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Found 8 results

  1. Friend got a ticket in a car park managed by Parking Eye. Ticket machines were not working and several people weren't able to get a ticket. Sent letter to PE advising that machines were not working and that others were in the same position. We assumed that the other car owners would have got letters from PE and written back saying they couldn't get a ticket. However, PE have sent their usual "get lost" letter - what specifically should we be asking them for in the appeal to POPLA - is it proof that the machine was working ?
  2. Hi I work in retail with vending machines. These machines are new to company and manufacturer and many do not know how they truly work. The machines have a history of being temperamental. Now I am in the role and I have been reviewed as having lack of productivity as the machines don't work. I have been told by someone who said he was rusty on his knowledge of the machines, after he had been working since 4am in the morning. I was not given information of who to contact when the machine goes wrong or info. Luckily I found this out for myself. Whats my position as I do like the job, don't normally work in retail but I am enjoying it.
  3. The rail watchdog is launching an investigation into “rip off” rail machines after a Telegraph investigation revealed that passengers are routinely being denied the cheapest fares. Joanna Whittington, chief executive of the Office of Rail and Road, said that research suggests one in 20*passengers were being sold rail tickets by machines that are too expensive. This means the millions of rail passengers could be potentially be paying the wrong*train*fares for journeys. An investigation by the Telegraph in 2014 found that customers were forced to pay double the required fare*as a result of machines promoting the most expensive tickets and “burying” the cheapest options. Telegraph
  4. Train companies are being forced to offer commuters the cheapest rail fares possible, following criticism that passengers can pay an excess of £100 when purchasing tickets at self-service machines instead of paying at a ticket counter. The changes, which are expected to be implemented by March, are aimed at ending the anomaly in prices available at the counter, where staff have access to a complex database of fares, discounts and promotions, and the more limited options in a self-service machines. Some machines have been found to promote expensive fares, bury cheaper options and do not apply discounts for groups or families, leading to a difference in train prices of up to £100, according to the Daily Telegraph. As a first step, they must label all self-service machines by March to warn passengers they could save money by using the counter service. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/rail-bosses-told-to-show-passengers-how-to-get-cheapest-tickets-9952838.html
  5. Were i live, the council still have the old coin machines, they do not allow any 2012 coins, i had enough change on me for 2 hours, but £1 of the change was in 2012 coins in .20pences. I asked the parking warden near me if they could assist me but refused she told me to pay for the 2 hours or move, i told her i was not able to as all the car parks in the area are owned by the council and are same, and i had my disabled child with me who had an appointment, i had stated this to the warden but she wouldn't have it, but it was a very important appointment. I paid for the hours parking and overstayed by 20 mins and i knew i had a ticket as she came back 2 mins before the end of my ticket and stood at my car till 3 mins over the time and then issued the ticket, (i know this as i have a camera on the car which is clearly stated on the car stating camera in car 24/7 recording) I'm paying the fine on friday as they except credit cards over the phone, I'm fuming with this i understand i over stayed and I'm at fault but i feel the council should now update their machines as i would have to go the bank to get old coins as most places now only uses the new coins.
  6. We parked at the Peel Centre on the evening of 9th February 2014. We arrived, parked & left with some friends who were in a separate car. All the ticket machines were covered up with yellow covers, so we couldn't purchase a ticket. We took photos of all the machines in the vicinity just in case of any come back. We received a PCN from Excel Parking Services which we appealed against, but it was rejected. We appealed to POPLA, and again the appeal was rejected. In short, Excel & POPLA are saying that we should have contacted the Helpline No, but the sign next to each machine just says “in case of machine failure please use another machine and report the fault by calling our Helpline telephone number”. However: - There was no fault to report. - We couldn't use another machine because they were all covered up. - It doesn't say on the sign that you should call the Helpline number to make alternative payment arrangements. - Our friends who arrived, parked & left at the same time as us didn't receive a PCN. - I have asked Excel Parking on several occasions (by email) why the machines were covered up on the night in question - they haven't replied. How do we know they didn't cover them all up on purpose to catch people out?! This is the summary from POPLA: "Considering carefully, all the evidence before me, I find that by parking at the site for 73 minutes without purchasing the appropriate parking tariff, the appellant breached the terms and conditions of using the site. I also find that if the appellant was unable to purchase a valid ticket/ permit, they should have contacted the operator on the number provided on the signage displayed at the site, failing this they should not have parked there. I also find that the appellant’s case is that of mitigation. Mitigating circumstances do not form a valid ground to allow an appeal. Accordingly, this appeal must be refused." I now have until Friday 1st August to pay £100 fine "in order to avoid any further action by the operator". I would really appreciate some advice!! Thanks Karen Williams
  7. Barclays is selling most of its ATMs as it prefers to focus on more profitable activities like manipulating LIBOR. I used one in Gibraltar which I was told belonged to Barclays. It debited my account for the sterkling equivalent of 800 euros. But it dispensed no cash I would not have risked so much if I had niot thought that it belonged to Barclays. Actually it ias owned by Raphael`s Bank, a London bank which specialises in foreign exchange. I went to Barclays branch in Gibraltar to complain. They tried to send me away but I said that i was a Barclays customer and had used a Barclays Debit Card. After two hours on the phone, they faxed a claim form which I filled out. I spent another 2 hours at their branch in Faro, Portugal trying to expedite matters. Nothing happenned for 60 days. When I got home I found a letter asking for more information and saying my case would be dropped if I had not replied within 7 days. This was obviously impossible as they should have known since they had my fax from Gibraltar on file . After more complaints I received a fraud form from my Branch which asked me to sign away my legal rights, if nio spare cash was found in the ATM. I refused to sign it. I phoned Raphael`s who told me that they still had the cash but that Barclays had not contacted them. Barclays told me that it was too late to contact Raphael after 60 days. I wrotwe to the new CEO, who claimed that he had not received the letter. I was told that the bank had written back biut that certainly never arrived. The matter was only resolved, without any additional compensation for my worry, loss of holiday and so on after I went to the Press I personally am of the opinion that Barclays has a deliberate policy of trying to fob off ATM incidents, whether in its own or other bank`s machines. This includes the use of dubious fob-off letters. The only answer is to go into the Branch and lengthen the queues. I have already cut up my Barclaycard because of their excessive charges.
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