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Everything posted by padja

  1. Just a quick bit of advice re complaint letter make sure you send it to Revenues manager and copies to Chief Exec of Council, also your Councillor (if you have more than 1 then send them to all councillors for your ward) and also a copy to your MP. As you say the letter to manager may be ignored however your councillors may decide to take it further and so might your MP. Also Chief Exec may have something to say too
  2. please please tell her to ignore it, Lowells, Red whatever are specialist in taking statute barred debts and offering once in a lifetime deals to get payment remember they probably bought the debt for about 10% of the original figure so getting you to pay 30% gives them a 20% profit on debt. When she ignores they will trot onto the next 'victim' with this generous offer If she is insistance in paying anything to these clowns tell her I have a jar of magic beans for sale as well should be £100 but for her I will give her 70% discount so just send me £30....thats what Lowlifes offer is worth its like them selling magic beans Just noticed they now no longer hide the fact they are Lowells with saying please Quote Lowells ref number (they never did that on any of my letters for statute barred debt)
  3. go to Lewisham find out what you owe. then pay Lewisham using their online payment system ignore bailiffs and never ring them. Yes you can go to prison but you are a long way off that and a bailiff certainly cant put you in prison.
  4. I would go to original creditor and find out exactly how much you owe and a full breakdown. If they have no record I personally would stop paying (thats me personally whether its legal or not I dont know) and just ignore Dryden or you could send them the telephone harrasment letter to stop the phone calls others on forum may have a greater help
  5. its a threat-o-gram nothing more I've had that letter 3 times still no court its just to get you to ring them then they got you.
  6. I know Rossendales lost Derby contract after attention was drawn to their tactics and methods (regardless of what they say they lost it due to tactics) by various councillors, however they went with Bristow & Suter who in MHO are not much better. My councillor is taking an active interest in the workings of bailiffs and what they say & charge, he has even been present at one bailiff visit and was gobsmacked by what bailiff threatened, kids removed into care whilst person was arrested and then maybe removed permanently, also he was going to empty house of entire contents regardless of debt value as he was entitled to recover all his costs. At this point councillor made himself known and bailiff couldn't get in car quick enough. *sorry I hijacked thread leaves quietly*
  7. It says you could join the 6000 happy customers...........shurely shome mishtake it should read you can join the 6000 suckers, I wonder if £43 coming off the balance is actually your first payment? followed by 1 easy payment of the full amount next month
  8. just from Their 'Testamonials' page these councils use them Hastings BC, Barnsley MBC, Wealdon DC, Wrexham County Borough Council, Broadland District Council, North Kesteven District Council, South Tyneside MBC, Calderdale MBC, Leeds City Council, West Lancashire District Council,Pendle Borough, Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council, Warrington Borough Council perhaps if we all produce a list and the various incidents of bad behaviour from all bailiffs and give them to our MP's and state that several people are doing the same maybe just maybe then they may do something about it.
  9. right there is set charges for bailiffs to charge they are as follow: First visit fee: £24.50 Second visit fee: £18.00 you have made mistakes in dealing with bailiffs I know DX site admin will be more helpful as will others
  10. just keep paying the agreed amount all they are trying to do is force you to up the payments to them. Is this council tax? if so do you have any fees and if so how much and what for?
  11. me personally would ignore it Lowells will do nothing its a fishing trip, it probably is statute barred Lowells are well known for chasing statute barred, I'd personally ignore they will move onto next victim
  12. if unable to pay wait for citizenB to get back I'm sure as you have a reasonable reason for them I expect the court will adjust payments to affordable level. Have you missed payment before?
  13. pay the missing payment with explanation letter all should be OK, its just a threat-o-gram. But in future contact before you miss payment and give the exact reason why and make sure its paid up as soon as possible
  14. contact the local council and ask. Ignore BCW for time being. If there is a liability order that you do owe try and arrange with council to pay (if they refuse use the online payment system) but make sure about dates etc (council tend to write off Council Tax debts over 6 years old although they dont have to)
  15. ohhhhh are BCW selling pegs now??? I'll buy some of them and some lucky heather.............
  16. Shelter are a great point of contact. you say you are Uni student are you a member of Students Union already if so then contact their welfare officer who will be able to help and even get you free legal representation,
  17. wow, best way forward in my opinion is to go to either Citizens Advice or Local Law Centre, this is a very complex and possibly criminal activity (on her part) put revenge on the back burner, anger will not help you, try to stay calm, I dont know enough about property/rental to help you more. but there is others who are very good at this sort of thing
  18. Action Fraud - on 0300 123 2040 or http://www.actionfraud.co.uk Inform Consumer Direct on 08454 04 05 06. and this from Derbyshire Police: If it is too good to be true, then it usually is. If you dont want to take any action then just ignore it, but dont carry out any requests made by the callers etc
  19. I got piles of them letters still waiting to go to court 7 years later
  20. dont ring them first off, I would send the prove it letter (its in library of letters) as for doorstep visit I wouldn't worry about that. Just send prove it letter (never ring them ever) and see what happens I feel you will hear nothing else
  21. theres a template on here for a letter to get a break down of fees maximum you should pay is about £43 (I could be wrong) have a look around there First visit fee: £24.50 Second visit fee: £18.00 Despite any further visits, the bailiff can only charge for a maximum of 2 visits. If they take your stuff, they can also make a 'levy charge' for their time and effort. The amount depends on the size of your debt: the more you owe, the higher the charge. The rules are complicated - but as a rough guide, if you owe less than £100 its £24.50, if you owe £500 its £40.50, if you owe £2000 it's £78.so where theyget £120 from I dont know
  22. first of all well done in the actions you have taken. they cant levy unless they have been in and you signed so that fee and any fees after are null & void. a trick I've noticed them do is they assume you have a TV,DVD player, stereo, portable tv, microwave so stick that down and shove levy through letterbox and B&S have done this several times to people I know. keep paying the council until debt is finished then let B&S try and get their fees off you. someone will advise about this
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