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Found 10 results

  1. I'm sure someone on here can give a straight answer as I am trying to help my granddad who was unfortunately hit by scaffolding that had been put up around his block of flats which is Council owned ( Old peoples properties ) He instructed a solicitor to claim for damages caused due to injuries which included broken arm and was told by the solicitor that he would be covered under a no-fee, no win basis. Would this include a contract between both parties as I assume would be, because the solicitor is now refusing to provide a copy of the contract that my granddad has asked to see. The case is still unsettled.
  2. I have a client initally wanted to pay for the extra work I done on their website, but after many excuses of paying the wrong person and not having the time it was clear that they did not want to pay. Can I change the passwords to the domain provider pending payment where I will change the password back and they can move to another provider. Am I allowed to do this ? I know I can not suspend the website as the payment is for extra work done on it and not for the actual website hosting.
  3. I'm a court appointed deputy for my husband. In 2008 he was placed under the court of protection due to a severe head injury, at that time he had a Barclays Bank account with an overdraft of £600. When the CoP was put in place he had been in to his local branch and they refused to serve him or talk to him. He was lied to about why and we only found out a few weeks later that it was due to the CoP which had taken over a year to be put in place. His original Deputy was extremely incompetent and cause no end of problems. In a nutshell they began paying his overdraft off at £15 per month but they continued to add charges and interest. In July 2104 the amount owed was down to £126 despite over £900 having been paid, the following month they changed the interest rate and his next interest payment was £18.75, more than was being paid into the account each month. His deputy failed to notice this. I took over as his Deputy in September 2015 and only discovered this around January 2016 when the previous Deputy forwarded a bank statement for him. I then sent required CoP court rulings showing change of deputy to Barclays, who basically ignored them and I also opened a complaint with them regarding the amounts and what had been paid etc. They offered to refund the amount owed and close the account, I asked that they return some of the money that had been paid as it was far beyond what was owed. They declined so the complaint continued. They continued to try and contact the prior Deputy, who having had their duty discharged duly stopped responding or indeed forwarding paperwork to me. The updated deputy court order they had received they continued to ignore. I again contacted them in May or June this year to be told that we now needed to go into the bank to process the deputy change. Which we did, they then very quickly sent through telephone banking details and immediately afterwards a letter saying that the account had been closed and that they would be taking action to recover the outstanding amount which had now built up to £405 overdrawn again. They have closed the complaint and are refusing to refund the overdraft that they had originally offered to do and have told me to contact the Financial Ombudsman if I'm unhappy. Anyone got any suggestions how to progress this please? I'm more than happy to open court proceedings. My husband, with my help successfully won a case against them after his head injury. For bank charges etc, so we're happy to go ahead with that.
  4. Hi, I took a company to court and the day before the hearing their solicitor called and agreed a settlement sum. He then wrote to the court to say we had settled. The next day before the hearing we signed a consent order (myself and the third party solicitor). I went to the hearing and the judge put through an order as per the consent. The third party did not pay and despite chasing their solicitor he always said "I'm waiting further instructions". During the claim I did not speak or deal with any of the third party, only their solicitor. The company went into liquidation some 6 months later and I am not getting any payment (nothing left liquidator says). Can I sue the third party solicitor as he signed the consent order and I believed his client will pay? Solicitor says this was not an undertaking, just following instructions. Thanks.
  5. Hi guys, I am having some issues with a client and would appreciate some good advice as to where to go from here. We have been working on several projects with this client however in July they began to drop further into arrears with their account. In August we asked them to settle their account as their was an invoice since April and they had failed to make payments several times. This led to several reminders and several times they promised to pay only for them to not make any payment. Finally I had no choice but to suspend the account. This is normally enough to quicken the payment up however they accused me of blackmail! After receiving some good advice I offered to unsuspended the account if we received 50% of the payment and we could discuss what their issue is with payment. They soon demanded that they had full access to the website which we have denied. The problem is they owe a large proportion of the fee for SEO and for a different project. I also provide them hosting and have control of their domain name which is part of this outstanding fee. I have asked why they are withholding the remaining 50% however they say they have no issue paying it but want to do it in person. I live in Spain and they are in the UK so it is not suitable for me to go there to collect the money nor do I believe they want to be my friends when I arrive. What do I do? Option 1.) Suspend all their accounts until full payment is made. Option 2.) Give them 24 hours notice that we are cancelling their hosting and give them their website (this is fully paid for however the SEO work is outstanding and domain fee). Option 3.) Keep their website live and then open a small claims court? Any suggestions would be appreciated!
  6. I am hoping some of you can help me, my daughter has had 3 bailiffs letters re a parking offence, she doesn't deny that she owes some money and she has good cause re not dealing with it, she is being treated for depression and is currently in fear of her life due to violent former boyfriend, she has made statements to police and is going to be a witness in the court case, despite threats from him. I wrote a letter ( on her behalf) to equita and explained her situation and informed them that the situation came under the vulnerable debtors, clause and asked them to send the debt back to the council, I have sent the letter twice, had an email acknowledgment , however all they did was write back, gave a breakdown of charges and ignored the vulnerable debtors bit and told her she could expect a call from them anytime within the next 7 days and they would clamp her car, she is frightened enough about knocks on the door ( with violent ex) Can anyone advise what to do next? Thanks
  7. Does a solicitor who represents a client have to present the actual dates of events occured, are they obliged to give the correct limitation on their care letters such as the minus one day, would month to month periods be incorrect.
  8. Hi there, I work as a self employed graphic designer and have done for 5 years now. I did some website designer for a website developer and this was completed to his brief 2 months ago. When I sent him the files (screen visuals) to look at he acknowledged receipt of them and also acknowledged that he was really pleased with the work and that all his fellow band members (it was a website for a band he's in) also liked the website design and that he would get back to me over the next couple of days with a "few amends". I waited and waited and then 2 weeks later chased him on the amends. He apologised he was taking so long and would get back to me over the next couple of days. He never did. So i chased a week later etc etc and this has now gone on for nearly 3 months. I then invoiced 2 weeks ago and emailed him and said that he's left me with no choice but to invoice for the entire job as the work was completed to spec. He promised to make payment within a few days and, of course, he didn't. My invoices always have a 2 week payment term on them. When this was reached I chased him again and told him he leaves me no option to take further action to recover the debt. He replied saying that I can't invoice him for work that is incomplete upon which i pointed out that it is only incomplete due to him not returning to me with the"simple amends" and that it is his actions (or lack of actions) that is obstructing the job completion. Even though this is only for a few hundred pounds, to me, it is the principle of it all. As a self employed person some companies try to pull the wool over your eyes and try, at times, to skip payment. On principle I'm willing to drag him through the courts. I'm a stubborn arse. My question is really to ask for your advice. We had no contract, but there must be a level of fairness that comes into play in the courts. All the work, briefing, and quotes and communication is by email so I have that as evidence against him. Even the emails that acknowledge he's happy with the work done and also the email that acknowledges he owes money and has made promise to pay it (even though he didn't). Do you feel that nearly 3 months of waiting on him and chasing him is fair to say "enough is enough" and file a CCJ with him? (I try to justify it by saying to myself that if it was a decorator that was hired and painted a full house and has so far waited 3 months for the homeowner's feedback and payment, they would surely have sued by now!). I do feel this guy has no intention to pay or just play games. Many thanks! Katy
  9. Hi, I left my employment a month ago, not on great terms, as I left to set up another company. I would not attempt to break any of my compete clauses. Today I met with a potential client. This client was not a client of my previous employer, but was a potential client (as is anyone). I was told by a senior director that someone from my previous employer had called them a few weeks ago, obviously after I had left, to state I had in fact been terminated due to some invoicing irregularities. This was the language he used. He would support me and back it up with a statement as he felt it entirely strange for them to do this, as the only reason would be to discredit me or suggest I was not of good character. Needless to say there were no issues of 'invoicing irregularities'. I was quite shocked and upset. So what is the advice? Do I contact my former employee and ask them to withdraw this, maybe suggest I will take it further. Or go straight to legal and sue them?? Help appreciated.
  10. Hi Everyone, I'm posting this again as I was concerned that it wouldn't be easily noticed tucked behind another thread. I found this forum a couple of weeks ago when I Googled Allied International after they had left me a voicemail asking me to call them. I also received a WARNING card from them informing me that they are acting on behalf of their client LTSB and I should contact them urgently. I had a Goldfish loan which I paid for four years without any problems until I started having difficulties back in Dec 07. I contacted LTSB and asked if I could reduce my payments to £150 a month and they agreed. I continued to make regular payments until I became unemployed in May. I informed them of my situation and asked them if I could make a minimum payment of £2 but they refused and sent the debt to their own debt collection department. I made the £2 payments regardless. However, last month those payments were returned to my bank. The debt was £3,000 in May. I sent a CCA request to Allied International on 10th Oct. I received a phone call last week and I told them I will not discuss anything on the phone. This morning I got another call and again I told them to correspond in writing. They claim they have responded to my CCA request and I should have received it by now. Then he said his work is done and hung up. I took this as a subtle threat that they are about to do something. Could someone advise me what I should do next? Should I just wait for the 30 days to expire and send the 30 day letter? Many thanks.
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