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Found 4 results

  1. BBC News - Hundreds of thousands register to vote as deadline looms Registration needed by 23.59pm tonight. People have until 23:59 BST on Tuesday 7 June to register to be able to vote in the UK's EU referendum. The Electoral Commission said 1.65 million people had applied for a vote since a campaign began last month - but millions more have yet to sign up. Registering online should take about five minutes. People may need their National Insurance number, or passport number if a UK citizen living abroad. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36462425 Just in case.Check things out.In or out your vote counts. https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote
  2. Someone sent me a link to this... I thought it was quite amusing - I doubt the squirrel thought it was funny the next morning though !! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hereford-worcester-33541502
  3. Carphone Warehouse - on 12th September myself and my Partner pre-ordered the Iphone 6+ 64GB from CPW on the O2 Network. both orders was for the 64GB on 4G Tariff with 20GB Data Issues 1. Due to a system error at CPW, they placed the order with O2 but with only 5GB of Data and this effected a large amount of customers. We both received a text message saying they are aware of the error and are working with O2 to resolve this and would be resolved on Monday 22ed September. however this has not been resolved, near imposable to get hold of any one at CPW and when you do the phone goes dead mid call or they keep transferring you form person to person with no one aware of the issue. Contact O2 of which refused to deal with the issue as they are not point of sale. 2. my partners phone never turned up and not even an email or update. Contacted CPW of which keep passing us around again and said it would now be 13th October before the phone would arrive of which we then told them to cancel this order and went into store this sunday to order directly in store and walked out with a phone. 3. my brother placed an upgrade over the phone via CPW - however they made a mistake and instead of doing an upgrade they did the order as a new phone contract and O2 are now refusing to transfer the existing number over. the existing number is out of contract. again O2 Referred them to CPW as they are point of sale. Am i going mad here, O2 are the service provider and doing the billing and therefore are jointly responsible for dealing with issues? O2 said we can cancel under the cooling off period and then do a new contract. are they serious? if that was the case, i would not go back to CPW or O2 as both have let us down.
  4. Hullo all I was a member of an organisation called myphoneclub which provided connections via Orange(EE) on a 30 day contract basis. I ported my two numbers in from Carphone Warehouse over a year ago. On 7th February I received an email from myphoneclub to say they had ceased trading and called them. They advised that someone from orange would be in contact to sort out the phones. On or around 20th February I was contacted by Avenir Telecom a reseller of EE(Orange) who offered to put me on expensive 2 year 4G EE contracts. I refused. No other service from EE was offered to me or available even though I asked and my request for PAC codes was refused as they said they had no control of the numbers. I contacted Orange direct who refused to speak to me as I was "not the account holder" but took my word that myphoneclub had gone bust and disconnected my service and that of hundreds of others. The following day after I contacted the Executive Office the service was restored and I was advised Avenir could offer all the services of EE including prepay and 30 day contracts. Getting back to Avenir they said they could not, blaming EE who they hate and my service has gone down once again. This has been a long saga and I have only provided the high lights but here is my best understanding of the situation: Orange has a distributor called Avenir Avenir sold Orange services to myphoneclub. Orange say this makes myphoneclub Avenir's customer. Avenir are insistent they will only reconnect numbers on two year contracts and both Ofcom and Citizen's Advice have said contractually they are within their rights. I dont want to be forced into long and expensive contracts for a dubiuous 4G service I dont need but I dont want to lose my numbers. It particulary galls me that they should use the threat of permanent loss of numbers to force people to sign up, particularly people who joined myphoneclub in the first place in order to avoid long contracts. I would be most grateful if anyone can come up with any solutions. It has been suggested to me that I sign the contract then cancel within the time limits of the distance selling regs, getting my PAC's at that point though I don’t think that is much of a flyer. What I really want is some sort of business or contract law that I can apply in order to get a pre pay or sim only contract out of Avenir or failing that a strategy along the lines of first sign to restore the service then sue using the following......??. Is there any kind of unfair business practice legislation, or abuse of dominant position provisions anywhere. Any thoughts or ideas most welcome. Put your questions here. If you are ex myphoneclub in the same boat, please make yourself known either on here or privately if you prefer. Lets form a a gang!
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