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Boris Johnson, former Prime Minister

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Hilarious, if largely  predictable and expected


What is unclear, and maybe even more hilarious, may be nut nuts response ...

Edited by tobyjugg2

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


 “Do I want to spend every Friday for the next five years in Clacton?”

Farage, Feb 2024 talking smack about the Peninsula town

.. before he decided he wanted their votes

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Well, Alastair Campbell's take on it is based on Johnson's known habit of acting on what the last person he speaks to tells him to do.


So he thinks last night Carrie Antoinette went ballistic and Johnson got Jack Doyle to do his dirty work by ringing the editor of the New European late evening. Then this morning someone else in no 10 took a look at the situation and decided to calm things down.


The Streisand effect and the name publicity seem to have helped the paper's profile enormously.

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Illegitimi non carborundum




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and no surprises ..


Conservative MP simply cuts his reported consultancy hours from 30 to 15 hours ..

... for the same £3,000 a month as he got for the previously reported 30 hours a month



The monthly amount of hours Shrewsbury's MP commits to his second job has halved, according to the latest register of interests.





The MP resigned last week after a government U-turn on efforts to block his suspension from parliament for breaching lobbying rules


The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


 “Do I want to spend every Friday for the next five years in Clacton?”

Farage, Feb 2024 talking smack about the Peninsula town

.. before he decided he wanted their votes

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as the BBC temporarily escapes Dacre formalising the final stage of the conversion of the BBC into the Boris Broadcasting Company - or Boris Today

... in another area it is offered a more open choice between Just Johnson right, or right far right


- The misuse of taxpayer money in funding Johnson party propaganda just isnt cutting it and the BBC (Boris Broadcasting Company) license fee money is needed to present the required message - not challenging the message simply isnt enough anymore)



Former Daily Mail editor announces decision not to proceed with second bid and takes swipe at civil service




A number of people are in the running for Marr's slot.



Bet Victoria Derbyshire is also already under attack by Johnson 'the corrupt liar'

Edited by tobyjugg2

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


 “Do I want to spend every Friday for the next five years in Clacton?”

Farage, Feb 2024 talking smack about the Peninsula town

.. before he decided he wanted their votes

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Dacre's gone back to the Mail, hopefully he'll stay there.


Meanwhile, Flanders has attracted over £2bn in investment by UK firms because of Brexit and also firms from North America, etc, who might previously have set up in the UK.



British companies are moving their European bases to Belgium to manage the challenges posed by Brexit and are now trading with the EU from there.


Illegitimi non carborundum




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Seems some are seeing some difference here - seemed just the usual to me.


Maybe his plan is, Incompetence doesn't get me out, corruption doesn't get me out, perhaps mental health issues might get me out before I have to deliver something worthwhile, or at least before Brexit reality really kicks in?

- oops he thinks, wish i hadn't defunded and poo poo'd mental health issues


.. But Boris, being a corrupt lying incompetent who doesn't give a crap about anything except self interest isn't an illness, its a requirement for positions of responsibility power and personal profit under your government



Prime minister makes ‘Vroom! Vroom!’ car noises and asks CBI bosses about Peppa Pig


The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


 “Do I want to spend every Friday for the next five years in Clacton?”

Farage, Feb 2024 talking smack about the Peninsula town

.. before he decided he wanted their votes

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I thought it was toecurlingly embarrassing and it certainly hasn't earned him any friends in the Tory party. Or in business, while Kier Starmer seems have gone down quite well with the CBI.


There's a lot of talk of how much longer he can hang on within his own party.

Illegitimi non carborundum




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one Tory MP said 'he needs a break'

- remind me - how many luxury holidays (paid for by peerages and VIPals PPE contracts (allegedly)) has he had?

- let alone him hiding away 'allegedly 'writing his book' during multiple crisis

- let alone avoiding issues and questions in parliament - when he bothers to go

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


 “Do I want to spend every Friday for the next five years in Clacton?”

Farage, Feb 2024 talking smack about the Peninsula town

.. before he decided he wanted their votes

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Says a great deal about the cabinet Johnson picked eh?


I wouldn't vote for any of them .. even against Corbyn,

but they ALL (Johnsons Cabinet and Corbyn) inspire me to vote for Starmer, or any of the labour probables

... even if Starmer himself doesn't :-/

Edited by tobyjugg2

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


 “Do I want to spend every Friday for the next five years in Clacton?”

Farage, Feb 2024 talking smack about the Peninsula town

.. before he decided he wanted their votes

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On top of breaking the promises for a high speed rail link in the north, the leveling up/covering the drop in money from the EU promises - out the window

Red wall = conned wall (well apart from those who wouldn't vote for Corbyn .. with reson IMO)


"Business groups and local councils are protesting at a hidden £1.65bn post-Brexit cut to development funding in the north, in a fresh blow to Boris Johnson’s claims to be “levelling up” the country."


"South Yorkshire is poised to lose £900m and Tees Valley and Durham £750m over six years, the organisations are telling Michael Gove."


"The Red Wall areas, plus Lincolnshire, were in line to receive the cash because they have become relatively poorer since the last spending round which finished last year.

The government pledged to match lost EU funding after Brexit – to “tackle inequality and deprivation”, it said – but is now accused of a second broken promise."




Exclusive: South Yorkshire to lose £900m and Tees Valley and Durham £750m, Michael Gove told – despite pledge to ‘match’ EU funds


The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


 “Do I want to spend every Friday for the next five years in Clacton?”

Farage, Feb 2024 talking smack about the Peninsula town

.. before he decided he wanted their votes

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Macron has said on French TV that foreign minister Darmanin is meeting with his EU opposite numbers about migration issues. He's cancelled seeing Patel in Calais on Sunday.


Macron also said that France wants to deal with people who are serious about dealing with things. He particularly didn't appreciate letters being published and negotiation by tweet. Whatever you say about French politicians, they do give the impression of being professional.

Illegitimi non carborundum




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I wondered how long this would take. There's talk in France [article in Le Monde yesterday evening] of opting out of the Le Touquet agreement which makes the French responsible for the UK's border in terms of migrants. With two years' notice, they could stop the responsibility and leave the UK to sort itself out.


On a different tack, someone on BFM TV this morning pointed out that some of the bosses of the people smuggling gangs are in the UK. He wondered what HMG is doing about that.

Illegitimi non carborundum




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Too true HB, particularly when you look at johnson 'the corrupt incompetent liar's proposal that UK border force would effectively 'manage' the french forces on French soil - sovereignty? ...


.. as you say when many of the alleged traffickers are allegedly in the UK using UK financial systems to manage the proceeds from the trafficking ... allegedly  ..


I think Johnsons just trying to run it all out until the brink of an election - I also think that the corruption stink has somewhat curtailed Johnsons plans for an early election - he'll be hoping if he ignores it it will all just blow over and his rating will bounce back up again - although God knows why he has any ratings other than pi** off you lying corrupt piece of s*** is beyond me.

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


 “Do I want to spend every Friday for the next five years in Clacton?”

Farage, Feb 2024 talking smack about the Peninsula town

.. before he decided he wanted their votes

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Oh - and I think far more than simply withdrawing from the Touqet agreement - a full blown trade war with sanctions is on the cards - Johnson has brinked it hoping the EU would crack (and they did offer some concessions which Johnson/Frost rejected) and backed off


Johnson is after an election - I really do think he'll be relieved if he loses ..



The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


 “Do I want to spend every Friday for the next five years in Clacton?”

Farage, Feb 2024 talking smack about the Peninsula town

.. before he decided he wanted their votes

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200k? - thats just half a peanut compared to what he has squandered

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


 “Do I want to spend every Friday for the next five years in Clacton?”

Farage, Feb 2024 talking smack about the Peninsula town

.. before he decided he wanted their votes

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Really? I doubt that

Seen the headlines, but no way johnson has paid it himself - absolutely zero - the money will have come from some dodgy source


Rather like saying a drug dealer paid himself for the london mansion he bought as an investment - from the 'london based' arm of his bank via some tax havens fiddle

.. or perhaps? a better simile - like some drug dealer bought his politician a mansion ...

Edited by tobyjugg2

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


 “Do I want to spend every Friday for the next five years in Clacton?”

Farage, Feb 2024 talking smack about the Peninsula town

.. before he decided he wanted their votes

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So Johnson's latest missive to Macron, published online before Macron saw it, has possibly had the opposite effect of what was intended [unsurprisingly] and Patel has been disinvited to the ministerial meeting on borders and migrants in Calais tomorrow.


One of the things the French are particularly not happy about is that Johnson wants to send back to France anyone who lands in Britain from a small boat, as he seems to want to brand them all 'illegal'.


Can someone explain to me why the French would want to do this? Many asylum applications are accepted, but a lot of the people crossing are doing it because there aren't legal routes for them.

Illegitimi non carborundum




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Boris and Pritti are making it very difficult to reach any cooperation agreements with other countries.


Migration is a world problem and is not easily solvable. 


I am sure that many migrants are escaping terrible situations in their countries of origin, but there are also many migrants who are travelling to countries where they believe they would have a better qualify of life, to join family already resident etc.


UK Government have not taken the steps required for years.   There needs to be international cooperation to provide assistance to people, so they can find safety closer to their countries of origin  and where appropriate so they can join family members who have already settled in other countries.  


Because of Brexit and the politics that go with that, it is almost impossible to hold any debate about assisting migrants joining family that are already living in the UK.





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2 hours ago, honeybee13 said:

So Johnson's latest missive to Macron, published online before Macron saw it, has possibly had the opposite effect of what was intended [unsurprisingly] and Patel has been disinvited to the ministerial meeting on borders and migrants in Calais tomorrow.


One of the things the French are particularly not happy about is that Johnson wants to send back to France anyone who lands in Britain from a small boat, as he seems to want to brand them all 'illegal'.


Can someone explain to me why the French would want to do this?


Nope, but many reasons why they wouldn't


Would Johnnson allow UK beaches and skies to be patrolled by French border forces and drones?

Would Johnson accept immigrants from France - even if they originated from prior British controlled areas of Africa let alone anywhere else?

With Patel and Frosts rhetoric, would anyone tell them anything except Pi** off?

Given Johnson and Frosts stated readiness to simply trash recently agreed international deals, why would anyone agree anything with them (which required investment and risk on their part)?


Given we are largely where the Brexit johnson and the Brexiters have defined would always have put us, - why wasn't all this sorted and organised before the referendum, let alone before we left the EU?

Edited by tobyjugg2
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The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


 “Do I want to spend every Friday for the next five years in Clacton?”

Farage, Feb 2024 talking smack about the Peninsula town

.. before he decided he wanted their votes

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Obviously those that drove it feared that defining the actual outcome rather than running on with the Brexit campaign lies would likely result in the referendum result being overturned.


The Polls (for what they are worth) are now showing a majority for remain/rejoin are they not?

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


 “Do I want to spend every Friday for the next five years in Clacton?”

Farage, Feb 2024 talking smack about the Peninsula town

.. before he decided he wanted their votes

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Funny how no one mentions that it was the policies of B Liar  ,Bush and the Sainted Obama that’s at the root cause of the current migration troubles 

Johnson was elected to control immigration and the red wall seats will expect nothing less 







Any help I am able to give is from my own experience only. Should you have any doubt you should contact a qualified professional.

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