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Found 9 results

  1. A friend of mine recently had a problem with Enterprise Rent a Car attempting to deliver a hire car to one of his neighbours. Whilst undertaking the delivery they managed to crash one the hire cars into his fence causing damage, then assessed the damaged to the car, looked at the fence and chose to do a runner. Fortunately my friend has excellent cctv and captured the whole event. Laurel and Hardy springs to mind!!!. They made no attempt to find out who the fence belonged too nor left a note on the fence. My friend has subsequently been to the local office to try and resolve the issue and although they admitted liability, but only after being shown the footage, have failed compensate him as agreed. Initially they wanted him to obtain quotes for the repair and quite rightly he told them to gather the quotations themselves as they have caused him enough inconvenience already. They couldn't be bothered to do that so my friend priced up the bits and bobs required and a retired friend has offered to repair the fence for £150. He went back to the office to find out what was going on and again they fobbed him off, so he suggested they pay him the £150 so his friend can undertake the repair. The said they were happy to do that and for him to gave them his banking details. That was 3 weeks ago and now after yet another visit, they are saying they are not going to do that unless they have business receipt, yet they agreed to his friend fixing it! I think they they are messing him around so much that hope he will give up What would you do? Report the incident to the police to investigate criminal damage and leaving the scene of the accident? Put the cctv footage on social media for everyone to watch these clowns at work? Or does anybody have Enterprises Rent a Car CEO email address so he can give them one final chance to resolve things, as I don't think this incident has gone any further than the local office. What makes me laugh is if you have even a minor bump/scratch with this lot you will lose your deposit in a flash, yet when they cause damage to your property it's like pulling teeth. They certainly don't adopt their own policy of any damage must be reported immediately !!!!
  2. Hi I resppnded to a claims guys advert about finding out about PPI. I know now that I could have done this myself etc, and in hindsight I would have researched more. Any to cut a long story short, the following has happened: I filled in a questionaire about the providers i have used etc I have had a response from Halifax, but I did not send a signed letter of authority. Halfix have now paid me circa 6k and the claims guys want 30% of this. I had no idea they were going to charge this much and was never told in advance how much their charges were. I did however send a letter of authority for a black horse finance cliam that is still in progress so i have no idea how much is coming from that if any as yet. I am trying to find out what my position is and what i can do about it as 30% is a massive amount to pay for something that I could hve done myself had I only researched it more beforehand, which i am obviously regretting now. I am think of sending a letter in regards to the Halifax claim to the effect of: --------------------------------------------------------- With regards to your recent letters I had no idea your ask on this was 30% which is excessive in the extreme. Therefore can you please provide evidence of the following: What I have signed that states i agree to this 30% fee That you explained to me that a 30% fee was applicable That you informed me that this is something I could have done myself Until you can supply the above evidence I am not in a position to consider any kind of payment. --------------------------------------------------------- Any advice would be greatly appreciated Regards DJC
  3. A close friend of mine has come to me with an issue he has with these nice people. He is a very busy guy, so approached them to run PPI checks, he understand they take a wapping 35%. he had 4 results, cap one £160+, Natwest £700+ 300+ from another NWest and some other for £70+, He is YET to be paid out for the 2 larger ones, the other two sent the cheques to the claims guys, They called him up and informed him they would offset the smaller ones against what he owes on the other two, yet to be paid out, bear that in mind. minimum fees for the two larger ones is £350 :o0 and approx £80 for the other two £80 was fees of the small ones and £150 kept and off set against the other £350, he has an invoice asking for approx £200 for the larger two. He was talking to me this morning and he explained what was the situation, he was ok with it.. .until i pointed out, they have breeched their own agreement with him!! As he has NOT been paid for the larger two, and taking into account they run a system where you do not pay them until you have been paid, offsetting the other money is indeed breeching their own rules and agreement he has with them. be warned, these people WILL keep money owed to you BEFORE you get paid for any larger refunds. he has contacted them and is negotiating a outcome, i do not known what is the end result. I just thought this needs to be highlighted and a warning for any one out there to be careful
  4. Hi there I wonder if I could receive some advice about the claims guys ? I have received 8 letters from rbs offering me around £5500 for mis sold ppi . I used the claims guys to act on my behalf . I called them after receiving so many letters asking me to fill them out and return them . I was asked to answer each question to support my claims after answering the same questions on four of the claims I got bored and said I do not have the time to continue and left it there, the person said to me that I would need to answer all of the questions for each claim before they could proceed , said that I would call back which I never did. now I have received 8 letters asking for payment for each offer I have had, surely this is not allowed ? How can they try and charge me for 8 different claims when I only answered questions on four ? This amounts to well over 1500 !!!
  5. My husband recently engaged The Claims Guys to do a free PPI check for him (much to my horror) and surprise, surprise, they are now demanding payment of over £2000 for the first compensation pay-out (30% plus VAT). I object strongly to paying these jokers anything at all, but despite interrogating my husband, I can't seem to work out how they got from free check to binding contract. I believe he only signed letters of authority for 2 companies (he can't remember which ones) but we have already been contacted by 3 companies so I really don't know what is going on. Is there any way we can get the contract cancelled? Is it worth me trying to fight it? (On the grounds that they did not make it clear to my husband that he could do it himself or that he signed it under duress) Is there anything at all I can do, or do we just have to pay up and find some way of keeping my husband away from all paperwork in future? (For what it's worth, my husband is quite a successful professional - he is just hopeless at admin and anything financial...)
  6. Dear Sir/Madam I hope that I have put this in the right place and apologize if I have not. I am new here so thank you in advance. Some time ago I saw an advert for the Claims Guys which said that they would find out if I had PPI and if I did they could claim it or I could do it myself. I thought that this was fair enough, that they could find out if I had PPI and I could do it. They sent me heaps of paperwork. I filled in three questionnaire about my bank details etc. Black horse contacted me direct on the phone and questioned me about my mis sold PPi which they refunded. Then the Claims Guys rang me regarding the loans at Barclays. They were on the phone for ages and I kept saying that could I not do it myself? The man from TCG got rather disgruntled and said that we had spent 40 minutes of his time and pressured me into agreeing. He then told me I had 28 days to cancel. He told me to sign and return the paperwork which I did not do. Barclays paid up very quickly and immediately the Claims Guys were telephoning me asking me to pay by Credit Card asap over the phone. Their tone was increasingly aggressive. I told them about the 28 day cancellation period and they said it was 14 days. I asked them to send me the transcript and they sent me an earlier conversation in March which did not mention the 28 days, it was the wrong conversation. The conversation I had lasted well over 40 minutes. I have picked over the terms and conditions of the Claims Guys and it looks to me that any valid agreement should be confirmed in writing. There is no verbal agreement. Since then I have about 8 calls and texts a day at all hours and I do find this threatening. Can anyone give me some advice as to how I should proceed? Thanks you.
  7. Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you with regards to seeking some guidance and support. Initially to deal with my missold PPI, I got in touch with a company called Claims Guys. I was not sure how they operated. During the initial process, I found out through one of the bank advisers that I could phone Natwest through their free available phone number on 0800 015 0319 and they would deal with it quickly, which did. I was awarded two separate payments via cheques Claims Guys kept annoying by phoning, texting and writing to me stating that they should take the credit and I should pay them for their work they did nothing and when they called me and I explained to them, they denied it and threatened me with the court procedures. Today, I have received a court letter asking me to settle the claim of £1170. This has caused me a lot of stress. Please advise me what to do about this. Many thanks and looking froward to hearing from you.
  8. Hi all, I was hoping some of you could possibly help me please. I received a CCJ claim form from a very old debt (2004) that I am 99.99999% sure is SB. The purchaser of this debt has been writing on and off now for almost 6 years. I have never called or written to them in all that time. They purchased this debt coming up to maybe 6 years ago now and the account was well into default by that time, with no payments being made for well over a year. So by my reckoning there has been no payment or acknowledgement of the debt for almost 7 years. I have done the acknowledge claim thing online and have ticked the box to instruct that I intend to defend the claim in full. By my maths and limited knowledge I have issue date + 5 days (serviced), then by acknowledging the claim I now have 14 days to get my defence in: does that seem correct? I intend to defend on the basis that the debt is statute barred (no payment or acknowledgement within 6 years), is that the right course of action? Also I doubt very much that they have the CCA from 2004 either. Now should I defend on the SB basis alone or throw in the CCA issue to? Now if they continue with the claim to court, will I have to attend the hearing? Also will the claimant have to prove to the court that they have verifiable evidence of either payment or acknowledgement? Can I demand that they provide this proof? I ask this because I have read that these people sometimes make so called 'phantom' payments to try and get away with making claims on SB debts. Sorry for all the questions and ramblings, I just hope one of you kind people can help me. Kind regards Me x
  9. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?387463-Fined(in-2008)-and-received-a-bailiff-notice(March-2013)
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