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  1. Hi, I am requesting assistance on behalf of my pensioner parents' who have today received a bill for their Gas and Electricity of over £600 for usage since 2nd Oct. They have had no estimated readings since March and have had no new appliances, for this period of time they were actually away for 3 weeks, Their cooker and fire are Gas, however their Gas usage is fair. The problem arises with their Electricity, they are on an Economy 7 meter and have night storage heaters. I have called EON on their behalf this evening who inform me that since 2nd Oct they have used £500 worth of day units and £6 worth of night units. Considering that their only daytime usage is lights, microwave, television, shower, kettle etc. while their night usage incorporates all washing and night storage heating this seems to me to be disproportionate. The gentleman whom I spoke to at EON also agreed that it did not appear to make sense and he would investigate further. He has since contacted my father and told him that he needs to pay the bill and his payments will be doubled! My parents are in no financial position to pay this and more to the point the bill cannot be right. Their average usage over the last year was 5.7kwh & according to EON it is now 64.5, as I say nothing has changed. Their bill for the same quarter last year (1 extra month included and not having taken a holiday) was only £200. This is causing them so much upset and stress, can anyone please advise me. Thanks hopefully Jam
  2. So i am asking for my mum youll have to forgive me im trying to get every little bit of information about it but she either has trouble remembering minute details or did not ask for information directly from Eon. But she says this was over 20 or so years ago she applied to be on a plan called staywarm at a fixed price for unlimited energy/electric after seeing it advertised in the paper, it was apparently for anyone on benefits at the time. Now maybe 4 or 5 years ago they told her she was too young to be on the plan (60 or older) and so put her on a normal tariff and slapped a huge bill on her at which she pays £30 a fortnight (plus the normal bill. Now what i am asking is, my mum recalls telling them her age of course, and i am not familiar with what this tariff was at all was the age limit always 60 year old? and if it was not and it changed to that limit at one point is it down to her to Notify that she is too young? Or EON? I mean she literally went from an unlimited tariff at a fixed rate to a pay meter which has charges on aswell as a £1000+ bill. Im going to be ringing them up myself shortly to find out what the hell is going on so i will add more details in later.
  3. Hi I have just come home after a weekend away to find EON have been in my house , left off my house alarm , changed my meter to a key meter and left a letter for the lady who used to live here saying she owes £7,200.00 I have only rented this house since late august this year and the Lady the letters have been addressed to was taken into care nearly 12 months ago from what the neighbours tell me , she was 80 and had dementia . I never opened her letters but have come home to a pre payment meter being fitted in my absence as my home was empty and no alarm on and a defrosted freezer ! The locks have not been drilled as my key still works ... I don't understand how EON can do this ? I have never received a letter addressed to the occupier or I would of opened it , there is mail only addressed to the previous old lady ? Is this legal ? They have come into my home and disabled my house alarm without my being here and just left a note on the windowsill saying there is £5 credit and the lady must pay £8 each week ? Please advise ASAP MANY THANKS JAN
  4. E.ON changed my "plan" [see "title"] (January 18th 2013), presumably at the behest of "D.E.C.C."...another one of "Dave's" BIG-IDEAS!!! I now have no control over "on-line" account management...submitted "meter-readings" are refused. I have five circuits; "Day", "Night", "Boost", "Heatwise" and "Heatwise night". Now, because my "Heatwise..." consumption has fallen to zero (I do not use heating during these Summer-Months)...E.ON have decided that "your consumption is inconsistent with your usual useage"...consequently my on-line submitted readings are refused! They (E.ON) promptly invoiced me for a Bill, which is not due...I refused to pay; my payment history is impeccable...I pay quarterly "on demand"...THIS IS INTOLERABLE. E.ON extol the virtues of "on-line" account management but they are unable to "deliver"...this is clearly misrepresentation. I strongly urge every customer of E.ON to switch ! I have (had) a perfectly satisfactory [contract] with E.ON for thirteen years; this is a debacle. It is clear, from my correspondence with D.E.C.C. that this [situation] is due to "lobbying" by the "Big six"; of which E.ON are one. The introduction of "simplified tariffs" is simply a manifestation of this Government's failure to address [our] lack of an energy-strategy; we are now "paying-the-price" of failure! The only long-term solution is to invest in "Nuclear"; meanwhile, us consumers have to pay-the-price of [futile] "experiments" with WIND!!!
  5. I have a bill from EON - ENERGY FIT PLAN dual fuel from Dec 2011 paying by DD. Meters not read again until May 2013. the amount of gas used according to meter is 66,438kWh £2681 to pay! It is a one bedroomed flat, 3 radiators plus hot water. I shower rather than run baths. It seems an enormous bill, could it be a faulty meter or boiler? how do I find average consumption of gas for my circumstances? The electricity is 1,748kWh for same period with washing machine and tumble drier used almost every day - seems about right.
  6. Hi I got a bit behind on one electricity bill and couldn't pay it. I have paid it now though. I had a letter saying if I didn't pay it would go to a debt collection agency with a £10 charge. Two days ago I had a letter from UDS headed intention of court action in big letters. It then goes on to say it's a final demand before passing it back to eon for further action which may involve cutting me off. I have paid it all bar the £10. Is the extra charge legal and from reading on here a letter headed intention of court action can't be. TBH it brought on a panic attack and I borrowed the money
  7. Hi, I wonder if anyone can help me? I moved flats at the weekend and called Eon (who were my previous provider of both gas and electric) to notify them nd to get my final bill. I have been paying a monthly direct debit to them for the 4 years I have lived there. I had my gas meter reading - but was having difficulty accessing the cupboard which holds the electric meter. The girl I spoke to to said they could wait for the electiric. When I gace her my gas reading - she was confiused, and asked if I didn't use gas at the property - I said I did. Basically, the meter hadn't gone up since the last meter reading in September 2011. I explained that I had been paying the direct debit - which said on the front of the bill was for both gas and electric. She explained that if I read donw the bill (pages) then it showed that although I was paying a 'holding fee' for the gas - I whadn't paid anything for usage. I pointed out that this bill was regularly reviewed by them and nothing had been picked up their end either. I was also given a rebate last summer - which I called ot check was right - and was told it was because our usage was low. They are now tellin gme I will haev to pay a backdated fee of nearly £500 (based on an estimate because the mater hasn't been working) I want to know where i stand leaglly - as I feel like this is not entirely my fault as I thought I was covered in my direct debit. They also should surely have some responsibility over the maintenane of the meter? Please can anyone help and tell me where I stand? thanks
  8. I have an ongoing dispute with E.On in respect of a Final Bill that is turning ugly. They are claiming that an online copy of a Paper Bill [they have admitted they have not sent] marked as "COPY - Not a Tax Invoice" is a demand for payment - whilst I'm holding out for the final Tax Bill so I can reclaim the VAT. Does anyone know the precedent of whether a Not for Tax Purposes Bill is a valid invoice..? Would/could delayed payment of such a "bill" be grounds for adverse credit reference reporting, i.e. just when does a Copy "Not for Tax Purposes" Bill become enforceable..? Regards, Mike
  9. I moved into a house in Dec. I rang utility companies and gave gas and elec and water meter readings. I have just had a £900 elec bill which is showing an incorrect start reading. I gave them 28000 and they had it on their records as 21000. The gas is correct (same supplier) but they refuse to accept I posted 28000 with them and demand I pay. I only live in the house 3 days a week, and it only has 2 rooms, and if you work out the bill from the reading I have them it is what I would expect, but they keep saying I have to pay. What can I do?
  10. Hi I am pretty new here (in fact, totally new) as I have never had a reason to write on a forum before. However I need some help with EON and an account they have opened in my name. A bit of background; about a month ago I got a call from a local authority saying they needed to talk to me about a council tax bill. I called them back and it was for a property I moved out of in November 2011. I queried the bill saying I had informed them I had moved out but the very nice lady told me that in June 2012 the landlord had written to the LA to tell them I was responsible for the bill up until September 2012. I had previously lived in the property from Dec 2004 - April 2010 and then in August 2011 moved back in. As I had known the landlord for many years I signed up for 12 months but after a week or so of moving back in our relationship detoriated very quickly. He did not provide me with the details of who was keep my deposit safe, he was not fixing things that were wrong in the property (including the wired in fire alarms) and in September we agreed to go our seperate ways. I told him I needed a couple of weeks to get things sorted so agreed to keep the property to November 2011 and then hand it back. The 1st November came and went and I handed the keys back; told the LA, Electricity, Phone etc. Whoever has moved in has obviously not paid the council tax and the landlord must only have my details so sent a copy of the 12 month tenancy agreement to the council. Kindly the council agreed with me and wrote the landlord stating he had 14 days to prove that he had received rent payments from me since October 2011 or he would be liable. This deadline has passed and I am not responsbile for the bill. As for EON, I applied for a mortgage with my partner and we were turned down. The underwriter told us it was an oustanding electricity bill that is more than six payments behind. Quickly I logged onto Equifax and sure enough there is an account, opened in June 2012 (same time as the council tax) for the supply. A quick call to EON and they confirmed that the landlord had sent them a copy of the tenancy agreement for showing I still lived there until September 2012; despite me telling them (and indeed paying) my final bill in November 2011. They have asked me to prove I was not living there, which I can do via council tax bills, utilities, etc that clearly show I was responsbile for another property from mid-September 2011. Can they just do this? Will it affect my credit rating? By mutal agreement we ended the tenancy early and it would now seem that since June 2012 the landlord has been using my details to make me responsible for debts which I was not responsbile for; how do I stop this being the case? Strangly someone has been paying the bill off (all be it sporadically and slowly) but it has left me feeling very confused. I probably should contact the water board thinking about it!
  11. Although Eon have lowered p/kwh ,unit rates,they have scrapped the Annual Threshold of 2680 kwh in which customers saw unit rates once this was achieved fall from 8.436p/kwh to 3.67p/kwh inc vat. Under the revised E.on EnergyPlan with prepayment the old 8.436p/kwh is replaced with a sole unit rate of 4.256p/kwh inc vat. However,there is now a daily standing charge of 27.395p per day !
  12. Hi All, I moved into a flat at the beginning of the year, I called up and registered with Eon and gave them a meter read which is what they needed from me to sign up with them. I am now moving out in the next few weeks so decided to take a meter reading. I tried to put it in on my online account but it wouldn't accept the read saying it's inconsistent with the previous reading. Upon looking into my account I can see they have just been providing me bills from estimates, they never in fact applied my first meter reading when I moved in to our account. So, no my issue is that the actual meter reading is around 5000kwh higher than the last estimated meter read they billed me for in October. Clearly we haven't used this much, and looking through the bills they have sent they are all estimated from a point last year where the meter was read. This would therefore mean that the owed elec would fall to either the landlord or previous tenant, but how do I go about this? I obviously need to give them a final meter read, but it's going to land me with a massive bill, which wasn't my fault. They never applied my meter read in the beginning, I have it written down what it was when we moved in, but I don't want this to wind up being a 3rd party dispute. Any one been in this situation or can help? Thanks
  13. Hi all Can anyone help me on the correct procedure for Eon (electric) have to do to gain a warrant of entry, Also what is the procedure after the have gained the warrant, and come to the property. Thanks in advance Leakie
  14. I moved into my first flat a month ago. When i moved in the supplier was E.on, so i called and registered with them and verified final readings given by the previous tenant by their instructions of how to read the meter In an attempt to save money I run a comparrison on uSwitch and picked out a new plan with EDF. Since moving in i have been taking weekly meter readins to see my average usage and approx spend. I took a reading after work today at 17.30 and noticed the number 2 reading was flashing, indicating that was the rate being used and similarly I checked again just before midnight tonight and rate 1 was flashing. The meter rotates between each figure and the rate used flashes. I looked on my online E.on account and noticed something quite worrying, they state that rate 1 is for daytime and 2 is night time. I called after I took the 17.30 reading and the guy I spoke to confirmed that rate 1 was day time and 2 was night time. I explained that the number 2 rate was flashing indicating that it was currently in use, which would mean that either the meter was reading in reverse or they had made an error. He assured me that he was correct, but he would arrange for someone to come out and look at the meter. Heres a screen shot from my online account On the front of the meter is an edf sticker, as this was the supplier prior to E.on, on their website they state the opposite to e.on This quote is from EDf's website I assumed that the meter rates would be standard between all suppliers. Has anyone had this problem before and been successful in getting a refund? I've paid quite alot more than the bill should be by my calculations with the rates reversed.
  15. Hi, I really hope someone can help me with this. I attempted to input my Eon readings last night and to my horror, I noticed that all previous readings have been in-putted the wrong around. The Normal rate appears in the Night rate box & visa versa. Eon have sent their meter readers round several times over the course of the last 5 years and not once has this error been noticed or rectified. I rang Eon to report this (about an hour ago) and was told that I have to ring them back later this afternoon as they are currently experiencing a data issue on their servers and they can't access the information they need to in order to deal with my issue. The man I spoke to did say that the readings have been wrong since 2007 which was when the meter was installed and the bills will be amended and back-dated to 2007. Obviously, I'm worried that I've been underpaying for the last 5 years and will now face a huge bill that I cannot afford. I have read up on the billing code and I think I should be covered under this, which means they'll likely ask for back payments for the last 12 months but my argument is as follows: If I have been underpaying, and it's because they have incorrectly set the meter up/failed to notice any errors until I reported them, why should I have to pay them anything? Eon's method of inputting meter readings in online is hugely flawed. Once the readings are in-putted incorrectly, there's absolutely no way of rectifying it. It automatically sets this as the preferred order which means all subsequent readings in-putted thereafter are incorrect. I would really appreciate some advice on how to take this forward. I am dreading ringing them back in a couple of hours time. I have enough on my hands at the moment without entering into a lengthy battle with Eon. Thank you for reading this and thank you in advance to anyone who responds.
  16. Arghhhh! I moved home in April and had a letter from Past Due credit stating that I had an outstanding bill from eon from my previous address for £147. The letter stated that eon had passed on details as we had 'failed' to respond to eon's letters - eon are still our energy suppliers as we just transferred to new address so obviously are aware of our new address! we contacted the DCA and said we would pay on payday, which we did, only to find out that they have charged our debit card 3 times!! Its bank holiday weekend and the unauthorised card use department for natwest are closed until Tuesday. Obviously, we authorised the first payment, but I can only assume that the other two payments are unauthorised and in my book that amounts to theft! I am concerned that even though I know I can get the money back through my bank - who have agreed that two paymets weren't authorised means they can cancel the transactions - will Past Due have my card details and try and take more money - even though the whole amount was paid (although other bills may now be affected due to an extra £300 going from my account.) Its so unfair - we are struggling with debt and have gone through all the legitimate channels to pay off what we owe yet companies are still threatening and demanding causing loads of stress and worry!
  17. Hi, I'll give you a quick introduction of what my situation is. In September 2011 I moved from home to a city to do a course in college when I was 17. I'm currently still living here and will be moving out sometime in June 2012. I also turned 18 in February (not sure if that has any relevance). Now I have a bill that of £1,300. When I moved in I was keen to pay bills etc (sharing the bill with 4 other tenants). The person who was currently responsible for paying the bill told me he wasn't paying it due to some rent problems and that he didn't agree for it to be put in his name. I was also 17 at the time so I wasn't able to set up direct debits to pay bills. I then told told the landlord can you help me sort the bills and also another tenant did the same (which was a 5th each of the entire bill). He rang up E-ON and said that we'd like to pay our share but not take responsibility for the entire bill. They said that's fine and they'll do the workings out etc then they rang me back and told me that I have to pay £100 and another bill for £600 I told them they've done it wrong and it needs to be divided by 5 not 2. A couple days later I got a bill in the post with the amounts she told me over the phone but it was a bill of £100 and a joint bill with my name on and the other persons name on which was £1200. I have since been having letters from debt collecting agencies and I'm terrified due to it may affect my credit rating and after next year I was planning on going to university this may stop me from getting a student loan to do so. E-ON say that i'm responsible to pay the entire bill and that it's my problem to find other tenants who are foreign and have moved back to China etc (which I have no way of contacting). There is no way I can possible find £1,300 to find this bill, i'm a student at college and my mum helps fund my accommodation through jugging two jobs which i'm so grateful for. Am I really responsible to pay the entire bill? and I'd be so thankful of any advice as at the moment i'm saddled with worry and this is constantly on my mind.
  18. Has anyone ever heard of a problem like this... It may take a while to read! I moved into my house 2 years ago, rented, was given an E.on card for the electric meter and just told to pay it. Gas was put in my name by DD. 12 months ago I went to put my weekly top up on the card and a notice on the receipt said the cards were being faded out contact the supplier, so I did. Obviously thinking it was E.on got on the phone asking for a card meter... They have no record of my address and give me Mcaps number to tell me who my supplier is, they said British Gas. and so after 4 hours of calls and being redirected to every department no one could tell me who supplies me as, so I gave up! A couple of weeks ago I contacted Mcap and they are baffled as no meter numbers match up and last records are from british gas in 2001 with a different meter code. They are investigating will take around a month... I went to the shop today and the lady asked if I had had a letter from E.on, (I have never had any letter or statement from any electricity supplier) and so she showed me that tuesday the 8th the cards will be obsolete and will not be able to top up... Round 2.... I rang E.on telling them again, this time she was a little more helpful although all she could say is after the 4 weeks min investigation it can take in excess of 2 weeks to get a key meter fitted (if indeed it is them), and so I should top the meter up this weekend in preparation for the next 2 month... Unfortunately I am out of work with a 4 year old child and cannot possibly pull £150-200 out of fresh air before tuesday! Also if E.on have been taking the money but British Gas supplying then it could be a long drawn out process over money etc... Has anyone any ideas on what I could possibly do not to either speed up the process or resolve it before im literally left in the dark?
  19. Hello all I received a bill from Eon from a house my daughter and I were staying in, paid by my house insurance company, when i had a flood in my own property. I am currently off work ill with cancer. I contacted them and explained that my insurance firm were paying and heard nothing back then got a threatening letter from LCS. The letter stated that i would be paying £200 admin charge on top of the bill and that i should pay in full within seven days. My income, at this point was £137 per week as i had gone beyond the years pay from my employer. I rang them and said that i felt threatened so would pay all i could. They said it would be a minimum of £100 per month. I had to move out of my home and rent it out to be able to afford this and am now living with my father. I have paid the Eon bill in full now and LCS are still threatening me for their £200. What should I do? Please help. I am ill with cancer and dont need the extra worry
  20. My mother had her gas supply with EON. Her quarterly bills were between £500-£700 for a 2 bedroomed property. The only gas appliance in the house is a combi boiler which runs the radiators and hot water. She has no gas fire or cooker. The combi is less than 2 years old and has been checked by the local authority who owns the property. Her bill is now almost £2000 and after they failed to accept there is a problem somewhere and she cannot be using this much gas, I managed to get her switched to a new supplier a few weeks ago. However EON are now having their debt dept ringing her about making payment on the account. Two nights ago she got a call just before 9pm, she was in bed. She suffers from polymyalgia rheumatica and temporal arteritis, a serious medical condition that has left her almost permanently blind. She almost fell down the stairs trying to get to the phone. I have spent all morning on the phone trying to resolve matters, but they still insist the bills are correct and that she has used this amount of gas. Well I disagree. So do I contact Ofgem or the ombudsman services to make a complaint. It is quite obvious Eon are not going to find out what the problem is, in fact they are not interested in anything other than getting the money. It is disgusting how she has been treated and I want to make major complaints about this. Any advice please.
  21. I purchased a new build flat in 2005 and tried in vain to get someone to bill us for the gas supply. We didn't have a problem paying the electric bills. I phoned all the usual gas suppliers but each one said that my property was not registered. I then phoned a company with the meter installation number to be told that until the developers registered the property we could not be billed. I then rented the flat out and it has been rented out for almost 6 years. Each tenant informing me that they were unable to pay the gas either. I have taken meter readings at each change of tenant and have the readings in my note book. I have this week received a final notice from Buchanan Clark & Wells (the first I have ever had any correspondence from them) on behalf of E-ON Energy (who have never billed me or contacted me ever) for £1,737.44 + £399.61 in admin charges = Total £2,137.05!!! Buchanan Clark were actually quite cheeky to me when I phoned them, I then said that I have never received a bill from E-ON and the property has been rented out since 2005 - Bichanan Clark still insisted on the phone that I have to pay it!!! The only way I can get out of paying it (they say) is if I produce tenancy agreements for every tenant since 2005 - then they will try and trace these people. I then phoned them back today to tell them that one of the letting agents that rented my flat out has gone bust for last few years so I would be unable to get tenancy agreement for one of tenants...... ... they said that I would have to try and chase up the local authority to see if they would discharge info about who ;paid the c/tax for that period to prove that we were not staying there. Why should I have to be the one that does all the work for them??? Can anyone give me any advice - I have tried to phone citizens advice - but they are busy and not taking any more calls today. Many thanks :o(
  22. Hi, Hope someone can help. I'll try to explain the nightmare I find myself in as best as I can- In 2008, I moved into a new build property and upon starting the tenancy had a letter from the letting agency detailing who all the suppliers to the property were (names and telephone numbers). They said that they would be letting the companies know but we decided to call electricity (EDF) and other suppliers to provide meter readings etc. Now, with EDF, we gave all our details and meter readings to the customer service person and when we did not hear any furthur, we got in touch with the letting agent so they could follow up as well. No bills were forthcoming despite us trying and the letting agent although EDF did come round to take meter readings (the meter is outside the flat). In mid-2011, we had a visit card from E-on's doorstep collectors for the occupier, stating that they were here to collect the unpaid bill. We called the quoted number in shock. Long story short - turns out EDF are not the supplier but E-On are! All parties concerned are clueless not least the letting agents, who are not managing the property anymore giving them all the more reason not to help! They have stated the do not have any records of letters from back in 2008! Eon have sent us a letter stating that the backbilling rule doesnt apply to us as they have been taking meter readings every 3 months (we have never come across any eon representatives) and have been sending all the bills to a forwarding address the previous tenant had supplied! How do we know if this is even true? If they have been taking meter readings here, shouldnt they be sending the bills here? why is the doorstep collectors letter addressed to 'the occupier' (as opposed to the person who they have been sending the bills to?) Also, every time we call up eons customer services - they cant even find our flat on their system! We have to speak to a particular person (who wrote us the letter) at a particular extension number - who seems to be the only one who knows anything about us! To date we havnt seen a bill, eon never wrote to this address and we have been completely led on by the estate agents and EDF. Where do we stand in this? cant think of how to pay the staggering bill when it arrives! Shouldnt they take some accountability? Isnt that what the billing code is for? Sorry about having such a rant but hope someone can help so we can know where we stand! Thanks in advance
  23. H i I am currently with EON, Last month i had a letter saying they where not going to double my DD Payment but Triple it instead. i rang them they basically said i was using that amount of electricity a month, i disputed this, gave them a meter reading which knocked 300 of the bill but they still insiusted that the dd will be 3 times what it is.....so i told them i would be cancelling the dd, they also informed me that they would cancel the dd, well 1st of month they take out the tripled dd, i phoned bank to retreive the payment, bank says no i cant, any thoughts on this please ta muchly
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