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Found 4 results

  1. Hi All, I have an old secured loan with Welcome for £7000.00. Since Welcome went bust I've not paid anything (perhaps the odd token payment) and have dodged various DCA's. 2 weeks ago the current DCA holding the account wrote to me to advise that they will no longer rely on the security in my property and will take steps to remove the security from the land registry. This seems like a really odd thing to do but I am highly suspicious? Could they be up to something? Anyone else heard of this? Many thanks, Limelight Bournemouth BTW The account has also disappeared from my credit file (Noddle)
  2. Hi sorry to bother here. I am new to here and I need urgent advice regarding a letter sent by my husband. Can someone kindly help me to start a new thread as follows: Husband send letter using solicitor for his intention to divorce: Hi I am a girl of 23 years old from Bangladesh. Five months ago I got married to a guy who is a student in London, UK but Bangladeshi national. He is on student visa in UK. The marriage was arranged by my family and my husband family. We have talked and seen several times before marriage and he was very nice to me. In one point of marriage arrangement process his family asked for huge money (£11,000 equivalent to BDT 14,000,000) from my family to get married. At that point I refused to get married to him. However then my husband called me and told me he never asked me for money and his family was mistaken and he started talking me sweet and nice. I fall in trap of him and agreed to get married. We then got married with a huge function at Dhaka. I then stayed with him few days and he then left Bangladesh to come to London. After he came to London he was okay with me for few days. However then I found he started contacting me less. At this point his brother in law demanding money from my family again for £11,000 ( BDT 14,000.00). However my family could not afford to pay the money. At that point his sister was getting married and they started asking us money for her everyday, my parents borrowed money from one our family friend for £1,500 (BDT 2,000,000) and paid to them. However they still asking money from me. At that time I was almost suicidal and however with my family support i was okay. My husband was keeping in touch with me at that time but only once a week or once in 2weeks and he always started arguing with me for everything. He started saying that I am not smart etc. etc. and started mentally torturing me. Last month I uploaded our wedding picture in my facebook and then he become very rude to me and said that he will divorce me if I do not take off the picture from facebook. I then got totally shocked and cried. As I was scared I took off the picture. After that my husband and his family started abusing me saying that I am not smart enough etc to be his wife while he married me after seeing me everything. Please note I am smart and graduate from well known university in Bangladesh. Anyway his brother in law never stopped demanding money and we could not provide them money as we do not have that much money. My husband then almost stopped calling me and he only used to call me if I ever call him. I think he only used to pick the call to find if money has been arranged. Now yesterday I received a letter written by my husband which was sent by a London solicitor. He wrote ' I write to inform you that our relationship as wife is formally terminated. The reason he has given saying that he has no love for me and also he says that I hide my past history to him. Please note I was married once 7 years ago which I got divorced 7 years ago. My husband and his family knew all these very well and we have told them everything before we got married. Now I can see that they are denying everything. As he has sent me a this letter, can you kindly advise what should I do now, please?
  3. I find this totally amusing. About a two weeks ago I sent further letters to my Creditors, one of whom is Nat West Bank, the following week I get a knock on the door from two local police. I had no idea why they were calling but eventually they said Nat West had contacted them and asked them to visit. Why, you may ask. Well, in the letter I said that the debt was making me feel so stressed, depressed, etc., that I felt suicidal. After chatting with the police for a couple of minutes, they left; as they went through the gate I said: 'See you next week then when you come back to check I'm still alive'. I should say I have been paying £1 per month on a regular basis to each of my Creditors for the last year or so. The letter was an update on my situation, and I have to say that of the two banks I owe money to Nat West have been the worst and most aggressive in their approach. Still, I was able to see the funny side of this. I should point out that I am definitely NOT suicidal, I am just fighting their way, by giving them something to think about in return for their aggressive stance. For those interested, or having similar problems, here is the guts of the letter I sent, please note that this was the first time I asked them to consider righting the debt off; but doubt they will - worth a try though. Also, the debt charity StepChange have been very helpful to me, as has this forum. Fight on folks! -------------------------------------------------------- Dear Sir/Madam I am in financial difficulties and not able to meet my normal monthly payments. I will make a monthly payment of whatever I can afford until more money is available. I have enclosed my monthly budget and a list of creditors. After paying my household bills, I can pay you £1.00. I will pay this each month and tell you when my circumstances change. Please consider reducing or stopping interest or any other charges on my account to help me during my financial difficulties. NOTE: I have a long history of depression and am currently taking medication for this. The stress of all this is causing much distress, depression and panic attacks, leaving me feeling suicidal. Please be advised that I will only communicate with you in writing. Furthermore, should it be your intention to arrange a “doorstep call”, please be advised that under OFT rules, you can only visit me at my home if you make an appointment and I have no wish to make such an appointment with you. There is only an implied license under English Common Law for people to be able to visit me on my property without express permission; the postman and people asking for directions etc., (Armstrong v Sheppard & Short Ltd [1959] 2 QB 384. per Lord Evershed M.R.). Therefore take note that I revoke license under Common Law for you, or your representatives to visit me at my property and, if you do so, you will be liable to damages for a tort of trespass and action will be taken, including but not limited to, police attendance. Yours faithfully
  4. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/story/2012/08/15/nl-olympic-athletes-touched-by-timbit-815.html
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