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Found 9 results

  1. Bogus Police and Trading Standards Officers in Kent READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/bogus-police-and-trading-standards-officers-in-kent
  2. Where to start! We have had our car insurance with GoGirl. Someone made a fraudulent claim against us saying we'd hit them with our car, when we hadn't. Their investigators came out to inspect the car, found nothing and left. That was the last we heard of it. Until last month. Our car insurance is due for renewal, and to cut an horrendously long story short, we can't renew our insurance with our 2 years no claims bonus because of this claim. I've told GoGirl the claim was fraudulent, but they just said that because the claim wasn't followed up it was 'settled as no-fault'. However, the claim should not have existed in the first place, and they don't seem interested in following up the fraud. No insurance company will take our no claims bonus into consideration and say the onus is on us to prove that the incident didn't happen! We have 5 days to renew our insurance, but the cheapest we can get is almost £800 instead of the £350 we were quoted online, all because of this so-called claim. I was just wondering whether we had any options, apart from paying a premium for our insurance!
  3. My wife went to local Aldi for first time using their car park. Have today received parking charge notice for £70 (reduced to £40 if paid within 14 days) for parking in the Aldi car park. Allegedly my wife should entered her registration at a terminal inside the store to qualify for free parking. She did not see the sign. She did her shopping in the store then departed (33minutes later). Have read through other threads that suggest this is virtually a [problem] and should be disputed. Appreciate some assistance/thoughts from anyone who can help. Seems disgraceful that by taking custom to a store we havent used before can cost and extra £70. Guess where we wont be going again !
  4. US software giant Microsoft is suing alleged [problem]mers who phone people pretending to represent the firm and offer bogus technology support. The callers ask to take over a home computer and demand money to fix it. Some then install viruses as well. The software company said it had received more than 65,000 complaints about tech support [problem]s since May. It is taking legal action against several firms it accuses of misusing its name in such cases. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-30548029 Two simple tips should ensure you're not conned: Never give control of your computer to a third party unless you can confirm that it is a legitimate representative of a computer support team with whom you are already a customer. Never provide your credit card or financial information to someone claiming to be from Microsoft tech support.
  5. I have been mailing Lowell Portfolio about 2 Barclays debts from 2007. I understand from reading post that the debt is now Statue Barred, When I asked for a DSAR they forward 2 copies of account statements with 2 payments on. one for £1 and one for £2. I know I have never paid the anything ever. Your advice would be gratefully received!
  6. Firms give impression they are aligned with official service Attempt to charge ex-directory homes for service that is free through Telephone Preference Scheme Households are being warned to watch out for a growing, sinister [problem] – fake calls purporting to be from the official service to protect against nuisance calls.. [problem]mers target households that are weary of endless nuisance phone calls to offer them a paid-for service that they claim will block cold callers. However this service is already free of charge from the Telephone Preference Scheme (TPS). Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-2612056/Beware-bogus-TPS-calls-promising-protection-nuisance-calls.html#ixzz30GeFq4hx
  7. Rail commuters are hit by up to 40,000 bogus parking fines: 'Pirates' accused of demanding money from commuters using the wrong law £100 fines handed out when drivers outstayed permitted period at car parks belonging to Chiltern Railways MET Parking Services was using the wrong law to issue the parking tickets Company also issues fines on behalf of McDonald's car park users Firm, which manages car parks on line between Marylebone and Birmingham, admitted that 1,025 tickets were incorrectly issued DVLA earns £10m a year from private parking firms for right to access its database Parking ‘pirates’ are accused of issuing thousands of bogus penalty notices to travellers using railway station car parks on a busy commuter line. Fines of £100 a time were handed out when drivers stayed beyond the permitted period at car parks belonging to Chiltern Railways. But MET Parking Services was using the wrong law to issue the tickets, and is now accused of demanding money under false pretences from as many as 40,000 commuters. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2716193/Rail-commuters-hit-40-000-bogus-parking-fines-Pirates-accused-demanding-money-commuters-using-wrong-law.html
  8. http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2013/apr/30/jobseekers-bogus-psychometric-tests-unemployed
  9. Good afternoon After looking through these forums for the last six months, i have finally picked up the courage to ask for some advice. I am being tormented by a debt collection agency called Capquest over a debt that has absolutely nothing to do with me. I moved out of a property in 2003, and it seems a mobile phone contract was taken out in my name at this address in 2008. It is obvious it is fraud but Capquest have been less than accommodating with resolving this issue. I was told to place the account into dispute and demand a final response s o i can elevate the complaint to the Office of Fair Trading and Financial ombudsman if required. After more than 12 months of this i finally receive a letter today. They are stating that they have confirmed i was on the electoral register from 2008-2011. I have contacted the Local Authority and that is bogus. They want me to provide my life story to aid their own investigations. They will not provide any details on this orange phone debt as they say it is a service agreement and that i have to contact the orange shop for those details. Do they not have to provide signatures, handwriting etc?? Can they just demand i owe this with no proof?? They have stated that they will close the complaint after 30 days and continue collection action if i fail to cooperate. They also refuse to give any final response to my complaint. Any suggestions people, i have a backbone and i am not worried, more annoyed than anything else
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