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Found 5 results

  1. Hi, I’m hoping for some advice for my uncle. He is 71, has had schizophrenia all his life, used to live with his parents till they passed away 15 years ago and now lives alone. My mum (his sister) and my dad visit him weekly to check on him, take him some food and do a little clean for him. He receives DLA (lowest rate) and pension credit and has rent paid on a small run down flat. He is usually very private about his finances last time they visited he was very anxious and told them he received a letter from the DWP to ask for bank statements to prove his amount in savings. They asked to see the letter but he said he had thrown it away. When they asked him how much he has, it turns out he has nearly £25,000. Obviously this is way more than he is allowed and we would like to know what is likely to happen now, and what is the best thing to do next? The money has not come from any outside source, purely from his entitled benefits mounting up over the years resulting from him living very and neglecting himself and his home due to his mental illness and medication. For example; he doesn’t eat well, only one decent meal a day and my parents take him fruit and veg and meals when they can. He was going out in winter in a thin summer coat so they bought him a warm winter one. His couches and bed are over 20 years old and falling apart and he refuses to buy a new ones saying they’re fine! he only has this much in savings because he hasn’t had the mental capacity to use his entitlement to care for himself properly all these years. He doesn’t smoke, drink or buy any new clothes or possessions for himself. We are wondering whether to try to convince him to spend a chunk of the money on things he does actually need and keep receipts before sending the bank statements in, or if this is likely to get him into more trouble with the DWP? He talks about being anxious about funeral costs so we could help him get a prepaid funeral plan. He also needs a new mattress, bedding, 3 piece suite, TV, white goods for the kitchen, new clothes and shoes etc all of which he has neglected to buy for himself for 15 years. Thank you very much for your advice!
  2. Hi its a while since I have been on the CAG site and that was for bank charges and PPI claims I now find myself with a report from the care home in my hand with the opening line SR sustained physical abuse and neglect of which all have been substantiated any one out there can help with the next stage as i feel that I owe it to my mum to fight for her we moved her from this home and within ten days she passed away after the other home broke her foot and she was hospitalized. she couldnt move herself in bed or in a special chair any good lawyers be able to help me please. not sure if this is in right section for this
  3. Hi everyone. Friday, the 17th my Nokia's screen, or at least a part of it stopped responding, and problem was that it was in the most strategic place, just about at near bottom of it where all the 'OK' and 'NEXT' buttons are. I rang Virgin Mobile from another unlocked phone and discussed it's repair as it was still under the warranty. Just because of the nature of the fault I was unable to do any kind of backup, I was then assured by technical team that a note has been made of the system that I requested not to have any kind of reset. A lad I spoke to also advised me that it would be the best to put the same on the form that I will receive in post to pack my phone and send for repair. I certainly have done that, I put that I have made a special request not to have my factory reset because I was unable to carry out a backup of my data and also stated that before they will even think of doing the factory reset is to call me on my mobile and rediscuss it. Today I received my phone, everything was gone, literally. I am a businessman, I had hundreds of mobile numbers saved, stocks exchange portfolio, bitcoin wallet with over 60 bitcoins there. I can literally count my loses in thousands. All that information is unrecoverable. I was trying to at least save bitcoins, but due to the nature of the app, entire access was through the area that did not work, and I did inform virgin media in the most convinient way, over the phone and in writting not to erase any data. Despite that post on forum, I am seeing a lawyer tomorrow, but has anyone ever had a case like that, as I am more than likely to sue them for that. Kind Regards, Luke
  4. hi all. this is the first time I have been here and would like some advice. yesterday morning I decided to take my two little granddaughters for a short train ride to go visit the park. the girls are both 2yrs old and were very excited to be going on a train. all went well until we arrived at our stop and tried to disembark. I lifted the first child onto the platform and went to lift the second child from the train when the doors closed, trapping me in between them. I was pushing the doors and trying to open them, but this was almost impossible. the other passengers were shouting at the guard to open the doors. eventually the doors opened and I was able to lift my granddaughter from the train. as I am registered disabled with chronic spine disease and arteritis this has left me in a great deal of pain. my little granddaughters were left very distressed about this incident and I would appreciate any advice from you all. thankyou.
  5. sticky29

    Hospital neglect

    This is in danger of being long winded so I will try to break it down as much as possible. Christmas eve my mum had a fall at home and was unable to get up as she was in so much pain. A ambalance took her to her local hospital where they gave her xrays and told her she had torn a muscle,they kept her in over night just to keep watch. Christmas eve they discharged mum even though she was unable to stand up we had to wheel her to the car in a wheelchair which they would not let us hire. On arrival to mums house we had to go and get a dinning room chair and carry her into the house as she was unable to walk. Mum spent the next 7 days at home unable to move from her armchair and having to do bodily functions in a bucket. The pain was so great that mum was taken back to the hospital where it was discovered that she had in fact broken her hip. At this point we put a complaint to the hospital trust as to why this had happened. Mum was transfered to another hospital to have the hip replaced she was given the option to go under general or have an epidurel but was strongly advised to have the latter because of other health issues. Mum had the op and all was ok so she was transfered back to the original hospital. While here mum had a chest infection which was treated . In the mean time they were giving mum physio and trying to get her mobile. Mum struggled with this and was in constant pain so they gave her another xray which was 13 day after the op and they discovered that the op had failed (mums bones were too weak ) and the hip was still broken. The next thing we know mum phones us on her mobile that she was being taken back to where the op was done they then done another op as soon as she got there (under general where as the 1st one they said would be risky) no member of family was informed by the hospital of any 2nd op. Mum came around from the op but the following day was put on total life support with multipal organ failiure and septicimia. Life support was shut down 7 days later and mum passed. Where do we go from here? we have not had an answer from the 1st trust as to why mum was sent home with a broken hip but we now have issues with both hospitals who are in different parts of london. Is there a body that will investigate both hospitals under one complaint? We don`t want compensation we just want truthful answers. Mum spent the last 5 weeks of her life in agony we deserve that and so does she.
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