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  1. Last week on Thursday we got our domestic water bill dated 16th Oct. This was followed up by a text on Saturday reminding us to pay. On Tuesday we got an email again reminding us to pay. Yesterday another text reminding us to pay. Is Severn Trent that desperate for funds that they have to hassle you every 24 hours? Most bills we get expect payment within 30 days and not within 24 hours? Just to add, we do not have a problem to pay the bill and will do so at the end of the week.
  2. In simple terms when my housemate moved out the water bill wasnt paid for maybe 6 months then when it was not enough to clear the arrears. Not through avoidance more confusion and as soon as I realised I upped the weekly amount to cover the arrears asap. To my horror then a month ago I get an equifax alert showing red 4s and delinquent date for that last few months. I figured no point dwelling on it and knew it was about a week from being caught up but was still annoyed as ive spent a few years tidying my history up a bit. To be clear they were not even on my credit record before this. yesterday another alert to say it had been removed. Does this make sense?, I was under the impression it would now be on there for 6 years. I guess i'm just wondering if this is a mistake and its likely to reappear or if this is how utility companies do it ie only add while in arrears?. I'm sure there are others that have been in a similar situation so would be useful to know.
  3. Hi All I have an interesting one for you, perhaps you can help answer my query. I bought a former RAF married quarter back in December 2016. When we bought the house we were told that the water supply company was Severn Trent Water Services (not to be confused with Severn Trent Water but they are part of the same company). Now Severn Trent Water services have a license to supply business customers and as far as I know their license does not include the supply of water to retail customers. As you can guess we are not a business and therefore should be supplied with water by a company who supply water to retail customers and are licensed to do so. Some time back I contacted the Council for Water Services to find out who supplies our water, and received the following information. Our water supply should be with Affinity Water, but they have no record of supplying water to our postcode (or the other 3 postcodes within the estate). Our waste water is dealt with by Thames Water who have records of the post codes but cannot bill the estate. It seems that currently the MOD is responsible for paying Severn Trent Water Services for the supply of fresh water and the treatment of waste water. So who bills us for the water supply and waste water treatment? Severn Trent Water Services as far as I understand legally cannot charge us as they have a license to supply business customers, and we are a retail customer! Affinity Water cannot charge us as they have no records for our property, Thames Water cannot charge us as they are being paid by Severn Trent Water Services so the service hey provide. If we were with Affinity Water (who we should be) then they send out a single bill for fresh water and waste water and pass on the waste water charge to Thames Water. I understand from some property owners who moved in over a year ago that they were sent a bill by Severn Trent Water Services but how can they be billed? This company does not have a license for supplying retail customers, and we are not business customers - if we were business customer we could actually choose who supplies our water (since April 2017). What would be the basis of their charge as all the properties are currently un-metered.
  4. HI, I'm new to this site and after some advice please. Recently been refused credit so checked credit file. I have a CCJ from severn trent water -from 2014 (I knew about the CCJ and paid it with a week of receiving it - so according to the information I received because it was paid within 1 month it wouldn't show on my record. So roll forward 2 years - My credit record has this CCJ showing as unsettled from Sept 24th 2014, they have now sent me a letter I dated 11th Oct 2014, confirming my payment of the CCJ on 3rd Oct 2014. I have spoken to severn trent who say it was my responsibility to tell the court I'd paid the CCJ and as I hadn't - it would stay on my record! Can someone give me some guidance please on what to do next please? I have read somewhere I can fill out a form and send it to the court to get this removed but cannot find what this form is (looked on HM Justice website under guidance for EX50 but this just gives a fee and not a link to the form?)
  5. Hi all. Back in December I moved house, our water supplier was Severn Trent. When we moved we retained Severn Trent as our supplier. A couple of days ago I checked my credit file, as I do once a month (checking for fraud etc...). When I did I found that there was now a CCJ on there from the start of March. After some investigating and calling the court I found that the claimant was Severn Trent and the amount was approx £350. I thought this was odd given that we're up to date with them (or so I though). I rang them to find out what on earth was going on and found out that when they were informed of my new address they set up a new account in my name for the new address whilst leaving the old account active at the old address. I set up a direct debit when we moved (cancelled the old one as I switched banks) and just assumed that the final bill for the old house would be taken care of by dd. as the old account was left active at the old address all the bills, reminders court papers blah blah blah was sent there, the bill covers the period up until the end of Feb, so at least 2 months until after I moved house and all the while I'm getting the bills for the new place thinking everything is hunky dory. because the court papers were never returned judgement has been issued in default and installments set at 50 a month staring in April. They say that something appears to have gone wrong (duh) and that they're investigating. I should apparently have a response this time next week. I would say this is down to them and would expect that they remove the ccj and let me clear a recalculated balance (minus court fees and charges for the period after I moved) ideally in reasonable instalments. The worst outcome I will accept is that the CCJ stands and I pay a recalculated balance (as above) immediately to have the CCJ set aside. I'm just wondering if anyone has ever been in a similar position and has any advice on dealing with them or could advise what a likely outcome of this whole mess would be. It all seems ridiculous to me and I quite frankly dont trust Severn Trent to behave reasonably or fairly in this scenario. thanks in advance for your advice
  6. My husband moved out of a flat he shared with someone in October 2011. At that time the bills were all in his name and when he moved out he rung Severn Trent to advise he was moving out and to transfer the account to his flatmate. In January 2012 we both moved to Australia. During a recent trip back to the UK I came accross a letter that had been sent to my old address (the address he moved into with me in the UK). He had obviously given that as a forwarding address but from Oct - Jan we never had any letters from them. The letter said he owed approx 150GBP and that because he hadn't paid it there were CCJ's on him. I contacted Severn trent who advised the debt had been passed on to a debt collection agency. I rung them but they refused to speak with me because it was in my husbands name. We've checked with my husbands old flatmate who has confirmed the bills were all ttransferred to her in Oct 2011 and that Severn Trent never contacted her to say any money was owed. I've just returned to Australia ad am keen to sort it out. I've read through these forums and have seen mention of a set aside but it says the claimant has to agree to it. I have no idea if this is severn trent or the debt agency and am pretty confused. Any advice would be gratefully received. Thank you
  7. Hi My ex-partner has set up accounts with NPower and Severn Trent in my name, the NPower one has been sorted luckily as I knew the Electricity Act and made a complaint, basically surrounding the fact that I was not the occupier therefore no contract exists. I've raised a complaint with Severn Trent, but does anyone know the actual legislation around water rates?
  8. Hi, Had several phone calls from severn trent now over the last couple of days. No problem as such but they are using private/witheld numbers! Question is are they allowed todo this as i thought no company was allowed to block their numbers. The reason they are phoning is they want me to pay the water bill but i won't as i have split it into 12 monthly installments and they don't like it even though i'm upto date and they are now threatening court action which i have said to them go ahead then...idiots inc.
  9. Today I received an invoice from the company that operates the Severn Bridge. My vehicle, which I was not driving at the time, used the wrong lane paying £6.20 instead of £12.40. The "invoice" is for £119.20, less £80 "debt recovery fee" if paid within 7 days. The "invoice" is made up of: Outstanding toll £6.20 DVLA Search fee £3.00 Admin Fee £30.00 Debt Recovery Fee £80.00 The company backs this up with reference to Section 14 of the Severn Bridges Act 1992. Again, I was not the driver, but I know who was. Any advice/help gratefully received. Section 14: 14 Payment regulations and offences. (1)The Secretary of State may by regulations— (a)designate places within the toll plaza areas at which tolls (other than tolls with respect to which a pre-payment has been made) are to be paid, (b)make provision as to the persons by whom, and the manner in which, such tolls are to be paid, ©make provision for securing that vehicles in respect of which tolls are leviable do not use either of the bridges without payment of the tolls, and (d)make provision for preventing a vehicle which, having used one of the bridges, has arrived at the place at which a toll is payable in respect of it from proceeding beyond that place without the toll having been paid. (2)Regulations made under this section shall provide for a notice, specifying— (a)the categories of vehicles in respect of which tolls are leviable, (b)the amount of the tolls in respect of each category, and ©other provisions in accordance with which tolls are leviable,to be displayed at each place designated in accordance with subsection (1)(a) above. (3)Regulations under this section may include provisions modifying the general provisions of the regulations in the case of vehicles in relation to which a pre-payment of tolls has been made. (4)A person who without reasonable excuse— (a)refuses or fails to pay a toll for which he is liable, or (b)attempts to evade payment of such a toll,shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale. (5)A person who contravenes or fails to comply with a provision of regulations under this section shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale.
  10. Hi, I've received a letter from Severn Trent threatening me with a CCJ over a relatively small amount (£79). I'd had a payment plan set up with them but due to me leaving uni and finding a new job, I'd missed my payment in June. I've now received a letter saying if I don't make the payment I'll be taken to court and when I rang them today explaining I could pay it off in full at the end of this month I was very rudely told not only would they wait that long, but they'd be going ahead with the CCJ proceedings if I didn't make a payment whilst on the phone. I thought this was a bit extreme as I'm willing to pay, I just don't have the ability to do so until the 28th so I asked to speak to a manager, but I was simply told no and was left with no options. Is this normal? I understand that I've missed a payment, but I thought there would be a little more room for compromise given that I'm not trying to avoid them or anything.
  11. Hope that someone can point me in the right direction here.. I've trawled through quite a few messages, but can't find the answer to this. Last week I sent a SAR to Severn Trent on behalf of my partner, using the template from CAG. Yesterday we received a response from them with a SAR template of their own requesting it be completed and it also states by signing the document, she agrees that the 40day period does not start until they are satisfied that they have confirmed identity etc. This sounds a bit of a rouse to me, but is there a template that we can send to them stating that the document originally sent contained the relevant information and their response is non complaint? We did include a £10 postal order payable to Severn Trent as well, and I am trying to track if that has been cashed at all. Any guidance would be appreciated...
  12. Hi, I have received a claim from severn trent water for £220 as well as around £70 in court costs from Nottingham county court. I have recently moved to London and for that reason have limited funds. I was however under the impression that my previous housemate would be paying this bill who didn't. I can no longer reach out to them. Typically companies go down the route of debt collection first so I am suprised that they have immediately went this route. I would pay the bill however minus the charges which they are not willing to remove. Is there any advice anyone can give more than anything I want to avoid a CCJ on my credit file if I wait till the court will this have a permanent effect on my credit file? Does anyone know that if I can set up a payment plan through STWater while avoiding the CCJ or am I past this point now? Thanks for the help in advance. Regards, timeforachange
  13. Hi All, I have an issue with STW that I would like help with if possible. After recieving a rebate of £200.00 in Oct 2009, STW changed my water meter in Nov 2009 stating that it was faulty. As I was paying by DD I never really took any notice of the charges being made until I was forced into changing the way payments were being taken due to being unemployed in 2010. On informing STW that I could no longer make monthly DD they sent my a bill for over £500. After much arguments backwards and forwards STW agreed to change the meter in March 2012, I had stopped making payments to them in June 2011 due to this dispute. I had in the meanwhile asked The Consumer Council For Water to look into the dispute for me. Unfortunately their response was to agree with STW that if the meter states that I used x amount of water then that was the amount used. Once the new meter had been fitted in March 2012 I started taking readings and managed to work out that our daily consumption is 0.34 units. I was therefore more than a little suprised by the letters I recieved from STW last week. One letter stated that the meter was faulty but had been undercharging and the second letter was a bill asking for payment from June 2011 until May 2012 an amount due of over £1200.00. After being woken up by my partner with smelling salts I started to work out what I had paid over the years to STW. I then calculated what I should have paid based on the 0.34 units used daily. I get a figure of over £1700 overcharged from 2001 to 2011. My question to my fellow Caggers is this: Would it be fair of me to ask for this money to be refunded and to add a 8% simple interest to the final figure? Also to ask STW to stop using figures based on a faulty meter to advise me of my current years bill? Thanks in advance BP
  14. A bill arrived at my parents address from STW. It was address to myself and my old flatmate. I rang an told them that i would be paying half and to contact my old flatmate to recover the other outstanding monies owed. I tried to give them the address of our letting agent but their exact words were "we dont care who pays it as long as it's payed" i sent them a cheque for half the outstanding amount and a letter explaining the situation also giving them the address of our old letting agent to contact my flatemate. i also asked them to remove me from the account. i have now received a notice of court action demanding the remaining portion of the bill. the letter makes no reference to my letter i sent to them and simply threatens me with court action in 2 weeks if the bill is not paid in full. i cannot afford to pay my old flatmates half. I am fully aware of the jointly and severally laws. my question is: if STW take court action against the account, who will be liable? will they simply harass me for the rest of the money and leave my old flatmate out of it? will i get a CCJ whilst my old flatmate gets away Scot free despite both our names being on the bill? i have been more than helpful, paying my share and giving contact details to obtain monies from my old flatmate. we do not speak anymore.
  15. Hi Everyone I need some advice please since I have been out of work now for 2 1/2 years and can only get JSA for a single person, I don't have any savings and water bill was and is still behind, in March 2010 Severn Trent suggested I contact the trust fund, I did and was with the trust fund from May 2010, I had to pay £5 a week for 39 weeks, I was doing so up until around December 2010, I had paid 26 weeks, they had paid the same to my account, they check every 13 weeks, when they checked in March 2011, they saw I had not paid the final 13 weeks, so cancelled the rest of the grant, a friend did me a letter requesting to see if they could help, i I tried for a crisis loan or something, but they said no, everything went up in December 2010, food and everything, my electric is a key meter at present with eon, but british gas are soon going to supply the electric with the gas, which is also a prepayment meter, so after the trust fund refused anymore help, I sent a letter to severn trent, in April severn trent replied and updated the records, The trust fund suggested I contact severn trent to make a new arrangement, I did so early May 2011, I told them it was obvious I could no longer afford the £5 a week, so could they come to some sort of new payment arrangement, a reply came a week later, they said £5 a week was the minimum they could arrange, and they would be making an applicaion for water direct and if successful would be deducted from my benefit each week, I made enquiries in the mentime at the job centre to find out how much they would stop, I was told £3.40 to cover any arrears plus a consumption allowance on top, a friend a mine had this stopped from his benefit for water, and he had to pay £8.50 a week from his benefit, the benefit for a single person at present is £135 every 2 weeks not £500 a month like this Government keep saying, so you take away £17 each time for water then around £45- £50 for electric it does not leave much for shopping, all my creditors are getting £1 per month from debts I had when I was working for 9 years previous to being unemployed, I usualy spend around £30- £35 on shopping but remember this has to last me 2 weeks, I don't smoke or drink and can't go out because I can't afford to, every letter sent for a job is either not successful or you don't get a reply, even after an interview most of the time you hear nothing else, so as time went by I had not thought no more about the water until I was going through my paperwork just after christmas and filing it, when I realised I had not heard anything from severn trent or the job centre regarding the water, I asked my advisor in January this year, all he said was nothing had ben set up and to ring them, to ring them cost a lot of money, money I don't have, because like all phone numbers these days they are 0845 numbers which cost a fortune o phone, the other day a telemessage came severn trent had at sometime had a system issue so no bills or reminders or anything had been sent out, so this must have been since last May, now they are wanting a figure for the back payment Immediately, then another figure by April and the same in October, or I can pay the full bill in one lump, there is no way I can pay any of the figures they mention, I now do not no which way to turn, they have been having a computer problem by the sounds of it, but if they had accepted maybe £3 a week when I asked for their help, i might not have had this problem now, I am now depressed, and I suffer from Osteoarthritis, I think it might the disability and my age of 54 which is stopping me getting a job, even though it is against the law to discriminate anyone nowadays, I understand about Equality and Diversity as we covered the subject on the College course I did last March - June and got City & Guilds Certificates, but to me it seems like it only applies to some and not all, so any help what to do here would be helpful, you cant see the C.A.B. without an appointment and you can't make an appointment as they have no e-mail and never answer the phone, so please help if you can Thanks Keith
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