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Found 11 results

  1. Someone said to me today that they were putting cucumber slices on their eyes. I thought to myself is this a joke. But then i checked things out. Can you believe that cucumber slices can help in many ways. I am dumbfounded at this news. Cucumber Benefits for Great Skin and Eyes http://www.disabled-world.com/artman/publish/cucumber_benefits.shtml WHO KNEW CUCUMBERS COULD DO ALL THIS!!! http://hackerspace.kinja.com/who-knew-cucumbers-could-do-all-this-717278789 15 Surprising benefits of Cucumbers. http://www.miraculousladies.com/15-surprising-benefits-of-cucumbers/ My eyes have been opened wide and refreshed after reading what a cucumber can do for you. mmm-business thought. Fresh packs of cucumber slices for tired eyes,in a store near you soon. No need for spending fortunes. Tawnyowls tempting offers-only 5.00:lol:
  2. " The Department for Work and Pensions has admitted using made-up stories from fictional claimants to demonstrate the positive impact of benefit sanctions. A DWP leaflet featured one welfare claimant, "Sarah", who said she was "really pleased" a cut to her benefits had encouraged her to improve her CV. " But after a Freedom of Information request by website Welfare Weekly, the DWP said they were not real claimants. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-33974674
  3. Good evening. My step daughter has just received a letter of Statutory notice to provide her details and also three alleged offences: RT 88218 - Failure to stop after a road accident RT 88220 - Failure to report an accident RT 88575 - Driving without due care and attention These are the result of an incident that I suspect many of us have experience during our driving careers. That of someone driving too fast and close to the middle of the lane down a country road, resulting in smashing each others drivers door mirrors. The incident occurred at 5.30pm on 3rd December and my step daughter says a car hit her door mirror and she went into the verge in her attempts to avoid it. She considers it to be the other drivers fault. My stepdaughter DID stop at the scene. She was very shaken up and got out to inspect the damage to her car. She waited in case the driver returned. The other driver DID NOT stop or return to the scene. She rang 999 while at the scene. She was advised to visit her local police station. She did so but the station was closed. She rang 101 and was advised that a. as her car was driveable, b. there were no injured parties and c. there would not have been any CCTV in that lane, there was nothing they could do. However, they did say that if she went into a police station she could get a crime no./reference number to use for insurance purposes. But, they did NOT at any point make it clear that she MUST BY LAW go to a police station and report the incident. From this conversation my step daughter decided that as she wouldn't be making an insurance claim she didn't need to report it. We know now that was the wrong decision therefore the charge of not reporting the incident is obviously one that can be brought against her. The letter states. . . "police have reasonable grounds to believe that the driver was sufficiently blameworthy to conclude they were primarily responsible for the incident taking place". We are puzzled by this - how can the police come to this conclusion without any evidence from the scene? How have the police gained my step daughters details? Why has this escalated to this level? How many of us have had collisions like this? Andhad to get over it and pay up/or make a claim - whether it was our fault or not. I have never reported anything to the police. I have only ever dealt with the other party through insurance companies. So I assume I've broken the law in the past by not reporting them to the police then! Just to make it clear in my 30 years of driving I've only had a handful of accidents - all the other drivers fault! Should we be getting legal advice at this stage or should we await the next stage? This seems a shocking escalation of what on the face of it seems a 'minor' incident which would normally be forgotten about after the initial shock and anger of the event taking place. We aren't in the habit of knowingly breaking the law - although I realise that is no excuse. Any comments or advice would be appreciated. Thanks, Stuart.
  4. hi dear all i read tones of posts over hire about the gym problems and all is brilliant thx for help all of you first of all. but i need a simple info /sample of letter/ or info what i should send to them ( gym / crs ) as i not the first one over hire with this problem i make my story short . i joined golds gym on harrow last january 2014, ( btw, if any one can tell which gym we talking about in other golds gym post will be nice ) and i been using this gym for 4-5 monte, then because i was living London and i move to sundown area witch is far away from gym ( 1 HR drive ) at least , i decided to canceled the gym. on reception desk i told the lady i like to cancel my membership, i was told i can't do this until minimum 12 monte contract expired .ok, lady on reception desk told me she will put a note on my profile after last payment in january 2015 my membership will be closed and i don't have to come back with anything ( formal cancelation letter etc. ) so , after january 2015 february exactly i canceled my DD for this gym this means i was pay for gym for whole 12 month and 1 extra mont february as i should . btw. 10 years ago i done exactly same thing with golds gym on hanwell and all was fine . and there story is started, last saturday ( 01.08.2015) i received a letter from CRS as i own the gym and CRS 403.20 where ( as a result of this our fees totalling 133.20 been added ) so that means i own the gym 270 and 133.20 to CRS ( i think anyway ) as unexperienced person in that cases i called them up ( crs) this was pointless, i also called the gym ,pointless to, i spoke with citizen advice biro, they told me the best option is to talk to gym. ( pointless ). what to do next ? as above i need info about letters i should sent, breakdowns of this amount ? BTW. i moved from London last august , how they know my new address ? also what is important , when i joined the gym i fill up the form with address , email, tel.nb. they didn't contact me in any of the above apart twice a week about promotions by text massage, they i my opinion try at least contact me if they had any problem ? no ? and also if any one ask me how i know they didn't send me any letters , friend of mine live in my prevues address and all letters to me she keep .and i pick them up from time to time . sorry for very haotic description of that case , i am just pist .... on all this and i don't even know what to ask. hope someone help me with this. if anyone have any questions or any thing is not clear enough please ask . thx a lot up front.
  5. I have one outstanding default on my credit report for a charge card. The last payment made was before 2006 but the company Amex just logged late payments on file and didn't set the default marker for four years! That was 2010 so it still has 18 months to run before it drops off. Isn't it reasonable for defaults to be applied after 6 to 9 months of missed payments not 4 years? Can anyone advise best course of action removing this as I believe it to be statute barred.
  6. I just wished Lowell Financial Customer Relations a Happy New Year in my first email to them in 2015.... Sadly no money for them this month. After their Virus email they sent around, that money has gone on replacing the hard drive of the sandboxed machine I opened it on haha
  7. Hi guys, you've helped me out many times and I come asking again. When I was young, naive and irresponsible, I said to many forms of credit when I wasn't in a secure job. I have 4 defaults. 3 are settled are will all be older than 6 years old in January. One however is causing me some distress. The account start date is 27/12/2006 however the default date is 30/11/2011. I cant remember what is was for, all it says is unsecured loan. I am sure the last payment I would have made would have been in 2007 at the very latest as looking back at bank statements which go up to 2007 online, I have no payments going out for anything credit wise. Also my credit file only has information on the balance of this defualt from 12/2011. No previous balance history, payments etc. Just a account number with most the number starred out. My questions are: 1. How can I find out who the debt is with? 2. Can a default be placed 4 years after I stopped paying? 3. If i send an SAR, who do I send it to. I'm sure this debt should be statuate barred or nearly there. If I could find out what the debt is for I could prove when my last payment was. Any help would be amazing as Im going for a mortgage in 6 months time.
  8. hi new here read lots and lots of posts lately managed to get on the forum so i can ask for opinions and advice so here goes. I am mum of an autistic lad aged 17 he has recieved DLA mid rate and low rate MOB for a good few years . When i worked smashing mum in law used to watch my son however in later years she became older and more tired on the advice of my sons consultant I claimed carers allowance only working enough hours to be entitled . I have always been fairly on the ball with checking earnings .etc BUT last year my dear mum in law was diagnosed with cancer of the lung we were all devastated and her chemo/ radiotherapy was awful and checking things was not at the front of my mind to be honest also i did not receive the usual letter. In Feb this year we were told cancer now in her brain and she was terminal this pushed me who has suffered anx and depression for almost ten years in a really bad way as well as all my family. Then i decided to volunteer for some work at hospice that helped her and when i went to benefits advice they checked things out and i gave them an old wage slip and they checked OMG it turned out that id been overpaid my wages by £2.39 per week for over a year. I was absolutely devastated scared out of my wits and I phoned them the minute I got home the bloke I spoke to was ok and I said that i was now scared it hadnt been checked properly so I sent 5 years p60s and they checked them all i just owed 2012 to 2013 which was £3458 i asked if i would be prosecuted they said they didnt think so but im still scared I let them know on 14th may received overpayment letter 7th june and arranged with debt management to pay £100 pm back they said it is not marked for prosecution but i am sick with worry we lost my mum in law on 1st june and i have lost so much weight im terrified they will take my son away or ill go to prison. part of the reason for overpayment was my wages went direct into husbands bank to pay direct debits and also my tax had been reduced taking me over threshold for earnins I never worked any over my set hours at any time Please can some one let me know their experiences or what they think ive read about interview under caution and im scared although ive phoned dwp a good few times theyve said they dont think its fraud im scared to believe them HELP :|
  9. Hi... I need your advice I have been an engraver for many years and 3yrs ago I moved on-line and have had no major complaints. I take a pride in what I do. The other week I received an order for a Pewter Tankard from a woman in Cornwall. The tankard arived with me from the manufacturer. As always I inspected it for any damage or tiny marks. There was none. I proceeded with the engraving and plced it in a hard presentation box... then into a well insulated shipping box... Fragile tape all over and posted it off. She received it on the 15/7/13 but phoned me on the 17/7/13 to inform me the base was damaged in two places but the packeging had received no knocks (undamaged) I asked her if she could send me a photo of the item to which she later did (several images) The damage seems to get worse within certain pics and they show a third area of damage to the top (which she did not mention) So, she is now saying that the damage must of ocurred at my end.... As if! Would I really sent an item out like that?? I am saying the damage could ONLY of ocurred after opening the parcel. A copy of her email follows along with my answere: Hi, I called earlier today with regard to my recent purchase from yourselves of a Celtic Pewter Tankard. I received this item on Monday 15th July. The packaging is all in tact and the gift box is in great condition, however, the tankard itself is damaged in two places which are parallel to each other making the base of the tankard uncircular. You asked me to take some pictures and send to you. Please see attached photos. I wish to have a full refund as this item is not in the condition in which I expected it and therefore is not the great gift it was supposed to have been. Regards -------------------------------------------------------------- Dear XXXXXX Thank you for the email and requested photographs. In order to refund we need you to return the item and gift box well packaged. We are now studying the sequence of the photographs received and have our own opinion on what may have occurred, however we would need to inspect the item ourselves before issuing a refund. Please note every item is inspected when received from Manufacturer before any engraving is commenced. Also note that the damage shown in your photographs would not allow this item to be physically placed within the engraving machine as both ends have to be perfectly circular. As we have been caught out on this before, we started to take photo's of every item before they were despatched and having you admitted and also proven with your images that both the outside packaging and the gift box are totally undamaged then we can only assume that the damage has occurred upon your receipt. This leaves us two options at the present time: Return the item for further investigation or you are welcome to invite trading standards to investigate. Please let us know how you wish to commence ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Her reply: Dear Sales, Thank you for your response. I can accept that the item may have been in perfect condition when received from the manufacturer but perhaps the damage occurred after the engraving was completed. Please may I have a copy of the photographs taken by yourselves of the Tankard before it was dispatched? I shall also be seeking advice from several consumer bodies. Yours Faithfully, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trouble is I did not take any photo's although I wish I had.
  10. I saw this while browsing news sites earlier http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-10-25/banks-pushing-into-small-loans-compete-with-payday-shops.html What really stood out was this How much! They got it easy
  11. Had a message left on my answerphone, so i felt like a 'challange'. Rang them tried to work out what type of company they were...financial management all they would say even to a direct question if they were a dca. So much about being transparent in their dealings. Asked them not to ring again as per the oft guidlines and all in writing. Checked out via a web search.. yep a dca. A little while later i got a message through the post, can i ring them? Of course i rang them, refused dpa as usual and asked for a copy of their complaints procedure to be sent to me. I dont expect to see any complaint stuff to be sent to me, so what could be done about it?
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