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Found 13 results

  1. Probably a daft question, but can a debt be registered duplicate d as seperate debts/defaults on my credit file... .I have two in question. ..an old lloyds tsb loan which is registered as a lloyds tsb default and elsewhere on my file as a lowells default.... .The second one is barclaycard default which has seperate entries as a barclaycard default and a hoist portfolio default... ..The reason I ask is that it's making my credit file look worse than it actually is (it's still bad though!)
  2. Hi all, thanks for taking the time to read this, hopefully someone will able to advise… To cut a long story short, in 2009 I took out a car finance agreement with Santander, the monthly payments were £179. Unfortunately the vehicle was stolen during a burglary in 2011 and was not recovered. The cars insurers paid their amount to Santander but for reasons beyond me the gap insurers didn’t make their payment. Last year this came to light and the gap insurers made their payment (3 years late) this caused there to be an outstanding amount left on the agreement. I negotiated with Santander to pay £25 a month until the remaining balance was cleared, this was confirmed in email and letter. Last month my beloved jaguar failed it’s mot quite badly to the point where it wasn’t cost effective to repair it I looked into getting a new car on a lease agreement, however to my complete surprise I failed the credit check?!?. That had me stumped as I’ve never missed a payment on anything. I purchased a copy of my credit file from Experian and found that every account listed was perfect, all payments were made on date ect, apart from Santander! They had the car finance agreement listed as £270 x 60 months, which is incorrect for a start as the original agreement was £179 x 60 months, whilst the monthly balances showed that the agreed amount of £25 a month was being paid each month, it showed each months payment as being late! After speaking to Santander they have wiped the outstanding balance and have said they have updated my credit file to clear the incorrect entries, I still need to check this. My question is… as this was clearly the reason my application for the lease car was refused, and it led to a lot of costly inconvenience having to purchase a car through different means, have I a case to seek compensation from Santander for the incorrect entries? Thanks
  3. Dear friends, I have checked my Equifax and Callcredit report’s in the last few days as I know I have some pretty bad looking marks relating to a Barclaycard I had a good number of years ago, I have learnt from the error of my past and have had a clean credit file for the past 5 or so years. The Barclaycard was not managed well by me (I moved address in 2008 after graduating, got a new job and got married all simultaneously and did not inform Barclaycard during this busy period until 2010), although I never defaulted just had a large number of late payments, I am really upset about not being more proactive at the time as now I would like to get a mortgage and this is really holding me back. My main issue today is that Equifax are showing inaccurate Barclaycard data going back to 2006, and I only want it to show the most recent 6 years (going back to 2009). To get a better understanding of what actually happened I will explain my Callcredit/Noddle report first as they have reported the Barclaycard entries correctly: Jan – Jun 2009: To explain, I fell behind on payments in Jan 2009 & lots of fees were added by Barclaycard until June 2009 when they took money (minimum payment amount) from my Barclays current account to offset against the Barclaycard balance hence, a green mark in June 2009. Jul 2009– Mar 2010: Then as they added interest and more fees (from Jul –Mar 2010) this pushed me over my credit limit again until March 2010 when they again took money from my Barclays current account to pay the full balance on my Barclaycard. Apr 2010 – Mar 2012: I assume they kept the account open until March 2012 which is why I have a number of green payments for this period. Equifax Report: Right now my concern is my Equifax report. This shows a number of errors for Barclaycard, and frustratingly they are also showing inaccurate data going back to 2006: I only really want the most recent 6 years showing (from June 2009 onwards) as I don’t see why they should be holding data on record which is way older than 6 years. As they have recorded the payment markers incorrectly, if the report would show only the most recent 6 years then I wouldn’t have any late payment markers showing which is what I am hoping to do however, in reality it should show like the Noddle report with late payment markers in 2009/2010. I would like to find a way of asking Equifax to update my Barclaycard records to only show the most recent 6 years (green markers from 2009 as above) without worrying about Barclaycard reporting the correct dates (late markers) to Equifax and Equifax amending their report. Is there any way I can do this? Do Barclaycard still have the authority to ask Equifax to change the data even though it was so long ago, or do Barclaycard have to report it within a certain timeframe? Is there any way I can ask for the whole record to be removed due to the incorrect entries/dates? Should I approach Equifax or Barclaycard as I would like to try and get this done as soon as possible as I have seen a house I would like to buy? I apologise for the long post but its the only way I could explain it due to the complications, any help is really greatly appreciated x Imogen
  4. Hi, On my credit file, Halifax have continually registered "late payment" on an overdraft facility over a 17 month period before selling the debt and registering it as "partially settled". This means the effective time for the debt to "fall off" my credit report has been extended by over a year. This is not a true reflection of the account, since no payments were made by myself during this time. At some point (after 6 months??) they should surely have registered a default. Can they even sell the debt on without officially defaulting the debt first? Does anyone know how I can get this amended? What are the rules for reporting and defaulting on overdrafts? Thanks in advance.
  5. I recently got a copy of my Experian file and am concerned by the entries for my smile credit card. There are 4 separate items on my file, all showing the same start date in 2003, and 3 are showing as settled. The dates on the entries appear to cover different periods, and I know I had a couple of replacement cards, possibly with different numbers, so think this probably explains the different entries. I have 2 questions. 1. If an account is showing as settled (with a settlement date), does that make it clear to anyone viewing my file that the credit limit shown is no longer available, so should not be taken into account when looking at possible new lending? 2. Will the multiple entries make it look like I've borrowed more than I really have, and as they are settled is this likely to matter? I have just phoned smile and they've suggested that I write to their lending team about it, with a copy of my file so that they don't have to do another search, but I thought I'd ask my fellow caggers first as I'm likely to get my answers quicker!
  6. Hi, I am cleaning up my partners credit file and it is showing defaults for the same accounts twice. Once for the OC and then again for the DCA. I have read threads on the forum that say that the OC should remove their entry on with the CRA so I am looking to get this done. I am looking for a letter template and wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction. I had a look in the Library but could not see one. Many thanks as always
  7. Hi How should PDL companies recorded there entries in a credit report. I have multiple entries within my report when my understanding is that i have got one credit limit and it should be shown as a running total, or am i wrong?
  8. Hello, I am trying to gather some information for a friend, they have a Wonga loan they cannot pay, for which a repayment plan has been set up. Although he's credit file will not be great, he want's to avoid a default. Do Wonga normally register a default, if a payment arrangement is agreed and stuck to? I have read they won't if it's in a certain time limit, but I am not sure what this time limit is?. Ideally he want's to make sure it's paid off before a default is issued. I have searched the forum for the answer to this but I cannot find anything conclusive, Thanks
  9. Hi there, just looking for advice before I try to take on the delightful virgin media, I have heard they are tricky! Last week i checked my credit report with experian and equifax before I apply for a mortgage. I was surprised to see virgin media on there for my internet contract, I didn't realise they could record data with CRAs for your internet service but I suppose it makes some sense as I had 12month fixed contract. In any event, I was concerned they have recorded 3 late payments entries against me earlier this year and have now been told this will hinder my mortgage app as they are within the last 12months! What i am cross about is that virgin media failed twice to set up my direct debit properly which meant I fell behind with payments! The first time, they took the wrong amount out of my bank account on a direct debit, I had to file an indemnity claim with my bank and Virgin told me to cancel the direct debit and set it back up again! I went to set it back up again a couple of weeks later and this time they wrote down the wrong sort code so the direct debit was never set up correctly! What resulted was late payment fees galore, I had some of these refunded but it seems unbeknown to me they had still marked late payments with the CRAs! What makes me doubly cross is when I settled the account finally a few months later determined to leave them all together . . They talked me stupidly into moving the internet with them to my new address and taking out a new 12month agreement which we are now halfway through, paying on direct debit without drama! I feel so mad I want to ring to cancel the whole thing with them tomorrow! I tried to call them to discuss the whole thing when it materialised on Friday but was on the phone to not terribly helpful agents in India who accepted virgin had made mistakes but refused to remove the late payment markers. Eventually one mildly sensible American agent agreed it should be looked into and gave me an email address for consumer underwriting services... I sent an email that bounced back as a wrong address!! I have now written in to complaints team and raised dispute with experian and equifax . . Any similar experiences or further advice ?? Is there an ombudsman or regulator I can defer to if no satisfactory response?? Thanks S
  10. I apologise if this is the wrong subsection, I was a little daunted by the huge amount of information available! I've spent the last 24 months trying to sort my financial life out. I was pretty lucky that both my mortgage company decided not to act upon my huge arrears and the local council took back a massive debt from the bailiffs and allowed me to pay them direct. This month marks the point where the mortgage is up to date and I have 2-3 payments left on the council tax. My gas and electric repayments also end in September. This relative turnaround in my situation has left me wanting to sort out other 'non-essential' horrors from my past, and because of this yesterday I applied to look at my credit files via Equifax, Experian and Noddle. All were interesting reading, but left me with a few questions I was hoping you could help with. 1.) For many years I have been chased by Robinson Way for debts relating to Carphone Warehouse O2 accounts. From memory I think there were 4 separate accounts, with different amounts ranging from around £200 to £854. At no point have I responded to Robinson Way, nor communicated with them via the phone. Relatively recently I received a letter telling me that one of the accounts had moved to another agency, and there were two companies mentioned and I can't quite remember how it was worded, but Hoist (?) and drydensfairfax both were named. Yesterday I noticed when I looked at the 3 files than only one account shows, the one for the highest amount (unsurprising!). Coincidentally I also received a letter yesterday from drydensfairfax asking for payment for an account related to Hoist for £244. I'm putting two and two together and believe this is somehow to do with one of the old O2 accounts. This has opened up a few questions in my head; Why is only 1 O2 account showing on my credit file? Why are drydensfairfax chasing me for a debt that does not appear on any file? What's happened to the other 2 accounts? 2.) The O2 account worth £854 is approaching 6 years old. Below I've put links to images from my credit files; Equifax and Experian in that order and it does not show up on Noddle. Apologies for the broken links but I don't have the correct permissions yet. i.imgur. com/tlNYrBc.png i.imgur. com/8DDRbmx.png My questions here are; Why do Equifax and Experian show 2 different dates for 'last updated', 19/05/2008 and 28/03/2010 respectively? From the information you can see on the images when would this debt be statute barred? If I decided against statute barring (if possible) and wished to settle the debt how would I go about finding who the current owner is? 3.) Showing up on all 3 files is a debt relating to EverythingEverywhere, T/A Orange. Again, please find a (broken) link to an image detailing all 3 reports. i.imgur. com/4ztmQfh.png Two of the same questions as above; When would this debt be statute barred? If I wished to pay how would I find out who owned the debt? 4.) Experian and Noddle show two debts to Provident. Under Equifax there're both marked as 'default' and 'satisfied' and have a 'partial settlement' note. Under Noddle both says 'satisfied' Both lenders report final defaults in December 2009. I'm confused because as far as I recall I have not partially settled these, to any degree at all! Questions are; What effect do these have on my rating? Am I correct in thinking that I would not be chased by any Debt Collection Agencies for these? Are these debts in effect 'finished'? Would these defaults be removed in December 2015? Many thanks for reading this whopping massive wall of text, any advice from you guys would be much appreciated! Matt
  11. Hi contacted Wonga about 7 months ago with a query regarding the "25" entries it has placed on my Credit File with Experian. I was promised these would be removed. They still haven't. I have just e-mailed this across to them. What are my chances of this being actioned? Opinions please....
  12. hi CAG team, I have four entries in my credit report for two credit card accounts. Two of them show the original company that the credit cards were with and they show the accounts in default, the last time these were updated was roughly two years ago. However the same accounts are shown again with a different company which shows them as settled and these were updated recently. I have not settled these accounts myself. Both these cards were only in my name. Can somebody explain this, any ideas? regards
  13. I have just started to get a grip of a huge debt problem that I buried my head in the sand about a few years back. As part of this process I had signed up with Experian to get a copy of my Credit File. (found it amazing what counts and what doesnt). Anyway. I defaulted on a HBOS Preference Card Account at the start of 2007, with a credit limit of around 10k. (all three have the start date of 18/4/97) so I know they are the same account. looking at my credit file I have three entries for the account, Two are marked as Settled, with the third being in default. The first two entries are at my previous address, with the third (defaulted) entry at my current address. First two have settled dates of the 3/9/2006 & 14/5/2006 accordingly. Credit limit and everything else is the same. the last entry, has credit limit (history) of 10k, current balance at 11k, and the default date of 3/4/07 (which is correct). Can anyone explain why I have multiple entries? is it a good or bad thing on my rating / history? Other than pay the one in default should I do anything? Thanks Kev
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