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Found 8 results

  1. I defaulted on a bridging loan and Receivers have been appointed. They have secured the property (changed the locks) and have asked me to book a time to remove my belongings (Torts Notice served). The property was and is my home and my only home but I have not lived there since taking out the bridging loan is because the loan was unregulated and I did not want to be in breach of the terms. However, it was never rented out; in fact, I never removed my belongings from the property. I have never desired to be landlord and the only reason for taking out the loan was to keep my home. This was declared to the lender from the very beginning; nonetheless, the product offered to me was an unregulated loan. As I was not eligible for a mortgage at the time and it was very unlikely that I would be by the end of the loan term, sale was my only option of exit strategy. This was a better option than having the property repossessed. The Receivers have said I must either remove my belongings or pay for storage. I have not abandoned my belongings or “left them behind”. I am in the process of remortgaging and they are aware of this, as I have kept them informed. The mortgage has been agreed subject to valuation which is due tomorrow. Can they force me to empty the property?
  2. General Sir Nick Carter appointed new Chief of the Defence Staff READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/general-sir-nick-carter-appointed-new-chief-of-the-defence-staff
  3. Hi We are currently in dispute with a builder. We have taken all appropriate pre-court action steps and are now at the point of submitting an N1 form to kick off a claim. Could someone tell me if any supporting evidence is supposed to be enclosed with this claim form? Or will this be requested later? We have quite a file of letters and expert reports and we are not sure at what point these come into play. Also, (maybe a silly question but I want to do this right). If there is not enough form for the particulars of the claim in the space provided, can you use this space plus another sheet or are you only supposed to use one or the other i.e. it does give the option of 'attached.' I reaslise these particulars are supposed to be fairly concise. Thanks in advance.
  4. In Sepetemenr 2014 we had a water leak and damaged was casused, the Insurer appointed a loss adjuster and due to work commitments we appointed our own loss assessor, who provided a free service as long as we used their appointed Builders. xxx assessors appointed the builders xxxxxxx and work commenced, after they finished, they made me sign a document to confirm all the work was to a high standard, I agreed and provided this as all appeared to be ok. After 2 months we had noticed that the work they had completed was of a very poor standard, 1) THE kitchen tiling had not been completed under the appliances, old tiles were left in place and all the appliances were tile round, when we came to replace these we then found the defective work. 2) THE kick boards were not left in a good state and were falling off as they used the wrong connections. 3) the Toilet they fitted was defective and leaked. We contacted XXXX Loss assesors and after extensive denials they confirmed 5 months later in July 2015 that the Builders were liable and it was not their responsibility as our contract was with the builder! We then wrote to the Builder and sent pictures to them of the defective workmanship and confirmed that we were not now prepared to accept any work to be done and wanted a refund of the £1900 paid by the insurer to remove the tiles make good the floor and retile the floor, we heard nothing. On 20 July we wrote to XXXXX and the Builder indicating if the payment is not returned we will issue court proceedings to re cover the money paid by the insurer, as the work needed to be complete and redone and the floor retiled after levelling. On the 21 we received a text message indicating the following from the Builder!! "Contact was made through XXXXXX , and you have failed to materialise any evidence to our original response? So there's nothing else to say and I'm happy to see you in court where we will hear and see all evidence of schedules, my quote, original false allegations, fraudulent claims for fridges/appliances and the lies that where told and can be disproven, I've have texts from your husband and witnesses disproving many of your accusations/ lies. I was waiting to say nothing and wait for court! But I'm a decent, honest fair man and I'm letting you know today; XXXXXXXX has been deeply scared, upset and effected by this scandalous behaviour and is fully covered legally to seek counter claims for lost time, stress,stress to my family and work staff, false accusation, etc etc. I will not be making any further contact until I see you both face to face in court" We have written back denying his accusations and given him 7 days to refund the money so the work can now be done correctly!
  5. Yesterday (16th September) administrators were appointed to Roxburghe Debt Collection: http://www.roxburghe.com/
  6. Hi All, My property has been handed to an LPA reciever and I am a bit confused as I keep getting conflicting information from the lender and the reciever. They 'took it' last Wed. I still haven't had a written notice from either receiver or lender. The first I knew, I was contacted by my tenant who said someone had been round. The lender said that I had to pay all arears (£725) and 3 months in advance (£645) and fees (£1200) and ALL the charges ever placed on the mortgage (£3k+). They also kindly gave me 5 days to do so or the fees were going up another £800. They originally said that if I paid that, they would take it back. They have since said that if I pay that amount they will 'consider' taking it back. On Friday they said that I didn't need to pay it all in one go but the fees would go up. Today they have said it needs to be a lump sum. I can't pay it. They want 5K by tomorrow or goes up to 6K. They wont accept installments, just a lump sum. I have tried Stepchange, CAB, CLA and one more I can't remeber the name of! None of them have been able to help. I had to explain what an LPA reciever was to Stepchange. I am at a bit of a loss. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks K
  7. I have just received the following Media Release: MEDIA RELEASE 7 January 2014 For immediate use New Director General for CIVEA ascivil enforcement enters new era The Civil Enforcement Association (CIVEA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Stephen Caven as Director General. His appointment will be effective as from 1st April 2014 but for a two month period from that date he will work alongside the current Director General, Dr Steven Everson, to ensure a smooth transition. Stephen Caven is a qualified lawyer who began his career in private practice. Moving into management of the magistrates’ courts he progressed to the national management team for the Civil and Criminal courts in England and Wales. As a Senior Civil Servant at the Ministry of Justice he has been involved in the development and implementation of a number of successful policy initiatives. He also has some recent experience in voluntary work for Citizens Advice and working for Victim Support. Paul Caddy,the current President of CIVEA, said “I am delighted that Stephen will be joining us as Director General. Liaison with stakeholders and lobbying government are key aspects of this role. Stephen brings a wealth of experience of working with a range of stakeholders in the public, private and voluntary sectors. His knowledge of the machinery of government will be invaluable.” Stephen Caven commented “I am very much looking forward to working with the members and Executive Council of CIVEA as we implement the long awaited legislative provisions in the Tribunals Courts and Enforcement Act 2007. The Association has successfully advanced the case for well regulated enforcement which is effective whilst ensuring appropriate protection for the vulnerable. The new arrangements should bring welcome transparency on fees and clarity on procedures. As we embark on implementing these comprehensive reforms I am determined that we will continue to speak with a strong voice on behalf of our members.” Steve Everson, the current Director General, said “I have every confidence that Stephen will prove to be an invaluable asset to the association in the years to come and assist the association and its members in facing the numerous challenges that the new regulations will undoubtedly bring.” END
  8. This is my first but I have followed and read others post with interest. Please forgive me if I have posted in the wrong place as there seem to be many different forums that would be suitable. I am desparate for some advice from anyone who has similar experiences. I will try and keep it as brief as I can. In 2010 we bought a small retail business. We took at a secured loan for £145K to buy the business and the business premises. Lloyds put the first charge on the business premises, but as there was a shortfall, there was a second charge on our residential home. The business did not perform as well as the previous owners suggested - but that's another story! Then the recession really hit us, a supermarket opened nearby etc etc. We therefore decided to close the business in November 2012. We have been in contact with our Lloyds business manager throughout and were told that a different department would be in touch. We were told that we could not rent out the premises or sell until we heard back from Lloyds therefore the property has stood empty. The letter from Lloyds says they will consider a repayment plan, a lump sum or will consider any plans we put forward. If we do not respond in 14 days they will seek to sell the business premises and our home. We really don't know what to do or how to handle it. Things aren't helped by the fact that the letter is dated 18 February and didn't arrive here until 25th - so when do our 14 days begin. Also we have tried contacting the person who is handling it and left messages - they don't ring back ! Naturally we are desparate to hang on to our home as we have three small children. Please don't anyone think that we do not accept our responsibility for paying back what we borrowed - we absolutely do but we just don't know what approach to take with the bank. We think we are going to ask if we can try and sell the business premises ourselves which should pay off £80-£100K of the debt - are they likely to let us do that. Also there will naturally by a short fall of around £65-45K - will they make us sell our home. We have around £90K equity in the house. Oh, and naturally they are charging us a ridiculous amount of interest each month which is crippling us. In the early stages of the business decline our business manager indicated that we may be able to go on a payment plan to cover the shortfall however, we are already on a debt management plan to pay off a few suppliers that we owed, we have no savings, my husband is working but we have very little left to live on. Does anyone think that they would consider deferring any action against our home as long as we made a token payment each month until things improve. Any help or opinions would be welcome. We are, like so many others out there, are absolutely desperate. The whole thing is having a terrible effect on our family. I have spoken to Business Debt Helpline who had some good points to make, tried CAB but can't get an appointment and can't get through on the phone. A side to this, while we had the business we incurred ridiculous bank charges due to bounced DD's/Cheques etc. I have read on here that these charges may be reclaimable. Last trading year our charges were over £4K should we persue Lloyds for getting some of these charges back or will that just create an even worse situation as we owe them so much. Sorry this is so very long, thanks to anyone who has read and thanks to anyone who responds.
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