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  1. Hi. My friend bought car on finance, total payable including fees and interesta was 19.356.72 Last payment he made got him down to 12.935.39 MotoNovo started repossession. The taken the car and now want him to pay another 6.920.22 I'm looking at his statement and don't get what all this means, can someone explain please: Write off rebate: Credit 2.259.03 Write-off option fee: Credit 125 Write off: Credit 5436.76 at this point debt is 5.683.93 than we have: Transfer to recoveries: Debit 6.920.22 which make debt back to 12.604.15 then: Payment: Credit 11.215.86 and at the same time Debit 5607.93 Payment: credit 152 and Debit 76 at the end balance is 6920.22 Can someone explain whats going on with this? Also one more question, he bought van recently (second hand, worth about 1500-2000) he is using it for work, can they repossess this van even he is using it for work purposes? Thanks
  2. Hi all, I was wondering if anyone can give me some advice, my dad took finance out with a company called Motonovo finance in July 2015 he paid £500 pound deposit and paid a double payment the month after taking the finance out with Motonovo. All payments have been on time and are up to date the payments get payed 21st of every month. Last month December 2015 my dad was working and has his own van which he is fully comp on, I was in the middle of moving house so he said I could lend his car to help me out doing me a favour. I insured the car in my name on the Friday 10th December 10am. Two days later on Sunday night at midnight I got stopped by police for no insurance I advised the police I had insured the car on Friday and phoned my mum who confirmed to police I had took the insurance out on the day I had said. The car was filled with all my belongings as I was in the middle of moving house. I begged for them to let me go in the following morning with the proof but they dismissed what I had said and compounded the car As you can imagine I was really upset a week or so before Christmas an also as the car was filled with all my stuff and I had done nothing wrong . I was crying so my brother rang the police and made a complaint about the police as they was very intimating towards me when I was stopped it was pitch black and they had pressed the panick button all police came from no where there wasn't any female offices there just all male cracking joke and laughing whiles I was crying I got treated disguising a young female on my own. The following morning I rang my insurance and they confirmed I was insured and informed me that it was harsh what had happened as police know it can take up to 7 days to show on the police data base. My policy got sent to me by email and I had printed it out to take to the police to show them I was insured, I then rang the police and they said take it up with Motonovo we haven't got the car no more my dad then rang moto novo who said the police had the car and had been in touch with Motonovo to inform them I had been the police station and could not provide the documents I needed to so not to release the car to us we was confused with this as we had been told not to bother going the police station as they never had the car. I then sent the proof over to Motonovo showing the car was insured at the time it was taken from police. We got told to take it up with the police this went on for days and days police refused to release the car even though Motonovo didn't have a problem with the car being released at this time. Motonovo recovered the car we then spoke to the manger in the recoveries at Motonovo who said if we could get the police to confirm the car was insured they would release the car either though the proof had been sent to show it was he wanted the police to confirm. I then went on to get in touch with the police man who had took the car who confirmed to me he had looked it up and the car was insured and legal to be on the road at the time it was taken, he refused to put it in wrighting but said he was speak to Motonovo direct. I then rang moto novo who then said they want full settlement due to the terms and conditions being broke because my dad wasn't on the insurance policy they took another payment on the 21st of December all payments have been on time and they have had a payment whiles having the car. The car should never of been took in the first place also there are no missing psyments on the account but they are refusing to release the car I think this is completely unfair on my dad he's a honest hard working man who had provided for his family all his life , they are saying they will sell the car at auction then he will have to pay whatever remains so not only has the car been took unfairly and payments are up to date he will be in debt with them. if anyone has any information on what we can do thatvwould be grate thank you for reading this and I look forward to hearing back sorry if there is any spelling mistakes also in advance ha thanks again, Lois.
  3. I wonder if any one can help please. My son wen to buy a car from Evans Halshaw garage just as he started his new job with not more than £100 in his pocket . was advised that this is enough for the deposit to secure a finance deal. Paid the deposit of £100 on a £12k car and was told to come back and collect it a few days later. When he came back to pick up the car a sales manager went through some basic person information with him and briefly advised that the monthly repayments would be circa £250 pm. tried selling the insurance to which he declined etc ( the usual sales tactics to get you to buy all sorts of warranties and protection). The manager then went away to make a phone call and came back to say he got all approved and once all the documentation is signed he can collect the car today. At this point he then passed the file to an admin person in the garage and asked my son to complete the paper work. At no point any of the figures and charges were discussed with my son. Admin just went through some basic information again and had my son to sign a load of papers. After all was completed he was given the car and drove off with a complimentary 7 days insurance. As it happened my son lost his driving licence to drink driving 4 months later , lost his job and couldnt make any repayments. As I got involved he didnt have copies of the finance agreement. So after missing couple of payments we finally received notices of arrears and managed to speak to Motonovo ( this is when he realised he has taken finance with them). They kept dragging their feet with providing copies of the documents requested and kept sending unsigned copies. Then a few days later when the documents were finally received it was clear that the signature on the finance agreement wasnt my sons and also dated 2 days prior him even being in the garage. Complimentary insurance turns out to be with his wrong age ( they have indicated his 68 which I presume was to reduce their premium and i think this meant he was driving the vehicle uninsured?!). We have raised 2 complaints originally 1) to Evans Halshaw for mis selling the finance and not following FCA rules , falsifying signatures, selling insurance products my son declined ( they still put them on the finance agreement) etc. 2) complaint was made to motonova - paying out on antiimpersonated documents, not following fca rules ref provding documentation, not assessing affordability etc. Needless to say Evans Halshaw never bothered to respond. Motonovo finance played on the fact that they have done nothing wrong. We have gone to the ombudsman and so far it has been rejected twice and they support MOtonovo an we are looking to appeal further. The problem we have now is that the police has been after the vehicle as it was reported stolen by the finance company. They have been rude and threatening with obstruction to justice. Ombudsman are not interested about anything else apart from playing the broken record of he signed the agreement and obviously bought the vehicle and the only reason he doesnt pay now because he lost his licence and his job which is not their problem. My questions are: * Can police reposes the vehicle? or even get involved * can we report motonovo to the police for falsifying signatures? Any one got experience or had similar situation? any advice will be appreciated
  4. Hi there. My car payment was missed twice. This is down to a change in bank accounts and carelessness on my part. 4 days after the second payment was missed, a guy from Ceatta Ltd attended my house and attempted to collect car, which was not at the property at the time as my Mrs was out in it. I rang Motonovo and tried to pay the arrears of £850 but they have refused and claimed that the finance agreement has been terminated. I have received no notice of this whatsoever, and the only letters I have received are "notice of default sums". I am aware that those are neither here nor there with regards to the law and are made to look like default notices. The day after the repo guy turned up, a letter came through which was "notice of sum of arrears". This letter states that I should ring them immediately to arrange to bring my payments up to date. However, they won't accept anything but the car! If they take the car, I can't work. I will also owe them around 12 grand as the amount owed is 22k and I can't imagine them getting more than around 10k for the car at auction. My question is can this be done?? We received no notice of termination at all and they are outright refusing to accept payment unless it's the full amount which is around 22k. I have lodged a complaint with ombudsman which could take weeks. I understand that the repo guy isn't a bailiff and has no power to take from private property but motonovo are saying that if we don't allow them to take the car, they will report it stolen. This will greatly affect mine and my wife's job if it goes to police. Can this even be done seeing as it's our name on the log book? This is a hire purchase agreement not a loan. help!
  5. Hi all, does anyone have any advice for me regarding Motonovo finance? These parasites, i'm sorry, they are, are hounding me via a debt collection company called Bluestone finance to contact them. I have made it clear i work as a nurse 8am-8pm and to contact me in writing or by email. So far, they haven't and just keep sending me emails to ring them. I am wanting to know what Bluestone want, as as far as I am aware, all my payments are up to date, albeit, I have been late, and they could be collecting charges. I had the same issue in October, when a different collection company were hounding me for charges, not actual payments, which have been made. I paid what i owed and they said they would send my file back telling Motonovo i was disputing the rest of the charges, which i was. The problem being motonovo ignored a letter i sent asking them to alter the collection date of the DD from the 27th of the month to the last working day. This person turning up at my door with a letter, which i haven't collected yet but my partner told me about is the last straw. The whole thing is making me feel ill. Can i reclaim these charges? I just want to clear the whole thing now and pay it off. Thanks for reading. Claire
  6. Hi, I have an issue with Motonovo finance I'm hoping I can get some advice on. A couple of weeks ago we put a deposit down on a van with a dealer called Cars and Vans R us, we didn't actually see the van they said they were internet based only that all their vans are ex contract 1 owner, and at a different depot blah blah blah, they have a large presence on ebay and offer a money back gaurantee if you are not happy we felt happy to proceed. They also arranged finance for us with Motonovo, they bought the papers to our house to sign five days later delivered the van, I was not happy with the condition they took it away to work on over the weekend bought it back on the monday however I was still not happy with it refused it and rang Motonovo straight away to cancel the agreement, so far not so good. We found an alternative van at another dealers and set about getting the finance sorted, we thought we were all set then Motonovo turned around and said they wouldn't release the funds on the new van because Cars and Vans R Us were withholding the original advance and the deal couldn't progress until the funds had been recovered. Is this standard procedure can they really penalise us because one of thier 'preferred dealers' won't give the money back, what happens if he never gives it back? Will we be liable? The dealer also claims he's now sold the van. Because of our circumstances we are limited to the funding options open to us otherwise we'd walk away and because they told us we were good to go I put a £300 deposit on the second vehicle. Feeling annoyed, foolish and embarrased in equal measures at the mo'
  7. Hi, I’ve been lurking on the forums without posting as of yet, a lot of info here has helped me take the right steps to VT my agreement with MotoNovo. thanks firstly. Sat the end of Feb 2014 I decided to Voluntary Terminate my Hire Purchase agreement with MotoNovo. It was 5 years HP, and I’d only had the car around 12 months but for one reason or another I needed out and accept I have a present liability to settle up to the 50% mark on the agreement . I wrote to MotoNovo around 20th February informing them I wish to VT. I received a reply around 7 working days later, to explain Manheim would collect the car which they did on the 12th March. I knew they would sting me with their additional charges for “excess miles, condition” etc which I know is a load of tosh as per the CCA (as the car was second hand, in good condition and fair wear and tear etc). I received a letter dated 18th March from MotoNovo, stating they accept the VT but that on top of the £4.9k liability (which is wrong as a further payment was sent to them on 5th March) they also want to add on almost £2k for their charges following the inspection report. It says payment should be made within 30 days, a further paragraph goes on to state “…failure to make payment within 30 days of the date on this letter, will result in your agreement being noted as terminated with default liability…”. I replied to this letter on the 4th April 2014 (via RD, they received it) explaining I am happy to pay the remaining liability to settle the agreement minus the additional charges from the inspection report. Today I’ve received an alert from Equifax that my credit report has changed, and low and behold my agreement is now marked Defaulted as of 10th April. My issue and the reason I am now posting is regarding the default notice. The 30 days given in order to settle the agreement isn’t up yet as per their own letter. My question is do they have the right to mark the agreement (at this stage) as defaulted? And does the extract above from their letter cover them in terms of issuing a formal notice of default letter? Any help/advice on this would be massively appreciated. I feel like I’ve got a fight on my hands with this one… since I arrived home. I've received a letter dated 4th April 2014 advising that after the sale of the vehicle the settlement amount is now £4.1k, and will be reduced by 20% if paid within 7 days (passed that before the letter even arrived!). If payment is not made the account will be sold to debt collection agency. No mention of any of the points raised in my last letter, although it does appear the £2k charges from the inspection have been wiped (unless the car sold 2k over at auction?) I made a quick call (in addition to the letter I will send to back it up) with one of their agents who was very surprised at what had happened re: default, as he was in agreement to 30 days being outstanding, after a quick consultation with his manager he quickly fell back into party line and informed me "marking the agreement as defaulted is what we normally do when someone VTs the agreement until the amount is settled, but once you've paid the amount the the defaulted mark will be removed". Maybe I'm cynical but I'm dubious over this, my instinct is don't pay a penny until they've removed the defaulted marker.
  8. Hi all I'm new here, but have been reading some of the posts with a lot of interest recently. Hopefully you guys can help with my predicament I'm now over the 50% term of my agreement and as such would like to excercise my right to VT my BMW. When I made the call to Motonovo they advised that there were certain stipulations to doing so. Which were detailed in the terms and conditions. These were - Did I have 2 keys - Yes - Did I have full Service History/MOT/v5 - Yes - What was my current mileage - 94,000 At this point he mentioned the excess mileage charge of 15p per mile for anything over 12k per year. I bought the car at 44k miles and over the last 2.5 years have personally clocked up another 50k. So, this results in a charge of £3000 for 20k of excess mileage. At this point I stated that at no point was i presented with the terms and conditions and could he show me that I had signed. He then stated that actually I had and pointed me to the small print of the terms and conditions. damn, I had signed them... 4.4 - you acknowledge that on entering into this credit agreement we have anticipated that the mileage will not exceed 12k miles per year 4.5 - you agree that you shall not drive the ca rfor more than 12,000 miles per year, if you do drive the vehicle for more than 12,000 miles per year and the agreement terminates before the expiry of the agreement in accordance with clause 5 and this results in the vehicle being worth less than we anticipated should the 12k miles per year we will incur a loss and you will recompense us (at the rate set out in clause 5.1.5) 5.1.5 - pay us n amount of 15p per mile in excess of 12k miles per year so, I know I've signed, and should have read these at the time. But am I stuck between a rock and a hard place now? I have read the CCA trumps the T&C's but how can I present this to them over the telephone or in writing? I certainly cant afford a £3000 bill, nor offer any ralistic gesture of goodwill.. ..25% would still be £750! Any advice anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated.....stressed to say the least! many thanks
  9. Hey all, new to the forum so a big howdy to start with! HOWDY! I purchased a car through Evans Halshaw in May 2011 and the Hire Purchase was with Carlyle at the time who subsequently was bought over by Motonovo. I recently wrote to them advising them of my wish to voluntary terminate the contract using the following letter: "I am writing to notify you that I am exercising my right to terminate the above Agreement under Section 99 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. You will understand that the aforementioned section permits the debtor to terminate the agreement at any time before the last payment is due. There is no restriction regarding the exercising this statutory right, particularly none in respect of any perceived arrears or monies due on termination I we understand that I shall will be liable to you for the amount calculated under the formula in Section 100 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Please forward notice of any sums lawfully due for consideration and payment. From our telephone conversation this amount is £369.38 however can you advise if this takes into account September’s payment. The above agreement will be terminated 14 days from the date of this notice.** Please send me details of how the vehicle can be returned to you. You will be aware that statute prevents you from levying a charge for the recovery of this vehicle; guidelines also state that if you require me to deliver this vehicle it must be no more than a short (reasonable distance) from my registered address. Please confirm receipt of this request by telephone/email or in writing" What I was unaware of was that they are trying to imply is the following: 1. Excess mileage charges, apparently I'm limited to 12000 miles per year (1000 per month) which i was not aware of when i procured the car. 2. The letter i received claimed that they would apply charges if the vehicle was not serviced in accordance with manufacturers reccomendations yet I can find no mention of this in the agreement letter which i had them sent out to me. What it states is that if i've paid more than or up to 50% and taken reasonable care of the vehicle then i can return it with nothing else to pay. Am I right in thinking that the Consumer Credit Act overrules any of their said terms and conditions? I.e. as there is no mention of mileage etc within this and provided i've taken reasonable care and paid more or up to 50% of the total amount then I can hand the vehicle back? Thanks in advance. Chris
  10. Good evening all Just looking for a little advice. Husbands car was repossessed last October. He had only made 14 payments towards the car and due to personal circumstances could not afford to continue making payments. He hadn't paid 1/3 of the car off so wasn't able to hand it back to them and terminate the agreement. The car was removed from a street away from our home. No paperwork regarding this. They never had the keys, didn't discuss it us, we had the log book etc. We managed to trace the car and were able to remove personal items before it was sold at auction. I am just curious and want to know if MotoNovo would have needed a court order to remove the car or if they were correct in removing it from the street without prior discussion. Many thanks Anne
  11. Hello All, Some information that might be helpful. My Equifax repotr (score 450) is clean as a whistle athough my Experian (338) & Call Credit (560) has 2 old satisfied defaults on it. So looking for finance and selecting the correct lender without being stung in high Interest charges or having loads of unneccesary credit searches the following info may be of help. 95% FTB mortgage approved with the Leeds Building society (Equifax) 5 year fixed @ 5.6% (direct Application) 2 x car loans @ 5% flat with Moto Novo Finance (Carlyle) they claim to search only equifax both were approved immediatley but no searches have yet to appear on any of the CRA reports.... do they credit check? Not really if the Equifax report I have updated every day this week is anything to go by. Both agreements signed for and cars collected........ Hopefully this info may be of assistance to fellow Caggers loooking for good credit sources
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