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sailor sam

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Everything posted by sailor sam

  1. Conniff's the man! We happen to have a 'resident' Car Craft customer service rep on here but she (Linzi) normally pops up on the 'vehicle retailers and manufacturers' section. I know she has just returned from holiday so will no doubt have a back log of cases to deal with. But to her credit, she normally gets a result for our members. I have bought your case to her attention. In the meantime, my take is that car Craft should make sure the warranty honour the situation as they were unable to provide the service at the same time as the MOT. However, Linzi will no doubt have to investigate this issue to verify it. As for the 'deal' they are offering, I would not accept anything less than a swop on a like for like basis (assuming that your account is accurate) at no cost to yourself. Car Craft should take into account the amount of time you have been unable to 'enjoy' you car when attempting to re-instate your confidence in them. Linzi, over to you. Please Note The advice I offer will be based on the information given by the person needing it. All my advice is based on my experiences and knowledge gained in working in the motor and passenger transport industries in various capacities. Although my advice will always be sincere, it should be used as guidence only. I would always urge to seek face to face professional advice for clarification prior to taking any action. Please click my reputation 'star' button at the bottom of my profile window on the left if you found my advice useful.
  2. Yep, not many will read that as it is.. including me! Can you put it into paragraphs please. Also, if it's about Car Craft, it would probably be better moved to the 'vehicle retailers and manufacturers' section. Please Note The advice I offer will be based on the information given by the person needing it. All my advice is based on my experiences and knowledge gained in working in the motor and passenger transport industries in various capacities. Although my advice will always be sincere, it should be used as guidence only. I would always urge to seek face to face professional advice for clarification prior to taking any action. Please click my reputation 'star' button at the bottom of my profile window on the left if you found my advice useful.
  3. Not at this stage. The seller has to have the opportunity to inspect and rectify the car and so far he hasn't. Until that process has happened and the seller has not fulfilled his obligations, TS will not be interested. This unfortunately is the risk you take when buying from a seller who is miles away. However if it's a reputable garage, they may agree for you to take it to a more local main dealer to have it assessed and authorise repairs there. It depends on what the defect is to whether you can reject it or not.
  4. Hi and welcome to CAG. I've got to ask an obvious question; why did you not take it straight back to the seller? The reason I ask is that you will probably have to do so at some point anyway. The seller should have reasonable opportunity to inspect the car according to the SOGA.
  5. What you need to realise is that there are two offences here. Using a mobile phone and failing to produce. The fine demanded sounds about right to me so I would of paid it. I suggest you speak to a solicitor before taking this further as I think it will cost you shed loads of money to take to the high court. At the end of the day you are guilty on both counts but perhaps a decent solicitor my find a loop hole in the way the desk sergeant 'advised' you. Please Note The advice I offer will be based on the information given by the person needing it. All my advice is based on my experiences and knowledge gained in working in the motor and passenger transport industries in various capacities. Although my advice will always be sincere, it should be used as guidence only. I would always urge to seek face to face professional advice for clarification prior to taking any action. Please click my reputation 'star' button at the bottom of my profile window on the left if you found my advice useful.
  6. I don't understand... so that is not you stopped with traffic passing you then? If you stop within the area marked by the zig zags other than that of allowing pedestrians to cross or prevented from proceeding through no fault of your own, then the offence is committed. Please Note The advice I offer will be based on the information given by the person needing it. All my advice is based on my experiences and knowledge gained in working in the motor and passenger transport industries in various capacities. Although my advice will always be sincere, it should be used as guidence only. I would always urge to seek face to face professional advice for clarification prior to taking any action. Please click my reputation 'star' button at the bottom of my profile window on the left if you found my advice useful.
  7. If your the car which is pulled over and other traffic is passing you, then you have obviously stopped. Under those circumstances (traffic is having to pass you), I think the ticket is correct. Please Note The advice I offer will be based on the information given by the person needing it. All my advice is based on my experiences and knowledge gained in working in the motor and passenger transport industries in various capacities. Although my advice will always be sincere, it should be used as guidence only. I would always urge to seek face to face professional advice for clarification prior to taking any action. Please click my reputation 'star' button at the bottom of my profile window on the left if you found my advice useful.
  8. I agree with Conniff I'm afraid. They will say you didn't leave sufficient space between you and the silver car in front which appears to be slowing down before you entered the box. Please Note The advice I offer will be based on the information given by the person needing it. All my advice is based on my experiences and knowledge gained in working in the motor and passenger transport industries in various capacities. Although my advice will always be sincere, it should be used as guidence only. I would always urge to seek face to face professional advice for clarification prior to taking any action. Please click my reputation 'star' button at the bottom of my profile window on the left if you found my advice useful.
  9. Unfortunately that dosn't mean you were 'not guilty'. You may be making things worse by pleading so. As OC says, you should consult a solicitor.
  10. Link dosn't work for me. Please Note The advice I offer will be based on the information given by the person needing it. All my advice is based on my experiences and knowledge gained in working in the motor and passenger transport industries in various capacities. Although my advice will always be sincere, it should be used as guidence only. I would always urge to seek face to face professional advice for clarification prior to taking any action. Please click my reputation 'star' button at the bottom of my profile window on the left if you found my advice useful.
  11. Sorry I must of missed something. I thought you had been caught using a freedom pass to which you were not entitled to use? Obviously by pleading not guilty you couldn't of done. Otherwise that wasn't the smartest thing to do. All you will achieve is a harsher sentence. Unless of course you were IN FACT not guilty.
  12. There should be enough help out there for people in financial hardship rather than resorting to commit deception. And I am not on any moral high ground either. I have worked in the industry and I know how the scheme works and what it costs and who pays for it. I am not here to help people people who deceive transport operators and then come here asking for help when they get caught. I am here to help people who have experienced poor service and treatment though no fault of their own. I will even give my time to help people who have made a genuine mistake. But i draw the line at giving to much assistance to people who deliberately abuse a scheme which is meant for people who genuinely qualify for it. My advice in post #18 for the OP stands.
  13. Sorry but that's not a valid reason to defraud the tax payer by abusing a very expensive scheme. The OP as already "judged" herself by admitting to using the pass on 4 previous occasions. If we follow your take then, it would be ok for someone down on their financial luck to go around stealing from others. Sorry but I disagree. I have occasions where I have struggled financially but I haven't even considered turning to committing offences.
  14. No doubt you would of carried on as well had you not been caught. Quite frankly I think you have a nerve asking for advice now you have been caught. There is simply no excuse for abusing the concessionary scheme and I'm glad that there are revenue staff who are doing their jobs by catching people like you. These 'sob' stories seem to be cropping up more regularly where people carry on using a scheme to which they are not entitled to until they get caught and then they want help. I say be truthful, admit you have done wrong and sincerely apologiise and be prepared to pay for all the free travel (including the previous occasions as TFL can check the history) you have had that you wern't entitled to.
  15. All I can tell you is that the yellow line restriction does include any adjoining footway or verge up to the boundary with any private land normally indicated by a fence, hedge or wall. I think the only way you are going to find out on this is taking it all the way to PATAS (independent adjudicator). They will have to decide whether the area you were parked on was private and still covered by the restriction. Problem is, if you loose, you will have to pay the full penalty so you need to ask yourself if it is worth the risk. Please Note The advice I offer will be based on the information given by the person needing it. All my advice is based on my experiences and knowledge gained in working in the motor and passenger transport industries in various capacities. Although my advice will always be sincere, it should be used as guidence only. I would always urge to seek face to face professional advice for clarification prior to taking any action. Please click my reputation 'star' button at the bottom of my profile window on the left if you found my advice useful.
  16. I Think you will find the restriction applies up to the 'low grey barriers'. It's interesting though that there is a different coloured pathway there. At first I though it could of been a cycle route but I cannot see any signage or markings to indicate this. Can I ask is there any particular reason for parking there as it seems a very strange place to park to me. Please Note The advice I offer will be based on the information given by the person needing it. All my advice is based on my experiences and knowledge gained in working in the motor and passenger transport industries in various capacities. Although my advice will always be sincere, it should be used as guidence only. I would always urge to seek face to face professional advice for clarification prior to taking any action. Please click my reputation 'star' button at the bottom of my profile window on the left if you found my advice useful.
  17. Looks like the entrance to a service road to me. I can't understand how you could park there without either obstructing the entrance or footway? What was the exact contravention on the PCN? Please Note The advice I offer will be based on the information given by the person needing it. All my advice is based on my experiences and knowledge gained in working in the motor and passenger transport industries in various capacities. Although my advice will always be sincere, it should be used as guidence only. I would always urge to seek face to face professional advice for clarification prior to taking any action. Please click my reputation 'star' button at the bottom of my profile window on the left if you found my advice useful.
  18. Is this it? https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=%2B53%C2%B0+22'+54.82%22,+-1%C2%B0+27'+42.50&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=53.381537,-1.460989&spn=0.008767,0.022724&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=8.895518,23.269043&t=m&z=16&layer=c&cbll=53.381375,-1.46105&panoid=OgyEmXcx232xx7_hrfp3DQ&cbp=12,0.93,,0,2.72 Please Note The advice I offer will be based on the information given by the person needing it. All my advice is based on my experiences and knowledge gained in working in the motor and passenger transport industries in various capacities. Although my advice will always be sincere, it should be used as guidence only. I would always urge to seek face to face professional advice for clarification prior to taking any action. Please click my reputation 'star' button at the bottom of my profile window on the left if you found my advice useful.
  19. I'm just looking at it how an adjudicator may see it. I don't think the circumstances qualify the exemption. However, I am happy to be proven wrong. If you are still within the discount period, then deffo give it a go. I must say though, I think your letter contains some info which is irrelevant. They normally like you to stick to the facts, nothing more. Please Note The advice I offer will be based on the information given by the person needing it. All my advice is based on my experiences and knowledge gained in working in the motor and passenger transport industries in various capacities. Although my advice will always be sincere, it should be used as guidence only. I would always urge to seek face to face professional advice for clarification prior to taking any action. Please click my reputation 'star' button at the bottom of my profile window on the left if you found my advice useful.
  20. Hmm. The video clip shows cars not giving way when the obstruction is on their side. Personally under the circumstances, I cannot see a justified enough reason for entering the bus lane due to there being parked cars on the opposite side of the road. I think the exemption refers to unexpected circumstances which my result in an accident. Parked cars aren't surely 'unexpected'. In this scenario. you should treat the bus lane as if it was a pavement. Obviously the on-coming cars aren't exactly abiding by the highway code either. They should be giving way as they would on a normal single carriageway road and you should drive according to those conditions presented to you, i.e. stop if necessary. Look at like this, what would you have done had a bus been 'overtaking' (undertaking if you like) you in the bus lane (which they are perfectly entitled to do)? Please Note The advice I offer will be based on the information given by the person needing it. All my advice is based on my experiences and knowledge gained in working in the motor and passenger transport industries in various capacities. Although my advice will always be sincere, it should be used as guidence only. I would always urge to seek face to face professional advice for clarification prior to taking any action. Please click my reputation 'star' button at the bottom of my profile window on the left if you found my advice useful.
  21. Nice comfortable business to be in then with a licence to rip people off and then become un-touchable! I personally wouldn't let it lie at that. I would certainly exhaust every legal option open to me and I think the financial examination (previously called an Oral examination) would be my next step. After that, who knows what I would do...? Please Note The advice I offer will be based on the information given by the person needing it. All my advice is based on my experiences and knowledge gained in working in the motor and passenger transport industries in various capacities. Although my advice will always be sincere, it should be used as guidence only. I would always urge to seek face to face professional advice for clarification prior to taking any action. Please click my reputation 'star' button at the bottom of my profile window on the left if you found my advice useful.
  22. Not sure if he's allowed to trade though Helio. And if he is selling cars, then surely there are assets to levy on. But I suppose this guy knows how to cheat the system and will show the cars arn't his. OP could apply to carry out a financial examination hearing where the dealer can be questioned about his financial affairs. He would need to back up his claims with actual proof under oath. The seller surely should not be allowed to continue trading without paying the OP. Please Note The advice I offer will be based on the information given by the person needing it. All my advice is based on my experiences and knowledge gained in working in the motor and passenger transport industries in various capacities. Although my advice will always be sincere, it should be used as guidence only. I would always urge to seek face to face professional advice for clarification prior to taking any action. Please click my reputation 'star' button at the bottom of my profile window on the left if you found my advice useful.
  23. So did you ask how come is is still trading then and why cannot they execute your warrant? This dosn't make sense! Please Note The advice I offer will be based on the information given by the person needing it. All my advice is based on my experiences and knowledge gained in working in the motor and passenger transport industries in various capacities. Although my advice will always be sincere, it should be used as guidence only. I would always urge to seek face to face professional advice for clarification prior to taking any action. Please click my reputation 'star' button at the bottom of my profile window on the left if you found my advice useful.
  24. Did you tell the 'sheriffs' this? If so what response/advice did they give? Usually any fees are paid in advance and added to your claim. Please Note The advice I offer will be based on the information given by the person needing it. All my advice is based on my experiences and knowledge gained in working in the motor and passenger transport industries in various capacities. Although my advice will always be sincere, it should be used as guidence only. I would always urge to seek face to face professional advice for clarification prior to taking any action. Please click my reputation 'star' button at the bottom of my profile window on the left if you found my advice useful.
  25. Sounds like this 'company' needs educating! SOGA applies to every sale made by a business. Not sure it matters too much if your husband bought it for business use but as Conniff says, any term (such as sold as seen) which reduces a consumer's statutory rights is unlawful. It matters not what you signed either. You should formally write to the company to report the fault and ask them when they would like to inspect the vehicle and rectify the problem. Should they refuse or choose to ignore your letter after giving 7 days to reply, I would formally reject the van under the SOGA as not been fit for the purpose. Send letters by recorded delivery and let us know what develops.
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