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Found 6 results

  1. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3652449/Irate-father-pays-60-fine-taking-son-eight-school-Majorca-holiday-one-two-pence-pieces.html I thought this was amusing. The following is a video of the moment. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/watch-priceless-moment-irate-dad-8246247
  2. Hi, I pay £160 a month for 5 SKY boxes, all HD and fully loaded with packages. I consider myself to be a decent customer. 3 months ago we had a period of bad weather and 3 of my boxes lost signal. I suspect it's to do with the connection on the dish as my other boxes get a signal fine. They want £60 engineer fee per box to climb a ladder and re-connect. Granted I can get a local guy to do it but as I pay nearly £2k a year for SKY you would think they'd like to keep me happy. Are there any tactics that I can use to talk them into doing it for free? (or at least at a discount) Cheers.
  3. Millions have signed-up for Santander’s 123 account, but thanks to a change in fees, it is going to hit the pocket hard. From January, fees are going to almost triple. There’s around 3 million in the UK using the current account, and pay in £2 every month (or £24 a year if you prefer) and, in return, you get cash back on bills and a 3% interest rate. However, as of next year, customers will be paying £60 every year, which is £5 per month. If you have a smaller balance, you will invariably not reap the benefits. So if you have the minimum £3,000 in the bank, you will earn £90 in interest, with £60 of that gone in fees. That’s equivalent to a 1% interest rate. http://www.bitterwallet.com/santander-123-fees-hit-60/87779
  4. Apparently, according to a friend, you can get divorced for £60. This is apparently what her parents did. My husband and I want a divorce, there is no dispute, we don't want to fight about it, we've been separated for a while and have both met someone else. What is the cheapest and easiest way of getting a divorce? I have a form printed off the internet "Application for a decree nisi/conditional order or (judicial) separation devree/order) - it's just one page and theres the option for "undefended case" which is what seems to be the right option for us. Any advice gratefully received.
  5. Hi, my female friend/girl friend paid to stay in a Hotel, she doesn't drive. She asked me to come and see her as she was having trouble at home etc, she said there was parking there and that as she had booked a twin room, I could stay if I wanted to, she told me that her booking informed her there was parking available for guests, the tricky part is one section Booking conditions: it says free private parking is available on site (reservation is not needed) and then another part it says, A) there is no check in desk, remote door access codes are given, B)All reservations will be provided with 1 free car parking space. Guests must provide the car registration when they complete their reservation using the Special Requests box, or before arrival using the contact details found on the booking confirmation. Additional parking spaces must provide car registrations and an additional costs will be applicable. I have told them this, I even showed the copy of her booking, I was only there for approx 15 minutes, the company is NPE Parkingprotection. They say I was there for 30 minutes and I will have to pay the charge, All correspondance has been by email and now they want my address and if I don't give it they will obtain it from DVLA... What should I do as I only have today to pay it before it goes up to £100 then more.....
  6. Has anybody successfully challenged the temporary PCN over Lendal Bridge? Have just requested Freedom of Information of exact nos. of PCN's issued both to visitors and to residents since 27.8.13, the no. of PCNs issued more than once to same person in a day and the no. of appeals. Copy of letter to York CC and York Tourist Board below. Have already received apology from the York Tourist Board by return! £60 Day Visitor Tourist Levy Like thousands of others, it would appear, I have been caught out by the temporary bus lane restriction on Lendal Bridge, York which started on 27.8.13. Never did I imagine that a pleasurable day out visiting York with 5 members of my family, some elderly, would levy the harsh YORK VISITOR TOURIST LEVY of £60 – and the threat of £90 if I dare to appeal and then lose. So little chance of the majority of people appealing the PCN when they will have to fork out even more funds to this unscrupulous Labour Council. I am not a criminal; I pay my Road Tax and Insurance on time; I abide by the rules of the road in this country. Never did I imagine that taking my family for a meal in the city and spending money to support the local economy would result in a foul taste in my mouth after receiving a PNC, And what’s really funny, is that I am not the only one. What a great [problem] for the Labour Council to attract funds to the city, in lieu of creating a real workable solution of the congestion issues there. I am sure that the 12,000+ – several of whom have ranted about the injustice of this temporary measure on the internet, several of them visitors to York who knew nothing of this local fiasco, are as equally p* off. For your information: 1 I have never driven in York before. 2 I followed my SATNAV to a Public Car Park which took me this way – through a bus lane. 3 I followed other cars on to the bridge. 4 I followed a Car Park Sign to what was previously a Council Owned Car Park at ‘Esplanade’ which clearly the Council had not bothered to re-route. 5 The signs were ambiguous (as is pointed out on many an internet review of the bridge). The Council can not even be bothered to get planning permission for effective signs. 6 The road was too congested - yes, even with these bus lane measures in place - that the sign was not obvious. 7 There were too many road signs to digest at the same time. 8 Once directed towards Lendal Bridge, there was no alternative but to follow the road through – no easy way to turn or manoeuvre to move away from this restriction without earlier warning. So my plan to return to York in December for Christmas Shopping? Well, what a dilemma I have! Why on earth would anyone choose to go to this city again – to be ripped off and threatened. Bad enough that the York residents are also being hit badly by this stupid decision of their elected Council. Never mind, plenty of other places of quality in this country to visit which do not victimise its visitors.
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