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Found 12 results

  1. I really don't understand this section of the ACT 19 Worker subjected to detriment by co-worker or agent of employer “(1A)A worker (“W”) has the right not to be subjected to any detriment by any act, or any deliberate failure to act, done— (b)by an agent of W’s employer with the employer’s authority, Let me paint two scenarios so you understand my question Scene 1: A worker makes a protected disclosure, the worker's employer sends an agent to act in a detrimental manner to the worker Scene 2: A worker makes a protected disclosure, the employer's agent, on his (agent) own initiative acts in a detrimental manner to the worker Would the employer be vicariously liable in Scene 2, even though he (the employer) was not aware that the agent acted that way? I would greatly appreciate relevant case law Thanks a lot
  2. Looking at this report have Bailiffs, oops EA's reverted to stereotype fee hungry bullies? https://www.bailiffreform.org/storage/app/media/Taking%20Control%20report%20March%202017.pdf I still can't get my head around how increasing a debt with charges can help someone in genuine financial difficulty as in a council like NELC gaining a LO for a debt of £1, and increasing it 400% to around £400 with all the fees once a bailiff has knocked on the door to repay the debt with say no real spare income once living expenses are accounted for.
  3. Conservatives plot a motoring revolution: Draft report reveals biggest reform to regulations since driving test introduced in 1935 independent
  4. With the new changes that MAY be coming in the very near future, what does this all mean to the claimant? For more information please see here >> http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/bills/lbill/2015-2016/0092/lbill_2015-20160092_en_2.htm#pb4-l1g14 Sorry in advance for the long read... MM
  5. MPs have backed government plans for £12bn in welfare cuts amid a Labour revolt over its leadership's call for its MPs not to oppose the changes. The Commons backed the Welfare Reform and Work Bill at Second Reading by 308 to 124 votes. READ MORE HERE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-33604287
  6. "This report looks at how local welfare reform has developed over the last two years from the local authority and social housing point of view. It includes a look at some of the innovative ‘good practice’ that local authorities are using to address it. Our report is concerned with: • the impact of reform on the strategy, finances and administration of local authorities and their partners, including housing associations • the impact on welfare recipients to the extent that this has direct consequences for local authorities and housing associations • what the future might hold." This report makes for interesting reading and a worthwhile read see attachment (PDF) This information was gathered from here including the link to this report: http://localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23008%3Acouncils-and-housing-associations-see-rent-arrears-and-evictions-rise&catid=60&Itemid=28
  7. Are parents aware that the Child Support Agency (CSA) are going to be closing claims down by the end of 2017? It will be replaced with something called "The Child Maintenance Service" (CMS) for short, if not you may want to read up on this here https://www.gov.uk/government/policies/improving-the-child-maintenance-system Partial quote "The improvements planned by the government will help separated parents work together on the range of issues they face at separation, including arranging child maintenance. Child maintenance is regular, reliable financial support paid by one parent (the paying parent) to the other (the receiving parent) that helps towards a child’s everyday living costs". Actions Closing Child Support Agency cases "We will close Child Support Agency (CSA) cases by the end of 2017. We will ask parents to consider their options for their future child maintenance arrangements. This is to allow parents an opportunity to consider alternatives to using the Child Maintenance Service. Using this service incurs a cost to the applicant and, depending on arrangement type, could also incur ongoing collection and enforcement charges". It looks like that Government want to charge the parent/s to use this service, so it may pay you to read up on this now so you are prepared for this change. Further readings are available from here http://www.cmoptions.org/
  8. Hope I'm posting in the right place, but saw this and thought others might be interested. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/36263
  9. Just saw this and thought others may be interested - I for one am hoping that something changes http://blacktrianglecampaign.org/2012/11/30/if-beveridge-delivered-his-report-now-would-we-listen/
  10. This morning the Ministry of Justice released the Government's response to the Consultation Paper on Bailiff Reform. This is a very detailed response which consists of 72 pages and can be accessed by way of the following link. You will need to scroll down to the bottom of the page under the heading of RESPONSES: https://consult.justice.gov.uk/digit...bailiff-action
  11. I most certainly will be asking mine why he voted for it:mad2: http://welfarenewsservice.com/benefits-uprating-bill-how-they-voted/#.UOy3CeTZZdl
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