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  1. I wonder if someone can help me. My car has been in the garage since April 2016. I have been given all different dates when it will be ready. I have whatsapp messages to say it would be ready in February this year. Let me explain because I really need to understand what my legal right is as I though garages had to carry out repair within a reasonable period of time. In April last year my BMW 325i broke down. I was told it was the head block. At first I tried with no success to find a head block and then decided to opt for a part worn engine. I ordered the engine but unfortunately they sent the wrong one which caused delays. However a head block became available in August 2017. Since this time I was told that they had to await pistons. I threatened to take the car back in February but was told that I would need to pay for the work that had already been carried out and they have ridiculous excuses. I have left my car with them but up to today my car is still not ready, they have caused extensive dents in the car which they said they would repair. However it has been well over a year and I am still without my car. Can anyone tell me what my legal position is. I have already paid them £500 up front. Mark
  2. Hi everyone! we bought an Audi A6 auto in September 2016 with a known gearbox problem. We found a gearbox on eBay (rare gbox code), and had it sent to us and fitted by our mechanic. It wasn't right and was leaking, the supplier took it back, repaired it, and sent it back out to us. It still wasn't right. Eventually the supplier said to send him the car (To Essex, we're in Birmingham) and he'd fix it free of charge. By this point we had paid him £1000 for the gearbox. He then said the ECU was a problem and to send him £350 to have the ECU repaired. He has now had the car since April 2017. I've called countless times, and when I eventually do get hold of him, he either says they're busy, or the latest one was that they've changed 3 gearboxes with no luck. I managed to get someone from a nearby garage to go and check that our car is still there. He said that it is, but that we should go get our car as it will just rot there. He said we're not the first to threaten the guy with legal or police action, and that no one has ever had any luck getting money out of this guy. Apart from our mechanics' labour, we're out £1350 to this guy. We obviously didn't know who we were dealing with initially. We have bought many gearboxes and engines from eBay and from breakers, and never had any issues. Paypal won't cover the money, as the transaction is over 180 days old. And it wasn't paid for by credit card, so I'm not sure what happens with indemnity. Do any of you have any experience with something like this? Is there any way of getting our money back? Thank you.
  3. The main chaos was all about the cowboy builder to ask the facilitating payment fraud just after the garden wall he demolished in his plan. Make long story short ( go to the paragraph 14 ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Claim Case registered in March 2014. * However, Halifax assigned its panel*claims management company (LAS) 7 July 2014 handle my case. * on 7*July 2014 The loss assessors provided by LAS confirmed the two hours*appointment commencing at*4pm,*10 July 2014. * LAS emailed me with offer*£65.01*(they actively*already deducted the excess fee). This amount is very unreasonable, and I had rejected it and made request to fix the damaged. Later on, they made second offer £523.97,*I rejected it again*because I just want the damaged got fixed. * I complained to Halifax about the surveyor*non-professional behaviours because I was been advised this is essential two hours slot appointment, but*he came late nearly*1 hours, and work less than 30 minutes then leave the job without some damaged check such as leaking in shed. * On 12 August 2014, I had contacted Halifax to have follow up my complaint, and requested of another company to have re-assessment, and I had clearly request to fix the damaged by insurance and disagreed LAS suggestion to use the claim case to make a money. I also make encounter offer another £500 back to Halifax to have damaged fixed. (voice recording: Call162644.wav) * I had requested to send me the official letter if they unable to fix, then I can escalate this to ombudsman. I contacted them. However, they had no response and even no setup the complaint. * On 20 Nov 2014, I had contacted Halifax home insurance and insisted insurer to fix it, and disagree their intention to close the case. ** Insurer had closed my case, I complaint they should not close the case without my consent and should not ignored my request to keep it open until getting fix the damaged. * Finally, Halifax appointed the beta-coveXX to do the survey becasue they know they are in wrong position. I had received the email from*Beta-coveXX's Inspection and Claim reported in 25 Jan 2016, and contacted with Beta-coveXX(Mandy) about the details of*repair tasks, and she sent me the three documents which are*authorization Mandate,*Conditions of Work and*Approval Letter Nick on*27 Jan 2016. In 25 Feb 2016, I had returned three documents with signature and*with bank*cheque (22Feb2016-slip.jpg) by post to*Beta-coveXX after all parties*( Halifax/ Beta-coveXX and I) had clarified the work details. I found the cheque bank in at 26 March 2016.* * During the period from January 2016 to February 2016 , I would like emphasis that I decided to give up some tasks such as shed roof felt and its leaking*rather than reach an*impasse that Halifax only*accepted the full wall cover, and the rest of building tasks they had "successfully" avoid responsibility. * In Mid March 2016,*I was given the*Beta-coveXX staff (Pxx) mobile number to find out*when the work schedule commencing. Original work was*scheduled in early May 2016, however Pxx contacted me in late*April 2016*about the brick type issue*which*he cannot source it (this first type was proposed in 21 April 2016 with proposal date), and he requested to have second type of brick option which I had confirmed in 28 April 2016. Therefore, the schedule were finally*postpone to 25*July 2016 ( 5 days work). I had chasing*up him about the work schedule since Mid March 2016. In afternoon of 25 July 2016, after Beta-coveXX staff completed the few hours wall brick demolish, and Pxx asked £160+vat for brick release from sheffield if I want them to continue tomorrow work. I complaint this to halifax and claim team staff had struggled for an hour and finally agreed to pay it. * In 26 July 2016, I found no brick delivery, and no man to resume the work. In 28 July 2016, I contacted Beta-coveXX, they tried to be disappeared. Finally, Halifax transfer my call to talk to them and find out they had not placed the order before 26 July 2016, now told me the delivery will only take few days. Finally, I was been told this is available 9 August 2016, wasting 14 days.* * I had complaint the poor qualities of service provided Beta-coveXX, and cheating behaviour. I also requested*Halifax appoint another company to carry out the job.*Also reported the no wall causing the two*trespassing cases*issue, and requested to have temporarily wall built and cctv. However, Complaint Manager Mxx Wxxx decided to give me £100 but I*made encounter-offer to Halifax £200 (double of their compensation), and at least re-insist the temporarily wall and or cctv. However Mxx Wxxx insisted close my case and ignore my request to keep the case open until the damaged get fix. The same request I had made to Stuart, however he rejected it. * Complaint Manager ( Sxx Rxx) confirmed he*took*the decision from Personal Claim Consultant report to provide the his final decision letter. * Personal Claim Consultant( Dxx Txx) confirmed he took*the survey report from Regent Group to create his report*.* * Regent Group (Rxxx) confirmed he do “NO TEST”. He rejected to accept the £523 pounds to take over the rebuild work, and said non-sense offer. * My original complaint setup is 26 July 2016, which handled by Mxx Wxxx and she insisted to ignore my request to keep the case open and deliberate to close the case. When I complaint this again, Sxx Rxx setup as NEW case for same complaint to take advantage of 8 weeks rule setup and not accept my request to re-open the original case. During Sxx Rxx time off, I was advised to they can do the investigation more than 8 weeks, and I am not allow to put this case further (Ombudsman) until they finished the case. Finally, they took 12 weeks to issue the report to me. In fact, Mxx Wxxx, Sxx Rxx and Dxx Txx they had taken their holiday plan and leave my case aside. * The extra entities and process such as*Personal*Claim*Consultant and Regent Group, which is redundant, and interference the case.* The location of wall is now open, but*I was been*advised*by claim team staff*I have to*accompany*with Personal Consultant and Survey company*(appointed*Regent Group), otherwise dismissed my case. This caused me wasted two half days off. * In 17*Nov 2016,*Jxx from Claim department actively*proposed me to have cash*settlement by using my own*constructor, provided me the website by email**as well*as guide to find the contractors to*fulfil*their*cash settlement request (Voice Recording*from 16:34).*She understood this is difficult to find the contractor in the wintertime, and fully aware it might take 6 months and agreed this can be last to*April 2017 to have solution. * In 21 Nov 2016, *Jxx confirmed only one quotation need*(voice recording from*9:39); She confirmed Halifax cannot provided*a settlement offer even they had*estimate( voice recording from12:55). * In 31 Jan 2017, all in sudden Jxx*can make up a settlement offer and set the offer only 5 days(, then close case at 6 *Feb 2017 if I not responded.*I had responded*to her email sent on 5 Feb 2015*with quotation they requested, which fulfil what she promised in the phone (17 and 21 Nov 2016).However, afterwards Katie( help Jxx) responded she would*close*my case if they had not heard from me next 14 working days.*Next response that is final response from Natasha agreed to follow my decision the case escalate to Financial Ombudsman. The whole case last nearly 3 years.* Ombudsman response, they offered me £19XX + brick delivery is fair. It is usual the Halifax can have better rate from their business parter Beta-coveXX, the total is £39xx is lower than your quotes. Deduct the brick cost which is £18XX, the rest is £19XX...correct. Ombudsman reckoned the delay causing down to me because I had not contacted them for a while. I am going to response to Ombudsman, and request them to have review the document because the investigator have preconceived opinions which caused the ombudsman believe I actively ask for cash settlement, and I had not pay the excess, and delay the case myself. Just before ombudsman write the final decision letter, the investigator still ask me had you paid the excess( your duty)? Can I use the following ground to challenge ombudsman decision? (1)reasonable time to fix? (2)reasonable skill to fix? (3) make up premier brick cost under the business partnership? which is 1.4 times higher than the retails price you can walk-in to pay, and using this cost figure to reduce the amount you can have to fix it yourself. (4)reasonable business behaviour in Halifax to make the different offers for the same wall repairing, in my case, firstly offer me £65, then £523 and now £19xx + brick/block you fix it yourself. (5)reasonable behaviour to force customer to accept the offer otherwise close my case without notification. (6)reasonable to close my case even I had insisted to leave it open everytime they asked? (7)reasonable to sub contract the work to another contractor and this contractor to subcontract again to another one-man band without my consent/ notification? Pxx is not staff of Beta-coveXX, and the man demolished the wall is got the contract from Pxx. What I want it is only Halifax assign the repairing work to another builder to fix it. Much appreciated if you can give me the advice or your point of view. thank you!
  4. A few years back I had a bit of a meltdown after my marriage failed and through a period of depression and "head in the sand" my financial dealings deteriorated and imploded!!! 3 years later I'm back on the straight and narrow and trying to rebuild my life.... and my credit file!!! There is a legacy of three items which are causing a fairly major issue with my ability to get a mortgage: 1. A default notice registered in the name of Lowell for what was a balance on a Next Directory account. 2. A CCJ for a debt that I dispute. 3. A CCJ for a debt that I accept. Is there anything that I can do in order to have these negative entries removed or mitigated? I understand that there is an appeal type process against a CCJ however will the length of time since the judgement was made exclude me from being able to use this course of action? I've not paid a penny against either of the CCJs or the default so if I can't get them removed then I guess it's a matter of sitting it out for the next three years, but ideally I'd like to pay what I owe and for this to have a positive affect on my credit rating! Thanks in advance for your help.
  5. Hello everyone, I have a question regarding provision of heating in Scotland. I am renting a private accommodation and, as per usual, agent seems not to care, even though has been informed (emailed twice, now I am intending to send them a formal letter) the heating does not work properly. I have no boiler and only electric heating in the whole flat. Problems: 1) the radiator in the living room does not operate, tried all the switches that there are and it will not budge. (There is a small, fixed electric fireplace in the living room but it is only on/off and does not provide enough heat anyway when constantly on). 2) the radiator in a bedroom (smallish for the size of the room), whilst constantly on full power, never provides enough heat - as I am writing, being there, I feel cold, my fingers feel stiff and cannot bend them without minor pain. There is also draft due to improperly insulated windows in the bedroom and the the living room. 3) A heavy, vertical radiator in a bathroom is not properly fixed and is prone to falling of the wall which is a health hazard (apparently, the agent have been made aware about this by previous tenants as well and made no repairs). 4) There is no heating system whatsoever in the kitchen - is the kitchen excluded from provision of heating? My understanding is that the flat does not comply with tolerate and repairing standards and the issues I have mentioned above should have been addressed by the agent. I want to write a properly formatted, detailed letter to the agent but I canno find within the Shelter Scotland website (and others) or Scottish Housing Act precise information about the tolerable and repairing standards in respect of heating, that is: what are the exact minimum celcius temperatures in bedrooms and living rooms that the fixed appliances should provide at all times? I would be thankful if anyone could point me towards relevant legislation and/or guidelines as well as what the next step I need to take, should the agent disregard my formal letter of complaint. Thanks, K.
  6. Hi Not sure whether I'm in the right section here or not, but I would like to rebuild my credit rating with the aim of getting a mortgage. You can read about my debts and history at http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?432514-settling-a-old-CCJ-from-CL-finance-for-old-HSBC-card-debt/page2 I'm going to wait until my ccj falls off my credit rating next month, in fact probably be Dec before I can do anything as I assume it takes a month for the credit reports to refresh after that (ccj ends on 10th of Nov! Yay!), but what is the best thing to do to get this credit rating of 1/5 on noddle back up to a 5? I'm not sure where to start. I assume I'll have trouble getting credit with a 1 rating. Is is worth paying for noddle improve? I'm on electoral roll and my address history shows on there. The ccj is the only debt which displays now. Also need to improve husbands credit rating as we want a mortgage, but we'll start a seperate topic for that as his circumstances are different. Ideas and suggestions welcome
  7. Hi there Myself and my husband got into some financial trouble 5 years ago which lead to some defaults. As of next year all the defaults will be due to drop off our credit files. We currently have a mortgage with no arrears for the past 3 years. We really would like to move in the next couple of years and was wondering how long after defaults are removed will a lender consider allowing us to sell and buy? Is there mortgage brokers that WILL consider applications with poor credit? Thanks
  8. I would like some advice please. I purchased a HP all in one PC in October 2012 and it was perfect and did everything I needed it to do. However in the beginning of October 2013 (whilst it was still under the manufacturers warranty) the screen was accidently chipped by one of my children. (this was not covered by the manufacturers guarantee as it was accidental damage). I took it into the Store and I was told it would cost about £200 at the most to repair it so I sent it away to be repaired with the Knowhow team and said to them if it was going to cost anymore to phone me and advise me of this BEFORE they did any of the repairs and to ONLY REPAIR THE SCREEN AND NOT TO TOUCH ANY OF THE HARD/SOFTWARE ON THE COMPUTER. I was told this would not be a problem and they would call me when it was ready to be collected. When I did not hear from them about my PC being returned to me I Phoned the Knowhow team and asked them what had happened with it: Whilst it was there the engineer looked at the screen and knew it would cost : Screen £547, Connector cable £48 and the hard drive £31 with a total of £616. to repair it and did not phone me to tell me of this So my screen was taken off my PC and "tossed in the trash" and a new one was put on without my consent not only this they was going to replace a connector cable and hard drive that when the left my possession had nothing wrong with them and they was told not to touch. I told them I wanted MY screen put back on and the PC returned to the store immediately for collection. When it arrived back to the store and I went to collect it I and the Colleague that booked in the PC for repair (Sam) noticed that the screen had 2 large cracks down the front of it that was not there when it left. Sam then phoned the Knowhow service centre and asked them what they was going to do about it and they Verbally told him that they was liable for the damage and they would repair it FREE OF CHARGE. And whilst it was there the connector cable and the hard drive would be replaced because they were still under the warranty). So it was packaged back up and sent back off to the repair centre. A week later i got a call from the guy (Sam) in the store to say the PC was back but it had not been repaired as the damage had happened in transit and if I wanted it repaired I would have to pay for it. Since the beginning of November 2013 my PC has been at the store damaged and nobody will repair or replace it when I was told they would (I have not collected it because I know if I remove it from the store I will be told the damage happened in my care after it left the store). Please can someone help me with what to do as I want my PC repaired by Knowhow free of charge like they said they would or a replacement one because they damaged it. This has been going on for over 9 months and I do not know where to turn next.
  9. We are in a really messy situation with the property management company at the moment, and is desperately in need of some professional advice. So thank you first of all for reading and trying to help. THE CASE: 1. Since we started our (12 months contract) renting and moved into the property in Feb 2010, there is no hot water on the tap and the electrical storage heating in the master bedroom has never worked! We made a request of fixing the hot water issue after we settled in, and the management company sent plumber and electrician to try to fix it numerous of time during the last two years. To this date Feb 2013, we still have no hot water on the tap, and we've learnt to live without the storage heating in our bedroom, but bought an external plug-in electrical heating ourselves for the winter days. The last update we received regards no hot water through the tap, is that the element in the boiler needed to be changed, which has been the main issue of causing the fuse to trip for the last two years, so that's why everytime after fixing we'd have hot water through the tap for about 3 days, then it stops working. And this update is received around Oct 2012, and the plumber said we'd need to wait for a reply to see if the landlord is willing to pay for the element because it is a very expensive part. 2. THEN, over the Christmas, when we come back home from holiday in Jan 2013, we realised the storage heating for the lounge has also stopped working. So we ask for the property management to send in the electrician to fix it. But instead of finding faults with the radiator, the electrician found the fuse board is partially burned. On the spot, the electrician said we've been very lucky, and it has possibly been caused by the wooden shoe shelf pressing onto the fuse board (which i can't completely agree), and he also suggested to change the electricity feed to a safer measure for the peak and off-peak electricity separately because how it was being distributed is not very safe. About a week later, the property management got back to us, and said we are liable for the restoring and call out costs of £600 to the fuse board, because it is our shoe shelf that was pressing on the fuse board. So I get back to them and explained our issue with the situation is, the wooden shoe shelf is there in the property, and been placed where it is right next to the fuse board in the cupboard since we moved in. (And we have the inventory list to prove that, and have already shown to the property management company). Since it is not our shoe shelf in the first place, and we are not the one responsible for placing the shoe shelf to a place where it shouldn't be. In this situation, is the landlord responsible for the costs of fixing? or is it really us (the tenant)? or is it the electrician's fault oversaw the underlying danger and did not warn us about the shoe shelf placing where it was in the last 2 years? Who should be liable for the repairing costs? I feel very frustrated at this point, not only that I feel being misinformed, and knowing it could have been the (25 years old) old fuse board burned up and charred the shoe shelf instead of the fault of the shoe shelf for where it was. (so right now we are looking into another electrician to run a full inspection to the cause of fire to the fuse board). But before we get a result from the inspection, we really wanted to know even if it was the shoe rack caused the damage to the fuse board, but we are not the owner of the shoe rack, and we didn't place it there! Since the shoe rack belongs to the landlord, and it was the landlord who placed it there, shouldn't the landlord be liable for the repairing costs to the fuseboard? What can I say to the management company to back up my point? And if the electrician is liable too? For a certified and trained electrician, isn't he suppose to spot potential hazard such as this? Since he attended our house and our fuse board for at least 4-5 times a year, and he did not see the shoe rack can cause potential hazard? We could have been burned alive! So who's really liable to the cause of damage and the costs? 3. Best of it yet, last friday we received a call from the letting agency, saying the landlord is asking for a rent increase and it could be £100 to £250 more each month. How much he wants to increase, we still don't know. At the moment we are still waiting to hear back from the agent about how much for the raise. But we feel that is very cheeky, and being bullied, feeling like if we don't agree to the rent increase, of course we get kick out. And whether we agree or not, the property management is still trying to get us pay the £600 for the fuse board. As for the boiler since it is clearly the liability of the landlord, the rent increase is apparently to "cover" his costs for replacing the element in the boiler. Is this unlawful from the landlord to raise rent in such circumstances? In conclusion, we don't mind to pay £100 extra each month for the rent, because we love where we live, and have great neighbours. But on principal and economy circumstances, we really want to know who is liable for the costs of the new fuse board. And what options do we have? We can't agree to a rent increase plus a £600 bill for something that is not our fault. Having no hot water through the tap to wash clothes and wash dishes, or having a hot bath for two years is unbelievably hard! Thank god at least we have hot water through the electric shower. But since now I'm pregnant, the issue of sanitation has became a pressing issue for us, so to have hot water through the tap to do proper washing is very important. As I'm typing this out in the lounge with my freezing fingers while wearing 5 layers of clothing in my own home, the sense of being cornered and helplessness is impeccable, and is causing a great distress on top of my first pregnancy. I really hope someone here can give us some professional advice. Much appreciated and thank you so much again. Berni
  10. Hi Everyone, I hope i can get some advise here More than 2 years ago I bought Samsung 46"LED tv ,that tv was Ex-display (No stand,no wires ,no remote with some scratches on the front and dent back panel) People from the shop where I bought that tv promise me to find the stand and some other staff but till today I didint get anything.The problem was my landlord not accept tv fit on the wall so I was forced to lay the TV on the table and believe me it was not easy because the TV is big, heavy, and there was no stand. Television slipped from the cabinet which has more than 1.5 meters on Hard areas which had been made under the ceramic tails (because the house was renovated)I will add to, I tried to secure the TV all time . Call knohow they take tv and after 1 week back not repairing "the damage is exceeded" I send them 1 more letter with the explain in full whats happened, and still not accept ? Please let me know what should I do Regards Remik
  11. Hi, I really need help on this situation. Third party vehicle reversed out from the driveway and hit my car on the passenger side door, front wing, alloys and front bumper. They accepted liability. So called up my local BMW (Sytner BMW Chigwell) after my insurance company was failing sort out anything, local dealer gave me number for their accident management company "Sytner Drive". Took my car to the local dealer Sytner BMW in Chigwell were lady from the body shop had a look at the car. she saw the damages and i also pointed out few other damages example suspension damage, stereo issue, air-bag sign as well as car steering towards the right and noises coming from the bottom the car while going over humps. when to pick the car from the dealer after they said my car was fully repaired, on the way going home i noticed the car was still steering towards the right and something still scrapping bottom of the car while going over hump, stereo wasn't working and when i parked up i could see both front suspension wasn't equally level, as one was higher than the other. So called up my dealer they took the back. repaired the stereo but as anything else they are saying its not accident related because they believe the problem is not driver side suspension not the passenger. the garage done two geometry test, they couldn't find anything wrong with the suspension at first. so they inspected the vehicle found the problem. when spoke the engineer he tells me its possible wear and tear, could be problem with spring, wisbone and etc. he wouldn't be able to tell the exact fault on the suspension nor can he give me assessment report. i know by applying little common sense to this, when my car got hit on the passenger side i felt the car move towards the right. straight after that while driving i went over the humps and started to hear scrapes on the bottom of the car. even if i drove my 1-5mph speed it still scrapes something in the bottom. any help or advice would be much appreciated, plus i called financial ombudsmen and they cant help me on this.
  12. Hi, My wife and I agreed to purchase a car from a garage. After we test drove the new vehicle we gave the garage owner the key to our old car for him to review it. He looked it over but chose not to drive it. We arranged to collect our new car 5days later. We went to collect as arranged and were dealt with by another employee as the owner wasn't in. After we exchanged signed contracts and handed over the cash we thought the deal was done. However the employee asked a colleague to test drive our vehicle, he came back stating an ABS light was on and the Engine Management light, which was correct. The employee asked if the original guy we saw 5 days at knew about it, I said I wasn't sure but that we did give him the key to look at our car. The employee said fine and we shook hands and left. That was 10 days ago. They have now rung me up today and said they've had the lights reset but they keep coming back on so they're going to have to charge me for the repairs. Can they do this?
  13. Hi Everyone, I hope you can give me some advice on a problem I am facing. On 06/03/2009 I purchased a Dell inspiron 1545 laptop with the whatever happens agreement paying around £9 per month. About a month ago my wife was using the laptop and went to check on my son who was in the bath. She slipped in the bathroom and the laptop hit the bath and went into the bath which had water in it. she immediately took the laptop out and called me whilst i was at work. I rang the knowhow company and told them the laptop had fell in the bath. They told me to drop off the laptop to your local store and it will be picked up from there and repaired. A week later I had a phone call to say that it was being returned without repaired and to follow instructions on a letter that you will get with the laptop. I asked what the problem was but they said something like " the damage is exceeded" I've picked the laptop a few days ago and looked at the letter which i think was from knowhow claims investigation. "we have carried out an inspection and in the opinion of our engineer the damage seen is inconsistent with the reported explaination and/or the damage exceeds what we would expect given the circumstances. As a result of our findings repairs are not covered by your agreement and we are returning your product to you unrepaired" They have also said that the service has now stopped. I am very shocked that they have written this. This was a geniune accident from my wife. I have written a letter which i have not sent. Please advice on what I should do. Regards, Mo letter: I write with huge disappointment to a company who I have purchased goods for over 10 years. I purchased my Dell inspiron 1545 with the support agreement on 06/03/09. The laptop was being used by my wife, she went to the bathroom to see my son (5) who was having a bath. My wife slipped in the bathroom and the laptop hit the bath and fell in the bath. The bath had some water in. My wife got up and quickly removed the laptop from the bath. My wife then contacted me whilst I was at work and told me to contact knowhow and tell them the laptop fell in the bath. I contacted Knowhow and told them "the laptop had fallen in the bath". I was later told by my wife in detail of what had happened. I was told to drop off the laptop to a store and it will be taken to the repair centre, which I did. Around a week later I received a phone call to say that my laptop is being returned without it being repaired and a letter will be sent with the laptop on what you need to do. I mentioned why this is the case but they said something like "the damage is exceeded", I asked the person to elaborate as I didn't know what it meant but the person was unable to do so. On 20/09/12 I picked up my laptop from Curry’s and read the letter that came with the laptop and was shocked with what was written. "We have carried out an inspection and in the opinion of our engineer the damage seen is inconsistent with the reported explanation and/or the damage exceeds what we would expect given the circumstances"... therefore not covered by the agreement. Now I do not know what Knowhow expect if a laptop falls in a bath with water in there but the laptop accidently fell in the bath with water in it, there is nothing more to that and how can your engineer say the damage is inconsistent with what was reported? I have been paying for this support on my laptop for a long time and I expect Knowhow to repair my laptop as this is covered in my support agreement. I would like my laptop to be repaired or replaced. Knowhow have already been on watchdog last year with over 100 complaints in the period of a few months. I will not hesitate contacting the relevant departments in getting my laptop fixed or replaced by Knowhow. I trust you will look into this in detail as you may not have had the full details previously. Regards,
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