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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/07/09 in Posts

  1. I think we've all reached a consensus, here, and maybe it's time the mods locked this thread. No offense to any Caggers who are still annoyed by DCA behaviour and their rants on the Ch4 site.
    2 points
  2. Hi S99 PM me when you're day in court is and I'll try to lend some moral support. Regards G
    1 point
  3. My understanding taken from other threads CPR in court they were referring to is : PART 6 - SERVICE OF DOCUMENTS - Ministry of Justice would not be applicable in any event, as it's to do with Service of Court related documents. That doesn't even mention 2nd Class, for example. Also may be wholly to do with Claim Forms and all the related correspondence that is sent in relation to a Claim. Note the first bit: Quote: I SCOPE OF THIS PART AND INTERPRETATION Part 6 rules about service apply generally 6.1 This Part applies to the service of documents, except where – (a) anot
    1 point
  4. Johno I don'tthink you can do this - you cannot just put the account in dispute. Whilst they had not complied with your request under s77/78, they were in default and could not take enfrcement action (like sending a DN). Once they habe complied, though, the account is no longer in dispute for that reason. Also, a lot of your argument above is not correct - you need to really understand the role of CCA and DPA - I don't think you do. If Capquest have bought the debt, you should have been sent a Notice of Assignment. They may just be acting on behalf of HSBC though. If they have bought the debt, send them a request for the agreem
    1 point
  5. IMO R & SA MUST have been informed prior to the barrier being replaced ie between 4th and 17th March yet as of 23rd March the 'bill' was still for £1500 NOT £3468:confused: "Nagging questions always remain Why did it happen and who was to blame?" M. Jones and the BAD.
    1 point
  6. Exactly - 'cos usually there is a clause in insurance contracts stating that the insurers have to be informed as soon as the insured is aware of the loss. If R&SA were not informed until some 19 days after the damage was noticed, shouldn't they be concerned??
    1 point
  7. Also I forget to say if the college or the insurer felt that Fred was to blame as they did as they pursued a civil claim for damages so why involve the police. I suggest that taking it to a criminal level is clearly an attempt at scaring people into complying with their demands I didn't realize this had happened
    1 point
  8. Have a read through the CAB site; Benefits
    1 point
  9. "9. (1) This direction takes effect on 27 July 2009. (2) This direction ends on the earlier of: (a) 26 January 2010; or (b) resolution of the test case. For this purpose, resolution occurs when judgment has been entered in relation to all issues in dispute in the test case (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any issues which the Court agrees should in future be introduced into the case by way of amendment or otherwise) and the resulting orders either cannot be the subject of appeal or have not been the subject of appeal in circumstances where the time for doing so has expired, or when proceedings are otherwise discontinued. Ho
    1 point
  10. And yes, Elsa, I now have a parachute a/c open Do not mean to rant rickyd, I now you are pointing out the facts as they see them and consequences...I am aware they will lose no sleep over my wee fight, but I will lose sleep if I do not stand up for myself cause it's easier
    1 point
  11. Just to let you know that mostly the advice I give has been hijacked from the likes of andyorch, IGNM, X20, PT, ViscountStair, CCM and others.. With regard to your questions above.. Yes, the amount of the claim that Restons are demanding. You are a witness to all the facts.
    1 point
  12. Well done... Only hope that the potential costs of a multi-track case will now put them off proceeding. Oh that and the fact they will be required to produce the original documents ;-) S.
    1 point
  13. Ok, why do you hope they'll give up after 6 years? If you weren't paying anything and could avoid them for that length of time then it would be Statute Barred, otherwise I'm afraid I can't really see why they'd give up on you. After all, you might win the lottery next week...(actually it's my turn next week, you can have the week after;)) If you're getting nowhere with the CCA, my personal choice is to try an SAR. I do this because I'm not up for going to court, and I think unless you are going to follow through on that threat it will harm others who are willing to go all the way. Of course if it got to the point I had to, I would reluct
    1 point
  14. hi m200 and welcome excuse the pun well you realise this sorry excuse for a finance company is now on its last legs so you need to be quick you need to send a sar request with a ten quid postel order to the address below. most important, send by recorded delievery. welcome financial services compliance ruddington field business park ruddington nottingham ng11 6nz next you need to give these people a call and ask what details they have on you and to send all policy docs etc Direct Group - Where Insurance and Innovation Combine - Home Page can you post up any agreements, letters etc onto your threa
    1 point
  15. No need to worry yourself, Incaso have no power to make you pay anything..Only a court can do this and then only as much as you can afford. The letter you sent is your legal right. Do not worry just let us see the reply when and if you recieve one and I am sure more help will be forth coming.
    1 point
  16. W-I-N-N-E-R........... Today got my letter, all 9 pages of F.O.S delight ....upheld complaint + £500 pound compo.......yippee.....thanks pinknico for keeping the faith and helping me through this what seemed a long long road, and saving me thousands and thousands of pounds in interest....
    1 point
  17. If this ever got to court then they would have to produce something showing your signature to the agreement, yes this can just be a tick in a box but it must still be set out correct and they will need to show that the prescribed terms were also displayed prior to you accepting. If they sold it over the telephone and havent got a signature either digital or by hand then hard luck Barclaycard in my humble opinion. You could attempt to get the PPI and charges back against the balance of this account. If the PPI "flag" on there database shows it was selected they'll argue against it but if you ask for proof you requested it? a transcri
    1 point
  18. Dan Please can you explain the basis on which you are making this request. Who are you working for, what protection you will give people's data, etc. Also, if you work for an industry body, site rules say that you should make yourself known to admin and gain permission to post. I suggest that you ought to do this anyway if you aresoliciting user's information. Admin can be contacted by PMing ADMIN I would request other users not to respond to Dan's request until Admin have given approval.
    1 point
  19. This is what I am posting, don't know if they will accept it As an active member of CAG may I state that the site is NOT about DEBT AVIODANCE but about taking responsibility for paying what is legally and lawfully owed. I recently had letters from several debt collecting agencies over bills for a period when I did not live at the address claimed, all parties were notified of a sudden move by writing (luckily I still had all the proof) and had I not known about challenging the amounts I would have ended up with £2000 worth of debt which I certainly did not owe. Don't knock the sites that give people the power to challenge the claims
    1 point
  20. Hi Tonka and well done;) Well round 1 to you but the battle is not over yet.I fully endorse BRWs comments above and would also make the following points. Whilst being successful in thwarting the Claimants Application for SJ,they really do need to look at their case and whether to proceed and throw more cost at it.The DJ could have quite easly thrown out the claim at that point. With regards to yesterday events:- Whilst Litigants in Person are supposed to have equal access to justice, regardless of whether they are the Claimant or Defendant in a case-that's the ideal, however in reality......!Unless a person can and does argue vehem
    1 point
  21. sorry but in N Ireland would love to have been there. if things are going the way they are though we might make it for a big party. the revolution is getting bigger folks and all thanks to CAG TIME THE WORKING MAN FOUGHT BACK “The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives”
    1 point
  22. Totally agree. What's so infuriating is the hourly rate they charge for such ignorance. I could do that! this time next year we could be Millionaires Lexis...
    1 point
  23. That sounds about right to me, although if my experience of Moorc@ck is anything to go by you'll either get a "sorry we can't find it" letter or it'll get passed to someone else. You can lawfully cease making any payments now, at least until they furnish the CCA, you can also complain for their failure to produce as well
    1 point
  24. golden rule CCA the DCA SAR the OC if you go with CCCS they will not recommend that you fight any debts whether they are enfoceable or not you can complain anytime, but again it is best to request the firms complaints procedure first and when they fail to respond then complain to the OFT / TS
    1 point
  25. Dole dossers? There are 2.4 million unemployed people in this country, increasing by 200,000 a month, the worst figure for nearly 40 years. The vast majority of people are not on benefits through choice and none of us have any right to look down on other people and feel smug. People are losing their homes through no fault of their own - you are lucky you still have yours. None of us know what life will bring to any of us and here on CAG we are all equal, working or not.
    1 point
  26. it called a phishing list that is passed around. seriously. ignore it you respond and you'll be sending out 5 cca requests a year. bit like spam emails. you respond via the link to say remove me from your list and they go 'ah.a mug houston we've got contact. ignore it! dx
    1 point
  27. Hi London Right I have had a quick read through this thread and I think your biggest problem is that you have got too much on the go at one time. You have been after, I think you said 10 different cc companies for charges etc and now for whether they have an enforceable agreement. You need to sit back and take stock on what you want to do first. I have a lot of companies to chase for this that and the other, but I have limited it to only 3 at a time. You have got swallowed up in all what is going on, so I would suggest to you that the first thing you must decide is how many at a time,( i would suggest 3 only) then second, which one
    1 point
  28. First of all your mortgage would not show 6 missed payments if you paid jut 4 days late. Talk this through with them and explain that you want to pay and they are preventing you from remortgaging which you will point out to the court if they try to reposses. Ask them to correct your credit record. Ask them to add the amount to your mortgage as a further advance to resolve the matter. You need to discusss this with them and keep in touch under these circumstances. The main issue appears to be that your credit file shows 6 missed payments and you have either missed 6 payments or you have not. If you definately have not then find out w
    1 point
  29. Check with court first that it's ok for you to attend. If so, inform the Claimant that you'll attend court in person so they won't need to call you on phone.
    1 point
  30. dont just send them to oyur local mp, send a copy to each opposition party in your area, and make sure to cc it, so your mp can see its been sent to the other parties. If you can make the parties fight about it among each other, its more likely that something will be done, specially with a general election on the horizon.
    1 point
  31. Hi Alan, Not got any experience with LILA but do with bankruptcy. they won't ask how and why but you would need to declare everyone, even the ones thats over 5 years cause then they cannot demand any payment etc. just try and gather any papwork you have, when i went Bk the trustee came and seen me at my home and he was very helpful and proded me along even when calauting my outgoings minding me that i smoked etc and need monies for things like that. if by any chance you do forget any creditor your BK is placed in the edinburgh gazette inviting creditor to contact the trustee and if you ask your trustee about this i am
    1 point
  32. DO NOT TALK TO THEM ON THE PHONE - Keep everything in writing, no matter what you write they will ignore it all, just make sure everything you send is sent recorded delivery - that way you will have a proven track record that you have been communicating with them, although dont expect a reply from them ( they keep their threats to phone calls). (Hey I've just noticed this is my 1,000th post! ) Beachy
    1 point
  33. you can edit the following to send back to tell them what is missing: LETTER BEFORE ACTION Section 7 – Data Protection Act 1998 Dear Sir/Madam Account: xxxxxxxx I am in receipt of the documents that you have supplied in response to my Data Protection Act information request dated (Insert Date). The disclosure of personal data is incomplete in that at least the following documents are missing. (Adapt this next section to your situation) 1) You have failed to provide a complete list of transactions and charges.(Add details of missing period - or a transaction that you know about which is not included) 2) You ha
    1 point
  34. Do the two judgments have different claim numbers or is it the same claim number recorded twice... If they are two separate claims for the same agreement you need to apply to set one side and then to strike it out. The issue of BC has already been discussed - the advantages/disadvantages of a CCJ for a small amount of a larger sum - so I won't go over old ground... The position basically is that a claimant to cannot split a claim - here they appear to have done so - that is an abuse of process and you are entitled to have the CCJ set aside and the claim struck out and to recover your costs.
    1 point
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