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Everything posted by padja

  1. use their letters to line cat litter tray, guinea pig cage, budgie cage, get some use out of them, other than that ignore
  2. One thing I've proposed to my councillor is when a council tax account is taken to court that the council put the schedule of fees that bailiffs are allowed to charge on the liability order or in with it so people know if they are being ripped off. I also said a quick FAQ sheet about bailiffs powers and what they can do would also be good (doubt that will happen) and also CAB info, as I pointed out to councillor that yes some people may wilfully refuse to pay but many are in serious debt trouble and everything gets on top. I also said bailiffs are not the nicest of people and are more than happy to bend the law to breaking point and even break it, still waiting to hear if he got anywhere but he did seem enthusiastic about putting what bailiffs can charge and also CAB info. Also made him aware of this site and also the TV show
  3. They wouldn't just do that but probably if unconscious take the bloody rings off their fingers and if the walking aid was a specialist one chuck that in van too before calling 999 and asking for police assistance as the elderly person had lunged at them and they are in fear of their lives
  4. just quickly edit your post as you have included your daughters name several times. Apart from that it seems polite, business like and acceptable.
  5. I agree with brig keep quiet and I think they will go away (eventually) remember dont engage on the phone with them at all just put phone down the standard thing the say is Can I speak to Mr Mug its Pete calling from Robinsons just put phone down they will soon get the message
  6. read it seems all hot air and not what happens in reality I hope this isn't a watered down approach to avoid government action on bailiffs, DCA's that Lib Dems promised (yeah I know a politicians promise is as good as a DCA's) Doesn't seem to address the rogue elements i.e most bailiffs and DCA's interesting to see only Lowells were involved from DCA's
  7. stop worrying Marstons are bullying you into paying they have no levy on goods and have no walking possession so they aren't removing anything in a hurry. Go to CAB tomorrow dont delay. By the way did they put any charges on the 'removal' notice? if so what were they as it seems they have put nearly £300 of charges on which is very naughty
  8. it was on Watch for a time them bailiffs were very nice but some did still spout we can get in house with a locksmith (I can remember the female one saying it)
  9. It is correct however he will then be classed like a tenant of a private landlord see here for all the details http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Nl1/Newsroom/DG_192415
  10. Ignore they wont pursue, not worthwhile for them just check with bank its not been cashed if not ignore all threats demands. this is a private parking matter not a public one so they have to go to court to get a CCJ against you and then you have chance to counter claim (which i would for distress)
  11. I personally would ignore. But a call to OFT or local trading standards might be a start
  12. Dead simple send harassment letter but put in bold writing (red if you want) I do not acknowledge or know of this debt or words to the effect and then send them the statute barred debt letter as well that will stop Robbers Way. dont phone them or speak on the phone to them it only annoys you and there's no need. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/entry.php?180-Debt-Threats-a-quick-self-help-guide perhaps get partner to read this excellent advice
  13. I wonder how many Bailiffs will be out and about on 1st November after the showing of the programme?
  14. as said above DONT CALL THE BAILIFFS they are expert at getting information out of you and getting you to agree to unrealistic payment plans. They are not above asking things like did you see such & such on TV? do you have a pc to email us? then low and behold suddenly a walking possession appear with levy on goods that state TV, PC etc
  15. stop worrying, he came to remove goods eh? from someone else's house for someone else's debt he is on a loser with that. as you have no knowledge my first port of call would be council to explain and ask them to take debt back (expect them to refuse and say you can only deal with bailiff). then start paying the council via either online banking or via telephone (get right reference number for debt) bailiffs wont like it but tough. By the way was there any charges on the letter?
  16. the only debts that will be enforceable by law courtsl are council tax and parking/court fines so if you have them pay them first if not then there is no need to worry too much. as there is a lot of debt it may be in your best interest to go to Citizens advice and ask them for help, they have trained debt councillors who will wade through all your debts and prioritise them and arrange a payment plan to get all debts paid off that is reasonable and practicable and affordable to you. you can stop all the calls by firing off the phone harassment letter to them all, http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/content.php?493-Harassment-by-telephone-response-letter that will stop all the phone calls while CAB are getting a payment plan into action. Trust me CAB will deal with creditors and they in turn will soon stop harassment of you. it may not seem like it at the moment there is light at the end of the tunnel, there is people here that will help you and we will get you through this
  17. any levy should cover whole debt including fees most bailiffs just put down a few things that they know you consider essential like TV, PC, sofa's and their not above levying on kids stuff. That way they can keep pressure on you by threatening to turn up and remove them ,in my experience I've never known a bailiff remove goods but thats not to say they wont. If they have levied against sofas do they have tags on them? if not then they cant be removed. They cant take fridge, washing machine either so if they are on levy then that makes it worthless. what I will say is goods levied are not as valuable as new items so your TV may be top of the range but 2nd hand at an auction it would £100 top washing machine £50 you see thats why they rarely take goods they know they may be stuffed so its in their interests to keep pressuring with threats of removal to get payment.
  18. you dont have to let them in they have no rights to enter regardless of the threats. Go back on the posts and go to council about your disabled brother they should have not gone down this route, sift through this advice slowly. Dont panic at all there is no need to. If they turn up get on this forum quick for advice. Have you spoke to your councillor? if not get on to him first thing, he will act on your behalf even if its to give you a couple of weeks breathing space so we can all help Ploddertom & Brassnecked have given great advice follow it. ohh and they cant take your sofa's its against the law to sell furniture with no labels on them
  19. you dont have to let them in regardless of what they say or you can just hide the stuff (perfectly legal) they cant force entry (they may say they can but they cant) this is a standard threat "we have possession order we are coming to seize your goods unless you pay full amount" Have you asked the council to take charge back? If not ask them and if they refuse then use online banking or online/phone council system to pay the arrears (make sure you get right reference number though). I dont know enough about University Fees to advise. What charges have they put on council tax debt? As for council tax debts heres a list of threats you will get: We are coming back with locksmith and getting in to remove goods.................they have no authority to do that or legal right We will attend with police and have you arrested..................again no powers whatsoever to do this We will get you comitted to prison...............................As above no powers Remember however they can get entry if you a) leave a door open or invite them in b) leave a window open that they can enter through. so no leaving door open or windows and if they turn up either ignore them or speak to them through letterbox. Always remember they can not get into your property unless you invite them in (leaving door open or window is classed as invite). I doubt they will turn up as the chances are the goods they have levied against wont cover the whole debt. I'm not sure if they can levy against goods that have a levy already in fact I'm sure they cant so they can whistle.
  20. Charges are too much on numbers 2 & 3. its £28:50 for first visit £14:00. Their levy is invalid as it wont recover the debt. You can contact the council and state you knew nothing as you didnt receive any paperwork. I would suggest you try to arrange payment with them. I would remind them they can not refuse taking payment. use online or telephone payment. On tuesday (if they ever return) make sure any vehicles you own are well away from your property (a couple of streets away) no windows open or doors left open (if tehy are they can legally enter)and close all downstairs curtains& then just ignore the buggers. You dont have to speak to them you dont have to pay them and no they cant get police, return with a locksmith, or get you put in prison. Speak to council arrange to pay them direct, but you will have to pay council tax debt even if its £5 a week off each of them
  21. padja


    building societies are better IMHO offer lots of accounts for especially for kids
  22. ohhh you can pay the council direct and there's not a damn thing they can do about it and they know it. But its easier to pass it off to others. I would contact CEO of council and also contact your councillors and speak to them on phone their number will be on council website. Most Councillors will help, say your not refusing to pay the council tax but you want to just pay the council and that you are so scared of the bailiffs and their abuse (they tell porkies so can you) follow the advice and hide that car you are allowed to legally apparently maximum costs 1st visit £24:50 2nd visit £18:00 that equals £42:50 Levy fee reasonable costs i.e about £40 maximum
  23. well as you are now aware you should not have let the bailiff in he has no powers of entry regardless of what he threatens. But he has been in so what to do now? First he can not levy against goods that have a levy on and as you told him they did and he went ahead I'm suspecting this levy is null & void and so is the charges. Some questions:- What Charges have you had? (on both) What was the council tax actual total (excluding charges)? Did you have any correspondence about legal action? What were the goods levied against & does it cover the debt (inc charges)? dont call these monkeys again until you have all your advice from here, remember you dont have to pay the bailiff you can pay the council via online banking or on their online payment system. That really pees them off
  24. fight back challenge the interview and go above the sales rep...sorry enforcement officer, I agree with above go to court (if it goes that far) sometimes once you have paid and set up DD they may take no further. But gather you evidence you may find magistrates sympathetic.
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