due to illness (Skin Cancer surgery etc) and moving back to my parents to recoup orate. Anyway on Saturday while I was uploading the car full of my personal stuff I was visited by one of the TV Licensing "salesmen" who asked if I had a license. I pointed out o him that there is no TV in the property and that I was selling the house, hence the two For Sale signs he was looking at, my front door was wide open so I said to him that he could go in and have a look for a TV as I knew there wasnt one in there The guy declined as he could see that I was actually moving premises hence the nearly full cars. He asked if I knew who was moving in, I advised that it would be empty until the estate agents had sold it. He then said he would notify the TVL that the property is empty and that I had moved. He then asked my to sign a sheet to prove that he had been at the premises. I was never cautioned and the sheet had written on it that the property was to be left empty due to relocation. last week I received an arrest warrant for non payment of fines and was summonsed to attend a court hearing this morning at 10am. To my astonishment when I arrived I was told that it was for non payment of a TVL and I had been fined £175+£60 costs, apparently the case was heard in November 2010. I explained that I had vacated the property in July 2010 and had no knowledge of the hearing or fine The case has been adjourned until 13th Sept as the wish to obtain further info from TVL about the fine, I have been advised that I may have to do a statutory deceleration. I am absolutely livid and embarrassed about this as clearly this TVL "salesman" hasn't said what he said he would do and is clearly working on a commission or bonus scheme. I have sent the TVL an email advising the of the incident and advising that I hadn't lived at the property since July 2010. Is there anything else that I can do, I am crapping myself about this don't want to be sent to prison!!!! Please help
  7. Hi, not sure if this is the correct section to post this but here goes... to cut a long story short.. my maintanance fees where due, Pueblo evita says they could not get into my bank to get the money... they fined me then says i can not come on any of their sites till i pay up, now they have took 100,000 points of me. I wrote to them i found out that they had changed their bank number details my bank did not pay them coz they did not know who they were with the new numbers, Pueblo says it does not matter who's fault it was i was still late paying my maintance fees, now i have no points to go on holiday with as they have in my eyes conned me, it was their fault all along they changed numbers without letting me know just so they could do this... what would be the best thing to do now.. i would like to tell them keep the points im off and not coming back ever agian or ever going to pay fees again.. would i be able to do this.
  8. Hi, My friend recently took items totaling around £9 from a TK Maxx store and was caught. She is now banned from all TK Maxx locations and is to get an RLP letter with a fine. The police weren't called and they got their items back. She's never done anything like this before, and I don't know what she was thinking. But I've been doing research for her, how much should she expect to be fined? What happens if she doesn't pay? She's repentant and ready to pay all losses and make the wrong right, I believe. Could the fine be lowered because of it being a first time offense? Or because the amount stolen was small? I've just heard the fines can be extreme, and am concerned because she doesn't have much money. Also, she was never asked to sign anything, only given a statement of ban and a sheet of paper from the rlp. Any advice from anyone with personal experience with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  9. Hello all, I'd really appreciate some help as I dont know what to do. Apologies for the length but I want to be sure I fully explain the situation so you can help me / us. My flatmate has received a fine for criminal damage in 2008, due to moving house at that time he didnt have all of the details to pay it and forgot about it too. Since we have been living together we managed to get all the information required and have been making payment, to begin with he was not working and so agreed to a benefit deduction of £10 every 2 weeks, he received a letter 'Application for benefit deductions' which I notice states 'If this order fails, you must must pay the outstanding balance yourself as directed. You will be given notice when these terms come into effect' in the time it took the courts to get that together he started working and so he started paying £10 every week (more than agreed), we didnt hear anything from the courts / enforcement centre or this notice their letter states. He lost his job (he's a chef and the restuarant closed suddenly so received no redundancy pay) and had to put these payments on hold, he did write to the courts, but just sent the letter in the standard post (stupid man), surprise surprise the enforcement centre say they havent received his letter and so have now passed his fine onto Marston Group. The first we knew of it being passed on was after receiving a letter from Marston demanding the full payment (plus their £75 fee) within 7 days or they will send a bailiff out. I sent them an email on 8th June explaining that he does not own this property, nor is he on a tenancy agreement, nor does he own any of the goods in the house (the house is owned by a family member of mine and all the furnishings / goods are either hers or mine all he has here is clothes), revoking license under Common Law for them, or their representatives to visit at the property and using the template from consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?229873 Today we received a letter from Marston, where they have acknowledged receipt of our 'letter/enquiry', demanding the full payment (including their £75) within 28 days, but no mention or answers to the information we asked them to confirm (as in the template). Again they state they will send an enforcement agent out if its not paid and this will 'incur additional fees' and goods may be at risk. He is not in a position to pay the full amount, and cannot borrow off anyone, we are already struggling with the bills from when he was out of work. He is willing to pay the fine now that he is working again but there is no way he can do this in 28 days. We dont know what to do, as they have not answered our previous correspondance in confirming about their fees being lawful etc (although they have stated additional fees will be incurred) do I report them under the 2006 Fraud Act and the Proceeds of Crime Act? Is there any way we can get this back with the courts who were willing for him to make payment in installments? or can we make marston set up an affordable payment plan? Thank you in advance for your help, A worried and confused mess
  10. hey y'all, someone may have already asked..... but...... my car was caught driving in a bus lane 3 times, 2 on the same day, within a minute of each other, i was not driving at the time, when i got the notices i sent them back with details of the driver and received nothing in response, i now have court notices to pay triple the amount £270, when i phoned they said they not received anything, that they sent a notice to owner ( i did not get it) and that it was tough, as the owner of the car ...... i still had to pay whether i was driving or not, is this correct? i am a full time carer to a severely disabled child struggling to pay a mortgage and make ends meet on my meagre "carers allowance" and benefits i absolutely cannot afford 270 pence let alone £270! thanks in advance
  11. Just got a letter from UKCPS - Car park solutions asking me to pay for overstaying in a car park. The car park is shared by a pet store and Co -op supermarket an we can park there for 2 hours free of charge. The letter says that my car was caught on a ANPR camera entering the car park at 12:12pm an leavong at 14:24 but i swear that i got there at 12:25 an went back at the time i went. I always park there on a saturday, for the last 7 years and i always check my watch to make sure i don't have any problems. They are asking £60 if i pay in 14 days and £100 if i take more than that to pay. At this moment i am out of work and not getting any benefits and my husband just lost is job 1 week ago and still waiting for a decision on is jobseekers allowance, so as you can imagine life is not easy and money is short.. What should i do?? Ignore it, contact them by email as it states on the letter and tell them that i can;t afford to pay or what????? Please help!!! Thank you
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