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  1. My friend is an insulin dependent diabetic which has also led to the added complication of retinopathy. He was dismissed under gross misconduct after making a paperwork error whilst at work due to his sugar levels not being stable, however they refused outright to look at this as a possibility. They finally admitted that he was covered under the equality act 2010 which meant they had a legal responsibility to seek medical advice which the company did not and refused to do in any way shape or form. Question 1: Legally how can insulin dependant diabetes be allowed to be classed as occasional especially when the person is covered under the act as occasional would not be covered if it was only occasional? Question 2: Why can we not obtain Legal representation, No one wants to know once they know who the company is, which is a worldwide well known company known by all the big solicitor companies. Can anyone advise where we can obtain a solictor that believes in justice? (David v Goliath) Question 3: ET Judge declared interest as family member worked for the company and we have additionally learnt that the companies representative is also an ET Judge. Have read the T&C's and this is not allowed could someone confirm if this is still the case. How do we get a copy of the notes and transcript of the hearing as loads is missed out and appears that it was not a unanimous decision. Am looking at going to EAT on points of law, perversion and bias. Any help to how to do layout for the appeal would be helpfull.
  2. I saw this thread over on Rightsnet today regarding how the working disabled/sick will fair under Universal Credit, and it looks like the phrase 'very badly' comes to mind. http://www.rightsnet.org.uk/forums/viewthread/4375/ I went and downloaded these new regulations and the CAB's report on them and unless I've got it wrong it seems to indicate that someone claiming the disabled element on UC can only do so If they work below 16 hours/and/or earn less then £99 per week and If you want to work longer hours and earn more you will only be able to do so If you're also claiming DLA/PIP as well. How on earth is that fair? Also by the looks of it a claimant will also be subject to medical assessments every year (so yet more money for bloody ATOS then) which I don't believe you had to do under the old WTC system and If you fail one then no more extra help/money for you. You can download a fuller explanation of whats to come and the CAB's response to all this over here.. http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/holes_safety_net.htm Have I got this right? If so this is going to have the most horrendous impact on a section of people already finding it hard to get by.
  3. Hello, this is my first visit to the CAG and I am hoping for some advice. To cut a very long story short I injured my back at work in April 2006. Government employer would not support it was an injury at work even though went through all the right channels. Carried on working, taking sick when I was in so much pain I couldn't walk. Placed on sickness monitoring twice, had occupational health referrals, placed on final written warning in November last year. Had to take 2 days off in March and was told by line manager she had sent report to big cheese moving for dismissal on capability grounds (due to sickness not the quality of my work when at work) and I would hear in a couple of weeks..... then nothing. Basically referred to Occ Health again in August who say my back condition falls under scope of DDA. Wont bored you with the ensuing situation but would like experiences/advice/thoughts on the fact that the DDA effectively kicks in after 12 months (am paraphrasing, I know there is more to it). As it was clear from my sick absences that this was an ongoing condition should my employer have recognised this earlier, should the occ health advisers have known/mentioned it? It is vaguely alluded to as a 'grey area' but nothing really explicit is asked for or mentioned in the reports. Sorry, that was waffly - basically should my employer have been considering it applying once my condition had gone past 12 months. Phewww, hope that makes sense! Hx
  4. Found this, not sure if it has already been posted but thought some may find it interesting: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-21287323
  5. This should be very interesting http://www.radiotimes.com/episode/tt5jz/panorama--the-great-disability-[problem]---panorama
  6. Dont know if anyone else has spotted this,maybe they will be calling on Cameroons hate department http://www.westmercia.police.uk/news/news-articles/disability-hate-crime-we-won-t-tolerate-it.html
  7. Currently I am on ESA and am constantly reassesed. My condition is fluctuating and leaves me in a great deal of pain about half the days out of the month and I cannot predict when I will fall ill. There are some days when I am well enough to work and I am happy to do so but so far no employer as been willing to take me on given the unpredictable nature of my condition and indeed a Work Porgramme advisor was the person who told me to apply for ESA as he said I had no hope of finding a job. The only option I see is self employment working from home as that would allow me to manage my condition but while I do have some skills I am not confident that I can make a living at least not for sometime on self employed homework. I have looked into WTC and I believe I would be entitled to the disability WTC if I lived alone but if I were living with a working partner his income and anything I made would be put together and considered jointly. I don't live with my partner yet but I would like to move in with him and he with me. He does work and makes a good income of around £30,000 a year before tax etc. However I wouldn' be able to live with him unless I made a say around £500 a month. He is understanding about my situation but with the cost of living so high and being that his elderly mother still relies on him financially to a degree I don't think he would take me on unless I was bringing something to the pot to help with my own living costs. From what I understand if I was living with him any claim for WTC would account for his income and I would recieve nothing even if my personal income was very small. I find this difficult as there is no guarantee that a disabled persons partner would be willing to support them financially. It is hard enough to find and maintain a relationship if you have health problems never mind the added financial concerns. I am getting older and worry that this might be my last chance at having a relationship and I want to keep it but I don't feel that I can ask him for so much. I don't know what my options are if I suspect that I will be removed from ESA sooner rather than later with no consideration give to how likely it is that I will find a job. I could stay as I am with family and try to build up self employment while getting Disability WTC and trying to earn more but I run the real risk of my partner losing interest and moving on. It also means that yet again my illness is preventing me from living my life. I already put up with so much that it would be nice to think that love isn't totally out of my reach. Is there anything which might allow me to do some work and get some support while living with my parnter?
  8. Hi all, Firstly I hope this is the right place to post this. I have just joined having been referred here via a friend of a friend. I am in the 30-34yrs group, have chronic illness and disability, am in receipt of ESA and DLA (mid-rate care, high-rate mobility). I moved to my current 1-bed flat a year ago. Housing Benefit was awarded, pre me informing them of the change in care rate (from low) as per the previous rules of being entitled to a 1-bed place on my own. I noticed my error in not informing them when I got the paperwork through, and my Housing Benefit subsequently was raised. I was told I got this and also not the single room rate because of my mid-rate care component. Today I get a letter from the council and they are now saying because I don't have 24hr care, and thus don't need an extra room, that I am only entitled to shared accommodation. I reminded them, on two phone calls, that mid-rate care exempts from this under-35 single room rate. The first clerk told me this wasn't the case and asked the housing officer who confirmed. I did my research and found on Shelter's site it indeed confirmed the exemption rule by which I qualified. I called back, and was told, yet again, that this is wrong and actually government legislation says 24hr-care for an extra room was your only exemption. I had only just agreed a 6 month contract on my place, and currently I now have to find about half the rent per month. Because of my severe health issues, a house share is not viable, and nor is making up the short fall until I'm 35 due to all the extra costs being chronically ill and disabled incurs, which is some way off! I know I'm in the right and the council are in the wrong. I have contacted my MP and they have this afternoon emailed my council. I'm scared though. What if they don't budge? What can I do? I'm also scared of being made homeless. I have to have a place of my own - I have allergies that, if I house shared as you normally would, could quite literally kill me. Even amongst the few friends who I might usually call upon, it would require them to make such huge changes in their lifestyle and diet that it's just not realistic.
  9. I would appreciate any advice that can be given on the following. My husband works for a local company and he has done so for the past 16 years. In 2007 he was being bullied and we went down the grievance path and my husband was moved to another department even though it was a drop in wages. He was fine in his new dept but in May 2010 he started talking as if he was being watched, this ended up with him being assessed by the hospital and to cut a long story short he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and they think he has had it for a long time. This resulted in him being off work sick for 7 months. In January 2011 he started back at work on a part time basis first then progressing to full time in about 6 weeks. The problem we are encountering now is that his employers have had him in the office and told him he is too slow at his job. He tried to explain about the medication he is only have slowed him down (which they have) and he is doing his best. His manager just said he wasnt interested and is fed up with it and that my husband is to knuckle down or they will dismiss him. Today he has seen occupational health and they want him and his psychiatric nurse to have a meeting to discuss his progress. Can they dismiss him as I know he is covered by the Equality Act. Thanks:???:
  10. Am looking forward to this:) should prove very interesting:) http://carerwatch.com/reform/?p=1246 Well done Pat:clap2:
  11. I received a letter from Student Finance this morning, stating if I am earning over £15795 per year, I will have to make student loan repayments. In the booklet, it says that if you're classed as permanently unfit for work, the loan can be written off. Anyone know how I can prove this, please? ESA isn't indefinite and no-one knows how I'll be in 10 years time or whatever.
  12. Does anyone know if you get the £50 premium on your tax credit per child of do you get £50 each say if you have 2 disabled children. Asking on behalf of daughter, one child gets DLA for add, sid and autistic traits and speech and lanquage disordor he is in receipt of a statement of special needs. GP now saying his sister is possibly Autistic too
  13. Hi I wondered if anyone could help please. I won my sons DLA Appeal tribunal on Tuesday and ive phoned tax credits to notify them because I was receiving a disability premium before his DLA was stopped last time. I have been told that it will be backdated but I wondered if someone could tell me how long it usually takes ? thanks
  14. I have worked for 15 months for a large well known company. I was recently offered a promotion within the company but before i could sign any contracts i was put off work for a month by my gp as i was suffering from seizures and during this time i was formally diagnosed as being epileptic. My epilepsy has never affected my work and my manager said i was a valued hard working employee. Upon returning to work i asked about my promotion and was assured by my managers superior that my promotion was still there and was just a matter of signing the contracts. A couple of weeks went by and nothing was happening despite another employee having been promoted to the same position despite only being employed by the company for 4 months. I queried this with my manager and was given several reasons over the next 4 weeks as to why mine was being delayed. Finally i asked to speak to my boss officially in the office about my promotion and complained to him that he was giving me so many reasons as to why its wasnt happening despite him saying it would before i went off ill, his reply was and i quote "thats before you were having spaz attacks". I couldnt believe he said this and i walked out of my employement disgusted at how i had been treated by him. I have not returned i made a formal grievance which was handled by his superior in which they offered me a position within another branch but as i have had my licence revoked due to my epilepsy i could not accept this, they offered me my previous job back in the same store as this incident which i was disgusted with as it meant returning to work with the man who created this situaiton and their outcome of the grievance hearing is that they feel i wasnt discriminated against as the manager could ONLY recommend me for promotion not actually offer me the promotion, which i was unaware off and i feel is an excuse. they are going to deal with the manager internally (which i doubt they will) and as they have offered me my job back they feel they have completed their obligation. My solicitor has adviced to go for tribunal. Can anyone help me with what they think my chances are and what the outcome may possibly be thankyou
  15. A couple of years ago I was assaulted out side of work. As a consequence, I suffered PTSD and was admitted into a private mental health hospital. After a few months off work on sick leave, I returned to work. My psychiatrist wrote to my then manager saying I was suffering from severe depression and should return to work gradually. I wasn't referred to OH on return to work, I wasn't supported and actually returned full time and moved into a more stressful job due to an office reshuffle. Since I had been assaulted I was very vulnerable, I didn't know at the time we had OH and I didn't want to make a fuss as I had a criminal court case to deal with. I was taking lorezapam, sleeping pills and anti-d's daily. FYI, I work for a large organisation and discovered this year they have OH and always have had! I have email evidence of my struggle over the years with work due to the assault (i.e I didn't respond well at being shouted at in public). The final straw came earlier this year when I had a public breakdown after being publicly humiliated by my manager who told me I was 'too weak to do my job because of my personal history'! A grievance was raised over 6 months ago (still not answered by respondent) and a tribunal was raised in May (ET3 response still not received as the court granted respondent an extension). My question is, can I prove PCP by saying the company could have sent me to OH for review on return to work? OH would then have made recommendations that: - I should receive more support from my manager due to my vulnerability. -My manager could have been asked to attend training to support them dealing with employees with mental health issues. - Comparator: Would it be someone who has never been assaulted or suffered PTSD? My disadvantage: had I been given OH review, recommendations would have been made to provide more frequent support and I would have been able to complete my role as without having another breakdown. FYI, I received less support than my mentally healthy colleagues as they had more frequent 1:1s. I am guessing I can prove I have a disability (the assault lives with and impacts me daily and it always will)? The CPS bought a case against the person who assaulted me and evidence of my PTSD was used to secure a conviction. Many thanks
  16. What questions can a line manager asked a disable person about health problems. Manager sent letter to the disabled person home saying that he is concerned about about absence and current health. Absence could only relate to hospital appointments and holiday leave has been taken when these appointments falls on working days. The disabled person knows that the company wants rid of him and is worry that they may come up with some way of getting rid of him. Any ideas on what the needs to tell this manager about his health/disability which they know about for many years.
  17. Hi, I was wondering if somebody could answer a question for me please. Do you have to be registered disabled to cite disability discrimination in a grievance? Many thanks in advance. PP
  18. I have an ongoing ET claim and are past the Disclosure stage. Hearing is at the end of Sept. My claim is: Unfair Dismissal Disability Discrimination by failure to make reasonable adjustments Procedural Irregularities in my dismissal I have thoroughly reviewed the bundle provider by the respondent's solicitor and matched it to my own papers. I've copied the additional paperwork that I have to them. I've written to their solicitor asking about any reasonable adjustments that were considered in 1. my case. 2. for other people in the organisation. In 9 months worth of paper were reasonable adjustments any alternatives considered were never mentioned or inferred. I know what it doesn't quite work like that! OH in discussion with me should identify any options/alternatives . As it happens, the first time it was mentioned was 9 months later in my capability hearing. I suggested a number of alternatives, which were dismissed without consideration. And I was dismissed. Interestingly, a new document appeared in the disclosure which seems to be the justification for my dismissal which includes reference to the level of compensation I will receive (c.£5k). Surely it’s inappropriate to factor in the panel’s decision? Anyway, my main query was the solicitor has responded telling me that my request for more information on reasonable adjustments considered for other people was too wide and to be more specific. He helpfully pointed about that the deadline from lodging a discrimination questionnaire has lapsed. How do I respond? My aim of asking this question was to establish that firstly the Same adjustments I suggested have been implemented for other people, and therefore are reasonable, and/or secondly the business is ‘flexible’ enough to accommodate things like part time working in my role, cross-site working etc, which it is. Any views?
  19. Hi, I am trying to find out if anyone with hearing loss that has been discrimiated against by an employer has filed an Employment Tribunal claim that may be out of time? My Case I have been working for my employer (A major Bank) for nearly 4 years, they were aware of my hearing impairment since I joined the company. In 2010 they made changes to my working enviroment which became fully opened plan, more colleagues/desks and a public area nearby. With no solid walls or anyway that I could minimise noise levels, I ask my manager to relocate me to one of the offices on the next floor which was denied on the grounds that she couldn't keep an eye on all of us so wanted us to be where she can see us. This lead to a deterioration of my work perfomrance, I became depressed and unmotivated which was highlighted in my annual performance review in Jan 2011. During this meeting my manager deemed my performance as below company standards and going forward this would cause problems. I continued to raise my concerns with regards to my working area and the impact this was having on my health. My managers comments were that if I was in the business, I am fit and able to do my role. This cause me to breakdown which lead to immediate leave from the business. My GP signed me of with anxiety. I returned brielfy in March last year under the advice from AXA. AXA had arranged a workplace assessment with RNID which would follow upon my return. Since my first day back at work, my manager put me on a performance and attendance plan. This was focused around delivering to sales and expectations as a normal worker. When I explained that I was uncomfortable with this, they said this is poilcy. RNID assessment followed 2 weeks later but my employer by that time had put me in a very uncomfortable position which caused a decline in my health. The RNID assessment soon put some suggestions but my employer did not respond to these verbally and decided to wait to the report to be documented. 4 weeks down the line, no report was received, targets fully set in place which I continued to struggle, capability management was mentioned on several occassions that I was in fear of my job. I couldn't continue and under the advice of my GP, I was signed off again. Throughout my absence, I had cooperated with my employer, attended meetings to facilitiate a retrun to work but they wouldn't allow this to happen until I had consulted with NHS and was fitted with any appropriate equipment. I advised that this would take some time. Until this was done, my employer wouldn't action any further suggestions from RNID. My consultations with NHS was completed in Dec last year. Feeling vulnerable and apprehensive about my return back to work, I contacted Shaw Trust. It was decided that they would attend (With me) a workplace meeting with my manager to plan ahead for my return. The meeting happened in Jan this year. My Manager was quick to explain that when I start back, I would be on a plan again and that they would consult with RNID to do a new workplace assessment and we will use a trial and error period to determine whether I am capable of doing the role going forward. My return date was set for 1st Feb 2012. In Jan, (Feeling stronger and moving away from the dark cloud) I raised a formal grievance against my manager over the her conduct and the poor handling of my RA's. I then raised a ET claim. On my first day back in work, the management couldn't have been more acommodating....I was told that I would not be put on any plans, I was to be away from selling, take my own time to adjust until a RNID assessment was done etc etc. WOW! What a change! My grievances meeting were held, but none were granted in my favour. Instead they fully denied that I raise any difficulties with my hearing, my manager denied any conversations I had with her! To date.....My ET case is fully supported by my solicitor which I am paying for, However, the solicitors representing my company have deemed my claim to be out of time that the ET have no jurisdiction to hear my claim especially as there is no continuing act of discrimiation as my employers are now doing everything they can to implement RA's. It has been suggested that the deadline to raise this would have been Dec 2011 (Whilst I was away from work). Has anyone encountered a similar situation, this case does sound 'complex' I admit! Any thoughts and suggestions will be appreciated.
  20. Dear All I am new to this so hoping I am posting in the correct place. Hoping someone can help. I have been receiving high rate mobility and low rate care for two years, my circumstances hadn't changed so reapplied and was turned down I rang and put in a revision basically saying could I have a medical as nothing had changing and they have again rejected it without a medical. I can now appeal which I was wondering what to do? I am currently on maternity leave from my job but due to me not being able to sit for long periods etc I have taken the decision of not returning to work (this wasn't on the original DLA claim form they think I work) as you can imagine it has been a difficult decision not to return to work because of my illness as I have worked from being 16 and am on a salary of 34k so this decision has not been taken lightly if I could work I would be to earn the good money I was on. My questions are should I appeal with the original claim or put a new claim in stating that I have had to give up work? Do you have to wait to put a new claim in? My next step is to try to also claim ESA as this has been the advice to do I would hopefully be able to claim ESA contribution based as I have enough NI credits. Sorry for rambling on but would appreciate any advice at all as I am in a very confused, dark place at the moment. Many thanks
  21. I decided to purchase a PAYG 'phone on the Vodaphone website and pick it up from their Wakefield store. They promised to email me when it was ready to pick up- so far i've heard nothing. If I decide it's not for me, I want to be able to return it to another West Yorkshire store for convenience. I have emailed them THIRTEEN times for a simple answer to this question!!!! Due to a current disability, email is my only form of communication. They come back assuming that I have already bought a 'phone and/or that it is faulty, go on about contracts and one even asked for my details to verify my identity so that he could go into my account!!! They all had foreign names, so I assumed (as it happens correctly) that it was run by an overseas call centre who either can't speak English properly, are unintelligent or simply enjoy winding potential customers up! Their own customer forum stated that I should email them again and ask for a UK based manager to look into this for me. I did as I was asked and received further nonsense replies. After going back onto the forum to ask what to do next, I have been ignored. When I sent a separate email to ask why I hadn't received notification as to if it's in Wakefield or not, I received a very rude reply to the effect of "how should we know if you haven't supplied the order number, find it and ring us up (which they know I can't do)". I have replied with the order number. Is this a true representation of what to expect from Vodafone and should I use another provider?
  22. Further to my recent post in this section of the forums, am still waiting for a response to the Equality Act information request regarding disability discrimination after a recent interview. I have looked at the ET1 form, and it asks what compensation or remedy you are seeking. I am unsure what is suitable to put into this section of the form, as I have not been offered a job and therefore have no concrete losses other than my travel expenses to the interview, which were not met, and it was over 100 miles away. I would like a job, but I would guess this is not going to happen as they have already decided who to appoint. Clearly I can't put random figures on there. Is there some accepted standard in such situations? If I was to take action it would be more for the fact a decision had been made in a tribunal that such treatment is against the law - and hopefully the decision would help me and other people with similar disabilities when it comes to seeking work and enforcing their legal rights. I am particularly interested in knowing, does an Employment Tribunal case in itself set a binding legal precedent, or do only Employment Appeal Tribunal cases? Thanks in advance for any info,
  23. I have a thread about my current Employment Tribunal already but am concious that using just that one thread will make it more difficult for people searching for advice on similar issues. I want to use a 'Comparator' to show I have been treated less favourably. The concern I have is that I don't have detailed information about the comparators or any proof to back up my argument - just what I know. Will an Employment Tribunal expect me to be able to provide proof? How can I obtain the information? For example, one element I know is that; I work with vulnerable people in their own homes, providing generic support and advice; The comparator works with vulnerable people in their own homes, providing specific support and advice.
  24. June 2008 I started with a billion Euro multi national. I found I was physically and mentally weakening and took a lot of sick leave. Work sent me to Occupational Docs and I explained myself and was examined. I continued to become more ill. Eventually, on the verge of suicide etc. I begged my doctor to find out what was wrong with me. He took my blood on a hunch and discovered I had a brain tumour. MRI scan confirmed I had a macro Prolactinoma and it was massive but totally treatable over time. How long? I cannot get a definitive answer but it looks 3-5 years. A year on I had to return to work because I had no benefits etc and the first day back, I was ignored by my collegues and one actually accused me of taking the ****. I tried to explain myself but was just sworn at and shouted down. The entire staff seemed against me and I was immediately moved to another department and they weren't happy with my prescence either. I put in a grievance. Investigation took place and I stated that all I wanted was to be happy and be allowed to recuperate. Workmates weren't happy. Meanwhile, I make sausages as a hobby and used to give some to various people at work and also sold some at work-about £25 worth because people ordered them. I thought nothing of this as other collegues sell rabbits that they've shot, fish they have caught,chocolates and knock off clothing. 3 months from my grievance they charged me with gross misconduct and suspended me. This really set me back immensely. I was given a final written warning valid for 12 months but my health and well being really took a beating. Told the doc what had happened and he booked me off. My consultant also saw the change in me and said I had depression. I have put in another grievance against management for not dealing with my situation properly. Ignored and now they want to dismiss me on medical grounds. I am still in a lot of pain and I am still depressed over being a social outcast at work. Any ideas? They have requested my med records now but I am reluctant to give them my permission. By the way, had my condition been diagnosed when I first displayed symptoms, I would have probably been healed by now but because the docs hadn't detected it, the disease really caused mayhem in my body and mind. I can honestly say that I would have preferred to have been crushed and spent 10 months in hospital than this horrible disease. It has cost me dearly.
  25. Hello there, I need some help and advice for an issue my wife is having with her now ex-employer. I've posted briefly on another thread but now I have more information on the issue and feel that starting from the beginning will be the best thing. My wife was moved to a different department at work. As soon as she was moved to the department, she realised something wasn't right. She wasn't included in conversations, ignored when she spoke, not included in team social gatherings, not included in the tea run and so on. As time went on the situation began to affect her quite badly. My wife spoke to her manager to find out what the issue was as it was getting her down. Her manager told her that nothing was wrong with them and it was all her. My wife didn't understand how it could be her as she had tried to get involved in conversations and such but was ignored. After this conversation the situation got worse. As a result, my wife sank in to depression. I lost count of the times she would arrive home after work in tears. As she had to have a couple of hours off of work in the morning due to having to go to the doctor regarding her depression under company policy this required her to make up the time. My wife's manager would shout across the office in an agressive manner regarding the time that needed to be made up and that it needed to be made up immediately. But at the same time the manager would quietly speak to someone else, that owed time, in a sympathetic manner and ask them if there was a time that was convenient for them to make it up. My wife saw this a totally unfair. On her next visit to the doctor, my wife was told that he would sign her off of work in order to have a break as the situation wasn't doing anything to help her depression. Upon speaking to the Human Resources manager at work, my wife was told "What's the point in taking time off? You'll still be depressed when you come back." The weeks went by and the situation stayed the same. My wife went over her manager's head and spoke to one of the directors. The director, without even speaking to my wife's manager, said that nothing was going on and it's in her head. My wife managed to convince the director to speak to her manager. Unsurprisingly, when the director got back to my wife, he said that her manager had said that it was my wife's fault and it was her attitude that was the problem. A meeting with the HR manager was set up. In the meeting, my wife was told that her depression was NOT caused by the situation at work. She was also by the HR manager that she had never heard anybody say anything bad about my wife and then a few seconds later said that she had heard people saying that they didn't like her. The HR manager contradicted herself again and again. A meeting was then held with the director and my wife's manager. In the meeting, my wife requested to be moved to another department. This request was refused. It was also mentioned in the meeting that it was because she was suffering from depression that was causing the problems, not work. My wife left the meeting and made the decision not to return to work the following week. My wife has kept a record of all the incidents that took place. The above is a condensed version of events but accurate nevertheless. My wife spoke to ACAS. ACAS informed her that it is constructive dismissal and their failure to address her health problems was a violation of the Disability Discrimination Act. ACAS advised my wife to request that she be paid her full month wage as, according to ACAS, she is fully entitled to it. After 7 days, my wife's former employer responded via letter. In the letter, they basically say that it was all her fault and the depression was the problem. She would not be getting her full months wage as she had not worked for it and she would only get what she was owed. She was paid correctly. I've come on here to ask for some advice on what to do next. Thankfully, my wife is starting to feel better now she has left and I'm trying to help her make a case against her former employer. If anybody can offer any thoughts and advice it would be greatly appreciated.
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