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  1. Rich was attacked and had his head stamped on by 2 kids. They threatened him on the bus the day before and he saw them the next day on the bus. He not thinking straight and took the bus ID off one of the kids and whilst doing so got him in a headlock. The Police said this was assault and theft. The kids chased him down and called friends to join in. They stamped on his head and punched and kicked him to the ground. He had grit in his head and he had a seizure. The police has said he needs to write a letter of apology to the kid he took the bus pass off. He was part of the group and was bragging about it on FB and the local paper picked up the story. These kids will have to do community service. A more detailed version is below. I don't feel he should write a letter of apology and I think these kids should have something on their record saying they hunted down a disabled man who couldn't walk and stamped on his head. Monday 26th at 6pm Richard phoned me at work to say he was threaten and is worried and didn't know what to do. He said 2 girls and 2 boys were there and they had kicked his sandwich and put their feet on his seat. There was one behind him and one in front of him. One of them stared at him and said he was going to cut him, "I will kill you" "I'll cut you from here to here" "I'm gonna stab you". They kicked his seat and were threatening. He said he stared back as he was worried they would attack him if he turned away. He said he had just come out of hospital and isn't well. He heard another passenger say leave him alone he isn't well. He said he told them it is on CCTV. But they didn't care. He got off the bus at Stanmer Villas which is a stop earlier than he normally gets off as he didn't want them following him to his 4 year old daughters school. I contacted the Bus company who advised me to contact the Police which I did. They call me back the next day crime reference 47170090324. They advised they would take a look at CCTV. Tuesday 27th. Richard was with me till 1pm at Portland Road Hove. I had to take my son to Water Babies so he left. I got a call from Richards wife to say Richard was missing and something had happened on the bus. I immediately drove to Hollingdean phoning the Police on the way. My girlfriend contacted the Bus company. I arrived at Surestart and heard kids laughing about an ambulance in Roedale Road and "it was kicking off". Then my girlfriend called me to say he had been found in Roedale Road. I drove down and saw Richard in an ambulance he was having a seizure and was unable to control his movements. Due to the Huntingtons Disease, stress exacerbates the condition. Richards movements are usually unstable but under stress he can't control his movements. Please speak to the officers who dealt with him and escorted us to the hospital. They will confirm this. Richard told me he had seen the boys who verbally assaulted him and tried to get off the bus. He saw one had a bus pass and made a grab for it for ID for the Police. He tried to run away and got to the Surestart Centre but accidentally went through a wrong door and ended up outside. He ran away but three of them saw him and chased him. He tried to barricade himself behind a gate in someones garden. But they caught him. He said he remembers being punched and kicked and they were laughing calling other people on their phones. Then he can't remember anything until the hospital. My Mum was attacked in a park as people thought she was drunk ( she had Huntingtons ) my other brother Andrew was attacked in BP Petrol Station, he also went back in after being attacked to get the Taxi drivers ID badge who attacked him so the Police could identify him. I would be logical and think that is a risk and you would get ID from CCTV but Huntingtons affects how you think. Huntingtons is a horrible disease. My brother is worried about picking up his daughter and doesn't want to be scared to walk around. He isn't allowed to drive and buses are the only way he can get around. He doesn't claim any benefits and you can speak with the ladies at the Surestart Centre and his daughters school - he is a nicest person ever. Prob repeating myself but here is more information. Since this the kid said he was attacked by Rich. The Police said Rich took his bus pass and got him in a head lock before running away. This is considered theft and assault. He was part of the group that attacked him on the Monday but wasn't the actual one that threatened him. I tried to explain he was trying to identify them as the Police and bus company weren't interested. The police said he needs to come to the custody centre and be questioned. I went to the custody centre and police station and begged them to speak with the officers when he was attacked as it put him in a seizure and this wouldn't end well. They wouldn't take any notice and so we went to the custody centre. He got so anxious he couldn't stand and it took another two police officers to help hold him still. The senior officer said get a wheelchair he has to come in even though he couldn't walk or sit and was all over the place. It took another 2 people to hold him in the wheelchair and try and wheel him into the police custody. He fell out in the hallway and the Sargent said this is a custody centre he can't do this here (have a seizure) he said get him home or to a hospital. The officer helping called an ambulance.
  2. A man who attacked a bailiff with a pick axe handle has been jailed Martin Pritchard admitted assaulting Josef Minoli who had come to his house to collect unpaid magistrates court fines. He had received a telephone call from his stepson to inform him that the bailiff was at the property looking to collect the debt. When Pritchard arrived back at his house in Wrexham, he became abusive telling Mr Minoli to ‘get the the f*** out”. He then hit the bailiff in the midriff with the pick up handle causing him to fall to the ground. The enforcement officer had been on his phone to the police during the attack. When officers arrived, Pritchard had already fled the scene, but was picked up later. Mold Crown Court heard that Pritchard had arrived back at his house with another person, assaulting the bailiff and then beginning to count down as he held the axe handle over his head. The debtor had been before the court on a number of previous occasions. Mr Pritchard's Barrister stated in court that her client had lost his temper because his step son was alone at the house. The court fine was paid later that day and this, together with the fact that Mr Pritchard’s mother was unwell and that he helped look after her children, was taken into consideration by the Judge. He was jailed for 5 months.
  3. my partner and his friend had our 4 month husky bitch out on a walk in a public park area just down the road as always she was on lead it was pretty dark and out of nowhere 2 Bull Mastiffs (off lead) attacked her cause sever injuries to her back left outer leg and inner with puncture wounds around her backside she was absolute squealing and terrified, my partner had to physically kick them away as the owner did nothing otherwise Im sure they would have killed her, the owner then ran off with his dogs still off lead,luckily our neighbor works for a local pet charity and rang vets etc which was 10 miles away as it was out of hours, Summer was kept in overnight for op etc, when we returned from vets our neighbor showed us where the owner lived and we went to talk to him, we were in no way aggressive in fact I actually felt sorry for him, he couldn't apologize enough and promised to pay the vet fees and to keep his dogs on lead and muzzled in the future as apparently this had happened before, which we agreed we would bring him the invoice to pay he was an adult and we believed he would keep his word, however the following day after we took the invoice to him and came home he called the police and accused us of being aggressive and threatening which we were certainly not and we refused to sign the statement from the police. I contacted the local newspaper as I was concerned that it would happen again follwing the article I was shocked at how many people contacted us to say it had happened to them but didnt know where he lived to do anything about it. Although luckily we have Summer insured the vet fees are rapidly increasing almost at £2000 our limit is 3000, and Summer still has to have xrays, physio etc as she is limping badly, and our premium will increase next year due to the claim, and he is still taking dogs out off lead. The police basically tols us there wasnt anything they could do its disgusting and will probably attack other dogs or even children. I need some advise as to how I can deal with this eg claim for vets fees and ensure his dogs are under control. Phew
  4. Hello, I wonder if someone could please help me. I was attacked in the street with a pickaxe handle nearly 4 months ago, the accused was arrested and kept in police custody over night and released next day on police bail. After nearly 4 months the crown prosecutor decided not to take any further actions. The police officer told me I can appeal their decision, could you please tell me how I go about appealing the decision and what address to appeal? I feel this case should have gone to court, I have received some permanent injuries. Your help will be much appreciated.
  5. Ebay has asked users to change their passwords following a cyberattack that compromised one of its databases. The auction site said that the database contained encrypted passwords and other non-financial information. The US firm added that it had no evidence of there being unauthorised activity on its members' accounts. However, it said that changing the passwords was "best practice and will help enhance security for eBay users". http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-27503290
  6. Howdy peeps, Back in 08/09 I was attacked in another town in Kent. The police attended, found out who it was and eventually it all went to court and they earned themselves a lovely 'free board' at HMP. Today, I was walking to the shops (where i live, which is about 40 miles away from that city), whilst on the phone, one of the guys who attacked me in 08/09 came up to me, asked for a cigarette, which I said I didn't have (as I stopped) then the abuse started again. Lucky for me his friend was there which pulled him back and stopped him from attacking me. Despite that, he followed me very closely until I was near the local police station at which time he turned around and left. Before that he was shouting threats at me etc... to provoke a reaction... I've reported it to the police, which are going to meet with me tomorrow at my house to discuss this. What I was wondering is what can I expect? Reasons I ask is: 1) I was the victim and witness in court which got him 4 years, now he knows I live here! 2) WOuld the courts have told him to have NO contact with me (the victim)? 3) If so, what can I do about this and who should i contact to alert the courts, or the police which handled the last event? Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, but I had NO idea where to ask this...
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