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Everything posted by Leakie

  1. The trouble is no one on here knows, what was presented at court, for the jury to come to there Not Guilty verdict. This is on both sides of the argument.
  2. So how could this be proved, Apart from someone at the FCA ringing up Ace 1 couriers and waiting for a call from Newlyns. Even then they say they are from Ace 1 when you speak to them. It was only because, I had there other number from the call I found out it was Newlyns.
  3. Sorry Letsmakeamark I do not get what you are saying I do not think I mentioned with holding a number. Just out of interest have Newlyns done anything wrong, BA says no but others say they have? I have come to the conclusion Ace 1 couriers Ltd and Newlyns are one and the same. Leakie
  4. How can that be Dodgeball the whole case is about the car being stolen. so may be the seizure was not lawful, but the judge could see that the defendants were in the wrong also, maybe the reasopn for the costs. it is not always black and white, some times the truth is in the middle, and both parties were in the wrong. EA's are known to twist the truth to get a result. unfortunately there is no penalty if they do as the establishment tends to back them up too much. I have no knowledge of the case , just my observations. Leakie
  5. It is not a big issue, to me. They did not know who they were calling ,as they could only have got my number off a call log , I never left any details, ( no message) so there little ploy did not work. There must be a link, as it was Newlyns calling me the next day, making out they were the courier company. I originally post in a different part of the forum and once I found out it was newlyns, I posted here to give people information that this was happening. citizen B kindly tided up the thread . Leakie
  6. So there should not have been a mistake , unless false information was give in the first place. just unfortunate for the lady concerned Leakie
  7. Hi BA thanks So was the magistrate that employed the EA's? and not the council. The compensation was just my opinion, as she had been wronged. At least she will get her money back, soon Leakie
  8. You are nearly correct, Newlyns had added the £235 before a visit it was in the first breakdown of fees, when I had become aware of Newlyns having the account. You may be correct that Ace 1 couriers have been used, just a deceptive name for an investigation company. I called Ace 1 couriers but did not leave a message. I then get a call the next day saying that they were Ace 1 couriers. and that I have left a message, thus the reason for the call. they did not ask me but name,also a different number. Me being suspicious, hit the redial button for the call I had just received, and it was Newlyns not the couriers, so may be Ace 1 Couriers and Newlyn PLC are one of the same. Hope this clears it up any confusion. Leakie
  9. You would like to think so BA, and some compensation for all the stress it has caused. There may have been a mistake made, but is the council still not responsible for the EA's actions. Leakie
  10. Hi Capital Con Unfortunately the extra £235 is now owed I understand that there is only one payment to pay. It is harsh, and I would say there would be no reason to chase you as you have made regular payments. But I suppose there has to be a line drawn some where. I would go back to the council and see if you can get a sympathetic ear, and ask for the account to be brought back, as it is obvious that this was done for the extra Fees. As previous state if they have not been in your home , they can not force entry, do not let them in, and move your car away. Leakie
  11. This is the trouble BN The EA holds all the cards. It is not always about the debtor, as long as the EA gets his/her cash. There is remedy for these cases we are told, but it should not be for someone else to pay the debtors debt to save there own property. I am a debtor, with EA's after me but am unable to pay at the moment. If my neighbour had there car taken, I could not stop the actions of the EA. If there were penalties for there mistake, the may be they would have more duty of care in thee actions. until then they will do as they please.
  12. Hi BA I could have been that. But it was defiantly Ace1 ltd who put the parcel delivery slip through the door. I did call the number on the slip but did not leave a message.02087**9841 This morning I get a call on another number, Lady stated I had left a message.for the reason to call back. She confirmed she was from Ace 1 ltd I did a redial on my phone shortly afterwards and it was Newlyns PLC (01604 46**001) Newlyns do not have my number linked with my name. This has been going on for 9-10 months now with Newlyn so the charges are already on £75 for each notice and £235 , on the largest account to take it over the £1500, and charge interest, on the whole amount, (which did not add up as it was for more than the permitted percentage) Leakie
  13. That could be a problem You ring the couriers number , but they get back to you on there number.( Newlyns) I never rang Newlyns and they never had my number. What regs have they breached ? Leakie
  14. They certainly are Renegageimp The number I called was a London Number, I did did not leave a message, so there log just showed ny number , and this morning they called but the lady did not mention a package or letter. and as I have said I did a redial, and got Newlyns, this was a completely different number from the one dialled last night. how could they be in trouble? Leakie
  15. Hi SilverFox I found the same as you, I'm not expecting any court papers. But just after me posting I had a call, apparently I had left a message, last night,(I had not) When I questioned the person they were evasive. I am not expecting any packages. I did a redial, and it turns out to be Newlyns Bailiff. And yes unfortunately, I am expecting them. but have ignored them for some time, as I am trying to sort out with the council. Leakie Hi Contiff The note said that they had tried to deliver today, when the card was put through the door I was home. as I said above I have found out it is Newlyns, So it looks like a call is going to happen any time soon. Leakie
  16. Just to give anyone involved with Newlyns They are using Ace 1 couriers ltd as a tracing company. I had a note popped through the door last night, and called the number but they were closed. had a call this morning saying I left a message. when questioned as I did not leave a message, they became evasive. Rang the number up from the call, and it turns out to be Newlyns. Leaky
  17. Hi all Has anyone heard of Ace 1 Couriers Ltd Had a note through the door last night, but I am not expecting anything. I can not find anything on the net apart from company details, they do not seem to have there own website, which has made me a bit suspicious. Leakie
  18. I personally think it is the wrong way around. It seems that TCE was not about making everything clear for the debtor, Especially as the council now does not give notice that it being pushed the the EA company. it is penalising the poorer of society. you can not get blood out of stone. If the powers to be, wanted to try and help the debtors, pay in a quicker manner then this not the way to go, for the can not pay.
  19. Lets hope in the review that this can be taken into consideration, (keeping the recordings for a period of time) or at least they should had it over if the police are involved I tend to agree with SilverFox1961 about the old boys network .
  20. Thanks again Martin I had thought of that , I did replace a fuse in the wiring centre, but as I say not gas safe registered Many years ago I was with Corgi before it was compulsory. Plus I am a tenant, so have to be careful. Leakie
  21. Hi Martin I am A heating engineer myself but not Gas safe registered, One of the PCB's have gone either the Control or user PCB, it is on a Ideal Icos it has the Black control pcb . I have trace the fault to the boiler where there is power on the live and switched live, but no display on the fascia display. I work on Oil boilers mainly Leakie
  22. Hi all Whilst I have praised British gas , I am not happy wit there repairs etc department. I am a tennant and my Boiler has broken down, My Land lady has not had any joy, sorting this out for the last week. I spoke to BG and found out that even thou I live 30 minutes from the M25 she would have to pay their London prices. I wish some one could explain why the London prices ????
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