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  1. I was wondering if anyone could comment on what normally happens when a limited company with one director and a secretary attempts to open a commercial lease. If it's a new company, I know from reading around on here that the director will need credit checked, but what about the secretary? Thanks.
  2. It started with a letter from Restons the other day saying they wanted payment of under £1000 for a debt which I believe to be statue barred. The letter said if I didn't pay I would get taken to court for a CCJ and would request monthly payments. If the court does not allow this, the full amount is required forthwith including any accruing interest, fees and costs. If I don't pay by a set date their client may be prepared to accept installments and return the expenditure and income form by the previously mentioned date. They also draw my attention to the fact the client says I can clear the debt at a specially discounted settlement figure and if interested I should call them. Can they offer the discount rate because they purchased it cheap in the same letter as threatening a CCJ? As I said I believe this to be statute barred. I was a full time carer for my mother for over 10 years and several existing student debts fell by the wayside. Something made me sign up to the 30 day free trial with Equifax just now. I see Cabot have stuck a default on my account and say it defaulted in 2010 - I thought it was longer ago than that. It know what it was for - a credit card. Stopped caring and moved in 2012 and became very ill, which I am still suffering now. It seems this big default Cabot put on my credit file in 2011 was defaulted in 2010. I thought this was further back that this. I have had about 4 DCA contact me re this debt since moving here, none of which have even mentioned getting a CCJ which makes me wonder if this IS statute barred? Advice on this would be useful please. Secondly, whilst searching my file I find a CCJ issued in 2013 at my old address by I do not know who????? Advice on this is very much appreciated as I believe it would definately be statute barred. The previous Restons issue was the latest issued credit card I had at that address. Once I could deal with these things but since becoming ill I really need some advice on this please. As it stands I have one CCJ lasting til 2019 at a previous address and one possibly about to be issued. I don't work due to my illness, so they are barking up the wrong tree here. Just as an after thought reading about Cabot - The letter states it is Cabot Financial (UK) Limited v Me and the letter opens: "We are instructed by our client Cabot Financial (Marlin) Limited, appointed by your creditor Cabot Financial (UK) Limited..." The credit card was not with Cabot originally, obviously, but I now see that Cabot have changed their name on my Equifax file to: Credit Card from Cabot Financial (Europe) Ltd (I) Get me up to speed - is this correct or is something going on here that is not quite right?
  3. Hi Thank you very much for looking at my thread.........I was looking to buy a vehicle from an independent dealer After we had paid the deposit a friend suggested we HPi check the car, we had already asked the dealer and he mentioned that that they had done a HPi check as standard procedure. When we purchased a report it stated that the vehicle was a write off? Am I entitled to my deposit back? Thank you very much to all responders Kind Regards Nick
  4. Hi all, Can anyone help or has anyone been in this situation? On the 10th April I was in Redruth, Cornwall and needed to travel to Bristol. On arriving at Redruth I found that the ticket office was closed (it was around 5:30pm) and found that there was not a ticket machine at that station. I did not believe this was a problem, as I knew that I should be able to purchase a ticket from the guard, and so I boarded the 18:11 service to Bristol Temple Meads. When the guard came into my carriage, I promptly asked for a ticket from Redruth to Bristol Temple Meads, with a 16-25 railcard discount. The price for this was around £30-35. When I attempted to pay with my Santander visa debit card, it was twice declined by the guards card machine. As a result, the guard told me that I could either get off the train at the next stop, or be questioned under caution and pay the fare at a later date. I took the latter option as I was fully prepared to pay the cost of the fare at a later date (I had been expecting to anyway), and he provided me with a zero fare excess ticket. However, the amount detailed in the letter I mentioned above is £168 - which is obviously far more than I am prepared to pay for the journey. I found the guard very helpful but he did not explain to me that I would have had to pay this extortionate price; for the same money I could have easily found somewhere to stay and travelled back the next day. I understand that there may be some doubt as to whether the card I tried to pay with was working, or had money available on it. As a result I obtained a mini-statement from my bank showing that there was available balance on that day, and showing that I used the card in the days following the incident. I have also checked with my bank who say that there was no attempt to access my account on that day. I firmly believe that there was in fact a problem with the card machine. This is why I believe that I should be given the chance to pay the original off-peak fare (the same train today would be £30.45). It is plainly unfair that I should have to pay a far higher fare through no fault of my own. Does anyone know if it is worth taking this to court? I am being asked for the £168 fee by the 27th May, so I am running out of time. Any help would be much appreciated. Regards
  5. Hi All, So I bit the bullet... Got two defaults... 1 x Lowell's was Orange 1 year left before disappears into the ether, two figure value - probably was a final charge after termination of contract - notice given to terminate on month 23 to end on month 24 (end of). They stated could only terminate from month 24 - I said err no - its a two year contract - I don't wish to continue etc - PAN given (retained old number on new contract - also with EE) Other is RBS - 4 figure with a 1 and 5 at front. OD was limited to 500. About 18 months left to run before disappear. I changed banks to my current due to circumstances - NOA ignored - bad times for me back then (health / work / woman). Charges on Charges on Charges probably make up the bulk. Don't want to wake the hornets. Will do so if they decide to chase with SAR and then will reclaim. Anyway score is trashed 1/5 - what difference will adding the ER information gain me ? Rest of it is healthy, credit cards balances (I pay in full every month and use card every month for spending - just had another increase this year - the third) Water is reported now (WTF!) Bank accounts are shown as zero o/s on monthly updates. Just wanted to know if getting the ER info from the LA will make a difference - been on it for 5 years at current - not recorded. Cheers N
  6. HI All Been checking and trying to tidy up my credit file, and today just refreshed my credit file, only to find that a CCJ has been entered against me, at my old address, which i haven't lived there for approx 18 months!!! Registered in May 13 for £313 I have no idea what this could be for or who it is. There was no reference on my file apart from CCJ entered and a court number What do i do! My file was starting to look healthy until this and now it has dropped right off the mark!!! Really narked about this. Help appreciated please
  7. So I have checked my credit file today and it shows a few settled accounts like old store cards etc. Can I have these removed from my credit file and will it aid in improving my credit score? I have a total of 7 "settled" accounts on file from a mobile phone contracts to store cards etc.
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