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Found 1 result

  1. In Sepetemenr 2014 we had a water leak and damaged was casused, the Insurer appointed a loss adjuster and due to work commitments we appointed our own loss assessor, who provided a free service as long as we used their appointed Builders. xxx assessors appointed the builders xxxxxxx and work commenced, after they finished, they made me sign a document to confirm all the work was to a high standard, I agreed and provided this as all appeared to be ok. After 2 months we had noticed that the work they had completed was of a very poor standard, 1) THE kitchen tiling had not been completed under the appliances, old tiles were left in place and all the appliances were tile round, when we came to replace these we then found the defective work. 2) THE kick boards were not left in a good state and were falling off as they used the wrong connections. 3) the Toilet they fitted was defective and leaked. We contacted XXXX Loss assesors and after extensive denials they confirmed 5 months later in July 2015 that the Builders were liable and it was not their responsibility as our contract was with the builder! We then wrote to the Builder and sent pictures to them of the defective workmanship and confirmed that we were not now prepared to accept any work to be done and wanted a refund of the £1900 paid by the insurer to remove the tiles make good the floor and retile the floor, we heard nothing. On 20 July we wrote to XXXXX and the Builder indicating if the payment is not returned we will issue court proceedings to re cover the money paid by the insurer, as the work needed to be complete and redone and the floor retiled after levelling. On the 21 we received a text message indicating the following from the Builder!! "Contact was made through XXXXXX , and you have failed to materialise any evidence to our original response? So there's nothing else to say and I'm happy to see you in court where we will hear and see all evidence of schedules, my quote, original false allegations, fraudulent claims for fridges/appliances and the lies that where told and can be disproven, I've have texts from your husband and witnesses disproving many of your accusations/ lies. I was waiting to say nothing and wait for court! But I'm a decent, honest fair man and I'm letting you know today; XXXXXXXX has been deeply scared, upset and effected by this scandalous behaviour and is fully covered legally to seek counter claims for lost time, stress,stress to my family and work staff, false accusation, etc etc. I will not be making any further contact until I see you both face to face in court" We have written back denying his accusations and given him 7 days to refund the money so the work can now be done correctly!
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