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  1. I had a credit card with Citi Cards for a few years, no great problem - low balances no great issues on payments etc. I was informed by Opus that they were taking over the account from Citi and all payments and contact had to be directed to them. My first payment was due in December 2010 and was a few days late because I had to set up the payment details with my bank however they did not make any charges for this 'late payment'. My second payment was due on the Bank Holiday Monday for New Years Day which was the 3rd January 2011, I made a 'Faster Payment' via my online banking on Sunday 2nd and I was advised that the payment had been received by Opus' bank, however my payment was not credited to my account until 4th January - a day late and of course they presented me with a £12 late fee. I contacted them shortly after receiving my next statement detailing the fees and spent close to 30 minutes on my mobile 'phone talking to several undesirables about this and they all refused to budge. My bank, Halifax,has confirmed to me in writing that the payment was made successfully. Ironically both Halifax and Opus are within the HBOS group! Subsequently, I have made all my minimum payments to them LESS the £12 fee and LESS the £12 below minimum payment fees they have given me every month since! I have put my case to the FOS and they have responded that OPUS is not required to refund the charges, with no explanation of their decision whatsoever. I plan to take this matter further, but how? How do I stand on this one guys?? Any advice is appreciated.
  2. I posted a new post this morning and it was subsequently added to my previous thread on the same topic. Unfortunately I did not get any response from the forum and was desperate as I had to get back to the court today with my defence. I dont understand why the post went unanswered, perhaps someone could advise? More importantly have I made the right response? http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?358436-Urgent-advice-need-to-respond-today-cpr-31.14-no-default-notice-received&p=3914157#post3914157
  3. Hi all, Just a quick one hopefully. I did a sec 78-79 request to HSBC, to which they returned some T&C's (apparently correct at time of my account) and an agreement that was usnsigned saying that after reasonable effort, they cannot provide a signed one at present. The signed agreement shows a box which should be ticked if PPI was taken and a signature to authorise it but with there being no signed agreement, this wouldn't have been shown. They also included a handful of printed statements which simply showed a balance, account number, credit limit and debit. No breakdown which would show if PPi was paid. Now I don't remember ever having PPI info on my statements but it just kind of feels like I may be being bluffed. Has anyone else come across this?
  4. Hi all This is my first post in this forum even though I have spent many hours browsing through the very informative posts since getting into this PDL mess! A lot of the info has definitely been very calming and reassuring after receiving a lot of the standard bullying tactics that some of these companies employ!! Anyway.......to cut a ridiculously long story short, I have a few questions regarding a CCA request I made to Next Credit last week. Basically I have had 3 previous loans with this PDL (all paid off). After the initial loan it is possible to apply for the next loan by SMS. First you send a text containing the word LOAN followed by your surname. The next text you send is for the loan amount.....and that's it. From sending the first text to the money being in your account takes less than 5 minutes (that seems like a very short time to do all the neccesary credit and affordability checks to me). So since then I have missed the payment deadlines, had all the warning texts and emails from NC, been passed onto Northern Debt Recovery and now Marshall Hoares. I understand that all these companies are connected and their ridiculous charges are completely unjustifiable (Inital loan £400, now balance is at £1255). Back to the CCA request. I had a response from someone at NC in the form of an email containing a copy of the terms and conditions of the original agreement and a screenshot of the breakdown of charges on the account. The T&C's state a loan amount of £300 even though the loan was for £400. I also can't find any date on there except at the bottom which says 20/1/11 which is well over 12 months before I took this loan out! The bottom of the agreement also reads: "Having entered your email address twice during the application process and submitted your application, you confirmed that you have read and agree to the terms of this Agreement." (Oops, looks this this short story turned into a long one!) So here are my questions: 1. Having only sent 2 text messages, one containing my surname during the application process, does that count as a signature? I never "double signed" anything regarding to this agreement. 2. What do you make of the mistakes in the agreement (the loan amount being wrong and the date being from over 12 months in the past)? It seems silly to me to send a legally binding document peppered with mistakes 3. Does this satisfy a CCA request? I'm pretty sure it doesn't but I wanted to be sure before I ask for it again. 4. Apart from complaining to the relevant authorities what should my next move be? Ignore it? Make token payments? Any and all advice is greatly appreciated Cheers, Matt 2.
  5. Hi folks Lowells have contacted me recently about a old la redout catalogue debt which I was positive IT was statute barred but they said otherwise so I requested a cca and the sent me a letter saying because it is an old account the original creditor has been unable to locate it and they were leaving it for now but may be back in touch if they find it!!, Then today They have sent me a letter saying they are not obliged to send me the original copy and they have sent me a copy of what mine would look like and saying I would have signed it at the time the credit agreement was taken out, It was completely blank??!! They are demanding I now pay the full amount!! I'm quite confused by it! Am I right in thinking they have to provide me with something with my actual signature on it!!
  6. Hi Everybody, I have got myself into a right state with Payday loans and have been trying to protect myself from default notices however I am now just sick of paying the interest and would rather have my money than a clean credit file. Anyway, I now simply cannot afford to repay the loans however I earn reasonably good money and can pay them all off within 2 months. Can you please let me know what you think about my response to 'Speed Credit' who are deamanding immediate payment and threatening to add a further £150 to my loan of £400 + further interest and charges, threatening to CCJ me and threatening warrant of bailiffs. Hello, Please do not ignore this correspondence. I am including the 'Office of Fair trading' and the UK ' Financial Ombudsman' with all correspondence in relation to this account in order to uphold my rights and be protected by the UK laws. Please note that I am not ignoring you and our relationship has not broken down however you have acted as an irresponsible lender on the following grounds and have not adhered to practices according to the' Consumer Credit Act 1974' 1. I am now in serious financial difficulties as a result of short term pay day loans 2. I currently have 8 payday loan creditors totalling a sum of over £4000.00 3. At the time that the Speed Credit loan was issued by you I had over £3,600 worth of payday loans and would not have been able to repay the full amount 4. No checks were made to understand if I could afford to repay the loan. I do not agree to pay your extortionate charges and demand that all interest and charges are fully suspended. If you are not willing to suspend interest and charges then you will need to explain to me and to the 'Office of fair trading' how these fees are justified. If charges and interest continue to be added then I will have no choice but to make official complaints to the financial ombudsman and the office of fair trading I do agree to the following: 1. I will repay the initial loan of £400 on Friday 29th June 2012 2. I will repay interest as originally agreed for 1 Month ONLY 3. This will total a repayment of £592 to reach you on or before 29th June 2012 (APR of 16 534% APR) 4. This will end all contracts between us and will not affect any credit file as you have originally lent this amount irresponsibly 5. If this is not acceptable then please respond to myself, the Office of fair trading and the financial ombudsman 6. If charges and interest continue to be added then I will have no choice but to petition your company in court. I look forward to your response. Regards
  7. My daughter visited McD's in Rotherham, She stayed longer than the specified time and because the vehicle is a company vehicle I received the parking "fine" which of course I will not be paying. I emailed their customer relations and I think You may be interested in the response I have received so here it is. If this is not allowed on here please remove it thanks Dear Mrs ******** I am writing further to your e-mail regarding your daughter's visit to our Tankersley restaurant. I have noted your comments and welcome the opportunity to confirm our policy on this matter. As a company, putting in place enforcements within our car parks is only done after careful consideration and very much as a last resort. Primarily, we use parking measures to ensure there are spaces available for our customers’ vehicles, as well as to deter unwarranted or unreasonably prolonged usage of the facility. I can confirm this parking area is managed by an independent company who are responsible for monitoring the car park and taking details of registration numbers. The regulations and signs at the restaurant clearly state our policy and the relevant charges. I trust you will appreciate that in order to maintain a consistent approach; we have to adhere to the guidelines in place. As such, in a situation such as a clear contravention of parking regulations, we are unable to deal with any specifics or cases on an individual basis. Suffice to say, if a customer contravenes the clearly displayed parking regulations, they will receive a ticket. Thank you for contacting us and again for the opportunity to comment. Yours sincerely Senior Customer Services Manager McDonald's Customer Services Department 11 - 59 High Road East Finchley London N2 8AW Tel: 08705 244622 So now we know !! no more visits to McD's for us and all my staff of Drivers are backing me so........ BYE BYE McD's
  8. Hi Not been on here for a while but thought I make a general comment sorry if its been made before. I have an outstanding debt which is in dispute and I very rarly hear anything new or get any demads; BUT every now and again I check my Credit Reference file; only every 6 Months or so but everytime I do I get a new letter from a DCA. I send off the usual " I don't recognise this debt send me proof" and nothing cames back. Its been over a year since I have heard anything Then last month I check my CRF and behold another letter within 2 weeks. So what I am asking is do DCA's know when we check our files? are they allowed this info? I am pretty sure its not a coincedence.
  9. Have been advised that he is unavailable until 29th.May and anyone needing updates/complaints logging should contact webrelations@vodafone.com
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