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  1. Hello. Parked in a bay on West Street in Sheffield this morning (Saturday) and received a Penalty Charge Notice (P CN). There is a single yellow line in the bay, no other markings. In essence my query is how do I stand parking there where there appears to have been a plate detailing the parking restrictions which apply to parking there - but the plate is missing. In this picture (from GSV), you can see the end of the bay and a grey pole which has no parking plate to detail any restrictions. As an aside, is the yellow line correctly painted - should it have an "end" line at 90-degrees to the main yellow line? At the far end of West Street is a "Controlled Zone" plate with a restriction of Mon - Sat 8.00am - 6.30pm and detail of the plate: Is this a valid CPZ as there are other road markings other than to identify parking spaces within the CPZ - see below: I thought that the only markings allowed within a CPZ were to indicate parking spaces or yellow lines. Any other markings rendered the whole of the CPZ invalid. Is this correct (and if so, can you give me a link to the relevant regulation?) If there is a plate adjacent to a bay, this sets out specific regulations/restrictions relating to that bay within a CPZ and over-rides the general restrictions of the Controlled Zone plate? An additional piece of information. Sheffield's own website (link here: https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/dms/scc/management/corporate-communications/documents/transport/parking/City-Centre-Map---Inner-and-Outer-Zones/City%20Centre%20Map%20-%20Inner%20and%20Outer%20Zones.pdf) has a map showing an 'Outer Zone' and an Inner Zone'. Surely with two ones differentiated in this way, they both need 'Controlled Zone' plates as it is reasonable to presume that because they are designated 'Outer' and 'Inner' zones, that they must be different in some way with different restrictions - else why not just a single zone? I'd like a link, if anyone has one, to the Department for Transport's site which sets out the regulations for signage. I have a picture taken on my return to the car showing the single yellow line, car registration plate, PCN on the windscreen and the grey pole without plate. Emailed this from my iPhone so that there is an irrefutible time-stamp for the picture (which will back up any Exif data for the picture). Thanks for any help offered, Art
  2. Hi guys, I parked my car on single yellow line in an emergency for going to medical store because my wife is pregnant. I went inside the shop and ask for the medicine but they said you need to consult with your midwife and I just came outside the shop. This all took not more than 90 seconds and when I came outside the officer said you are late. A PCN has been issued to you, at that time he was still writing PCN, he said why you parked here and why you left your daughter unattended in the car, please take this PCN and you have to pay £65, when I refused to take PCN then he said ok its up-to you we have taken the pictures and we can send you by post if you like, because I was definitely sure that the pictures can't be taken in less than 2 minutes so I asked him to send by post. Today I received NTO with penalty charge of £130 without any pictures after 1 month and 3 days. My questions: 1) The observation period for "01 contravention" is 5 minutes, can they issue if contravention was less than 5 minutes. how can they prove this? 2) The officer said, take this PCN and pay £65 then how that amount become £130 by post. how does it possible? On Newham website it clearly state that newham.gov.uk/ParkingAndTransport/PenaltyChargeNotices%28PCNs%29/PCNLevelsJuly12007.htm "A penalty charge notice level of £130 applies to all 'serious' contraventions. You can reduce the charge to £65 by paying within 14 days (if issued by a civil enforcement officer) or 21 days (if issued by a camera operator)." 3) He said he has taken the pictures, I am receiving this NTO after 1 month and 3 days without any pictures, why he lied with me? 4) there is no discount period and they are asking me to pay full £130 in 28 days. Should I pay this amount or do you think I should try to go for representations for atlest reduce charge. Thanks ifti
  3. Writing on behalf of my family member. - I apologize for future inconvenience if this is so a simple question. Location: Lutton Place, Edinburgh Date of Issue: 11th October 2012 Bit of a background: On 10th October, We had difficulty finding a space to park on South clerk street after an evening night out. Round about 10pm. We had a user permit but there was no space whatsoever, this led us to go onto Lutton place to find a space and parked there and left. Obviously now we noticed it was a single yellow line! The exact same spot where the white bmw is parked. [picture] On the 11th October, our car got towed away by the Edinburgh council. The reason was parking on a single yellow line. The problem is. At lutton place at Edinburgh there was no sign whatsoever mentioning what time can you park - what are the restricted hours. However there are pay and display signs dotted around and also resident permit holders only for the parking bays. As you can see in the picture. There are 2 cars currently parked at the single yellow line with both disabled badges. I do know they have the right to park there for a period of time. The red and White car. My argument stands that is there any reason that we could appeal against this charge. The main reason being that it doesn't mention when are the restricted hours? The total amount we had to pay was £180 including the removal release fee etc. the quote from an letter from the council: "The car was parked for 6hours and 42minutes and therefore it was considered to be parked as opposed to being utilized for loading/unloading. This meant that the vehicle may have caused an inconvenience to other motorists wishing to carry out loading operations at this particular location " I apologize for the bad pictures. If you do see a sign far away, it is a pay and display or a residents permit sign. I have checked each and every one of them. If there are definite grounds of appeal. I will go back and take proper photographs. Thank you very much for your time, Craig http://i.imgur.com/zruVh.jpg - residents parking sign http://i.imgur.com/8ijLb.jpg - yellow line separating the parking bays http://i.imgur.com/ldGrj.jpg http://i.imgur.com/oN13o.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Uw01g.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Hn93u.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ABo0q.jpg http://i.imgur.com/4Bhck.jpg http://i.imgur.com/tv2Lj.jpg http://i.imgur.com/1HGIw.jpg http://i.imgur.com/F76Dy.jpg http://i.imgur.com/qbrft.jpg example of pay and display- sorry for bad photo
  4. hi all im new to this but wanted to make a comment on parking i live in a cul-de-sac with 8 houses and 12 cars not enough parking so i parked on broken yellow lines with a faded yellow line in the middle of them both and no t bar and was given a ticket now its time to fight the council. here is my pic [ATTACH]39549[/ATTACH] has anyone any advice
  5. Hi - this is the nearest topic I can find to post in. I believe Ive been duped into a contract with these guys under false pretenses - having said that it would not hurt "to test the water" and pu tthe house on the market to see what gives and that it wouldnt cost me anything it now seems that the agent is trying to get nearly £500 from me within 14 days and if I dont pay up - despite their never having sent one person round - they will charge me 3% on top of Barclays Banks base rate on the bill??!! I believe they breached any contract we may have had right from the start and I certainly do not intend to give them all this money for doing very very little indeed and going directly against what they said while sitting in myhouse! Am I right in saying that this all comes under Contract Law. Thanks.
  6. They should start by NDR free periods. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20104059
  7. Sunday afternoon, the weathers lovely, lets spend the afternoon by the river at Eton. Found a little lane that I was vaguely aware of before. Several areas for parking but all full. Then a godsend, a junction with a footpath where the lane turns sharp left and wide verges. 2 spaces next to a gate into a field, 1 just further up the road, one across from it. 1 car already in situ in the space next to the gate. Double yellow lines but these spaces were well off the road had obviously been used before and crucially apart from a sign to not park in front of the gate, no signs indicating that parking anywhere in this area is an offence.No blockages were made by parking in these spots. Of course subsequently I and 3 other motorists get issued with PCNs. I was inscensed and left my mobile number on the other cars. I have since been contacted by 2 of them who both feel the same way. I was not previously aware that yellow lines apply to a verge (Only by reading previous posts on this site has that become clear and i've been driving 40 yrs) and clearly it is not a commonly known fact, as both other drivers thought the same as me. The geography at this point clearly entices drivers to park here and I suspect Windsor & Maidenhead council make a tidy little sum out of this honey pot. Should there not be an onus on councils to erect signs at these spots to make it clear parking is not allowed. Had there been, I and the others would not have parked here. Is there any point in appealing on these grounds? Your considered opinion would be appreciated.
  8. Hi Guys, Hope you can offer some advise. I received a PCN, dated 16 July 2011, for driving through Bus only lane on Eden Street Kingston. Due to my inexperience & fear of the double penalty I paid it. I later noticed and photographed the Bus sign in the closed position. It was closed for many days for sure, and possibly weeks. The sign is hinged and can be flipped open or shut. I challenged them on this. Please see attached pics. After several telephone calls and several letters they finally (11 months) sent me two separate photos, one showing the bus sign open (in force) at 10:47 and another showing my car on the other side of Eden Street at 16:01 on the same day, a time stamp difference of 5 hours 11 mins. between the two photographs. I challenged them again. They did not have any further evidence and they now consider the case closed (of course they would) Question 1. Is a refund discretionary & can I challenge them further? Question 2: Can I represent myself and challenge them in court on this time difference? I am also betting that they do not have "bus in force" photographic evidence for the day after or for many days after. How many other motorists have been caught out? By the way it took them 11 months to send me this flawed evidence, now I know why. Thank you
  9. Hello Everyone I would be grateful for and advice or a bit of guidance on how to best handle the following; I have been issued a Parking ticket under the contravention; (01) Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours. Band B. A picture is worth a thousand words, so here are photos; http://s590.photobucket.com/albums/ss345/cmguk22/Parking%20Ticket/ As you can see my front wheel was parked over a single yellow line (which incidentally does not have a T-bar at either end). The single yellow extends about 10m where it ended and there is an 'End of controlled parking zone' sign. On the reverse of the sign (thus I could not see this) is an 'Entrance to controlled parking zone' sign. However what is bugging me is that there are NO other signs, thus there is no indication where the zone starts/finishes. What is also bugging me is that there is no T-Bar at the end of the yellow line Do I have a leg to stand on?
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