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  1. Hi, My mother owes Lloyds TSB £4,000 for a Credit Card and £6,500 for a Bank Account. She moved to Ireland in September 2012 to retire as my father has alzheimer's disease, and it's a better quality of life over there. She has high blood pressure and suffers from stress which Lloyds TSB are aware of. I'm a student studying at University and have promised to help her deal with the constant letters to try and reduce her stress levels. The letters are being re-directed by Royal Mail from our old address to my University address. She has not informed Lloyds TSB or Westcot that she has moved abroad, as I don't want any letters being sent to her, so I'm trying to deal with them myself but have got confused about what to do next. I believe her debt issues started around 13 years ago. During May 2013, I sent Lloyds TSB an Income & Expenditure form and agree a payment of £1/month, however as I had exams during this time I completely forgot to set this up. On 26th July 2013, Lloyds TSB passed both debts over to Westcot and I have received a number of letters from them since for both debts. The first was a 'Notice of Debt Collection' and the second a 'Final Notice' threatening further action on 11th August 2013. The 'Final Notice' stated that after investigating they have confirmed that my mother still lives in the old property, however this is not true. I have not contacted Westcot as of yet. A few weeks ago, Lloyds TSB sent me some statements after speaking to them on the phone. One shows a number of payments from 07/10/2010 to 06/08/2012 of £28 per month. The other was on some paper that looked dated, with some statements dated from the year 2000. What should I do next? Thanks
  2. Hi all, Lloyds TSB put a default against my name for missed loan payments about 3 years ago, despite me never missing a payment on an "arrangement" I had with them. They defaulted me while simultaneously passing the debt onto BLS Collections, who I have now been paying for those 3 years. My question is - will it do my credit file any harm if I just stop paying BLS? According to my credit file, I have no agreement with BLS, just a defaulted loan account with Lloyds Tsb. Can BLS damage my credit file in any way if I stop paying them? Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi, I am looking for some information on where I stand regarding an unauthorised overdraft. In November last year I took out a short term loan with Wonga in the amount of £420. I then ran in to financial difficulties and knew I would not have sufficient funds in my bank to cover the repayment due to come out. Therefore to avoid making matters even worse I cancelled the direct debit to avoid receiving charges for having insufficient funds to cover the direct debit. I was under the belief that it would then be for me to arrange repayment with Wonga. However, on the repayment date, Lloyds TSB allowed Wonga to debit three sums in total, two in the amount of £10 and one larger for £288.50. As there was nothing in the account at the time the transactions put me £300 in to an unauthorised overdraft. The full amount of the loan was in excess of £450 so the full amount was not allowed to be debited, just enough to put me in to a large unauthorised overdraft and leave the loan unpaid for some reason. I should also note that at the time Lloyds allowed these debits the only income in to the bank was benefits. In addition when I was working I had applied numerous times for an authorised overdraft with Lloyds TSB only to be rejected on each occasion. I did not want the unauthorised overdraft and it is clear I could not afford it at the time and I had been rejected for an authorised one. I am now receiving letters from solicitors demanding full repayment. Is there anything I can do? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  4. Please can someone help me get these masters of harassment off my back? I keep getting letters from these guys regarding a Credit Card Debt with Lloyds TSB. I have attached scan copies of the letters that I have received to show the chain of correspondence. I have also a copy from Lloyds TSB by way of a SAR Letter to them of my 'Debt Manager Archive Details' showing that the debt was sold by TSB on the 12/12/2003 to 1st Credit for £2.52! Regarding any payments that I have made to 1st Credit or Connaught, are they legally entitled to them, and if not should I be seeking to get them refunded? What should I do now as I am at my wits end and although not a spotless credit history, I am just starting to make headway on clearing all blemishes on my file, the last I want is a CCJ from these guys appearing for another 6 years. Also, I notice that they have done a Credit Search this month and it is showing on my file without my authority. Please, please, please help. Many thanks
  5. Hi I don't know my way around this board too well. I posted an enquiry relating to Lloyds TSB treating me unfairly in connection with COBS under General Debt Issues but then I found this Lloyds Bank sub-forum. I have an old TSB bank account, a former Lloyds bank account (both now Lloyds TSB accounts that I don't use) and a Lloyds TSB Trustcard account. The Trustcard account has just been sold to a DCA. I want to access all my records for these three accounts. Can I do this with one SAR or would I need to send one for the Trustcard and another for the bank accounts? It is not a PPI issue, I just want to understand my position regarding the Trustcard as I have no record or recollection of signing an application or receiving a credit agreement back in the 1990s. The Trustcard was given as a cheque guarantee card to my TSB account when I opened that account. It doubled as a credit card. Thank you.
  6. Hi Everyone, I am after a little bit of advice after receiving a letter this morning where Lloyds TSB have rejected my PPI claim, details of the letter as follows: Lloyds PPI Rejection Letter.pdf Is this a standard response? Should I do a SAR and get a copy of my application form, although it does goes back to the 90's? Do I complain back to Lloyds or straight to the FSA? Has anyone else been successful after an initial rejection? My initial application was made via a leaflet through the post, but a few years ago the TSB altered their cards to have a joint Amex / Mastercard, this is where I think the PPI was added, I wouldn't have added the PPI intentionally and actually cancelled the policy 2 years ago, there won't be much to come back like some of the claims on here but it could still be a few hundred pounds. Thanks for taking the time to read
  7. I have epilepsy, and every now and then I need to stop working because I go through a spell of having fits. This is beneficial for both myself and those around me. I have currently been out of work since October '11. The bad thing that comes from this is that it I am not able to earn money to do nice things, or pay for nice things for example my mobile phone bill. I currently live with my girlfriend who is paying for all the bills and is essentially running the house on her wage alone; because of this she cannot afford to pay the phone debt. I don't claim disability or unemployment benefits because I'm not eligible. I'd like to know can I hold off from paying my mobile phone debt until I can start working again, or is there any sort of disability grant which I can get to pay it which I can pay back when I start working? Currently, Orange are raping my credit rating and there is nothing I can do. I have to sit back and allow it. Help, anyone?
  8. Hi, I have been trying to change my address since October/November 2011 and LLoyds still cannot change it. I have been unable to get my cards or for them to confirm the change, however I am receiving all the mail refusing to change my address! I am abroad and cannot come in to a branch, yet Lloyds continues to have my account registered to my old address. Why!??? Can someone assist? Edit; In October/November 2011, I sent in a change of address form when I moved residence in the UK. I left the UK for a bit due to a family emergency, only to find out that my address did not change. I received this notification to my new UK address however and I have since sent multiple change of address forms all of which have been blocked due to a supposed mismatch of signatures. I have since spoken to multiple CSRs and even the manager at my Lloyds branch, explaining that I am now abroad and cannot come into a branch, however I am confirming that I sent the forms. I've passed all your security questions verifying who I am and you're willing to give me all my financial info, yet when I confirm my change of address, they can't verify that its me! Good one Lloyds TSB. I have sent in complaint letters following the complaints process and receiving replies via my new address, however my account still has the old address! I can't even get replacement cards or sign up for phone bank. Seriously, Lloyds TSB, you can do alot better that this. This has been going on for months and I am unable to get this simple change done. I'm not asking to change to a foreign address, but to my new UK address! Lloyds TSB.....is it that difficult?
  9. CAN MY BANK LEGALLY GO INTO MY ACCOUNT AND TAKE MONEY WITHOUT MY CONSENT??? I recently had £400 transferred into my account from someone also in lloyds tsb, they were paying back money they had loaned from me and it was more convenient to transfer from their account to mine. Once the transfer was complete, they called me to let me know. I checked using phonebanking and sure enough, they had made the transfer and the £400 was in my account. A few days later, i went to draw out cash from the cash machine and there were no funds in my account. Upon checking, i was told by my bank that they had gone into my account and taken the money as the it was claimed the transfer was fraudulent. Basically, the person who made the transfer, made sure i checked that the money was in my account, when they were satisfied i had done this, they simply called lloyds, claimed the transfer was fraudulent and requested the money be put back into their account.....and lloyds did this. When i called them regarding the matter, they told me i had to sort it out with the other person in question...as if it had nothing to do with them. Surely this cant be legal for them to just go into my bank and take money without first contacting me over the matter. Ive looked everywhere for information to say if this is legal or not but cant find anything that gives me a straight answer. Can anyone at all help ??
  10. Hi there, am a newbie so please forgive if I have posted incorrectly I would really appreciate some advice regarding my situation, which I will explain below My husband lost my job in May and immediately contacted Lloyds TSB to see if they could increase the overdraft at all as we were due to incur bank charges for going over the overdraft the previous month. They agreed to increase to around £600. We were told by the bank, this was not to help us out out, but was to cover the imminent charges and also to cover more charges that were due the following month! We felt we had no choice but to agree and the condition was the overdraft was to be reduced by £24 a month until it was back to the original £200 overdraft. Unfortunately we had trouble with JSA (another story), Husband got a new job, then was laid off again! He now have a new job as of two weeks ago but the account has not had regular income payments since May and with their reductions of the overdraft the account has incurred charges which have been unpaid, plus another reduction and more charges. It now stands that the agreed overdraft is showing as £526.00, but the account is £832.97 overdrawn. It is due to continue to be reduced, but as it is now £306.97 over the overdraft, we are incurring more charges daily. We are having his new wages paid into another account, so Lloyds don't swallow it all up. But I really would like to stop the charges to stop it spiralling out of control and we could begin paying it off. I really don't know where to start with this and any advice would be really appreciated. Can I ask for the account to be frozen and no more charges applied? Can I refuse to pay some of the amount that is their charges? Thank you in advance
  11. Hi folks, I'm seeking some advice on behalf of a family member - She took out a LTSB loan some years ago, and was bunged PPI as part of the deal. Because of illness, she eventually defaulted on the loan (NOT COVERED BY THE PPI), which is now being handled by Moorcroft; she pays them monthly. (I don't know if Moorcroft own the debt, or are collecting on behalf of LTSB) She's made a complaint about mis-sellin, which has been 'handled' internally by LTSB. They have recently sent her what appears to be a standard offer letter, offering repayment of her premiums plus 8% interest (no figures quoted). BUT - they want to deduct the 'refund' from the outstanding balance on the loan. I don't believe this is fair, as this is money she was charged wrongly, and in my view should be put back in her hand. The fact is that even a relatively small sum like this would be a great help to her - she lives hand-to -mouth, and never has a spare few quid for herself, despite working 50+ hours a week. Can anyone advise whether this is acceptable? The letter implies that her options are to accept what's offered, or go to the FOS. Sorry, I don't have any details beyond what I've given, but appreciate I'll need to find out more. Any advice greatly appreciated. Regards, Oneofakind.
  12. My husband and I started a business in 2005 we took out a Government backed Loan with Lloyds TSB in 2005 for 50500 the following year I took out a second loan secured personally by me and my husband for 30,000 which they added nearly 7k of PPI. (I have put in a claim for this already and am awaiting confirmation). My husband resigned as a director as the business was struggling after 2 years to find another job so we were not both relying on the same income whilst I dealt with the business and the loan repayments. I was 7.5 months pregnant and went to the bank to say I was struggling with making the loan repayments and would do for at least 3 months. I was about to come into some money which would allow me to pay off the second loan. I asked the bank to see me through to this period. I was told that they would and I would just need to provide them with some information and a plan of how I was going to get myself back up and running again. I did this and they then came back to me and said they could no longer support me. I went to the bank again and said that if they didn't help me through until I received this money I would have to fold my business. The bank have essentially asked that I pay the 23k off immediatly (2nd loan secured personally). I have said I would do this as soon as I could but could not afford to at the moment and before I did I would require more information in regards to these loans I took out. The bank have now taken 2 months to provide me with only half of the paperwork I asked for. They have said they no longer do Governement backed loan and therefore have no information on it. In regards to the second loan we had written to our manager at the time as there had been 7k added to the loan (mis-sold PPI) which we had not been aware of. We were told at the time this was a condition of the loan, we have since been informed by the FO that this is not the case. We also believe that this loan should have never been given to us. We had only been trading for one year and were already struggling to pay debts hence the reason we asked for the loan but the bank never offered us any other means except a loan to be able to trade our way out. We have always struggled to pay this loan and in many cases had to borrow money or use inhertiance to pay it. We now have nothing left. After the 3rd year we took a loan repayment holiday for 2 years. I have asked the bank to provide me with a suitablility report and they have come back and said ' The suitability reports you refer to would be what we might call "a lending application" and Under the DPA we are usually able to provide these at a fee of £10 as you mention. Stuart has however been informed that this covers only sole traders and partnership companies and is therefore waiting for further advise on this.' Is this correct? If I were to pay back this loan then I have asked them to release me from my Personal Guarantee but they said that they will not do this as they can use this then to reclaim for the 1st Loan the Goverment backed on. It is therefore not in my interest to take the money from my parents to pay off any of the loans as they are still going to come after me. The personal Guarantee was also for 40k which is over what we took the loan out for we asked for 30k got 37k and they secured the loan for 40k can this be legal? In the meantime I have been told by my accountant I have to stop trading as I do not want to be seen as trading insolvent. I have therefore whilst I wait for them to provide me with paperwork so I can make an informed decsion on what I wish to do lost a large contract with a company which is essentially my cash cow and have no means in which to pay the ever mounting bills by them. I am now 9 months pregnant and I have still not got any answers from the bank in regards to this matter and I am finding it extremely worrying. Without the contract I had I am not sure if I will continue to be able to trade to make the 1st loan repayments whereas if they had supported me in the first place I would have paid off the second loan and most of the overdraft and be making money for the first time since I had started this. Essentially I am not trying to get out of paying the loans but they have now cost me my business and are still asking for their money. Can this be legal? Any help would be greatly apprecaited as I am desperate and about to have a baby and I am not sure I can cope with the stress but I can't believe the bank can treat someone like this.
  13. Hi all, Around three years ago we applied for a loan of £25000 (Payment £393) through our online banking, it was accepted a year later we applied again for a further £12000 (payment (£234) same method. the money was in our joint account within two minutes of applying both times. I myself was only working part time for an agency earning around £400 a month, i now do have a part time job earning £600 a month. I am going through a break up with my husband, i called lloyds tsb to ask them how we go about the repayment if me and my husband could split the loan between us. I was told that the loan was all in my name and that my husband isn't liable for the payment. I told them that we applied on our joint account and i always assumed that the loan was a joint one. We never had a loan aggreement to sign as they took the password from the keyfob as proof of signature. I asked how they could justify giving me loans with a total of £37000, when i only ever earned a maximum of between £400-£600 a month, they said it was due to our account score and how it was managed. Its obvious to me that my husbands income was the reason the loan was accepted (£2000 a month) but he now doesn't have to pay it. I dont know what to do as now my husband has found this information out, he is refusing to pay the direct debit. Is there anything i can do?
  14. Im being chased for an overdraft by a company called Iqor the amount is £2,258.24, it was passed over to them from BLS and originated from a lloyds tsb account. The account was a standard current account with no overdraft facility to begin with but i began by requesting £100 overdraft and things have spiraled out of control since then. Not all of the £2,258.24 was borrowed, a good proportion of it is charges, late fees and interest but i am unsure of how much. I haven't paid anything off the account for at least a 12 . It has only just been passed to iqor from BLS and i have already had phone calls while im in work and quite late at night (8pm) to my mobile with long silent voicemails left, they are also sending some very threatening letters demanding money i don't have, all signed by they're "pre-litigation" manager. I have a couple of credit cards that i'm struggling to pay off and i cant afford this too. how can i get them off my back.
  15. I wonder if you could give me some advise... This complaint has been in there hands a couple of days and they have investigated through the customer relation department and have immediately offered me £100 compensation. What I want to know is whether to fight it out and ask to speak to someone more senior cause I think this is pretty serious. I have copied in my complaint letter originally so you get the drift of whats going on.... Dear Sir / Madam, Following a visit into your Bedford branch I am deeply concerned around your data protection procedures and slightly concerned that the data you hold for me is not being held in a secure manner. I went into your branch yesterday; Wednesday 20th July 2011, to amend my address on file with yourselves and to also upgrade my account. I immediately went to the main reception in your branch and was greeted by a customer service agent; unfortunately I do not have his name, however I explained I needed to change my address and he asked me for my debit card. He messed around on his computer for a few minutes and then without asking me any data protection questions or even asking me to put my pin in, he revealed to me the address you had on file and also all the contact details you held for me. Now I am sure you can understand my concern around this and I am sure you can understand my even bigger concern; when still without any data protection questions, he went ahead to amend my address and contact details on your system. Now, if I was a fraudster and I had just found this card on the street. I have now been into the branch got personal information and also changed the address on file to one of my choice, which now means I will be receiving bank statements e.c.t. which would make it very easy for me to commit fraud. All of this without a single data protection question, proof of identification or a pin number. Yet it gets worse. I also wanted to upgrade my account with Lloyds TSB and was seated in the waiting area and a very nice man (James Burraway) assisted me in doing this. Yet again however no data protection checks were done and even more personal information was brought up on the screen in front of me such as the balance of my account. My job works around FSA regulations and DPA Adherence and I am sure you can plainly see the very serious breach of both which have been committed by your Bedford Employees on two separate occasion. I have brought this to your attention as a matter of urgency as currently I feel as if I no longer wish to hold account with Lloyds and also that I should be reporting you to the Financial Services Authority for this very serious Issue. I expect to hear from you as a matter of urgency around how you are going to resolve this matter and also how you are going to deal with the members of staff involved and what you are going to do to prevent this from happening to me and other Lloyds TSB customers in the future. If I do not consider your response satisfactory I will not hesitate to take the matter further. Yours Faithfully Ash Harris
  16. hi there, i am in a nervous wreck all the time about 4 weeks ago i got a letter through the door saying lloyds tsb are taking me to court for an out standing loan on £4000 that i borrowed arond 5years ago, all through this time i was making payments untill lloyds stopped taking them in my foolish ness i never phoned up i just left it, i fell into some home troubles having a squatter in my house and had to spend all my time and money trying to get her out, but lloyds do not care about that, they have summons me to court were they have stated they can put a charge on my house and make me sell it for the littleist amount of money they can get for it, i have to attend court next week, i have been sent a letter from lloyds saying that they have evalluated my ppi claim and that i am owed 2000 i am going to offer that to the cort and see if they will take instalments also my friend in willing to move in with me to help bring in more income into the house to pay it off, i have to children and it is very scary for me one has jst turned 18 the other is 19, i just dont no what to do, any one with advice or if some one has been through this please please comment and help thank you
  17. hi, i received one of those standard issue we DEMAND you pay or we'll send someone around and take you to court letters from credit security limited, for a debt i have with a tsb credit card. i was paying it off through a debt agency, but i decided to pay directly myself as i thought the 15% cut they were taking could be better spent paying off the debt. i requested 2 times for a standing order mandate from tsb, but non were sent to me,then i had the lovely letter from credit security. i have no fear of having a visit (i.e. ignore the door!) and no issue with paying off the debt eventually, BUT after browsing the forums and reading how dodgy this company seems i was wondering if anyone out there had any advice. cheers
  18. Hello, I've been in a DMP with CCCS for just over a year, they reckon it's going to take 14 years to clear the debt, which is part credit cards, part bank loan, and part overdraft. The LloydsTSB overdraft is actually the smallest part of the debt, and stood at around £1200, a year ago. I've been paying them via CCCS about £5 a month. However they've continued to add on massive overdraft charges and interest - currently standing at nearly £28 a month. Clearly at this rate the debt to them is never going to be paid off. Is it really legal to charge this amount of money every month? and is there anything I can do about it?
  19. About 4 years ago my wife and I separated. I had to leave the house and as a result my business went into decline. I had lost all telephone numbers and my business base as I would work from home. Because of firstly having to find rented accommodation for a while and then subsequently buying another house, I began to fall into debt. At the time I had a business account with Lloyds TSB which had an overdraft facility with a £10,000 limit, which I exceeded because I had no money coming in. A couple of years previously I had also taken an unsecured loan to buy a van from Lloyds of £12,000 plus £1,154.66 which they added for insurance. After browsing this great site, I have realised that they probably should have never sold me this as I was obviously self employed. On top of this I had a business credit card which they added to the debt. I think I also paid a monthly payment protection insurance on this card. Lloyds have added all three of these debts together and after interest, bank charges and costs it had gone over £30,000. In February 2010 they took me to the high court and successfully got a charge put on my house. In April 2010 that charge was upheld. I had made several offers to pay back monthly prior to this but all were declined by Lloyds and their solicitors. They have made no effort to come to an arrangement with me. I stupidly thought that if they put a charge on my house that they would wait for their money until I had sold the house. I was so depressed by it all at the time that I admit that I buried my head in the sand and hoped that it would all go away. Whilst all this has been going on, I have re-trained but am still struggling on my own to make ends meet. I take whatever work I can find anywhere in the country (I live near London Heathrow). In November 2010 I had been working away from home for 7 weeks in Leeds and Crew, when luckily for me I asked my brother to go to my house and open all my post, upon which he discovered a notice of claim from the high court stating that Lloyds wanted to impose a sell order. I literally had three days to get this back to the court before the letter came to light, but with help from my brother I managed to do this just in time. I have today had a letter from the court with a hearing date of 22nd February held in central London. I now desperately need some help. I don’t have a clue what to do next and am panicking! I would greatly appreciate anyone’s help.
  20. Hi I opended a complaint on the 22nd February 2011 to complain about the PPI on my mothers credit card. Since then i have had a few automated letters and 15 + phone calls with the case manager based in PPI customer care (credit cards) Newport, they can not advise how much has been charged in ppi, they have no issue a res ponce to the complaint because the members of the broad are still setting up the procedures in order to deal with the ppi complaints fairly. What should i do now ? they will not make any progress and have advised it could be another month minimum before anything starts to proceed.
  21. Hi there, am a newbie so please forgive if I have posted incorrectly I would really appreciate some advice regarding my situation, which I will explain below My husband lost my job in May and immediately contacted Lloyds TSB to see if they could increase the overdraft at all as we were due to incur bank charges for going over the overdraft the previous month. They agreed to increase to around £600. We were told by the bank, this was not to help us out out, but was to cover the imminent charges and also to cover more charges that were due the following month! We felt we had no choice but to agree and the condition was the overdraft was to be reduced by £24 a month until it was back to the original £200 overdraft. Unfortunately we had trouble with JSA (another story), Husband got a new job, then was laid off again! He now have a new job as of two weeks ago but the account has not had regular income payments since May and with their reductions of the overdraft the account has incurred charges which have been unpaid, plus another reduction and more charges. It now stands that the agreed overdraft is showing as £526.00, but the account is £832.97 overdrawn. It is due to continue to be reduced, but as it is now £306.97 over the overdraft, we are incurring more charges daily. We are having his new wages paid into another account, so Lloyds don't swallow it all up. But I really would like to stop the charges to stop it spiralling out of control and we could begin paying it off. I really don't know where to start with this and any advice would be really appreciated. Can I ask for the account to be frozen and no more charges applied? Can I refuse to pay some of the amount that is their charges? Thank you in advance
  22. Hi,as i've received alot of help on these forums(in another thread) i've decided to sort my finances out and i would be grateful if anyone could offer some advice on my situation with Lloyds tsb loans. I took out two loans from Lloyds Tsb and at first all was well...then i fell behind with the payments ..I never had a planned overdraft on my account and unbeknown to me the payments were took out and a overdraft issued in order to pay them ? I did eventually get the interest stopped.... what i would like to know is this the right thing for the bank to do ? Can anyone help me please? As for the loans i pay Apex £20 for each loan each month and the overdraft i pay Lloyds tsb in a paying in book every month £20 Thankyou for any advice Maureen
  23. I am really hoping someone on here can help. My husband banks with Lloyds TSB and a few months back he went over his agreed overdraft limit. Now, on a monthly basis Lloyds TSB have applied £155 to his account at a time in the month when he is already up to his limit, thus taking him over his agreed limit and giving them reason to apply the same charges the following month. I have been on at him to do something about it but he has been burying his head in the sand and it has cost him £100s so far. Could someone please point me in the right direction of a letter template to help get started in claiming some of these charges back. It seems grossly unfair and like he'll never get back on his feet again if every month they make him go over his limit by charging him again and I'm really starting to lose sleep over it.
  24. Hello, I have send Lloyds TSB a letter requesting a true copy of the original credit agreement under Consumer Credit Act, they responded with a reconstructed agreement. I then went on to make a further request under CPR 31.16 to obtain a true copy of the signed agreement. TSB responded saying: "At present, we are unable to locate your original signed agreement and cannot, therefore, provide you with a copy of the signed agreement at the moment" "Please treat this letter as our final response" To date they have failed to meet my request under the Pre-Action Protocols. Where do I stand now and what should I do next. If they are unable to supply the signed agreement what can the courts do about it? Thanks, Kaarejen
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