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  1. Hello everyone I’m looking to get some help if possible please my partner recently applied to open a new HSBC bank account for the cash incentive via the online system. The account she applied for some reason was declined but then instantly offered a standard basic account instead which she accepted and the card and pin arrived a few days later. The following week another letter arrived in a large envelope again from hsbc this time stating they had now closed the account without warning or notice due to not meeting the banks criteria. Strange but ok fair enough she’s not wanted as a customer until she noticed it was hand signed by someone from the fraud analyst department Becoming very worried she contacted the bank who refused to tell her anything and was then advised to send a SAR request to HSBC bank and also CIFAS. Friday she received a letter from CIFAS with a Single CIFAS FRAUD listing from HSBC BANK under the heading APPLICATION FRAUD that she did not list a previous address with adverse history APPLICATION GRANTED This is absolutely disgusting she’s done nothing wrong currently been living in the same house since June 2014 so we’ll over 4 years now. HSBC application page clearly asks for 3 years address history which she’s obviously listed her current address so nothing makes sense at all. She’s sent the HSBC ceo a email who’s replied today with this ( I can understand your frustration in that we ask for any addresses in the last three years and you moved four years ago, so shouldn't have to supply another address. However, we had information there was adverse credit data accrued in your name at a different address within the last three years. I'm very sorry for any confusion caused but we have correctly followed our process. We also correctly reported the instance to CIFAS, as we have an obligation to do. I'm understand this may not be the outcome you were looking for but I hope this has helped to explain our position. If you feel the information we had was incorrect, you may want to check with the Credit Reference Agencies. We use three agencies, Experian, Equifax and Call Credit. ) We are both extremely upset and worried about this issue as she’s done absolutely nothing wrong and is now obviously petrified that all her other financial dealings with other banks etc will see this and close everything down. What do you suggest we now do and has anyone else had issues like this previously that could advise we would be very grateful
  2. Historic day for the military as all roles are opened to women READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/historic-day-for-the-military-as-all-roles-are-opened-to-women
  3. Opened: Feb 2018 Investigation into Ovo and its compliance with its obligations under the gas and electricity supply licences READ MORE HERE: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/investigation-ovo-and-its-compliance-its-obligations-under-gas-and-electricity-supply-licences-standard-licence-conditions-31a-and-25c-slc-0-october-2017
  4. Hi guys will start this " high level" but appreciate we may need to delve into the lower level detail too.. In April 2017 a case I was a defendant for was "struck" as an order placed by the judge upon the defendant was not complied with. Through the post last night I get a new county court for the same account, same claimant but different "solicitor" to send " payments/ documentation though to. Is this REALLY allowed? and if so in what cases? Just strikes me as odd Thanks
  5. Hello, I've purchased this product https://www.scan.co.uk/products/audeze-el-8-closed-back-planar-magnetic-headphones-(open-box) after receiving it one of the first things I found was that one of the drivers does not work and there were scratches on the product. I've contacted them straight away and they've told me that they want to replace the product with another opened box, but I believe this will not be in accordance to the "full manufacturers warranty" and a reasonable outcome would be a repaired product or a new replacement product. I've written them a fairly big email explaining that there should be separation of concern regarding this and asked what would be the case if they simply didn't have any open boxes left in stock. What is the right procedure for such an issue? Thanks EDIT: I've got a response: https://www.scan.co.uk/products/audeze-el-8-closed-back-planar-magnetic-headphones-(open-box)
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