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Found 10 results

  1. ScottishPower has been fined £18 million by regulator Ofgem for customer service failings. The energy firm "failed to treat its customers fairly" when handling calls, dealing with complaints and billing, the watchdog said. Dermot Nolan, Ofgem chief executive, said: "Scottish Power let its customers down during the implementation of a new IT system. When things went wrong, it didn't act quickly enough to fix them. "This created frustration and worry for many customers, who also wasted a lot of time trying to contact the supplier by phone." ScottishPower was blasted for "unacceptably long call waiting times", with the company receiving more than one million complaints between June 2013 and December 2015. Ofgem added that thousands of Ombudsman rulings were not implemented within the required 28 days and ScottishPower's failures resulted in more than 300,000 customers receiving late final bills. This meant many customers did not receive money they were owed. However, the regulator also said that, since it opened the investigation, ScottishPower has improved its customer service. Up to £15 million of the fine will be paid out to ScottishPower customers affected by customer service issues and the remainder will go to charity https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/scottishpower-hit-18m-fine-failing-063035164.html
  2. Hello I'm trying to used the scottishpower book a call back, and i keep getting "Sorry, the timeslot you have requested is unavailable, please select another time" I have been trying for the last few weeks to organise a call back, using the online message system also and still no call back from scottishpower. What can i do? Thanks Dan
  3. Scottish Power Scottish power causeway Wilderspool causeway Warrington WA4 6QD This is not the head office of ScottishPower – but it is the address of a major customer service centre with at least 100 customer service operatives and over 50 other support staff. If you have made your energy contract in England/Wales and you live in England/Wales then you can sue ScottishPower in England/Wales if you have an address for service within the jurisdiction. This address in Warrington will be fine. Don't worry about having to sue out of the jurisdiction in Glasgow or any other thing like that. A few more people suing these inept and irresponsible energy companies like ScottishPower and npower will do the whole of the consumer environment a lot of good. So come on people – bring it on.
  4. Took them 3 months to inspect/service my boiler to check my eligibility for joining. The annual "service" was a 10-minute check. Called them to fix a radiator leak, I had to stay home from work on 3 separate days before an engineer turned up. I discovered after he left the boiler wasn't keeping pressure, so unusable. I stayed home for another no-show engineer, later to be told they had 3-times the usual callouts so couldn't send anyone until after the weekend. That was just an excuse - they clearly don't have enough engineers to cover. After numerous calls from me - still no call from them 6 days after the boiler broke to arrange an engineer. I eventually cut my losses and called my own engineer who diagnosed the problem over the phone - he had emtied the boiler through the pressure relief valve, which is a bad idea. He ordered a new valve and repaired my boiler. Unfortunately they tell me they won't reimburse me the £114 to fix my boiler from a 3rd party engineer and that also invalidates my contract. I don't think they have an ombudsman for this service either, so may have to cut my losses. I am not renewing their contract!!! Does anyone have any advice?
  5. ScottishPower DD Adjustment Hello all, i was wondering if someone could give me some advice before i approach scottish power with the issue. I have been with scottish power for a few years now, and recently moved house on the 3 february, the property was with e.on and we took scottish power with us, when i called to transfer my account i told the women that i couldn't afford anything above a £65 DD a month and she assured me that in the last two years my dual fuel consumption worked out at £55 a month when broken down throughout the year, and she also said that as we were moving from a house to a flat then the monthly price would definitely not go anywhere above that figure, my direct debit was worked out at £51 per month and she again assured me that as the usage goes up at winter and drops in summer then there would be no need for it to be increased as it evens out throughout the year. so after submitting meter readings i get this email... "Your monthly payment Your new monthly payment is £86.00. We'll start to collect this by Direct Debit from 01 August 2013 and on the same date every month after that unless we notify you otherwise. There's no need for you to take any action, but if you have any questions about your payment amount, you should contact us at least five working days before it's due." also as the account was switched from e.on to scottish power the energy calculation is for a few weeks more than a standard quarter and the electricity and the gas was switched at different times, so im confused as to how the can calculate such an increase. I will contact scottish power for a break down and see what exactly is going on but if someone could give me some advice that would be greatly appreciated. Tenant87
  6. On 12th March 2013 my boiler had broken down and I called the Customer Service helpline on Wednesday 13th March, to log a call for an engineer to come and look at the boiler. An Engineer arrived at my property on Friday 15th March and confirmed to me that he needed to order 3 mechanical parts for the boiler to work again. I also informed him that there was a leak coming from the boiler. The engineer informed me that he had to e-mail my insurance company and seek authorisation to order the parts in which to rectify the problem with the boiler. At this time we had very thick snow and it was sub zero temperatures and I had no heating and hot water. On Monday 18th March I called Scottish Power again to see if they had received the e-mail from the engineer with regard to getting my boiler fixed. The sustomer Services lady that I spoke to informed me that they had received the e-mail but the boiler ID number was missing. On that note I then called the sub-contractors and the lady informed me that she had included the boiler number on the original e-mail sent to Scottish Power and had also called them with the information also. She went onto say that she would call Scottish Power again and provide them with the information again as she was concerned that I had now been without heating and hot water in sub zero temperatures for over a week. She then called me back the same day to confirm that Scottish Power were in receipt of the boiler ID number and a decision would be made in the next 24-hours, which was the Tuesday 19th March and I would be called to be informed when the Engineer would be coming to fix the boiler. By Saturday 23rd March I still hadn’t heard anything, so I called Scottish Power again and they informed me that my claim was still with the claims department as they had been very busy due to the cold weather and that my claim still hadn’t been dealt with. The customer service agent told me he would send another e-mail to ensure that this would be dealt with on Monday 25th March as there was nobody available at weekends to get this finalised. On the same day I e-mailed the complaints department, telling them all of this information and that I wasn’t happy at all with the service I had received to date and still some 2 weeks later I was still without heating and hot water. I also informed them that on Monday 25th March my daughter was having an operation and I needed the heating fixed for when she convalesced. On Monday 25th March I received a telephone call (almost 2 weeks after my initial call), whilst I was at the hospital with my daughter and I was told to go and buy some heaters and I would be reimbursed. The same lady called me on Tuesday 26th March to inform me that she had taken the £90 for the heaters off my April bill and also took my meter readings during the same telephone call. She went onto say that I would also be reimbursed for the extra electricity I was using from the heaters I had purchased. Later the same day the contractor called me to inform me that my parts were now in stock and they would be fitted on Wednesday 27th March, which they did, the control panel, PCB and water diverter valve. On Friday 29th March when I woke up the boiler pilot light was out, which I managed to re-start, then on Saturday 30th March when I woke up it was out again, I managed to re-start the pilot light but the control panel was dead. I went away for the evening and returned home on Sunday 31st March the whole system was dead and I couldn’t re-light the pilot light. I also noticed there was water dripping out of the bottom of the boiler, so I put a towel underneath it to catch the excess water, which was soaked by Sunday evening. I called Scottish Power again on Sunday 31st March to inform them that the boiler had broken down again only after two days of being fixed and the customer services representative informed me that I would be marked down as an urgent case. I received a call later that day to inform me that they couldn’t get a contractor out as it was Bank Holiday but if I could find my own plumber to fix the boiler, I would be reimbursed by Scottish Power. I declined this option as I was under the impression that if a third party touched the boiler then my insurance would be void. It took 4 days to send out another engineer who informed me that the first repair had been done incorrectly and that there was a leak which hadn't been repaired, he said the system now needed a costly repair and he would inform Scottish power of what would be required in order to carry out a proper repair. Five weeks later and after several telephone calls pleading for information and being promised someone was dealing with my case, I was informed by a third party that my repair would not be undertaken and I would have to replace my boiler at my own cost. He said that the cost of parts and labour exceeded my limit for repairs which I have never been informed of before. My boiler is only about 6 years old and had been under a maintenance contract with Scottishpower for most of that time. I was sold the policy over the telephone and never received a written contract but was told by the sales person that all parts and labour were covered by the premium policy, I telephoned their customer services again and was told my case was being reviewed by the complaints department, this was over two weeks ago and I have heard nothing from them since. I have now been without central heating and hot water for nine weeks and am desperate to get my boiler fixed, Scottishpower have been completely unhelpful and seem to have washed their hands of me, I have no idea where to turn now
  7. as above we've not heard from Gerry for more than a month now on cag wheres he gone? dx CAG siteteam. thread created to alert twitter account
  8. I could really use some help please. My husband is a soldier so we move around rather often. Upon moving into our house in York the utilities were already with Scottishpower. I called them up and gave our details for bills ect and thought that was that. They then proceeded to attempt to add the previous people's 3 months worth of arrears to our account. At this point I refused to pay anything until they resolved it as I didn't know if I was paying our bills, theirs or a joint combination. We kept the money to one side for when they'd eventually sorted it out. 5 months down the line they finally sorted it I was all ready to pay the arrears we had due to not payment while sorting the matter out but it turns out they'd GROSSLY under estimated the bills (ours) in an effort to sort the situation out I asked if we could do a payment plan and they stated we had to pay at least half of the arrears or they wouldn't do a payment plan (even half of the arrears was double what we had put to the side) and they gave us a cracking great monthly payment of £280 which we can't afford. I have offered them £50pm on top of our monthly bill to cover the arrears however they won't accept it. Now it's been 12 months since we moved in I've paid 1 bill in that 12 months as they are still refusing to help (now the bill stands at a little over £2,000) They are telling me that I need to pay a lump sum to set up a payment plan, pay in full or have a meter installed which not only will the army housing not allow but I can't get out to top it up as I have a son with very severe autism and a young baby. I've made efforts to sort this but they won't budge. I have asked how much our standard monthly plan is and they won't tell me because it includes the debt so I can't even make an "offer" to them because I don't know what I am offering on. Could I get some help in reference to sending them an offer through the post? PLEASE HELP
  9. Scottish Power are demanding half the balance of £1125.70 that I owe or they will come and fit a prepayment meter in my home, with force aparently. I have already paid them £25.70 and offered them £250 today and said I would pay £300 on 07/11/12 however they have turned around and refused unless I pay them £550. Surely as I am willing to clear the debt quite quickly they would just accept that payment and stop their plans. They have told me to "be home" on Thursday. But won't tell me what time and we are in work all day. I live in an apartment block and don't know where our meter is, it is not within the apartment so if they break in the door they would just be causing damage with no purpose. Please help!
  10. Hello, I owe Scottish Power £1125.70 and have not been able to pay the bill. I didn't hear from them for a while and to be honest forgot all about the debt. I then received a letter saying they have a warrant of entry and are coming to fit a prepayment meter, whether I am home or not. I called the company and paid them £25.70 and said I would try to get some more money together to which I was told they wanted half the debt or they would still use their warrant. I live in a large apartment block and am not even sure where the meters are myself so I don't see them breaking down my door being much use as the meter is not even in there. I also rent and know that my landlord could kick us out if the locks are changed and the meter is installed. I called them today to pay them £200-£250 and advise that I could make another payment of around £300 on the 7th November. But basically they refused to stop the meter being fitted unless I pay £550 today or tomorrow which I do not have. Basically they have now advised me to be home on Thursday when they plan to visit, but won't give me a time. Both me and my fiance can't be present on the day they are coming as we are both in work, and all they can say to us is "it's in your best interests". Well obviously getting sacked from work for staying home to wait for them is hardly in my best interests is it. Just wondered if there is any help out there. As we have offered a payment shouldn't they accept it? Also as we live in a large block can they mess with the meters, we have 24 hour concierge and they would have to be let in by calling our apartment number. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!
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