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Found 13 results

  1. Hello, I was hoping for an outside opinion of the situation I have got myself into- I've been a customer of Bright house since Early 2015 and have had multiple agreements since then. I currently have 7 agreements, all but two with over 50% paid off, a few only have a couple of weeks to a couple if months left. My weekly payments are £80 per week right now. Some of my items are essential items some non - essential. I have found myself in a bit of financial difficulty of late, behind with rent, c-tax, electric... all of which I have been able to come to an affordable payment arrangement. My problem is with Bright house, I am at the moment 3 weeks in arrears as in order to make arrangements with all of my above debts I had to offer extra to them for the past few weeks, putting Bright house at the bottom of the list, I've asked for a couple of months reduced payments, they said no, and asked if I can just pay a small amount on top on the weekly amount I am paying to which they also said no, in all honestly I cannot afford the £80pw anyway so reduced payment is what I was hoping for. I am not willing to hand the goods back as I have paid so much for them, I know that is not how Bright house works but I've literally paid for these goods three times over, My fault I know, I went in with my eyes open. I still want to pay just at a reduced rate for a period of time, Do you think there is a way I can make this possible, they wont take part payment from me in store and are refusing to give me details to make BACS payments.... It all stared with just the one item, and I said to myself after this is paid I wont get any more, but it seemed so easy at the time each time I have made a new agreement with Brighthouse it has been after going into to store to make an enquiry or make a payment and at that point new products have been upsold to me. Each time I have made the staff aware of changes to my income and expenditure but have always been told ‘it’s best to leave it the way it is so we can add-on’. I have not been asked to provide proof on income since my sign up in 2015. It says on their website "The likelihood of adding further items on to your account are improved by ensuring your account is kept up-to-date. For each further application we will assess your income and expenditure and perform a credit check to determine your level of affordability." But that cannot be true as my credit file has 10 defaults and 2 CCJ's registered against me, my credit is truly appalling and any potential creditor should have some kind of obligation to lending responsibly. When I went in store and advised them of my financial hardship they told me I should take out a payday loan to pay off the arrears - surely this isn't right?! I am not looking for a way to not pay this, I intend to honour my obligations, I just need a little break that's all. I have had their advisers knocking on my door everyday for the past week, luckily they don't have my phone number anymore as I changed it a few months ago. Does any one have any advice about how I should handle this moving forward.
  2. I spoke to someone from scottish claim helpdesk today and was informed that due to FCO findings Bright House was infact to pay back certain monies to customers, guy thought company dealing with claims was called Raven finance, any ideas as i cant find any further details on this
  3. I have recently moved and my bank said BH rejected payment. I called first thing Monday morning to pay them and sort out address. Staff where just rude and said i had to pay £15 charge I cannot afford this and told them i want to pay what they didnt take sat. They are now asking for this weeks payment early too !!
  4. Hi I hope someone can help I need some advice I have items from bright house and at the time of taking them I was in a better finanicial position now I'm struggling and don't know what to do as 2 of the items I originally had I no longer have as I sold them to make ends meet now I just want to take the other item I have back how do I explain why I no longer have all the items and what would happen thanks
  5. ASA Adjudication on accidentinjuryclaim.so accidentinjuryclaim.so Date: 24 June 2015 Media: Text Message Sector: Financial Number of complaints: 2 Complaint Ref: A15-296651 Ad A text message from a personal injury claims company, http://www.accidentinjuryclaim.so, stated "Its [sic] been signed off, we have 2886.41 in your name for the accident you had, for us to put in your bank [sic] Now just fill out www.accidentinjuryclaim.so". Issue The complainant challenged whether the ad was misleading, because they had not been involved in any accident or made such a claim. CAP Code (Edition 12) 3.13.7 Response accidentinjuryclaim.so did not respond to the ASA's enquiries. Assessment Upheld The ASA was concerned by the lack of response from accidentinjuryclaim.so and their apparent disregard for the Code, which was a breach of CAP Code (Edition 12) rule 1.7 (Unreasonably delay). We reminded them of their responsibility to respond promptly to our enquiries and we told them to do so in future. Since we had not seen any evidence showing that the complainant had been involved in an accident, had made a claim or was entitled to the money referred to in the text message, we concluded that the claim had not been substantiated and was misleading. The ad breached CAP Code (Edition 12) rules 3.1 (Misleading Advertising) and 3.7 (Substantiation). Action The ad must not appear again in its current form. We told accidentinjuryclaim.so that their future advertising must not state that they held money for people to claim when that was not the case.
  6. Hi everyone Firstly, a big thank you to the forum admins and moderators and all those who are offering such valuable time and advice to all of us in our times of need and often despair. Sincerely thank you. So my story.... I used to work for HBOS plc (Halifax) as an IT specialist. In July 2007 During my time at HBOS I became severely ill with encephalitis (similar to meningitis) which left me disabled and stuttered and completely inaudible amongst other symptoms. As a result In 2008 I was let go by HBOS after 8 months of SSP - due to my long term sickness. So the debt story... Whilst working at HBOS - I obviously had a Halifax account - Reward packaged account which i was signed up whilst working for HBOS. Unsecured loan 1 - From HBOS - £5000 (New Car) Unsecured Loan 2 - From HBOS - £7000 (Home Improvements) So today... I Am with massive thanks to the LORD ALMIGHTY - 90% recovered... after battling for years. I can walk unaided and my speech although stuttered is audible so I MAKE SENSE!!! WooooHooooo!!!! Last Year Doctors finally after much persuasion from me ... allowed me to go back to work. Yippeeee....!!!! I will be posting in all the relevant sections as to what occurred with the loans and the alleged debts I now owe and again would like to thank you all for your fantastic work. Thanks Everyone!!!
  7. Please help me, I think i'm being a little thick here what is OSC, and if so can i caim back any money from it as i have been with Bright House for ages?
  8. hi im a bright house customer and I've been with them over a year never missed a payment but now im 3 weeks behind as had money stopped but now sorted is there and thing I can do as I can only afford weekly payments and not arrears
  9. I have received a text from Orange stating that I am now part of Bright Stuff the messaging service which will bring me offers from different brands. Now I didn't ask for and don't want this service/spam so I looked at ways to cancel it. The text says that I can cancel by texting STOP to 100000. I am on PAYG so to text them would cost me the price of a text. Maybe the 100000 is a free text number but it will cost me to phone Orange to ask them. This seems like a nice little money earner for Orange, charge folks for cancelling something they didn't want/ask for in the first place. Legal or not?
  10. I reeently signed up for a new electric range cooker after being a BH customer for 9 years. I paid up 2.5 weeks in front and was given a delivery date and told my old dual fuel range had to be removed before the installation of the new one could take place. On the due delivery date I sat and waited and waited until the knock finally came at 5.30pm. The guy came in and looked at where the range was to be placed. He then informed me that my gas pipe was not safe, it was not capped and probably leaking. I had been sat in front of it for over 24 hours smoking - some gas leak. They then took the new range away and told me to contact store for a new delivery slot. The following morning I paid a corgi registered gas fitter to come and look at the pipe. He came asked me why I wanted it capping when it was perfectly safe - capped it as requested and charged me £50. I then rang my store and asked for a new delivery slot and was told I would have to wait a further 6 days before they could re-deliver. I explained I have two kids, one of which is disabled and diabetic and cannot live on junk food and microwave meals because of the sugar content, plus my fridge is full of fresh food. I was informed that the first available delivery slot was 6 days away but if it could be brought forward it would be but was probably not likely. I range customer services at head office - what a joke- he personally knew my store deputy manager and his attitude was one of tough luck. When I explained to him about the kids and the diabetes he told me I had no priority over other customers awaiting delivery. I asked him if he thought delivering a 50" tv to someone was more important than a child becoming ill from eating sugar loaded junk. He again stated I had no priority over other customers so basically yes they were more important. If I had the means to buy a range cooker from somewhere else I would do so. I have never ever missed a payment and I feel thoroughly let down. All Bright House want is your signature on a piece of paper, sales targets for their stores met and stuff customer relations.
  11. We are happy to announce that Bright House have approached The CAG expressing a wish to deal with our members complaints on the site.As with all reps registered here,we ask that members give them the chance to demonstrate a real intention to resolve complaints,and that posts are kept on topic and free from personal offensives. Bright House have a long way to go,to convince many of our members that some of their business practices are fair and acceptable,and some of the threads on the site give examples. To Bright House; We look forward to your constructive dealings,and our members seeing a benefit. Please observe the site posting rules.
  12. I recently made a claim under my ppi with bright grey and they sent for my medical records. On my application form at the time i stated that I had no known mental illness(which i believe is true) They state on my medical records I suffered from depression and had suicial ideation as my boyfriend died in a car crash and what I suffered was a loss not flipin depression as they are stating, even my doctor confirmed this to me that I went through a loss and was not treated as a mental illness. They are saying I should of told them on my application form about this, but I did not attend counselling, took no medication it was merely to get a sick line to stay of work as my son was only 2 years of age at the time and I needed to sort him also. What can I do they have took my medical record and twisted it beyond belief. Tey want to cancel my policy due to me not telling them I mourned over the loss! It is absolutely outrageous how they can get away with this.
  13. Hi, I am looking for some advise now that the banks seem to be refunding PPI. I took out a secured loan in 2005 with Nemo Personal Finance. It was done through a broker Bright Finance who no longer exist. I tried to reclaim the PPI on the loan as I believed that it was mis sold. Nemo said that they couldn't do anything as they never sold the PPI. I eventually went through the FCFS and got refunded what had been paid so far. However the PPI was not taken off my loan and I am still repaying the PPI. Is there anything that can be done to get this removed or because the broker no longer exists and I accepted the payment through FCFS is there nothing I can do? Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks
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