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Everything posted by padja

  1. ignore them, they know its statute barred they know they cant pursue, I believe a complaint to OFT and Trading Standards as they are actively chasing a debt they know to be statute barred (others can confirm this is against rules) Red sit one desk down from Lowells, in same building Hamptons are next desk down too. Dont ever ring a DCA they are expert at getting cash from you, with threats of what they are going to do, they have as much power as the milkman.
  2. Please take the excellent advice from DX tell them you are paying £1 a month until you contact them to tell them otherwise. DCA's have about as much legal right as the paperboy so dont worry about that. And Yes they will threaten you with all sorts but as DX has said as long as you make a payment regularly then they wont touch you. Imagine if they went to court and the judge ordered you to pay a £1 a month. Also PPI needs to be looked at. If you can see any then post back here and advice will be given by the members.
  3. My personal advice would be to go to your Local CAB (Citizens Advice) they have trained people to help you with debts, also they will help you with any benefits you may be able to claim. If you dont fancy going there then I would highly recommend Age UK they are brilliant. what you need is to get interest being applied for a 12 month period so you are paying the debt down both those organisations will help get that to happen. Actually perhaps Age UK is a better bet, there is many ways to get payment reduced etc (i dont know exactly) others will give advice to that.
  4. Red and Hamptons are same company part of Lowells, all they do is pass the letter from desk to desk, can we have a few more details about debt, How Old is it? last payment made? Ignore the threats on letter I've had stacks of them not had doorstep visit or put in bankruptcy, dont contact DCA until we have had further details never never ring them
  5. I got similar message via AVG it seemed to be an advert for sports games or a games site said it was potential dangerous backdoor tracker
  6. my dealings with phones4U I wouldn't hold much hope out to be honest, however if she signed a new contract then she may be entitled to a cooling off period of 7days (maybe 14). I had a PAYG fone from them 1st one broke after 10days new replacement broke after 2 days 3rd broke after 12days after that I said I want a different phone (I was willing to pay a little more to get one) they refused point blank and pointed to small print (very very very small print) that they will only replace like for like and on this occasion model for model. luckily 4th handset was OK but I would suggest before you go in read all the small print. A side point the phone was a Nokia I rang Nokia and they said if 4th broke to send it back to them and they would have gave me a new handset of my choosing from the full nokia range. Good Luck
  7. it will keep going up until they realise you arent going to pay and then they will move onto next sucker, I doubt this will ever see the inside of a court room and if it does I doubt will be very successful, as for DCA I think even they will shy away from it. as said before its a lets threaten and chance our arm type situation when they realise you arent going to pay then they will move on. Similar problem happened in Derby with private enforcement/clamping firm who 'fined & clamped' people several took firm to court and won 'fine' back and damages so ignore them
  8. ignore it Lowells are well known for buying Statute Barred debts (debts over 6 years), so I would place the letter in bin and ignore it. If you make any contact about debt they have got you and will pursue you for debt, I doubt you will hear from them again. if you do just ignore yet again next letter may come from Red its same company just one desk down.
  9. that they have levied against goods that can not be sold etc, I had similar problem Bailiff turned up chasing a debt (wrong person) council said they would investigate but bailiff still turned up even though council had told them to stay away rang council while he was there they immediately rang his firm and he was told to leave immediately. so contact council, bailiffs do listen to them, even if they dont listen to us
  10. PMSL well this will be shortest awards night in history.........
  11. And the winner for biggest pile of lies is.....................................................Rossendales The Winner for non stop harassment of people is.................................Lowells/Red etc etc etc etc
  12. its just a wishful request, I would put it to wife like this Its no different to that chap that emails from Nigeria saying he has £50K to put in our bank account, its just a request for money it has no basis in law and is NOT a fine only the courts can issue a fine. We will file this under B for Bin. You wont hear any more if you do it will be worth as much as the paper it was wrote on.
  13. private or council run car park? makes a big difference
  14. As said before let him turn up and film him on mobile, or any means but dont talk to him let him do the talking and he will make threats, and keep it. I would do as before pay the council £50 a month and ignore the bailiff
  15. my suggestion on this is Age UK are very good at this sort of thing and sometimes just one letter from them gets results, I'm basing this on dealings I had with them over Father in Law they were superb scared Eon, BT, and Nationwide when they were being nasty. Other than that any PPI on account? if so claim that back
  16. unfortunately you fell for the old trick, its common one. Way forward what was the figure for a loan, overdraft? if its a loan was there any PPI? Overdraft what charges were applied? I must admit I'm not 100% on bank charges etc but others will be along dont worry
  17. yeah for security purposes yeah ok good one that, all they are doing is fishing to start up the DCA collection process me personally would check credit file if all OK ignore them
  18. Court costs are in liability order total any bailiff costs are added to that total could you breakdown the bailiff costs. also is it council chasing or bailiffs chasing if its council my question is why if its paid in full. if its bailiffs only make sure we get that breakdown of fees
  19. first step is to send Telephone Harassment letter in the library here. That stops the calls next send the letter stopping the right of access so no doorstop visits, then talk to Natwest tell them your situation explain you really want to pay but at this time can only afford (£1 a month). If they all ignore and do the standard pay or we are taking your teddy bear then a trip to CAB will soon get it sorted and as above get recording everything
  20. get onto your councillor (I'm assuming its a local council parking ticket) and also onto the court again demanding they stop this harassment. I would also get onto to the Duty Inspector at police station and demand action taken failing all that Local Press are very good for this a nice front page tends to get everyone springing into action
  21. dont pay them a penny it isnt their debt and they wont go away they will know they have a live sucker and pursue more, yes there is a letter in the library denying right of access here it is http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/content.php?410-LETTER-USED-WHEN-A-DCA-THREATENS-A-DOORSTEP-VISIT send that via recorded delivery so you know its arrived. and please tell them not to pay anything, Are they bailiffs or are they just a Debt Collector? It is very well known for DCA to pretend to be a bailiff and say what powers he has (i.e NONE but in his imagination he is god)
  22. revoke her right of access to your property letter is in templates library. DONT call her or Moorcrap, just give her the letter if she turns up if not send it with any acc number to Moorcrap. Dont speak to her she has no powers she cant get locksmith to change your locks, she cant get police to arrest, she has no right of access what so ever regardless of what she may say. If she refuses to leave after you hand her the letter then call the police as she is committing trespass. One Final thing PRINT the letter and PRINT your signature After that I would go back to shoe taylor and try to arrange a sensible repayment the chances are they will happily do that, if the debt isnt very old (perhaps you missed a couple of instalments) and when you do agree to a repayment keep to it otherwise our friend from Moorcrap will be back. if it is older debt (more than a year) can you give more details about it
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