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Found 4 results

  1. Public Health England (PHE) researchers attempting to pinpoint a link between 60 people with hepatitis E (HEV) found that they had all eaten own-brand sausages and ready-to-eat sliced ham from an unnamed retailer known as Supermarket X, The Times reported. The research was carried out between 2014 and 2016. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/sausages-ham-pork-hepatitis-virus-hev-supermarket-uk-tesco-public-health-england-a7903431.html Something similar was reported in Australia around the same time http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-02-26/kohler-berries-and-hepatitis:-the-high-cost-of-doing-business/6265360 "with figures showing infections have risen from from 368 in 2010 to 1243 in 2016. Caused by the hepatitis E virus, the disease generally results in a mild and short-term infection unless the person has a pre-existing liver disease or is pregnant." and UK reports from years ago http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-30006977 One in 10 sausages 'carries risk of hepatitis E virus' https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/18/8/11-1647_article Hepatitis E Virus in Pork Food Chain, United Kingdom, 2009–2010 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/news/8081387/Virus-warning-over-undercooked-pork-after-three-die.html Virus warning over undercooked pork after three die Britons were warned not to eat undercooked pork after three people died from a rare virus. Is it a real problem? https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/18/8/11-1647_article https://pork.ahdb.org.uk/health-welfare/health/safe-traceable-pork/hepatitis-e/
  2. Someone sent me a link to this... I thought it was quite amusing - I doubt the squirrel thought it was funny the next morning though !! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hereford-worcester-33541502
  3. Hi all, and thanks in advance for any help. I have been having issues with my useless landlord for a while now. He's very hesitant to carry out any repairs, and eventually, when /if done, are to a very poor standard. For a year I have been asking him to sort out damp issues, drafty windows, broken back door. Now it has all come to a head. My 8 year old son has been hospitalised with pneumonia. All of a sudden, he wants to get all the work done. Too little too late in my eyes. I am wondering if I have grounds to sue him for causing this health problem with my son? Any advice would be well welcomed. Many Thanks
  4. I recently received 2 parking tickets through the post for speeding. One was 57 in a 50 and the other 62 in a 50. When the first one came through I was convinced I wasn't speeding but like many shrug my shoulders and accept it as I must have drifted with the traffic or something like that. The second ticket I know for a fact I wasn't speeding, or if I was would only have been an indicated 2mph on my speedo as I remember the incident and remember looking at the speedo before I got to the speed trap and as I was going through it. It's a common location for the trap so I'm always extra careful around there. This set alarms off with me as I know even I'm not that unlucky. Checked over the car and nothing obvious was amiss. A friend suggested to check to see if the speedo on my car was reading correctly as I've had a few electrical issues with my car lately so went out for a drive armed with a couple of GPS units. When I was driving at an indicated 51mph or so using cruise control the 2 gps units I had with me both registered 59 to 62mph. I managed to trace this fault to a faulty brake control unit (my car uses the braking system to work out speed) and replaced it and all is fine with the world again. Unfortunately being my own worst enemy I can't prove it wasn't working before hand now. Was wondering if any guru's out there had any suggestions if it's worth trying to defend the case or not? I think I know the answer but worth an ask isn't it.
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