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Found 7 results

  1. Hi, hoping someone can help. I ordered a VR headset from Game for home delivery. They use Yodel so a few days later I received the usual notification that someone was on route. I apparently missed the delivery (and the next 2) even though I was home. I didn't receive a card through the letter box on any occasion but just email notification. After the 3rd attempt I went to collect the parcel at the depot. When I arrived home and opened the box, it was a cheese set! Totally random and obviously not from Game. Because I had my poorly baby with me, I didn't really look over the box but now I see it looks like someone could have taken the label off the original package and stuck it in this (there is a lot of brown tape!) I'm not sure what to do now, the headset was really expensive for me and is a Xmas gift for my autistic son. Think I will take the parcel into my closest Game store but I'm not sure what my rights are, will they say it is my fault for not checking when I collected from Yodel. Thank you in advance
  2. Hi I guess my hope from posting this thread is to find out what, if anything, you would do in my circumstances.... I swtiched broadband/phone providers in May 2017. I realised i would lose my 10 year old email address but was ok with this and went about trying to change all online account details which used the old address before the termination date. Then largely forgot about the old account. In December this year my airline loyalty account was hacked. After speaking to the airline they told me that the hacker had entered in my ID number and then used the forgotten password link to have an email sent to reset it. Once they reset the password they used all 100K airline miles up, spending them on e-vouchers. Even though the airline gave me the voucher numbers, an email account for the provider and told me that they hadnt yet been spent - the voucher company refused to cancel them and just copied and pasted their terms and conditions everytime i contacted them. The airline said that they had not been hacked - but my registered email address was the source of the issue. It was then i realised i had not changed the email address from the old cancelled account on this site. If ISP had deleted my email address when i left them it wouldnt have been possible. I did call the ISP and they said very sorry but they're not liable for third party losses and that was after 1 month of consulting their legal team. do i write this off as a very expensive lesson? Or should the ISP have deleted the email account when i left?
  3. I switched energy supplier, am on pay as you go thing with the key (electricity) and card (gas). Someone at the door persuaded me, all fine, got a cheaper rate. Everyone here is fine with it because it's a cheaper rate. Thing is I just live here, I don't pay any of the energy bills here and I told them this clearly. The previous contract wasn't under my name and am 100% sure a credit rating check would deny any other form of payment method lol. Any pitfalls? This contract is under my name now. In the future if I or anyone else wants to change provider for this house, they can do so right (after the contract runs out)? Any new contract doesn't require me? I can cancel the application at any time according to the email during the initial phase before they send me a new key/card. As I said it's not a big deal because everyone here is fine with it, but would like any input.
  4. Hello folk, On the 22nd of August I received an email from extra energy sending me my "final" electricity bill, which included a £25 fee for exiting the tariff before it expired. I called Extra Energy and they told me that my supply had been taken over by British Gas and that I should speak to them about it. The operator at Extra Energy wasn't very helpful although I did tell him that I did not want to change supplier. Reality is I would not be a BG customer even if they were the cheapest in the market, I had a very bad experience with them in the 90s and there is no way I would ever consider them again. Since I did not ask to be supplied by British gas, not even knowing what tariff I am on, as I have not yet received any correspondence form them, would I be in my rights not to pay their bill if they sent me one? Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to have free electricity, in fact I have opened a separate savings account and instructed my bank to transfer £70.00 every month to it, just in case I get a nasty surprise. With Extra Energy my tariff was Bright fixed price January 2017, which is less expensive than BG standard, so if I do get a bill from BG can I recalculate the figures using EE's rates? Last but not least, can I sue BG for taking over the suplly without my say so? Thank you in advance for any advice.
  5. Hi need a bit of help/advice please from Vodafone and I believe they have a rep on here. April last year my son got his first new full time job and treated himself to a new phone contract without telling us, well he is a young adult so he didnt think to tell us. hes been using the phone as they do and occasionally it would go off and he said oh I havn't paid the bill I will ring them which he did and it got put back on. Now its been off for a while and he owned up to a huge bill and he cant pay it, he says not his fault as CPW said he had unlimited data (this is the huge bill) I checked his contract and yep it did say unlimited but for 90 days only he assumed it was the contract even though it does state 2gb a month. He's an idiot TBH expects everything to be done for him and with vodafone switching his phone back on each month without paying the bill hasnt helped at all. I rang vodafone yesterday and they gave me a run down from Sept 2014 and it comes to £736.90, mostly if not all data. I have checked and on one day he used 847mb even though he was at home and we have wifi so I think something is not right. I use my phone for business and only use approx 400mb a month. He even thinks on that day his phone wasnt even on, it had been blocked by voda. and other days that show high data usage. I asked why he hadnt been checking his bills he said didnt get any, asked about online account and he said cant log in just goes to a help page each time. I tried and found wrong password in five minutes I had logged in to see all these bills from oct 2014. Its absolutely unbelievable that vodafone have been unblocking his phone each month by him just ringing up and promising payment and not paying it. Whilst in his account I notice on the summary it states £30 a month inc VAT but checking his bill he has been charged £30 plus vat. Now his phone is still off, its about to go to collections and he cant pay it. Yes I know he should he used it, it wasnt free but my worry here is not too long ago he took an OD due to money problems so im worried he might go down that route again. I have spoke to CS but to no avail thought I would see if anyone on here could help. He to has rang CS but gets no where so ends up frustrated and very moody. P.S. I got through to Vodafone CS and asked the exact date the phone was switched off and was told the 18th November and just looking at his bills the phone was still being used after that date again mainly data and have incurred charges. How can a phone incur charges and use texts, calls and data when its been fully barred from use and hasnt been used. I have uploaded a couple of screen grabs. This now makes me think all the data may not have been used by him at all and I can see its common.
  6. EDF say I built up a debt of around £2.5K with them. This was despite my direct debit having been in place - they simply failed to collect the agreed amount for over a year whilst I was abroad. They say they notified me of this in emails, but they did not - I only started getting emails a few months ago when they realised their error. Basically they stopped billing me after changing to a smart meter, they must have got their records confused. I was exasperated by their conduct towards me, which included lies about having emailed me and not taking my code complaint seriously (I was requesting a bill revision to exclude debt more than 1 year old), so I decided to switch supplier. In April, I was accepted by Ovo and have been with them for several months now. Despite having written several times to EDF to point this out (and even having it confirmed by email) they continue to send letters threatening installation of a prepayment meter via a warrant. Can they obtain such a warrant? Do they have to let me know, is there a court hearing which I can attend? Can they install a prepayment meter at a property where they are no longer the supplier?
  7. After being with Scottish Power for over 3 years without any problems, I received a statement in September to inform me that, despite having paid the same amount (£69-70) a month for quite some time, my account was in debit by over £650 and that my direct debit would be £158 a month. This was very clearly wrong so I inspected the statement closely. It was then that I found the meter readings they had estimated for that bill had been swapped, leaving my night and day usage very different to those I was seeing on my meter. I tried to call them but was unable to get through I sent a detailed email, demonstrating the mistake and using their bill reading from the last statement to show how much it should have been with the unit prices given. I waited for several days to hear back but couldn't risk their new direct debit being set in motion before the matter was resolved so called again. The person I spoke to got rather upset by my tenacious attitude to my calculations being correct, even going so far as to tell me that I couldn't use the readings given in the bills Scottish Power had based all of their bills and charges on because they were only estimates. I calmly pointed out that, given the bill at an estimate and working out the extra amount up to the ACTUAL current readings would still be correct (being a maths teacher comes in handy sometimes you know!) I was told he would look into it and call me back the next day between 4 and 5pm. At 5:15pm I called them up again and spoke to someone who finally acknowledged that the readings had been changed, although he said it was quite some time back. To establish which reading was which I had to go through some procedures to get several spaced readings. I dutifully did this, calling back with my readings. He told me that, as the evening one showed movement of both readings, it wasn't good enough as it had to be only one. I pointed out that the other readings had only one moving but he wouldn't accept it and I had to go through the same procedure again with him phoning me. Once this had clarified the meters were the way I had said, an amended bill was sent through, illustrating the credit I expected to be in. I did not receive any new letter regarding my monthly payment I called them up and got verbal confirmation that my monthly DD would return to £69, which it did in October. This, I thought, was the matter resolved, although I was so disappointed with the way I had been treated and made to feel like I was at fault all the way through, not to mention the complete lack of apology from them for the distress and anxiety they had caused, that I looked into alternative suppliers. Imagine my surprise then to find they had changed my DD again this month, with no notice, and put it up to £93 (not a number quoted to me in any correspondence from them). As we have been living quite close to the edge this last few months, this could have taken quite a large impact on my financial situation, causing bank charges and return of payments. Would someone please give me some advice on what the best way to handle this is? I have cancelled my direct debit with the bank but don't trust their customer service to even listen before making judgement on whether I'm trouble. Is there someone higher up who would take this matter more seriously? If I hadn't been more than a little competent in understanding the maths behind how bills are put together I would have been forced to concede the advisors were correct and paid up £650+ that I didn't owe. I certainly wouldn't want this happening to anyone else if I can help it. Thanks
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