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    • If you are buying a used car – you need to read this survival guide.
      • 1 reply
    • Hello,

      On 15/1/24 booked appointment with Big Motoring World (BMW) to view a mini on 17/1/24 at 8pm at their Enfield dealership.  

      Car was dirty and test drive was two circuits of roundabout on entry to the showroom.  Was p/x my car and rushed by sales exec and a manager into buying the mini and a 3yr warranty that night, sale all wrapped up by 10pm.  They strongly advised me taking warranty out on car that age (2017) and confirmed it was honoured at over 500 UK registered garages.

      The next day, 18/1/24 noticed amber engine warning light on dashboard , immediately phoned BMW aftercare team to ask for it to be investigated asap at nearest garage to me. After 15 mins on hold was told only their 5 service centres across the UK can deal with car issues with earliest date for inspection in March ! Said I’m not happy with that given what sales team advised or driving car. Told an amber warning light only advisory so to drive with caution and call back when light goes red.

      I’m not happy to do this, drive the car or with the after care experience (a sign of further stresses to come) so want a refund and to return the car asap.

      Please can you advise what I need to do today to get this done. 

      Many thanks 
      • 81 replies
    • Housing Association property flooding. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/topic/438641-housing-association-property-flooding/&do=findComment&comment=5124299
      • 162 replies
    • We have finally managed to obtain the transcript of this case.

      The judge's reasoning is very useful and will certainly be helpful in any other cases relating to third-party rights where the customer has contracted with the courier company by using a broker.
      This is generally speaking the problem with using PackLink who are domiciled in Spain and very conveniently out of reach of the British justice system.

      Frankly I don't think that is any accident.

      One of the points that the judge made was that the customers contract with the broker specifically refers to the courier – and it is clear that the courier knows that they are acting for a third party. There is no need to name the third party. They just have to be recognisably part of a class of person – such as a sender or a recipient of the parcel.

      Please note that a recent case against UPS failed on exactly the same issue with the judge held that the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 did not apply.

      We will be getting that transcript very soon. We will look at it and we will understand how the judge made such catastrophic mistakes. It was a very poor judgement.
      We will be recommending that people do include this adverse judgement in their bundle so that when they go to county court the judge will see both sides and see the arguments against this adverse judgement.
      Also, we will be to demonstrate to the judge that we are fair-minded and that we don't mind bringing everything to the attention of the judge even if it is against our own interests.
      This is good ethical practice.

      It would be very nice if the parcel delivery companies – including EVRi – practised this kind of thing as well.


      OT APPROVED, 365MC637, FAROOQ, EVRi, 12.07.23 (BRENT) - J v4.pdf
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nowlo everyone,


I was hoping you'd be able to give me some advice on my current situation.

I really want to keep on top of things.


Total debt as follows:


EDF Electric £200.04 Southern Water £57.22 Veolia Water £52.86 Priority Debt Total



Natwest Loan £2,505.78 Natwest Credit Card £1,686.25 Natwest Overdraft £500.00 Vanquis Credit Card £2,181.18 Orange Mobile £69.86 Orange Broadband £23.87 Creditor Debt Total



Total Debt



In July I was made redundant, along with everyone where I worked.

previous to this I'd struggled with illness since summer the previous year,

and had varying periods of time off work.


Within this time I fell behind on repayments.

I tried to speak to my creditors at this time, but they were having none of it.


I contacted them again upon becoming redundant.

I was behind on utilities, and used the little redundancy money I received (£600 goodwill payment) to bring them up to date. I still have £200 left on electric, but all the rest are sorted.


I contacted CCCS for advice.

After this I called my creditors to come to some arrangement while I'm looking for new employment.


One creditor is Natwest, for my credit card, or shall I say Triton debt management.

At the time I was awaiting confirmation of JSA, housing benefit etc and had no income.

They accepted a monthly £1 token payment.


End of last month they constantly kept calling me, I answered to shut them up.

They told me the first agreement wasn't valid as I had no income and therefore it shouldn't of been made.


Said the person that called me was 'new' (like that's MY problem)

. I was forced into doing an income/expenditure there and then.

Somehow they figured I could afford £7.99 a month

. I couldn't, but felt really forced.

I agreed.


Since then I did a proper inc/exp for myself, and down to bear minimums for outgoings

I'm still -£8.99 minus a month.


I wrote a letter, which I sent recorded with an enclosed copy of my inc/exp saying I cannot afford the repayment agreed, and as of 5th Sept I will be making a £1 token payment, via postal order for the next 3 months (on 5th of every month), when I will review my financial situation (and could freeze interest).

I also did the same for my other creditor, Vanquis, or rather Impact collections.


Swhat I'd like to know is, was this right thing to do?

What are the chances of them freezing my interest?

Vanquis had my debit card details on file and tried to apply for the £10 I agreed previously from my bank. It bounced, as I had no funds


. They would have received my letter a long time before that payment was applied for.

I'm worried they can keep applying for this amount.

How can I stop them?


What rights do I now have?

Can they take me to court?


I'm using my PPI for the Natwest loan. So that's covered.


Any help appreciated.


Further to what I mentioned above...


I have struggled for years with health problems, but especially since 2007.

I've fought back repeatedly.

My job before last I lost because of my health,

I tried so very hard to keep it, but in the end they let me go.

It was heartbreaking.

Thus, in this period I got into arrears with my creditors.


It took me a whole year (this was during the recession) of applying for hundreds of jobs to finally get a new one.

I got my repayments to creditors back on track and things were going fairly well.


Then mid-last year my health once again worsened.

I can't even explain the absolute hell I had to go through with GPs/NHS just to get referred for treatment.


I sat through work in agony day after day, through tears sometimes.

Then to make matters worse, I slipped on ice walking home from work a week before Christmas last year.


My then partner fell on top of me

. I tore just about every ligament in and around my knee area.

Once again I had to fight for treatment, admins 'lost' my appointments and all sorts of total rubbish. Now my leg gives way constantly, as there is nothing holding it together. I'm on a waiting list for surgery, it's almost a year come this December since I had the accident.


This has left me battling the existing illness(es) plus a cruddy knee that constantly gives out and hurts. Subsequently I started to miss a lot of work, and got further into debt.


Then in June the company I worked for felt the strain of the competition in the industry they were in, and decided to effectively 'can' the business, making myself and all the other 3 employees redundant (including my partner, whom I worked with).


At the same time my partner of two years left me (in fact I found out he'd cheated on me).

I did my crying, then dusted myself off and 'got on with it'...


now around to present day.

I've applied for countless jobs.

Had eight interviews, three with same company, two with another.

The feedback is always positive, they like me, but I'm never quite what they want/need.


Then there's the ever head-banging responses to applications of 'over-qualified' or 'under-qualified'.

I'm stuck in some weird limbo!


I've got to the point where I have to take stock of my whole life and think what I need to do realistically.


I have the following debt:


EDF Electric £200.04

Southern Water £57.22

Veolia Water £52.86

Natwest Loan £2,505.78

Natwest Credit Card £1,686.25

Natwest Overdraft £500.00

Vanquis Credit Card £2,181.18

Orange Mobile £69.86

Orange Broadband £23.87


Total Debt £7,277.06


I have set-up token payments to creditors and payment arrangements with priority debts.


I'm in receipt of JSA, housing/council tax benefit.

I've been selling anything not nailed down and looking for any ways to make extra cash.


My minimum outgoings for living are £830.

This doesn't include travel, hairdressing or entertainment.


This is the bear bones living costs. I've tried to cut down on everything possible.

My groceries/household stuff is down to £90 a month (and trying to reduce further)

. I've swapped electric/gas to lower cost dual fuel with another company.


The only area that I could possibly cut in the future is my mobile/broadband

. I have a deal with Orange for broadband (£10), line rental/inclusive anytime calls (£23) and £23 for my mobile.

I'm contracted for my phone until at lest next April, so I can't get out of paying until then.


I've tried to find somewhere cheaper to live (£450pcm at present), but being on the 'DSS' with a dog, regardless of gleaming references, I've had repeated nos. Plus, I have no deposit. So no saving to be made on housing.


I'd have to get a job at minimum £17k annual to cover my bear living expenses, with little to nothing left for creditors with no prospect of that changing for what could be years, because of my health, if at all. It's quite apparent that finding work is no walk in the park right now either, so I'm going to have to take what I can get, no matter for how little.


All I'd have to offer is a couple pounds to each creditor, while they refuse to stop adding interest, which is largely the reason my debt has escalated to such a high amount. The debt will increase, my credit score will get worse, I'll be getting more stressed, with no sign of being able to pay off my debt...


after much thought I'm seriously wondering whether I should consider a DRO (Debt Relief Order)

. It's hard for me to come to that conclusion, because I believe it's my responsibility to pay back what I owe.


However, I can't see how I will be able to pay it back, my credit is already effected, and will continue to be even if I make token payments, right?


given all the aforementioned would a DRO be best?

What's the pros and cons?

I'&d be so grateful for others thoughts.


Hello, are you still there?

Ha-ha! I'm so sorry this was so long.

I'm just so worried. I've tried so hard to keep on top of things, it's heartbreaking to reach this point.


I'm awake at 3 a.m. worrying for goodness sake!

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Most are probably not on at the moment.... due to the time...


But i have read it all a few times...


And i have been where you are now...and probably a lot worse ( but i won't go into that ).


Unsecured debts....are not a priority..£1 each a month.....


PS: I am sure a lot more people will come on to help over the next couple of days. ( i'm deliberately bumping this so you can get some help here )


I think this should be moved into the debt collection part personally as everyone is a lot more active there..and you don't have the resources to pay it back at the moment.


You will have lots of support..don't let the b$$$rds get you down..There are lots of people here who will help in all aspects.




Edited by stormski
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Hi Teeney.

You have done extraordinarily well to set up token payments and payment plans.


I do not know much about DROs but there are others who do and you can google and read up on them - and the internet is free in your local library where it's warm too!


Make sure you are claiming all the benefits you are entitled to.

Take one day at a time and it will gradually get better.

And that elusive next job will come along I am sure if you continue to display the positive attitude, strength and tenacity you very clearly have.


As mentioned above non priority debts can be reduced to £1/month

- just write and tell them that's what's happening until your circumstances improve. x

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Are the water bills for clean water? Not waste water?


If they are for clean water, then these are not classed as a priority debt.


Non-priority or credit debts


You may not lose your home or go to prison for not paying 'non-priority' or credit debts. However, you can still be taken to county court and ordered to pay what you owe - often with extra costs on top.

If you still don't pay after you've been ordered to do so, there are a range of county court enforcement options your creditors can try to take against you.

It is very important that you get free and independent advice on your options for dealing with your non-priority debts.

Examples of non-priority debts include:


  • credit card or store card arrears
  • catalogue debts
  • water rates arrears
  • bank overdrafts and loans
  • personal loans with finance companies
  • loan shark loans
  • money borrowed from friends or family




When did you take out the two credit cards? Are their any charges applied to those, or PPI?


The same for your bank account and O/D, are their any charges on their?


Your electric, which IS a priority, how do you pay this? Is it a Key meter or Direct debit? Have you been in touch with them to inform them that you are having difficulty in paying them? If not do so, preferably in writing, they may then come out and fit a key meter which when you top up will automatically go to reducing what you owe them as it will be pre-loaded to pay off a % of the debt.


A DRO, IMO is not necessary, however only you can judge that, but I don't think it is at all necessary, all of your debts are manageable.

Who ever heard of someone getting a job at the Jobcentre? The unemployed are sent there as penance for their sins, not to help them find work!



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  • 5 years later...



I'm hoping someone with some insight could advise me what would the best course of action and what rights I have with my current situation, or what rights the debt collection do or do not have, rather.


To cut a long story short

- 2011 the company I worked for went under and I was made redundant,

at this time I was already struggling with ill health which was deteriorating fast.



My health took a turn for a worse shortly after the redundancy.

Much medical intervention/consultants/surgery etc later I had to face the fact my health was not going to improve.

Since 2012 my sole income has been from ESA, DLA and housing benefit,

this is how my situation remains.


Originally I had over £6,000 of debt due to the loss of employment and ill-health, not being able to make repayment commitments etc.

However, I have managed to make payment arrangements with my debtors (around 6 of them - priority debt cleared first) and since 2012 I have cleared around £2,000 plus of that debt. As I mentioned, my sole income is from benefits and the repayments have come from that.


I had a Vanquis credit card, unlike my other creditors they were not willing to come to agreement with me for repayment and passed my debt to Arrow Global.

Due to this, and my finances already being stretched to the max,

I offered Arrow Global a £1 token repayment, which they accepted.



That is how the repayment plan has stayed, bar a few one-off payments I've made to them as and when I've had some available money.


Fast forward to last month when I received two letters in the post on the same day, one from Capquest, one from Arrow Global.

You didn't have to be rocket scientist to figure out they are one of the same company

- each letter was clearly formatted on the same program but made to look slightly different, same address in small print.

I've had many dealings with debt collection companies in the past, and I'm wise to this sort of nonsense.


The letters said, Capquest will be taking over my debt from Arrow Global as from the 8th June (letter received end of June) and I would need to cancel all standing order payments to Arrow Global and make new arrangements with Capquest.



Capquest's letter gave no bank account details to do this, and requested that I call them to set up payment (naturally).

Of course, I had no intention of calling Capquest, I do not deal with agencies over the phone.



I went on their website to try find bank details to setup a payment, or at least create a login for the site to do so.

I found nothing, so went through a new income/expenditure 'set up payment plan' form on their site in the hope I could set up repayment.



At the end of it all I came out with £6 expendable income (no surprise to me), and it said they couldn't set up a repayment plan online and I'd need to call them.

As I said, I had no intention of calling them,



I emailed them. I got a generic reply saying something like,

'Due to confidentiality reasons we cannot discuss accounts via email. We will reply to your email via letter within 10 days."



Getting a bit frustrated at this point, as I just want to set up a new payment for which I need their bank details,

they obviously don't want to make that easily available so they can get you on the phone.


I waited 10 days and heard nothing.

Day 11 I wrote a letter to them (which I sent recorded delivery), explaining everything I said above, included the income/expenditure I did on their site, again requested their bank account details to set up payment, and informed them I will not be speaking via telephone and to please respond in writing only.



Day 13 I receive two letters from them.

One said they had accepted my payment plan (£1 token payment,)

- and enclosed their bank details, the other letter said as follows:


"Thank you for contacting us and advising us of your current circumstances.


If you would like us to take this into consideration when dealing with your account, please provide us with a copy of your up-to-date medical evidence.

This should be signed by a qualified medical professional and dated within the last 12 months, confirming your current health status..."


I was really quite taken aback and quite honestly upset by this.

No debt collector has ever asked me for such information before,

and forgive me if I'm wrong here,

but isn't this completely inappropriate for them to ask for?



Why on earth would I make a debt collector privy to my medical information to prove I'm ill!

Moreover, as is standard with most medical professionals/GPs for me to obtain that I would be charged £25 for it, and Capquest already have my income/expenditure which shows I have £6 expendable income, so I certainly don't have £25 for a medical report to 'prove' I'm ill to them.



What angered me, is they haven't asked me for proof of my income from ESA, which would have been acceptable to me, even if I would have got my back up a bit.



Surely they should be concerned with my income, not my illness!?

And obviously, if you are in receipt of ESA/DLA you have already been deemed too unfit to work

- so why haven't Capquest asked for that? Instead they've asked me for medical proof and way over-stepped the line, in my eyes.


I suppose that leaves me to ask a few things, namely - Can a debt collector ask for medical evidence signed by a medical professional? Wouldn't a letter showing proof of receipt of ESA be enough? Should I even have to send that? What can they legally ask me for? What would you suggest I do?


Currently, now I have their bank account details I have set up the £1 token payment, of which the first payment has been made and the rest will continue at the same time every month - As they were with Arrow Global (cough, the same company, cough).


Many thanks in advance. All replies/help would be much appreciated.

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Capquest don't chase enforceable debts. They're bottom feeders.


I hope you've checked the enforceablitity of all your debts before you blindly pay a silly dca.

Any advice i give is my own and is based solely on personal experience. If in any doubt about a situation , please contact a certified legal representative or debt counsellor..



If my advice helps you, click the star icon at the bottom of my post and feel free to say thanks


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Agree that we need to know more about the debt you had with the original creditors e.g type of finance, when you originally took it out, when you stopped repayments with the original credtors, what gap there has been without any payments.


The only point of sending any DCA medical/benefit info, is if they are considering writing off the debt and it is currently enforceable in court if you did not make repayments.

We could do with some help from you.



 Have we helped you ...?         Please Donate button to the Consumer Action Group


If you want advice on your thread please PM me a link to your thread

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been here since 2011 and you still run after DCa's ???




if you'd stopped paying this in 2011 it would be statute barred now!

please don't hit Quote...just type we know what we said earlier..

DCA's view debtors as suckers, marks and mugs

NO DCA has ANY legal powers whatsoever on ANY debt no matter what it's Type

and they

are NOT and can NEVER  be BAILIFFS. even if a debt has been to court..

If everyone stopped blindly paying DCA's Tomorrow, their industry would collapse overnight... 

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Thank you for your replies.


Yes. I was advised by Step Change, CAB, and also if you see my original posts on here from 2011 to take the course of action I took. I did what thought was best given all the advice received. Maybe that wouldn't be the case if this debt and my situation happened now.


The Capquest debt was originally a Vanquis credit card.

The original debt was around £1000.

This was around 2011.


I made the minimum payments and quite often more than that on time every month.

Then, as I mentioned I lost my job and became very ill.


I'm afraid this is where my mind gets hazy on specifics without trawling though my paperwork, but as I recall it

- I was paying minimum payments for a year, as it's all I could manage.

The interest started to creep up.


I contacted Vanquis to explain my situation.

I asked if they would consider freezing the interest, they did not

. This went on for a year.


In the end I incurred about £1k in over limit charges/late fees

(as I started to pay £1 token payments to them, as the account was now in default with no suggested minimum payments and refusal to help from them).


Then they passed the debt to Arrow Global.

On advice received at the the time, I made £1 payments to them.


My current other debt all originating from around 2011 is NatWest (accounts closed) from a loan (I had PPI, but that's another story) £420ish (original loan £4k plus),


overdraft, credit card - the credit card and overdraft debt is handled by Robinson Way and I currently pay then £10 a month.

Edited by TeenyBash
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I question blindly pay the robbers on any OD debt they cant prove is solely not made of penalty charges and their interest.

why do you think NW sold it on?

please don't hit Quote...just type we know what we said earlier..

DCA's view debtors as suckers, marks and mugs

NO DCA has ANY legal powers whatsoever on ANY debt no matter what it's Type

and they

are NOT and can NEVER  be BAILIFFS. even if a debt has been to court..

If everyone stopped blindly paying DCA's Tomorrow, their industry would collapse overnight... 

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Blindly paying?

No. As I said, I sort advice from those deemed most informed/equipped at the time - StepChange, CAB and this forum


I was very ill at the time

- I was fighting for my life, and did what I thought was best so I could concentrate on my health.


What would have you suggested I better do?

I did what I thought was the honest/right thing and accepted the debt as I created it.


Regardless - it doesn't matter what happened then, it's done, I can't change that.

That's why I'm here now.


my original questions remain.

Can Capquest legally require me to send proof of illness and medical information?

Can they even legally ask for proof of income i.e ESA? I'm guessing not?

Edited by TeenyBash
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no only a judge can demand that.


did you ever SAR NW?


might be an idea and get all the statements for everything they lent you.


then you'll be better informed upon IF you actually owe anything now on the OD

I very much doubt it.!!


can I guess that robbersway client is hoist portfolio?

and have all this gone from your credit file now..i expect so...

please don't hit Quote...just type we know what we said earlier..

DCA's view debtors as suckers, marks and mugs

NO DCA has ANY legal powers whatsoever on ANY debt no matter what it's Type

and they

are NOT and can NEVER  be BAILIFFS. even if a debt has been to court..

If everyone stopped blindly paying DCA's Tomorrow, their industry would collapse overnight... 

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Ok, thank you.


No, I haven't asked for a SAR from NW, or anyone for that might be an idea - Thank you.


As for Robinson Way, Google tells me 'Hoist Portfolio' is another alas for them? I've never heard of them or had any correspondence from them, only Robinson Way.


Per my credit file

- The Natwest debts are still all on there and marked down every month as default (as it would be, I suppose).


As I mentioned, I pay the Natwest overdraft (which is made up of interest/charges only)

and credit card (again, which is made up of remaining interest/charges only) via Robinson Way at £10 a month.


Combined remaining debt for both is £1,083.08.

this is all made up of over-inflated charges/interest, which peeves me.


I do have £200ish of an outstanding loan with Natwest on my credit file, which they have on occasion sent a statement for - but have not pursued repayment for.


I took out the loan and PPI in 2007.

In 2011 I activated the PPI, for which they were late processing every month, thus payments were late.


In the end, the term of the loan ended before the outstanding £200 or so could be paid by the PPI, so they refused to pay the remainder. Lovely - so glad I got PPI. Cough.

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you read robbersway letters.....who is their stated client.



what are the defaulted dates in the debts summary lines

that's the important thing from your credit file

please don't hit Quote...just type we know what we said earlier..

DCA's view debtors as suckers, marks and mugs

NO DCA has ANY legal powers whatsoever on ANY debt no matter what it's Type

and they

are NOT and can NEVER  be BAILIFFS. even if a debt has been to court..

If everyone stopped blindly paying DCA's Tomorrow, their industry would collapse overnight... 

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Blindly paying? No. As I said, I sort advice from those deemed most informed/equipped at the time - StepChange, CAB and this forum. Also, remember, as I said, I was very ill at the time - I was fighting for my life, and did what I thought was best so I could concentrate on my health. What would have you suggested I better do? I did what I thought was the honest/right thing and accepted the debt as I created it. Regardless - it doesn't matter what happened then, it's done, I can't change that. That's why I'm here now.


So, my original questions remain. Can Capquest legally require me to send proof of illness and medical information? Can they even legally ask for proof of income i.e ESA? I'm guessing not?


No. Youre blindly paying based on incorrect info given to you. CAB and stepchange NEVER check the facts. They will just say to pay because its morally right. Not legally.


As above, they have no standing to demand such info. Especially on a debt that is extremely likely to be UE, and been through several opwners already. By sending you that letter, they know that if you reply, you wiull be marked as gullible and they will step things up a gear.

Any advice i give is my own and is based solely on personal experience. If in any doubt about a situation , please contact a certified legal representative or debt counsellor..



If my advice helps you, click the star icon at the bottom of my post and feel free to say thanks


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you read robbersway letters.....who is their stated client.


what are the defaulted dates in the debts summary lines

that's the important thing from your credit file


My Robinson Way letters, one of which I have in front of me, says "Due to: NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK".



I previously clarified which NatWest accounts this related to, and I have a letter from Robinson Way telling me the account numbers

- which were for my (now closed) current account overdraft and credit card.


As for the defaulted dates etc.



These are all of my open defaulted accounts as listed on my credit report:


Arrow Global LTD (Original creditor: Vanquis credit card) - Balance: £ 1,903 (last updated: 15/06/2017) - Status: Default - Account type: Credit Card - Note: £1 repayment shown coming off of balance every month.

Account start date 19/01/2008

Opening balance £ 1,964

Repayment frequency Monthly

Date of default 30/04/2012

Default balance £ 1,964



Nwb Current Accounts (Debt/repayment managed by Robinson Way - They are not shown on my credit report) - Balance: £ 1,903 (last updated: 15/06/2017) - Status: Default - Account type: Current Account [Overdraft]) Note: Monthly summary shows the £10 coming off every month, the repayment I have with Robinson Way.

Account type Current Account

Account start date 07/02/2007

Repayment frequency Monthly

Date of default 31/08/2014

Default balance £ 983



Natwest Personal Loans - Balance: £ 414 (last updated: 04/06/2017) - Status: Default - Account type: Unsecured Loan - Note: I have had no correspondence to repay this account, and have not acknowledged the debt to them.

Account type Unsecured Loan

Account start date 10/09/2007

Opening balance £ 8,352

Regular payment £ £ 139

Repayment frequency Monthly

Date of default 30/11/2011

Default balance £ 2,227


No. Youre blindly paying based on incorrect info given to you. CAB and stepchange NEVER check the facts. They will just say to pay because its morally right. Not legally.


As above, they have no standing to demand such info. Especially on a debt that is extremely likely to be UE, and been through several opwners already. By sending you that letter, they know that if you reply, you wiull be marked as gullible and they will step things up a gear.


So not blindly, but misguided by the very people in authority (financial ombudsmen, the creditors themselves, CAB, .gov website, health workers to name a few) that suggested StepChange etc were the correct people to assist.



Other than seeking a solicitor, I don't really know what you think I could have done better at the time.



I'm here now and willing to explore my current options to improve my situation.

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urm what date did you enter into that DMP with stepchange?



the defaults should be within 3mts of tht date or even before if you'd already missed or were late on the required payments.

so you are right

NW still own the robbersway debts

me , i'd be paying NW directly, cut out the powerless middle man!!



as for arrows and that vanquish card...about time you sent them a CCA request.

and get an SAR running to vanquish

bet you've got lots of charges to reclaim and ROP [PPI] too.



so did you ever get that other NW PPI back too?

please don't hit Quote...just type we know what we said earlier..

DCA's view debtors as suckers, marks and mugs

NO DCA has ANY legal powers whatsoever on ANY debt no matter what it's Type

and they

are NOT and can NEVER  be BAILIFFS. even if a debt has been to court..

If everyone stopped blindly paying DCA's Tomorrow, their industry would collapse overnight... 

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Thanks for your continued replies.


There was no DMP via StepChange set-up,

it was discussed,

instead between them and myself we created a management plan for myself to follow.

That is what I did - I contacted each creditor and set-up repayment plans.


I attempted to contact Natwest directly many times for repayment.



They refused repeatedly to discuss my account or to accept a repayment, and said I'd have to speak to the collector the debt was allegedly passed to, which was Triton - as everyone is likely aware, Triton Debt Collections were an in-house Natwest affair and got in quite a lot of trouble for trying to make the customer believe otherwise.



I had a repayment plan with 'Triton' who at some point (can't remember when exactly) passed that debt over to Robinson Way.



I had again, when Robinson Way took over, tried to repay Natwest directly, they refused.



In fact, I so much issue with the whole Triton/Natwest/Robinson Way issue and both giving me conflicting inform, I was actually awarded some compensation (I think around £300) for the bother (which I used to pay some other priority debt off).


Ok - I'll have to look into/read up on the CCA and SAR.

I don't know anything about any of that.



As for the charges and PPI,

how would you suggest I go about getting the ball rolling on that one?


No, I did not get the last two PPI payments paid by Natwest, as 'apparently' if the loan term comes to its end (as in, 4 year loan) date they are no longer obliged to make those repayments.



Bearing in mind that the PPI processing department were always behind/late sending me repayments. No protection at all.



Along with many many people, I definitely regret taking out PPI.



I did not pursue a missold case, as I didn't that would be the case with me as I did receive repayments albeit late with a lot of hassle, although definitely was the product I thought I was sold.

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I've just done some rifling through paperwork.

It would appear I reclaimed charges in Feb 2012 from Vanquis (Impact Collections/1st Credit LTD/Arrow Global/Capquest) - they offered to repay £322.06 of charges added to the account and interest that accrued (with a breakdown - included late charges and overlimit charges from 2008 - Sept 2011). I accepted that amount.


Where Natwest is concerned

- I asked Natwest to repay all charges for my credit card, which they did and deduced it from the total owed (£279.61).

However, it doesn't appear I requested for the charges and interest from the overdraft to repaid, so I don't know if that is something worth doing?


I have written a letter requesting CCA from Capquest (Vanquis).


Where the Natwest loan is concerned, I'm not sure what to do about that.

They have not requested repayment of the £414.63 (more than I originally thought) outstanding,

but they have sent me statements every 6 months or so showing that amount is outstanding from the CMS Recoveries Branch.



Would it be wise, given the default date for this being listed as 30/11/2011 on my credit file, and I haven't acknowledged this debt since this time, to go down the statute barred route, or would you suggest writing to them and asking for my credit agreement (Which would mean acknowledging the debt?)?


Again, thank you very much for your help, suggestions and replies.

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Do you own a house or are you renting privately ?


Which Bank was the overdraft with ? Have you gone though all statements to calculate all charges added ? If not SAR the Bank to get hold of all statements.


In regard to Natwest loan, leave that alone, given how close SB is. A CCA request is not acknowledgement, but wise not to bother at this stage.

  • Confused 1

We could do with some help from you.



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If you want advice on your thread please PM me a link to your thread

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Hi thanks for replying again.


Privately renting. Never owned a property/had a mortgage.


The overdraft was with Natwest. No, I don't believe I have gone through all the statements to calculate charges at any point. I don't have my old paper statements, so I will request a SAR - Thank you for that suggestion.


Regarding the loan - gotcha, hearing loud and clear :thumb:

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If you are renting, what you want to avoid is a CCJ at any stage which might cause you problems renting privately. Even with a current rental agreement, there might be a credit check before renewal. So the action you have taken to date has avoided a CCJ. It is now a case of what is best way forward.


So SAR to Natwest to see what charges applied to overdraft debt.


CCA to Capquest regarding the Vanquish credit card debt.


Maintain the token payments for now.


The £1 and £10 payments mean that these debts would be around for a long time to come. Perhaps if they were made aware of your position, they might write the debts off. Yes it might mean sharing confidential info, but if it leads to a debt forgiveness/write off, then it might be worth it. But that is something to think about.

We could do with some help from you.



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If you want advice on your thread please PM me a link to your thread

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I was advised to avoid CCJs at all costs - So pleased that you have confirmed I've likely done the right things to avoid that.


  • SAR request to Natwest written and ready to be sent with £10 PO tomorrow :thumb:
  • CCA requests to Capquest and Robinson Way written and ready to be sent with £1 POs tomorrow :thumb:
  • Await Natwest loan to come into the statute barred timeframe :thumb:
  • Token payment standing orders in place to come out the same time every month


Well, I'm hoping that if I can get the above in order I may have grounds/means to clear/wipe out my remaining debt, or at least some leverage to do so.


They have been informed of my situation several times, but have not offered to clear the debt. I guess there would be no harm in asking if the aforementioned doesn't work out.


Again, thank you and everyone for your advice.

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you cant CCA the OD,



hence the sar,

please don't hit Quote...just type we know what we said earlier..

DCA's view debtors as suckers, marks and mugs

NO DCA has ANY legal powers whatsoever on ANY debt no matter what it's Type

and they

are NOT and can NEVER  be BAILIFFS. even if a debt has been to court..

If everyone stopped blindly paying DCA's Tomorrow, their industry would collapse overnight... 

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