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Found 6 results

  1. World War 1 soldier who was killed in the Battle of the Somme finally laid to rest a century later READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/world-war-1-soldier-who-was-killed-in-the-battle-of-the-somme-finally-laid-to-rest-a-century-later
  2. Final resting place of a Yorkshire born WW2 soldier killed in the 'Bridge too far' Battle of Arnhem is finally marked after almost 73 years READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/final-resting-place-of-a-yorkshire-born-ww2-soldier-killed-in-the-bridge-too-far-battle-of-arnhem-is-finally-marked-after-almost-73-years
  3. READ MORE HERE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-37512230
  4. READ MORE HERE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-36844425 My heart and Condolences go out to the Family very sad news.
  5. A friend of mine who is doing some research into today’s workplace for her university course has asked me to post this up although I have done it in my words as hers seem a little to complicated for me to understand and would like your honest answers, please not the political correct answer also. A 48-year-old ex-soldier was medically discharged from the army due to mental health issues over 15 years ago. He held down a job for 5 years at first working in a support role for a IT company but is illness got worse and he was forced to give up working, and was put on the sick with a lifetime recommendation in 2005. He is on the maximum amount of anti-depressants he can be safely given, and has tried to take is life several time over the last 17 years, but has not responded to any other treatments offered by the NHS and has now been “parked” as untreatable. Due to the recent rule changes to sickness benefits were mental health is no longer considered as a barrier to work, he is no longer able to claim Employment Support Allowance, and he is put on job seekers allowance and must try and find a job. His mental health issues have worsened over the years and he finds it now difficult to talk to people he doesn’t know well, and although he has a short fuse, he has never been physically violent to anybody, but does shout at people and then walk away. He needs several days in bed to recover from downer episodes and these may occur at short notice. He also suffers for frequent flash back episodes and has been reported to be in a drunken state after, although he is a teetotaller. The job centre says he must apply for up to 30 jobs per week in the local area but all his qualifications are now out of date, and he cannot afford the renewal fees or get any grants for over £20.000 it would cost to bring the up to date. What role would you realistically see him in at you work place or would he even stand a chance of working at your firm,
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