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  1. Hi I really hope someone can help me, I am absolutely pulling my hair out with an ongoing council tax issue. There are a few issues which I'll try and break down as best I can without waffling! I have posted on here already about an issue with my council and Marstons bailiffs. My car was taken for an unpaid council tax bill of £217 in 2013. The car was worth £2,500 and sold at auction for £1100. The bailiffs added a sum of around £800 in illegal charges, which I'm STILL disputing with them. I escalated my complaint through the council who took no responsibility for the illegal actions of the bailiffs employed by them. I then took my complaint to the Ombudsman who said it was a financial issue and to seek legal advice. At the time, the council broke down what they thought was owed on that account and stated that actually there was an amount of £531 owed not £217 and that just over £300 had been allocated against this bill from the sale of my car. Meaning at the time it looked as though Marstons kept £800 from the sale of my car. There is a long thread about this issue detailing why the bailiffs acted illegally. I havent been able to find a solicitor that deals with these kinds of issues so I'm stuck. The second issue is, all of a sudden, I've had 5 or 6 letters about very old outstanding council tax bills from shared accommodation. One of the letters was about the £531 that my car was taken for!!!! The letters were all very unclear about what is owed and any payments made against these accounts, so I asked for a proper breakdown of each account and also asked why I am now being pursued AGAIN for a debt that should have been paid by the seizure of my car. In the councils initial email response, they said that only a payment of £20.34 had been allocated from the sale of my car against that outstanding amount!! I replied immediately and asked the council to hold any action on all of these accounts as they clearly had incorrect information and I asked for proper clarification and details of all payments allocated to each outstanding account. In the meantime they have sent each outstanding account to the bailiffs again, adding £75 on to each account. In their latest response, they have not acknowledged my request for clarification of what has been allocated against the £531 for the sale of my car. And have told me I must deal with the bailiffs if I have issues with the account. Honestly, I don't know what to do. I have been fobbed off at every point of this ongoing problem. I am happy to pay anything owed, even though the old accounts were in other names, not just my own. But it's disgusting my car was taken and sold for £1,100 and it looks like Marstons have kept it and I'm now being pursued for the same debt with added charges!! Help please!?
  2. I paid a fine with the court for £145, albeit a few days late. For a speeding fine. My partner has his car clamped by the HCEO for an outstanding amount of £310. How can it be so high? He has to prove he is the owner for them to remove the clamp but say they will do so today. The car isn't mine but has been clamped because of the fact I owe £310. What can I do?
  3. hi my daughter received a final notice letter from marston for £505 .. i believe its from a TV licence fine, She has lost/thrown out all other letters as she buried her head in the sand thinking it would go away.. I'm trying to get it sorted so she can afford a monthly payment .. Is it worth contacting the courts first to see if we can pay them? She has tried talking to Marstons who are giving an unrealistic sum for monthly payments . Thanks
  4. Hello need help urgently i have had bailiffs go round my ex partners house threatning to take everthing , thing is i dont live there any more what can i do they are goin back soon please help me many thanks
  5. Hi, i have a United utilities debt that's just over 4k .i have received a letter from marstons bailiffs saying they are calling start of next week to remove goods .i have had 2 previous letters, not so much ignored but with work commitments it is has been difficult to get hold of them due to there opening times. i am in a position to make arrangement for a payment plan. my main problem is trusting them and knowing where I stand with this. Just asking for advice on whether they will accept a payment plan. i could make an initial payment for around 400 then 30 per week there after. do you think this would be suitable and they would accept. i think this would be reasonable considering even with my car they would struggle to take possession of things that would be anywhere near to this amount. i also have the original letter with Mobile number for the bailiff,would it be worth ringing him to maybe sort this out before they visit Any advice would be welcome
  6. HI IM WONDERING WHAT IS MY BEST OPTION IVE RECIEVED A LETTER YESTERDAY FROM MARSTON REGARING ANGLIAN WATER BILL ITS A NOTICE OFF ENFORCEMENT I HAVE RECIEVED U MUST PAY OR ARGEE A PAYMENT ARANGEMENT BY 16TH OFF MARCH . IVE READ NOT GOOD THINGS ABOUT THIS COMPANY AND IM REALLY WORRIED I CURRENTLY WORK PART TIME WAS DOING FULL TIME HRS BUT PUB I WORK IN TRADE HASNT BEING GOOD SO CUT MY HRS DOWN . i currently live wth a guy ..do i have to declare his income to them if i phone them up ...?. im wondering if to go to my local court office on monday morning as im not very good dealing with stress off baliffs visting my home and asking them for help ..i would sooner pay them a amount i can afford .. any advice will be welcome .the debt is 1.400 .. ive only just got on top off my rent areaeas .and nearly finshed paying rossindales off from last yrs council tax ..and now this worry
  7. Hi People, hope somebody can give me some advice what to do. I used to live in the Uk for 3 years. Now I'm back in my home country since 5 months in the EU. My old flatmate has send me a Letter from Marston over. Were they claim I owe HMCTS ..... more than 600BPF! He hasn't informed them where I live and will not do so. Only 2 Client ref. Numbers are on the letter nothing more! Not for what they charge me! (what could that be any thoughts?) I'm normal the sort of guy who always payed his bills. I never received a warning or any thing for a missing payment. Letter says: We are in possession of a Magistrates Court Order as a consequence of non payment of the above fine. Your residence at the above address has been identified by Marston Groups... That i have failed to pay the previous fine... (never got any letter befor) They can take my belongings and may increase the costs... (I got nothing left in the UK^^) So they've got no clue where I live. I'm not sure if i should contact them. But it buggers me because I want to know what they claim "I haven't paid". Other wise I don't want to raise the bill higher and higher and maby need to pay the high amount in the end! Contact them or let them think I got no clue about all this. I really don't know what to do, every advice or any thoughts I'm very thankful for.
  8. Hi, my brother in law came home yesterday to find that a 'Removal Notice' had been posted through his door from Marstons. He is certain that it stems from some unpaid court fines from some time ago, which he admits having not paid. Long story short he was going through a very rough time then, with lots of issues but is now beginning to get himself sorted. Since the fines were issued originally he has been moving all over the country and has consequently never received any notice of intended action or chasing of this debt until this letter received yesterday. He understands that the fines need to be settled but cannot tell how much of this £1500 odd is actual debt and how much is Marstons fees. He is renting a room in a privately owned house, with virtually no countable posessions to speak of. I'd like some help with advice on the following points: Do Marstons have a right of entry given that nothing in the house belongs to him? If they turn up should he try to prevent their entry or 'welcome' them in on the basis that there is nothing in the house that he owns apart from a small crt television and a portable stereo? The owners of the house are being very supportive through this and although not in a position to pay the debt for him will not throw him out because of it. If Marstons turn up and he is not there what should they do? Is there a way for him to get this back to the courts so that he can make a voluntary arrangement to pay by installments, possibly avoiding what we think are substantial fees and charges added by Marstons? And anything else which you think he should be doing to get this resolved. I'm sorry for all the questions, but after years of worry about him it's good to see him getting back on his feet and it would be a real heartache if this sent him back. Thanks in advance. (I can post a scan of the notice if it helps)
  9. Marstons, acting with a High Court writ, have amassed over £500 of additional costs on top of the bill for £1,300 (water I never used, faulty meter no doubt but I can't prove it). I have simply been unable to pay - about 8 eviction attempts over the last few years from hideous rip off mortgage lenders and since all my money went to clear those arrears, now an Attachment of Earnings for Council Tax as they want their money now. I have absolutely nothing of any value and I have emailed Marstons to tell them that. No car, 14" TV that I bought secondhand for £25, no iphone, no sound system, no jewellery. Nothing. They have been once (neighbour says a guy knocked on the door) and that cost me £295 more. Should I just let them in to see that I have nothing? Otherwise every time they come back it will presumably be another £300. I am happy to pay a little, but simply cannot afford more. AW refuse to take the debt back. So they are giving money to Marstons which they could have had. Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to me. And as a woman alone the whole process is terrifying.
  10. Hi really need some help here, I had a letter past on to me today from my old address that an enforcement officer went to today and produced a final notice for a criminal court fine. This is the first letter I Personal have got about this as i moved address at the beginning of January. I rang them up and they say I have to 8pm tonight to pay £478 or an warrant for arrest will be issued. getting anything near to that is a physical impossibility. I failed to pay the court fine because i am house bound due to mental illness and was unable to make payments on a card down the shop then I from whats being going oh my health i totally forgot about the fine untill te council past this letter on this morning. I dont know wha to do can someone please help me
  11. I heard chains rattling at 0630 this am there was a guy at my car went to the door he said I had unpaid debt of 470 and had to pay or was taking my car and further goods from inside. I'm currently unemployed and can't recall the debt its few added together from 2007. I asked je for a copy of the warrant which was headed marston(even though he said Hmcs) I then asked for copy of entry with that he got shirty and backed off. He said he was recording it all, he also pretended to ring Southend court and a lady said yes you can remove goods??.. . That could of been his wife. He eventually left as he couldn't give me evidence he clamped my car ( which woke me up) and left a card saying he had called and said he will re attend with locksmith Can anyone advise me please
  12. Hi, I received a Marston enforcement notice for a previous tenant (moved out 8 months ago). I called them up (I have dealt with other bailiffs regarding this tenant) and explained that he moved out 8 months. they wanted proof that he had moved, ok so what do you need - they couldn't (wouldn't?) answer the question and kept saying I needed to prove it. How do you prove a negative? they said they will send enforcement officers. Do I really have to go through all this or is there a way to call them off? The other problem is that I work away a lot and they could potential gain access without my knowledge eventually.
  13. Hi, I need help urgently with Martsons I have unwillingly paid a fine owed by a relative who used to live at the house.... On Thursday 22nd Jan I received a hand delivered final notice letter stating that the bailiff would be calling back to remove goods from my house or collect money ect.. . It was in the name of my son who has not been at our house for about 2 years (won't go into it). I immediately called the bailiff (Mr Hickey) to inform him that the person he was chasing doesn't live with us anymore and he began stating that it was against the address and he was coming in if we didn't give him money and he was coming back the next day with a removal team... We tried calling the police who put us on to the court who issued the warrant who said they was putting a hold on it, I got an email the next day off the court advising they had told Martson to do further checks into his whereabouts, but the bailiff still turned up with a small white van and despite us explaining to him the courts had contacted his offices he refused to listen and got irate and began phoning his colleagues to bring a bigger van.. I didn't know what to do and offered him the lowest amount he'd take to just go away (£445). I've already contact Marston via email and forwarded them the message off the courts and explained I was coerced into parting with cash for fear of loosing my property and have asked for my money back. My husband owns our house and we even offered him ID and proof of ownership which was turned down and the police where no help (probably as it was them that issued the order) Do I stand any chance of getting my money back? Thanks for any help you can offer... Jackie
  14. I was paying back a fine for driving without insurance at £20.00, however, due to a number of family issues, my wife's deteriorating mental and physical health, my 19 yr old stepson suffering two strokes and being on police bail now for almost three years, so unable to work, I missed a payment in May. and the fine was put out to Marstons. I was visited by a bailiff in August, who noted my financial situation and that all of our property is still subject to a PACE order, (Crown Court criminal case still ongoing), and was to return the fine to HMCTS as uncollectable? Last week a delightful Mr McGovern called demanding with menace, the sum of £520. (the original debt was down to around £210), refusing any negotiations whatsoever. I lodge a suspension of the warrant only to contacted HMCTS who state that the forms are only for civil cases and that I will have to deal with Marstons direct. What else can I do now?, I'm broke, have a disabled wive, three children, reliant on benefits and can't work to get out of the situation. I contacted my solicitor who stated that the PACE order overrides all other court orders, but Mr McGovern believes otherwise. What forms do I need to complete for a magistrates Fine? Thank you in advance. NB the no insurance occurred when automatic policy renewal failed and my policy lapsed two days prior to being stopped. Car was taxed & Mot'd
  15. hi , I have a 20 yr old son who use,s my address for mail contact only , as he as a drug problem , so I let him use my mailing address so he can claim some benefits , sometimes he calls for his mail ,or to have a shower , sometimes he might sleep over ,this is a up hill struggle trying to help him , other day he received a letter through the post which he left open , it was a notice of enforcement from marston high court enforcement , I rang them to say he doesn't live here an to remove my address , they said this cannot be done an a bailiffs will call to for me to prove my son doesn't live at my address , if I am not in then I could ring the bailiffs to prove he doesn't live here ?? what can I do about this thank you
  16. Came home to a letter and notice from Marston Bailiffs. original client was thames valley magistrates court, who issued a fine to my husband from DVLA as they did not receive logbook information of new owner. This has escalated from a £40 fine to Marston claiming they have a warrant of control and will force entry for an outstanding sum of £620.00. Could someone please let me know if they are allowed to force entry for a warrant of control and how on earth did the debt reach £620? Please help as I have no idea what to do.
  17. Please help i owe marston bailiffs £120 it was £170 i paid £50 last mth marstons are refusing to let me pay £60 this mth and £60 the mth after they are demanding £120 by tomorrow i cant afford to pay that i only work part time i have a dependent and im a single mum what can i do this is for a t.v licence
  18. Hi - please can anyone advise. Came home tonight to find a hand delivered 'removal notice' from Marston Group (in my 22 year old daughter's name). When we phoned him all he would say is that it was for West Hampshire Court for vehicle offence of being without a valid licence. He couldn't give vehicle, or registration just said it was 14 June. The thing is my daughter was here in Kent on 14 june - she was at work am and the picked up us from the airport pm (Gatwick). Nowhere near West Hampshire! Also, this removal notice is the FIRST piece of correspondence we have had. No court papers, no summons, no notice of hearing, no paperwork at all from any creditor or any court and no previous correspondence from Marstons - bailiffs have to write first before turning up. We've had nothing. Just this removal notice out of the blue. I'm going to contact the court but what can we do about this bailiff firm harassing us in the meantime? The guy was just aggressive and rude and not interested. I'm really worried. Daughter has just finished Uni and doesn;t have any goods apart from her clothes and make up but the guy reckons he has a power of entry to come into my house and will take whatever she cannot prove is not hers! Please help. Thanks
  19. Hi everyone I'm in need of some advice, my partner has jjust received a notice of enforcement from marston for £250 fine from 2009, plus £75 compliance stage fee. He phoned them up to arrange to pay it in instalments but there having none of it. We're we he stand if he just paid the courts direct would he still have to pay them their fee? Thanks in advance
  20. Hi, you all seem really good and helpful here so hopefully you can advice me on a scarey matter. My husband lost his pig farming business due to the usual rising costs and rather than go bankrupt we decided to pay off our £80k debts, we sold our land and paid over half the debts and the remaining debts I contacted everyone and agreed monthly payments. All but one creditor agreed and they decided to go down the Marston Group way but we did come to an arrangement with them. After paying them for two years without missing any payments they agreed for us to pay the company we owed the money to which we did until one month the payment was returned to us. We assumed we had completely paid the debt so increased payments to the other people we owed money to, but the company themselves had gone bankrupt. We received a letter from the solicitor dealing with this asking for the money in full which was £1200, this we did not have, but I asked if we could pay £50 per month but never received a reply. Stupidly, I thought we would not hear again but we have had a letter pushed through our letterbox from Marston Group saying the debt is now £4299.38 and we must pay in full if not they will come and remove goods to that value. I have written to them offering to pay £100 per month, paid the first installment. Sadly, they are not the friendliest of people to talk to and can be very intimidating. They are now saying they want the amount in full which we do not have. Please, can they just do this. I would appreciate any help.
  21. Thanks in advance. My husband received a letter from marstons stating he owed 980 for unpaid water rates plus a fee of 90. We were given on the letter until 5pm today to contact them to pay in full or according to the letter set up a payment arrangement. They wont set up an arrangement stating they had no say in the way the letter was worded and to set up an arrangement the officer must enter the property and will only agree to repayment by installments if there are insufficient goods to cover the debt. They wouldnt discuss it with us any further and said they wont until it goes to the next stage incurring us even more in fees that we cant afford. Any advice please, they said we should seek legal advice as they wont do a payment arrangement. She also said they cant force entry to property is that right? Thanks for any help you can give.
  22. Hello, i,ve been looking for advice and help as am at my wits end! My son had an on street fine which we never received a summons for. The fine officer ignored me so I wrote to the finance unit and got a reply saying letter forwarded to court. Today out of the blue a final notice has been delivered by hand asking for £385 by 7pm today or they will attend again and take control of goods. I cant afford the original £75 and last time I had financial problems I ended up in hospital as I overdosed, i,m mentally weak atm and struggling. Can someone advise what to do as i,m worried they will be back tonight and charge even more.
  23. Hi, was wondering if anyone could please advise me. Yesterday I had a letter through the letter box advising that Marston will be visiting this weekend to remove goods. It is addressed to someone who lodged with me and left in March of this year. I realise they have no rights to remove any goods from the house as he no longer lives here. My question is should I send a letter to Marston and/or the Court or just wait and advise them when they visit ? Thanks, any advise appreciated. I've had no experience of any of this before
  24. Hi, This evening an open (not in envelope) Removal Notice from Marston was pushed under my door (I live in a block of flats). Its says 'despite previous visits and notices this matter has not been settled... .' Its for a claim of £635. The client is illegible something like Knots, Avon & Somerset. I have never heard from these people and have not received any notices from any Court. I am sick with worry and would greatly value your advice. I am a 62yo single woman on Housing Benefits and who works in a supermarket 2 days a week. I have no car, no tv or any assets or savings. There is a name and contact number on the notice but I'm scared of contacting him. Please help?
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