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Lee Vodafone Company Rep

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Everything posted by Lee Vodafone Company Rep

  1. Hi Robert, Thanks for making me aware of this. I've got your email and will get back to you as soon as possible. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  2. Hi Peopod, I appreciate that you remain unhappy. However, as our Customer Relations department have confirmed that the situation is now in deadlock, the next step in our complaints procedure would be for your son and his partner to contact the Ombudsman. If you'd like me to make sure that the account has been placed on hold to allow your son time to decide how he'd like to proceed, ask him to email me with his details via the Contact us form here and quote the code WRT135 - CAG Forum in the subject line. Once sent, he'll receive an automated reply with a reference number. Post back with this and I’ll check I've received it. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  3. Hi Peopod, As your son's case has now reached a deadlock status, this means that our complaints procedure has been exhausted. If you and your son would like to pursue things further, he'll need to contact the Ombudsman via the details provided in the deadlock letter. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  4. Hi Placidbob, Thanks for making me aware of this. So I can help you further, email me with your details via the Contact us form here and quote the code WRT135 - CAG Forum in the subject line. Once sent, you'll receive an automated reply with a reference number. Post back with this and I’ll check I've received it. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  5. Hi 92FS, Thanks for updating your thread to confirm that your query has been resolved. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  6. Hi wsc, Thanks for making me aware of your concerns. If you'd like me to get things looked into further, email me with your details via the Contact us form here and quote the code WRT135 - CAG Forum in the subject line. Once sent, you'll receive an automated reply with a reference number. Post back with this and I’ll check I've received it. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  7. Hi willt86, I've got your email and will get back to you as soon as possible. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  8. Hi stilettonails, Apologies for the delay. I've followed thIs up again with our Corporate Security department. As soon as I have an update, I'll get back in touch with you. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  9. Hi Big Drew, My colleague Jenny replied to your email last week. If you haven't received it, I'll get back to you again later today. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  10. Hi belgarion22, I'm sorry to see this. So I can take a closer look at things, email me with your details via the Contact us form here and quote the code WRT135 - CAG Forum in the subject line. Once sent, you'll receive an automated reply with a reference number. Post back with this and I’ll check I've received it. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  11. Hi Pernicious, Thanks for making me aware of this. If you'd like me to get things looked into, email me with your details via the Contact us form here and quote the code WRT135 - CAG Forum in the subject line. Once sent, you'll receive an automated reply with a reference number. Post back with this and I’ll check I've received it. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  12. Hi 92FS, Thanks for your time last week. As promised, I'll be back in touch with you as soon as I have an update. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  13. Hi bluebirdtr, Thanks for your time yesterday. As promised, I'll get back in touch with you as soon as possible. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  14. Hi Rab172903, I'll be in touch with you later today. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  15. Hi Karlene, I did reply to your email last week. I appreciate that you're keen to bring things to a close. Please be assured that we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  16. Hi griffiths5, I tried to call your friend earlier this week. As I wasn't able to reach them, I replied to their email asking when they'd be free again. Although I'm yet to receive a reply, I'll try again today. In regard to the CCJ, I'd recommend that your friend follows the advice already posted, so that this can be handled correctly. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  17. Hi harbinger756, Thanks for updating the thread, I hope your TV arrived yesterday. If you'd like me to look into why you've experienced these problems, email me via the contact details provided earlier in the week. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  18. Hi harbinger756, So I can help you further with this, email me with your details via the Contact us form here and quote the code WRT135 - CAG Forum in the subject line. Once sent, you'll receive an automated reply with a reference number. Post back with this and I’ll check I've received it. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  19. Hi Consett26, Thanks for coming back to me. I've got your email and will get back to you as soon as I can. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  20. Hi Consett26, If you'd like me to get this looked into, email me with your details via the Contact us form here and quote the code WRT135 - CAG Forum in the subject line. Once sent, you'll receive an automated reply with a reference number. Post back with this and I’ll check I've received it. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  21. Hi Nadine, A query flag means that there was a query or dispute during the months where the flags are recorded. Please be assured that they're not classed as adverse information. So we can discuss things further, I'll call you later this afternoon. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  22. Hi Nadine_london, Thanks for making me aware of this. I've got your email and will get back to you as soon as possible. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  23. Hi griffiths5, Thanks for making me aware of your colleague's concerns. If he'd like me to take a closer look at this, ask him to email me with his details via the Contact us form here and quote the code WRT135 - CAG Forum in the subject line. Once sent, he'll receive an automated reply with a reference number. Post back with this and I’ll check I've received it. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
  24. You're welcome AndreaMc. Hopefully this will get sorted out soon for you. Kind regards, Lee Social Media Comms Vodafone UK
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