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Found 7 results

  1. Opened: Feb 2018 Investigation into Ovo and its compliance with its obligations under the gas and electricity supply licences READ MORE HERE: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/investigation-ovo-and-its-compliance-its-obligations-under-gas-and-electricity-supply-licences-standard-licence-conditions-31a-and-25c-slc-0-october-2017
  2. I switched to OVO Energy around 3 months ago and gave them the reading at the time. I kept forgetting to give a meter reading so they used their own estimates based on a 1 bedroom flat. I recently got a letter to say they want to put my direct debit from £32 a month to £57 a month because I was £1.19 behind. Remember that everything is based entirely on their own estimates, so how have they came to this conclusion? Just to add, I gave them a reading recently which was much lower than their estimates. How can they justify putting my DD from £32 to £57? Anyone else had this happen before? P.S, just to add, NPower did the same thing and put my DD from £36 to £72 because they took the highest month usage and applied it to the whole of the next year.
  3. Hi all, Hoping someone could give me some advice. I'm with OVO Energy, have been since August 2016. My tariff was £45 a month dual fuel, 2 bed semi detached house. I live with 1 other person. I cancelled my direct debit in October and made a manual payment. I couldn't set my direct debit back up on the website so I left it and made a couple of small payments here and there, intending to set it back up again. I had two statements from them, one in Nov for £32.24 and one in Dec for £31.43. A man came to read the meters a week or so ago. On my online account it says that I gave them a reading on the 9th Jan and then they estimated a reading on the 14th?? It also says that my gas usage is up over 2000% (how??). I got home yesterday to a threatening letter threatening a warrant of entry and saying I owe them £296.25!!! I rang them this morning and they told me that they didn't use the meter reading that was taken on the 9th Jan because it was 'too different', and made me read the meters over the phone, which I did. She put me on hold and came back saying that I owe over £400! Apparently they have emailed and written to me, which they have, but the last two statements were for the reasonable amounts above, no requests to contact them - this is totally out of the blue and I'm pretty sure they have just pulled that figure out of thin air. How should I handle this? They've also told me that they have to take half of the amount at once before setting up a payment plan (seems to be a standard tactic they use). I'm pretty clued up with debt collectors and their ways and I'm not threatened by their letter - however I want to keep this from escalating as I don't want another default. I'd like to stop them in their tracks if poss. Thanks in advance!
  4. Hi, i am an ovo customer and out of curiosity wondered if they could give me a better quote, so i went to the website and typed in what i pay them each month but put that i was a british gas customer, guess what? they say they will save me £334 per year! anyone else tried this? i'm going to ring them later to see why they are giving me a lower quote, are they legally obliged to lower my bills after claiming they can with their online quote? Any thoughts anyone?
  5. Afternoon all, Could really do with some advice if possible. It's a bit of a long story but I will get through it as quickly and accurately as possible. On 13th June 2013 the wife, the kids and myself moved house (we rent with a HA). When we moved into the house we already knew, through speaking to one neighbour, that the property had been empty for a while due to flooding. Our Housing officer informed us that electric was supplied from Southern Electric, we took meter readings and phoned Southern Electric up. There is no gas supply to the property (or to the village for that matter - very rural). We set up a direct debit for £65 per month. For the first few months living here any post that came for the previous tenant we would bundle together and hand into the HA once we were going past (we had no forwarding address). Once it got past about 6 months we just threw the letters in the bin tbh. About 3 weeks ago we got a letter that was addressed to Miss D xxxx/current occupier, so I opened it. It was a letter from a debt collection agency (face 2 face) operating on behalf of Ovo electricity, demanding £2150.50. I called Ovo to explain that we don't owe this debt, we are with Southern Electric. The guy said to me that was fine and that he would update their records immediately. However, Monday, we were away on holiday and didn't get home until Monday evening, a doorstep collector turned up at our house and obviously as we were not there put a card through the door to say that he called. Again, I called Ovo to complain, saying we didn't owe this debt and that we are with Southern Electric. However, at this point the chap turned around and said, no you are with Ovo. They, as it turns out do supply our property with electric, not Southern Electric, and have done since December 2011. The chap said there was a request from Southern Electric back in March 2013 to take over supplying the property, but Ovo denied it as there was debt outstanding. It turns out this was our HA asking Southern Electric to supply it when they were doing the necessary work on the property when the last tenant left. I phoned Southern Electric to check this out, and after about 30 mins of investigation they confirmed that indeed Ovo do supply the property, not Southern Electric. The lady I spoke to said she would raise a formal complaint on my behalf, but this could take a few months to sort out. Obviously Southern Electric have about £750 of my money. Which leads me on to Ovo. After all this I gave the chap at Ovo our current meter readings. It turns out since we have been here we have used £1650 of electric, so we were massively underpaying Southern. The reason Southern didn't spot it earlier was because all there bills/statement were estimates. The chap at Ovo said to cover current consumption we would need to pay £135 per month - that's fine. However, he also said the debt of £1650 needs to be cleared in 12 months. There is no way I can do that. It would push my bill up to about £275 per month (until I get the refund from Soutern), then down to £220, which I just can't afford. The guy did say the only way they will extend the debt is through pre-pay meters, but they just are not practical where we live. Our nearest pay point shop is nearly 7 miles, and even in this winter, which wasn't that bad by all accounts, we couldn't get out the village for about a week in total through flooding etc. I did, in another conversation, ask them to fit a smart meter as you can top them up online which would be fine, but he said our meter isn't compatible, and as they didn't have to do it until 2020 or something they wouldn't do it. I have told Ovo I can afford £175 per month, but they won't accept. So, what do I do? I have left it that Ovo are going to call me next Wednesday to set up a repayment plan of £275, which in all good conscious I can't do because I can't afford it. I have called Soutern god knows how many times to sort out getting my money back (and compensation) and just get told it is going through the complaints system. Southern are trying to push the blame onto Ovo, saying they should have contacted me well before now. I feel we are being right royally screwed here, and don't know where to turn! Thanks.
  6. anyone actually heard anything about them? they dont seem to be on the board much - which is good im trying to get a list of my tariff costs off npower (taken 4 days so far no reply) to see if it would be cheaper to move ive used my "estamated" next years usage amounts off my last npower bill and ovo energys quoted me £35 a month cheaper id probably keep paying the usual £135 a month as ovo say they pay intrest on any credit any ideas people?
  7. Just wanted to blow the trumpet for these guys. A year ago I got a nasty shock when my previous supplier, Scottish Hydro, increased my gas and electric prices by 50%. They claimed I had been informed in 2 letters, which I failed to receive???? I had come to the end of a discounted rate so I immediately switched to Ovo who were cheapest available at that time. I'm coming to the end of my first year with them and they emailed me to let me know my options. After looking around I decided to phone Ovo. It turns out that despite a small increase to my rates my monthly DD will fall by £15 and I will get an nice little refund from the surplus I have paid. I could switch but it would be a tiny saving on another discounted tariff and I have to say, for the first time ever, I'm happy with my current supplier
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