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  1. Today I found out that HSBC has closed my current account and savings account (only funds in Current account really) without giving me any notice. My first clue was when I withdrew paypal funds as I do each week and it errored saying the bank account didnt exist. I went to internet banking HSBC to check and my accounts where not there. I called HSBC and they told me that my accounts had been closed but they could not tell me the reason why. This was bad enough but the problems I have are far worse and wanted to see if anyone had any advice.Ill explain. I am based in Bolivia and HSBC are/were aware of this (my registered details and address is in Bolivia although account in UK). I had around 16000 pounds in my current account and I needed to transfer some of that to Bolivia to pay various things (around 10000 pounds of it). The remainder was to be used to pay for some university fees and also a planned trip to UK in Dec. The only thing HSBC would tell me was that they would "probably issue me a cheque for the money". Apart from needing that account my immediate problem is that if they issue me a cheque it will probably be in UKP , and therefore useless in a Bolvian bank. I dont have any other UK bank account and as I am now resident in Bolivia will not be able to open one. Also , as I am in Bolivia I cannot countersign a UKP cheque to deposit into someone elses account in the UK. So thats the situation - anyone have any ideas how I might get this fixed? I am meant to be speaking with HSBC tomorrow and I want to ask them to do an international transfer for the full amount to me but Im guessing they arent going to be very helpful. I doubt they will send the money to my mothers account (also HSBC) with without some kind of signed document. I need this money fast or I will have to close at least one of my two businesses and that will mean 20 people will lose their jobs. Im trying to write this calmly but as you can guess im pretty angry and worried right now.
  2. First Direct have sent these in response to CCA request. They may well be genuine scans of the front and back of an original document. They have the same "Folder" reference at the top of each page (removed) and have "Page 1 of 2" and "Page 2 of 2" (although the terms are only a subset of those on a separate document, referred to at the beginning.) It doesn't look like it was properly executed - just "Agreement executed" in the box with no date. The date stamp did have a full date on it but it just says "Received", not "Approved" or "Executed" like others I have seen. Anyway, assuming they are both from the same original document, does this form an enforceable agreement? Some views would be helpful please as I'm being pestered by Metropolitan now.
  3. having followed the correct routes and followed all correct procedure in relation to various complaints over charges ppi and dpa breaches, i am at a loss as to what i should do next. hsbc have deceived me and the fos service in every way they could possibly do so. contravened so many regulations and acts including the dpa this would possibly be worth contacting the media over. having gone through divorce and appointed a firm of sols who failed to deal with my divorce correctly they filed a divorce before ancillary proceedings had been dealt with thus leaving the house situation hanging. having raised section 10 notice with hsbc they ignore it and caused me two years and more worth of stress and financial detriment. i appoint a woman who claimed to be a barrister only to be defrauded by her and cost me even more money. reported this to the police and get no where with action fraud. attend a hearing of repossession about my house my state to a judge i would be able to clear the arrears in january, the cheque never materialized and subsequently the court accused me of contempt. i had to re approach the ombudsman and ask for a letter confirming what i was telling the court to be the truth, which thankfully the court accepted. cheque for my ppi never materialized and the house was repossessed, still received nothing even though the order was for January 2013. due to nature of my other creditors and complaints i have in with fos, they are still been dealt with. the fos have stated that my complaint is more related to the section 10 notice and hsbc breaking dpa on numerous counts to date, i should speak with the ico, they have done nothing in regards to addressing the charges they have applied to either my credit card and or my overdraft. i have now sought another solicitor who states they would have to charge again which i am reluctant to do. i had my legal aid revoked due to issues surrounding a complaint i raised the solicitor refusing to deal with my house and ancillary releif, he claims there was no equity or value in the house, and despite my showing the figures to verify this he still refused to deal with it. i have fought this for over 5 years now and cant carry on with it for sake of my sanity and the low it has brought me,so much so i have considered ending it all, but not before hsbc face the consequences of their actions in numerous ways. the following people should be ashamed of themselves: I forgot to add, i took the issue to court via the fraudster barrister/solicitor and after waiting months only to be advised by the courts there is no such form to apply for enforcement of an order i assumed it was an n232 form. i feel failed in every possible way by every authority going, and honestly following the rules gets you no where and resolves nothing.
  4. Since joining this site with regards to a debt company chasing me I decided to go through old paperwork I found Midland bank credit card statements from 03/94 to 07/97 where they had been charging me Cardholder repayment protector. I defaulted on this in 02/97 as I put my business into receivership. I told them I was out of work and the continued to charge me interest and late fees until the debt was taken over by a debt company. I then did a deal with them and paid it off over the next 15-20 years. What I now realise is they never offered to pay out on the protection they charged me. They just stopped adding it to the bill for the last few months but kept adding interest. What is the best way to go about claiming and what could I claim for? I was a director of a LTD company so in my opinion self employed? If not why did they not pay me when I was unemployed. Do I send a SAR letter or just claim against them for miss selling. Are there any templates I can use. Thanks Alan
  5. I am in need of some advice. While I was married to my ex-husband, we had a joint bank account, and I was an additional credit card holder to his HSBC Gold account. ( I was not entitled to one on my own as I did not work and had no income). We seperated briefly and obtained seperate bank accounts, but the credit card remained joint. After permanently splitting up I had a debt on the credit card for over £4000, and as I was on Income Support as my only income, the credit card was cancelled by the bank and the debt was passed onto Rockwell/Tessera, who started collecting repayments, albeit at a very low rate due to my circumstances. Fast Forward 5 years and I have remarried. I only work 10 hours a week and I now pay £35 a month to tessera. At this rate my debt will still take 8 more years to clear. I dont dispute that the debt is mine and am not trying to pass the buck to my ex, but wondered if I could find out if there is anything I can do because I was only an additional cardholder? will I be able to reclaim any PPI etc? (I dont even know if there was any taken on the card accounts as my ex dealt with it all. I cant ask him as we are not in touch, and I have written to the bank for details of the account and sent a small cheque to cover for this but I have not had a response from them. Not sure what direction to go now. Can anyone help please?
  6. Hi Guys, Hope you can advise. Myself and my soon to be ex wife are getting divorced and as part of the divorce, herself is keeping the house and re mortgaging in her own name. She has managed to get the mortgage agreed and is in the process of sorting. However..... HSBC, who the mortgage is with, are allegedly holding a second charge on the house which relates to a previous company that was liquidated and a security on the property against the overdraft. The company that was liquidated was owned by us both, but was liquidated in 2009. As part of the agreement with the bank, the overdraft on the business account was secured against the house, we were aware of this. However, following the collapse of the company, HSBC issued a demand for the guarantee to be paid. Following weeks of negotiating, we offered a large sum of money IN FULL AND FINAL SETTLEMENT of the debt, with any charge being released against the property. This amount was accepted and paid. Now, they are saying the charge is still there and that "any monies not paid will be taken from any surplus when the mortgage is repaid" This clearly wasnt what was agreed, so what process/paperwork etc do i need to start to get this removed and situation sorted?
  7. Hi, Just trying to get some advice on some accounts me and my husband hold. Husband had an account with HSBC. Account is years old, got into financial difficulty some years ago, was on reduced payments for a while but no longer making payments to the account and haven't for some years, not had any correspondence from anyone for at least 3 years but have moved house and not updated address. Account is no longer on credit file but is not statute barred. MKRR have now started writing asking to contact them to arrange repayment. Should we acknowledge, don't have the money to pay at the moment. Can anything be put back on the credit file now?? Thanks
  8. Hi I have received a County Court Claim Form dated 12th June 2013. The Claimant is Marlin Europe Limited and the address for sending documents and payments is Restons Solicitors. The Claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the defendant(s) under a contract between the defendent(s) and HSBC Bank PLC dated on or about 24/7/2008 and assigned to the claimant on 20/02/2013 in the sum of 19456.56 PARTICULARS - a/c no:- 3xxxxxxx I am sure that I agreed no contract with HSBC on or around that date. Am I right to assume that I should say that I intend to defend all of this claim, and if so, what wording should I use in my defence on form N9B? Should I also send Restons a letter requesting what evidence they have that I signed a contract in 2008? Or should that letter go to Marlin? If so, can someone confirm the wording I should use on the letter and the correct protocol on the sending of a £1 postal order? Many thanks
  9. I have only just found the CAG forums and the the help they provide and unfortunately have to provide my defence by FRIDAY - 2 days time. Particulars of Claim The Claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the Defendants(s) under a contract between the Defendant(s) and HSBC Bank PLC dated on or about 06/03/2002 and assigned to the claimant on 20/02/2013 in the sum of 14331.37 PARTICULARS a/c no:- xxxxxxx DATE ITEM VALUE 08/05/2013 Default Balance 14331.37 Post Refrl Cr NIL TOTAL:- 14331.37 the solicitors doing this are Restons Solicitors Ltd of Warrington. I have been reading the forums for a few hours now and they seem to highlight some things such as the fact that the agreement is recorded as prior to 2006 so documentation requirements are more rigorous. I have also seen some wordings where people have highlighted the issue that it is impossible to defend such a vague claim for monies, but putting this into something that I can sensibly submit seems still a daunting task. All help is appreciated Thanks
  10. Hey... just received notification from Northampton County Court in regards to a claim for £7k HSBC credit card balance. The card limit is £6k, plus there's interest and court/solicitors costs added. I've just sold an asset so currently have the funds available to pay up. I also have a number of other credit cards that I have stalled payments on for some time, but I don't have the funds to clear them all. Should I just pay the requested amount and get the case closed? Sorry if this question is difficult to answer without further details being provided. Many thanks.
  11. My Bank, (HSBC) has been negligent and mis-sold me an overdraft on the basis of funds coming from an investment which turned out to be a con trick the bank had said the investment was sound and actively encouraged me to run up a large overdraft knowing I only had a very small income- they were so desperate to get all of the funds from the investment deposited in their bank they advised me badly and when it was found to be a con trick, they placed a charge on my property to cover the overdraft and are now trying to repossess my home! I have complained to the FOS but they were biased in favour of the bank, so I complained to the Independant Assessor who said I`d been treated badly by the FOS and things had been done wrong and awarded a small amount of compensation- I believe things were done wrong as they were biased in favour of HSBC. Now the Bank is going for a repossession order for my property so I`ve been to see a solicitor today who`s told me I have a good case and may get legal aid but after ringing the legal aid line I was refused legal aid...probably because I`m not on any benefits! I can`t afford to take the bank to court myself as this whole fiasco has ruined me financially and seemingly I can`t get free help but surely there must be something I can do? Please help if you can as I feel so helpless and am at my wits end. I was at Court on 10th June for a Possession Hearing and put in a Defence and the Judge adjourned to enable me time to submit a fully pleaded defence and counter claim but I can`t afford a Solicitor to do this? The day before I was at Court in June, HSBC e-mailed me and offered to knock the amount they claim is owed down from £91500.00 to £59500.00 and no costs would be payable, provided I signed an agreement saying I wouldn`t take any further action against HSBC either now or in the future...I find this `offer` all very odd and feel I`m missing something that HSBC are worried about? Sorry for the length of this- can anyone advise me please as I`m due in Court again next week...thank you
  12. claim 1 week ago, holiday had to cancel with only 48hrs notice, confirmation of payment today. well done hsbc
  13. Hello, i was wondering if anyone out there would please be able to help me. I came into a problem which HSBC a few years ago - went over drawn and they decided to continually hit me with bank charges. It got to the point that they were adding on so many charges i more a less turned my back on the account as i refused to pay them as their greed went OTT. Now i have a £3500 debt sitting on my shoulders, to which £3000 of it is them adding charges and fees. This debt now sits on my credit file as a CCJ. I contacted the courts today to find out more on this debt as i really would like to start looking into getting a mortgage, so this i would like cleared ASAP. They advised the debt is with DG Solicitors, having looked on this forum i can see that they are part of HSBC, so i was wondering how do i go about getting the debt reduced if poss. I have no prior knowledge on how to tackle this kind of stuff so any help would be gratefully received. step by step guide, help to letter templates, general knowledge etc... PLEASE help me clear this greedy debt. All the best and kindest regards Aaron
  14. Dear All, Thanks in advance for your help! I have been through the threads but cannot find any relating to Singapore. I have an outstanding HSBC UK debt approx 12K pounds. I am a Commonwealth Citizen but not a UK citizen. The debt was with Metropolitan now it has been transferred to Central Debt Recovery UK. I was paying the loan back when it was with HSBC UK but fell behind and now cannot afford to do so. Can they come after me in Singapore? HSBC is operating in Singapore. They have my Singapore address from HSBC UK, I have been getting letters from Central Debt Recovery but have not responded. If you could please help me with advice, I cannot afford a solicitor. thanks
  15. Hi, My first post. I'm trying to help my son get his finances sorted out. Besides the fact that he needs to become much better at managing his money I think he has valid claims for the following:- 1. PPI mis-selling on two personal loans 2. PPi mis-selling on a Credit Card. 2. Overlimit charges on a Credit Card 3. Bank overdraft charges Problem is which do I tackle first? What Subject Access Requests do I need to send. All of the above potential claims relate to the same bank. Will one SAR cover all of them. How do we obtain copies of loan agreements and PPI policy documents and the T&C's for the Credit Card (searched the internet without luck) Called in the Bank yesterday, they couldn't provide the full Credit Card T&C's for their current Credit Card. A few pointers in the right direction would be appreciated. Thanks
  16. Hi hope you guys can help.. Had a bank loan of HSBC about 10 years ago ... i was making payments but due to other debts building up i fell behind and ended up on a DMP.. At the time i also had a bank account with them that was something like £40 in debt ... I asked them to close the account and i would pay the £40 through my DMP they refused so "stupidly" i refused to pay the £40 and changed banks. About 4 years ago my loan stood at £1200 i was making payments ... untill they added over £750 to my loan (metropolitan finance at the time) This was basically £700 in bank charges on my old account.. My new debt was £2,000. I refused to continue to pay and the debt was passed around a number of companies... A few months ago i recieved a letter saying my debt had been sold to Marlin Europe (Restons solicitors) Today i have Recieved a claim form ,response pack, form of admission and defence/counterclaim form adding onto the original debt £75 court fee and £80 solicitors costs ...I got to admit im flapping a bit now as i didnt think once the debt was sold the new owner would have the power to do this... Any help would be greatly appreciated , (next steps, what the court letter means,has there been a court hearing,will court bailiffs come to my home) sorry for the lenghthy post... Thanks for reading.
  17. Here goes. I had a HSBC account which I had held for a number of years - it was set up as part of a scheme where HSBC would visit my school - I am unfamiliar with the type of account it was other than it was incredibly basic. I used this account to pay my wages from my part time job into etc and had a couple of direct debits. I had a few concerns (looming redundancy) and confirmed with the bank that it was impossible to go overdrawn on this account. In August 2011 I was finally made redundant and instead decided to go to university. I attempted to get a student account with HSBC and was refused. I visited Halifax on the same day and was approved and took part in their account switching service - my balances and direct debits would automatically transfer over and the HSBC account would close. In September 2011 I went to university and my Halifax account was functioning as imagined - balance and direct debits had switched over. I couldn't access my HSBC online banking (paperless banking) and assumed that was the end of HSBC. I applied for a mobile contract last month and was refused and advised to check my report - lo and behold there's a default on there from HSBC filed in February 2012. I visited my local HSBC branch and was told the account was closed and to speak to the Customer Care Team - they advised the account had been closed and to speak to Metropolitan the collecting agent - I haven't heard from Metropolitan - my mail WAS being forwarded. I again telephoned the Customer Care Team who advised the account was closed and the default applied in February 2012 with the outstanding balance. I asked for this to be explained - I was advised going back to August 2011 there was a direct debit that wasn't paid and I was charged fees - these fees then made me overdrawn and subsequently fees had been levied each and every month until February - the outstanding balance is made purely of fees. I explained I was under the impression the account was closed - apparently as the direct debit hadn't been cancelled the account remained open. I have not heard once from HSBC - they never wrote to me (else I'd have the forwarded letters), I couldn't access the internet banking (where I monitored my account, ergo believing it had been closed) and there was no default notice served by Metropolitan nor had they contacted me - HSBC have an up-to-date mobile number for me. My query is, where do I go from here? The Customer Care Team agent was getting quite irate asking me to clarify transactions on my account etc and has agreed to send me statements from August 2011 until February 2012 - but I don't know how these will help me as they'll tell me exactly what I already know. I have compiled a SAR but I don't see how this will help either? As it's very clear what has happened. How do I get the default removed? The outstanding defaulted balance is only £104 - all of fees - which I am happy to pay. But I want the default removed, not just settled. Who do I need to write to? Thanks!
  18. Hi all Im looking for a bit of advice regarding a friends daughter shes only 18 and she has been working for M&S money call centre but has just been sacked for gross misconduct. She was called into her line managers office yesterday then escorted to her desk to empty it,then off the premises all of which took place in front of all her co-workers The gross misconduct they have accused her of is criticising her own bank HSBC , on twitter, for refusing to extend her overdraft.... Now i know M&S money are owned by HSBC but surely this cant be right she was showing her displeasure at her own personal banks decision not the company she works for. As far as i know there is no mention of who she works for on her twitter account so no way of anyone who does not know her linking her to HSBC so i cannot see how this could effect their business Does anyone know if she can fight this as i think there is something wrong about this? Thanks in advance for any replies
  19. Hi, My partner received a letter from HSBC saying she may have been mis-sold PPI insurance. She paid off the loan with another loan, and this is still being repaid. Clearly now she's paying interest on a loan to repay for PPI that she was mis-sold. Can you claim this interest back too?
  20. Hi was wondering if anyone could offer some advice, I took a loan out with hsbc in 2005 just before i started work (was a student prior to this) and i already had an existing credit card with them. Over subsequent years i found it increasingly difficult to meet both repayments and coupled with up to £175 a month bank charges this soon hit crisis point. Anyway to cut a long story short i opened a new account and stopped paying hsbc. On my credit report it states i owe them £4500 on my credit card account and £8500 on my loan account. This debt has been passed to MKPD LLP who send letters occasionally which i am continuing to ignore so to my questions, i think i had ppi on both of these accounts but i don't have any of the original paperwork account numbers etc, can i try to reclaim it even though the account has not been settled and also are this new company likely to take me to court for repayment of the debt? Am i being silly to keep ignoring them in the hope this will all go away? Many thanks for any help you can give
  21. Hi I got sent a letter by HSBC saying they may have mis-sold me PPI on my loans. I filled in their questionnaire. It has now been 8 weeks and every time I call I seem to get given different excuses why they haven't replied. Maybe it is because they have so many people to deal with. How long should I wait before going to FOS? I have 6 loans going back over 15 years, I have always had sick pay and redundancy through my job (that I've had over 17 years) so I never needed the ppi, and wouldn't have taken it out if they had told me (and I wasn't so stupid ). Not sure how long I should wait before my next move?
  22. I put in a claim for HSBC credit card PPI for my mum's other half (who's my employer, has always been self employed so HSBC upheld complaint straight away). The thing is, their amount is very different to mine. At first, they offered somewhere in the region of £300.00 stating they could only go back to 2006 on the information they had. I had statements dating back to August 2003, so photocopied them all and sent them in, along with my spreadsheet again. It took them 2 months for a revised offer, but it came yesterday. Our total premiums paid is more or less the same, give or take ~£5. The statutory 8% is £100 out. The compound interest is WAY off. Over £1200 less. I say: Compound interest £1576.22 They say: Compound interest £332.40 I managed to get to my APR figure, by taking the APR off each statement and averaging it - 18 months @ 18.9%, 36 months @ 19.9%, and 52 months @ 22.9% I expected it to be a little out - the APR was slightly lower in 2003/2004 when the balance of the card and PPI payments were higher. But even if I use the 18.9% APR for the whole claim, it's still ~£1000 out. I've attached my spreadsheet as a PDF, so if someone could take a look I'd be really greatful. The few months in red is missing statements, but my estimates of PPI those months are roughly correct, as our total PPI paid is close. To sum up - ME: TOTAL PPI PAID: £685.41 COMPOUND INTEREST: £1576.22 8% SIMPLE INTEREST: £458.07 HSBC: TOTAL PPI PAID: £679.49 COMPOUND INTEREST: £332.40 8% SIMPLE INTEREST: £354.12 hsbc cc.pdf
  23. I have an interesting (I hope) story to share with my fellow CAG's: I had an account with HSBC Bank International Ltd (the "Bank") at the Isle of Man for many years. In 2009 / 2010 the account was at its overdraft limit. I had a direct debit to a HSBC branded life insurance policy (Aviva was the underwriter, it was just HSBC branded). The Bank bounced my DD to the insurance. I receive a letter in the post stating the policy is null and void becausre of the returned DD. I speak to Aviva, yes the policy is now dead. I speak to another insurance co and obtain replacement life cover. The Bank meanwhile reinstitutes the DD and takes the money for the next two months before I notice. I speak to Aviva again, no they cannot and did not restart a DD and yes the policy is dead (all via a written letter). So if I didn't start the DD again and Aviva didn't that only leaves HSBC! I get very angry with HSBC, scream and shout at them. They respond by returning the money they stole and state that the matter is now closed! My view: they stole my money, sure they gave it back but they need to do a lot more to make the problem go away; imagine if roles were reversed! In Q3 2010 DG Solicitors sue me via Nothampton CC. I put in my defense pointing out that the Claimant is not HSBC Bank plc but rather HSBC Bank International Limited plus that the Bank pinhed my pocket and needs to do more than return my money. 33 days go by and the Bank does not respond so the claim is stayed. In December 2012 the Bank applies to Nothampton to strike out my defense under CPR 3.4(2) and applies for summary judgement. Among other statements by the Bank is that HSBC Bank International Ltd does not and has never existed. Northampton grants the stay being lifted (27 months after the claim), strikes out my defense and transfers the claim to my local court. The first thing I hear of this is the notice from Northampton that my defense has been struck out and the application for summary judgemnt transferred to my local court. I apply to my local court to set aside the decision of Notrthampton and to find the applicant (DG is HSBC and vice versa) guilty or perjury as HSBC Bank International Limited does exist! Now I have a hearing in mid February to reverse Northampton. My view is to attach CPR 3.4(2) because the Claimant waited 27 months contrary Practise Direction 23 that it is done "as soon as possible". I attack lifting the stay because the delay has prejudiced my position as I need to rebuild my case after 27 months. The perjury / contempt of court: the claimant obviously knows where my account was held and obviously knows the jurisdicton. That it lied to Northampton so as to obtain the decision it did is prima facie evidence of perjury / contempt of court. Please give me your views of the foregoing!
  24. Good Evening All, Apologies for the duplicated post - my original one is in the "General Debt" forum but as I listed several queries, I was advised to split them up in to the relevant sub-forums. Anyway, several years back I held a HSBC Bank Account and before/during a divorce the account went overdrawn severely - but as it was in my sole name, and after much fighting during the divorce - it is me who has to foot the bill - and they had accepted my £5 / month offer and smacked a default on my account although the circumstances were explained to them (divorce). However, the debt is now at £1,200 after several years of paying off, with some big payments in the interim. As I am in the process of clearing up my credit file with several loans / etc. paid off already I was looking at reducing the debts I held during the divorce and seeing what I could do to reduce them / clear them or even sort out the default they recorded. In regards to the HSBC Bank Account I held, I know for sure that there are in excess of £500 bank charges for bounced cheques, going overdrawn, cheques processed but cleared and going overdrawn etc. etc. The account never actually had an overdraft on it. The account is fairly old (5 years for the account opening, 3 years since closure/assignment to MCS Ltd) - although looking at my credit file, it is still recorded with HSBC. Is there anything I can do? I've seen threads mentioning CCAs/SARs/etc. - will any of this help? Also, can these fees be refunded? I guess if they are refunded, they will end up reducing the balance rather than being a payment made to me - but I guess that isn't a bad thing. Any help would be appreciated. NCCA
  25. Hello, I have held a loan with HSBC since 2011 for £10,000.00. I currently have around £6,500.00 of this still to repay. I asked HSBC for a copy of my original Credit Agreement, which they said they could not provide as it was not filed in any relevant filing system. I wrote back with a SAR request, and they just wrote back to me to say that they could not provide me with a CCA for the same reason. I have written back today to ask for a copy of the Agreement which they continue to enforce, meaning I have to pay. Where do I stand? Surely they should provide me with something? It was only 2 years ago. Thanks, K.
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