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  1. Several banks & financial organisations have recently dropped their interest rate to savers, some by substantial amounts. Can anyone please advise if such changes LEGALLY require the banks to issue fore warnings of such changes to customers ??
  2. Hello everyone - I'm looking for some recommendations following a problem with an EE contract and phone. This is the current situation: My partner has a monthly contract with EE. Her phone stopped working so she took it in for repair under warranty. When it came back it was reported to be unrepairable due to water damage, even though it has been nowhere near water. She asked if she could buy a replacement phone to use with the existing monthly contract and was told by the guy in the EE shop that there was no way to do this because EE only sold phones for PAYG purposes not for monthly contracts. She was advised that the only way to solve the problem was to take out a second monthly contract to run concurrently with the first one, and let the first contract run out in due course. The second contract would come with a new phone. She felt pressured into doing this because she needed a working phone that day. My questions: Is it really not possible to buy a replacement phone from EE for a monthly contract? To be clear, she wasn't expecting a freebie and was willing to pay for the new phone. Even if for some reason it isn't possible to buy a replacement phone for a monthly contract, surely she could buy a PAYG phone from them and just transfer the 'monthly' SIM card? Is it usual practice for EE staff to advise customers to take out concurrent contracts? Isn't this mis-selling? Can we cancel the contract under the terms of the cooling off period? Thanks in advance
  3. Hey Caggers, I am after some advise ref a vehicle that we purchased from ACF Car Finance in December 2011. Since we have had the car there appears to have been an lot of things that have actually gone wrong with the car ranging from a new clutch, new gear box, new suspension, new central locking, failed coil pack, misfiring cylinders and knackered suspension to list the ones that come to mind as I write this post. Since we had had the car, we have followed the recommended service arrangement and had a full service every 12 months and really have looked after the car. With having so many issues, one of the garages we went to for repairs did comment on faults of this nature being common with a vehicle that has been neglected and asked if we were sure of the cars service history before we actually purchased it. When we looking at the service book it was pretty clean that the stamps for various services were actually made up, the same pen, same handwriting etc. and none of the boxes were tickets. We have even spoken to Vauxhall to verify the service history and they have said that there is not record of any 2 of the 3 services on the book which were apparently completed at a Vauxhall dealer. We raised this with ACF who said that it was not their policy to check the service history of cars they purchased as they carry out their own check to ensure that vehicles are fit for purpose. Now, what's brought the need to create this post on is that we have just been on the receiving end of a major gearbox and clutch failure on the car, a repair that is set to cost me £1622 to fix a car that is worth just over £2200. We still have 2 years left on the finance however the garage has informed us that they don't believe the vehicle will last the full duration of the finance due to the level of faults we are experiencing. Do I have any ground to ask for the finance to be suspected or the vehicle to be returned to ACF ? the cost of the current repair is approx 70% of the car current value and I fear the next big issue will be pretty much game over. The issue of the fictional service history must have some weight ? Is there anything that can be done to help me get out from in-between this rock & hard place? Thanks Scott
  4. Hi I purchased a washing machine in Dec 2012 and paid for a premier insurance so if my washing machine could not be fixed in 7 days I'd get a new one. On the 10th July I called as my machine was not emptying or spinning. It came up with an error18 which meant a blockage somewhere in the machine. I had to wait 4 days for an engineer. He came, replaced a part and left. My machine worked for 2 loads then the same error appeared the next day. I called and they couldn't get an engineer for another 5 days. They said if it needed a part then they'd order one. I mentioned my policy was a 7 day but they said it was 21. As I had the paperwork it clearly stated 7. In Dec 2014 as I had a few products insured they suggested i go on a multi care policy as it would save money. All the advisor done was put me on a multi care policy. He explained nothing about anything changing such as the terms and conditions. I know I'm also to blame as they sent through the new policy and I didn't read the terms and conditions as I wasn't aware they'd change. Now they say it's tough. It's my fault I didn't them. I recorded the call when I changed to the new policy and he mentions nothing. I thought they have to at least mention the change to make sure it was suitable to me but they say it's not there responsibility it down to me. I have 3 children and a disabled husband and can't be without a machine which is why I purchased a fix or replace in 7 day policy. I have little faith in the engineers they employ. As the machine suggested a blockage he done nothing to locate it just sorted the spinning problem.
  5. Hi guys on the 22nd/10/2014 i sustained an injury at work hurting my shoulder and knee, i have carried on working due to the fact i have no holidays to take to get to my gp,, i completed an accident form then 1 week later emailed my manager to see if he had seen it, at which he replied no, ( no further discussion has been made ) until today i worked all day through my breaks to then travel the 45 miles back home and make my late appointment with my gp. He wants me to go back next week drain the blood from my knee administer a cortisone injection in it and also put cortisone in my shoulder. if it does not cure my shoulder then an ultrasound and possible keyhole to fix the problem. He advised rest but i told him its xmas i cant miss the pay and work has told me i will already be on a disciplinary as it is because i have had 5 days off in 12 months, The doctor said well its my own choice that's his advice, i then went and told my manager what was happening for him to then say i cant attend work, as the doctor had advised i rest, no sick note issued mind. i told him well no one has give a stuff since the 22nd Oct so i can keep working now, but he is now adamant i cant work and i should travel the 45 miles to work tomorrow and call him once there for a meeting, even though it will then take him 2 hrs to travel up to the depot. i told him i have made changes to my vehicle now so it makes it easier on me while i mend but alas he is making me stop work,. So my question after all that is, if i feel ok to carry on and the doctor has not signed me as unfit for work can i still work.... Besides no body cared about it for the last 5 weeks or so.
  6. Hi I'm looking for some advice regarding our vets. A few weeks ago we took Toby our black Labrador to the vets as he was having trouble peeing. He was then booked in for sedation and X-rays. The bladder X-Ray came back clear but upon xraying his stomach 2 golf balls were located in his stomach. We were referred to another vet for the surgery. We were told that we were looking at a cost of around £1300 for them to be removed. My husband took him to the vets and he spoke to the vet who said they were going to do an endoscopy to remove them but if they couldn't they would have to operate. He said the bill would likely be around £1300. My husband who was at the hospital received a call saying they couldn't remove the golf balls via the endoscopy and did they have permission to operate. They said Toby was already under sedation and the needed an instant decision to operate. My husband said he had already given permission to do this. They then said right we'll do the operation but it's an extra £800. My husband was very shocked as the vet said that they may have to cut him open but he assumed £1300 was the maximum price we'd have to pay but the vet said that price was just to try via endoscopy. My husband just had to agree to the surgery as the vet kept saying we need a decision now. Please don't get me wrong we have insurance for Toby but the way the vet has gone about this I feel is very poor. My husband was pushed to make an immediate decision when the vet should have discussed this at the consultation which we have paid for. Toby is making a good recovery which is the main thing but do I have a right to complain? Any advice would be great.
  7. Two weeks back I received the standard letter that my CB based ESA will be finishing in June. Now I still have my Appeal pending after is was postponed in December as they wanted more info. Whilst I realise that the letter is pretty standard, if my Appeal is still pending when June arrives can they legally take me off of CB based ESA? Another curiosity, Pension credit told me I couldnt go onto IB ESA when my CB finished and I would need to go onto full Pension credit, there was no option !
  8. My car turbo just blow up. I took the car to the local garage and was advised that the engine is fine after the turbo was removed and will need to just pay for the turbo replacement so it is economically to proceed with it. After replacement was done the garage called to say that the change was done but the problem has escaladed now and it is an engine problem and this is non economical to do it because it would cost at least 3k. They said that they would like me to pay for the turbo and take the car for a part exchange post it on ebay as engine in need of attention. Do I pay for something that is non functional and was wrong advised on the course of action?
  9. In 2007 I cancelled all PPI from any credit I held as it was only then that I realised they were in fact optional and more importantly, due to my generous employment package in a job I still hold today 20 years later, they would not have paid out anyway. I have tried to claim back the PPI attached to my RBS credit card taken I had 2002 to 2005. Yesterday I received the rejection letter stating largely that it was sold on a Non Advised Basis. I took it out via a postal application sent to me. The PPI box had to be ticked - the wording by the box said strongly recommended that payment protection insurance (PPI) is taken out. I have been reading FOS online PPI resource "our approach to payment protection insurance (PPI) mis-sale complaints" and it states, when talking about internet or postal applications:- Although these are usually non-advised sales, as the application stated “we strongly recommend you take out this PPI”. We were satisfied from the consumer’s account of the sale that he had placed some weight on this – and so we concluded that the sale was advised. Knowing how little I knew about the "why's and wherefores" back then and as it was during the application stage this would have made me think that my application was dependant on this. Any ideas what I do next? Thanks in anticipation.
  10. hi all, i have for a while been collecting my debt letters so i know what and who i owe and to my shock its around £16000, i had a telephone interview with CCCS they were helpful and sent me a folder out with a list of my debts that they could see on my credit file and what i told them from letters i had they also sent out my income and outgoing and explaining why going bankrupt is what i need to do, i basically have about £30 a week spare as it goes, makes me wonder why i work sometimes but id rather work than not. once i find £700 i will go bankrupt but for now should i not send a letter to all my debts stating i am going to go bankrupt but for now make a payment to them like £1 a week as i owe to about 14 different people so i cant afford to much per week or month? i am still struggling with how to make a start on this but really want to get this done and get the ball rolling with dealing with this debt and to let my debt people know i am aware i owe money and i am not wanting to ignore it but i cant afford lump sums or weekly amounts they would like. any help or advice would be appreciated thanks.
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